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A F F I D A V I T <br /> In the matter of the title to theSi of the NW4 and <br /> the SW4, except one acre of land located in the SE <br /> corner of the SWQ of Section 29, Township 11 North, <br /> Range 12, West of the 6th P. M. , in Hall County, Nebr. <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> (SS: <br /> COUNTY OF HALL ) <br /> B. J. CUNNING-HAM, being first duly sworn on oath <br /> deposes and says that he is the owner of the above described <br /> premises; that his predecessors in title , to-wit: <br /> A. J. Guendel; <br /> The National Life Insurance Company; <br /> Alice Lee; <br /> Jessie Lee; and <br /> Menzie Lee <br /> have owned said land and have been in possession thereof since <br /> September 13, 1926; that the title of the said B.J. Cunningham <br /> or his predecessors in ownership has not been cue stioned and <br /> they have been in complete possession thereof at all times <br /> since September 13, 1926. <br /> Affiant further states that a mortgage was given by <br /> Alice Traylor andhusband, which shows at Entry No. 50 of the <br /> abstract of title for said. premises; that said mortgage was <br /> released at Entry No. 51, grantee being described as Alice Lee. <br /> Affiant further states that said mortgage was due <br /> and payable on August 23, 1919; that there is attached to said <br /> abstract a copy of a divorce decree wherein Alice Traylor ob- <br /> tained a divorce from her husband, William D. Traylor, and <br /> that in said divorce decree her former name, Alice Lee, was <br /> restored to her. <br /> Affiant further states that deed was made for a <br /> part of said land conveying the same at Entry No. 70 to Menzie <br /> Lee and Jessie Lee ; that there was an error in said deed in <br /> the spelling; of the name of Jessie Lee; that his real and true <br />