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�' .• ' - _I. .��....� <br /> ��K�..i <br /> - . . .. . "T. [�u}K <br /> 1• . .. . .__-__.. _ ,fl..�i��"1�-�-�._�.— <br /> - ..w�a���A"i:l•n• iz....�... . -. � <br /> i��rJt� .�•� - �..N;�Vrrn��� � <br /> .. .��.. ..�r,���. . ._ ., .. . . w+w-.��.�� �--- — <br /> - � -raet�d . ....�T�f+n .n . .. <br /> :., .. ,�....r <br /> 4;-� ,�°3 g <br /> .�:;^ � � <br />, In Intsrest.Lender ehall not be requlred to cammenca proceedings agalnst such suc�"e�eS^��ny dem�d made __ <br /> '`� tor paymsnt or atherwise modify amortizatlon�t llie sums secured by this Deed of Trust y m <br /> � , � bemed hel eul der,or otherwlse afforded by�pPoceble aw�shall not be a wat ebof or p eclude lhe e e c se oth�ny _ <br /> � <br /> � - � such right ar remedy. -- <br /> " 11. Succ�sson�nd Mslpns Bound;Jolnt and Swsr�l Llablllty;Caslpnero.The covenents and egreemente <br /> � •• hereln contained shail bind,and the righte hereun der s ha l l I n u r e t o,t h e r e s p e c t i v e successors and assipns of Lender <br /> and Borrower,subJeGt to the provislons of pa►�graph 16 hereof.All covenants and agreements of Borrowet shall be � _ <br /> Jolnt and several.Any Borrower who casigna this Oeed of Trust,bul does not executo the fVntQ,(�)is Cc>-slgnlnp this <br /> '• `��� Deed of Trust only to grant and convey that�arrower's Interest In the Property to TFustee under the terrna of tNla Deed <br /> ' of Truat,(b)Is not persan+ally Ilable on the Note or under this Deed of Trust,and(c)agrees that Lender and any other <br />;ti.� Borrower hereunder may agree to extend,modify�torbear,ar make eny other accommodatlons with regard tothe terma <br /> ot this Oeed oi�Fust or the Note,without that Horrower's consent aitd without releasfng that Borrower or modifying thl� <br /> '� Deed oi�Fust as to thet Borrower's intere a t in t h e P r o p e rt y. <br /> ,� 12. Notice.Except tar any notlae�equited under applfcalale law to be given in another manner,(a)any notice � <br />� �; � to Borrower provided for in this Deed of 1Yust shell be given by delivering it or by mailfng such notice by certified <br /> mail addressed to Borrower at the Property Add�ess or at such other address as Barrower may designate by notice <br /> - ' to Lender as provided herein,and(b) any notice lo Lender shall be given by certNied mail to Lender's address <br />= stated herein a orin this aDeed of Tr st sha11�6e deemed to ha nebeen given t tBorrower or Lenderywdhe given(n the <br />��N�.' � ���' notice provlded f <br />�fr�r.. _. : manner dosl9nated herein. -. <br /> 1.,�, ��yti . 13. Gowm��p��verabipty.The state and local laws appticable to this Deed of 7rust shall ba thA laws of <br />�'�; `"' ' the jurisdictton in which the Property is located,Tha foregoing seMence shall not Umlt the epplicability of Federal Iaw <br /> �.. . <br /> - to this Deed of Trust.In the event that any provisionor clause ot this Deed of Trust or the Note conflicts with applicab <br /> .'�'•'���.=;�' ' law,such conflict shall not affect other proviglona of this Deed of Trust or the Note which can be given eHect without <br />';�_;l;;;':, the confiicting provision,and to this end the provisions oi this Deed of Trust and the Noie are declared to be severabk. <br /> Y_���.°�••...� As used h�rein,"costs","expenses"and"at�or�eys'fees"include all sums to the ext�nt not prohibited by applicable <br />�'`_-..�;��.•'� law or Ifm(ted herein. <br />°"���'���` Borrower shall be fur�lshad a conformed copy of the Note and of this Deed of Trust at the <br />=,,.-�,.>- 14. Borrowe�'sCopy <br /> ''�•�j�"". ' � time of execution or after recordation hereat. <br />�``�;r`.°;" 15, peh�W�i�t�on L,c►�n Ayroement. Borrower shall fuliill all ot Borrower's obllgations under any home <br /> "�"'�-���� •ah�jlitatkw,;lmnmvement,repair,or other laan agreement which Borrower enters into with Lender.Lender,at Uander's <br /> -�° '���' opt{on,may require Borrower tA execute and deliver to L�nder,in a fiorm aci:e�+ia i�Lsssdar,wn°°°gns►1gc�t nf sany , <br />�:.::, ��� <br />_d,,.,�:r,;,�� rights,clafma or defenses which Borrower may have against paRies who suppy labor,r�ateriais or se►vices in connectia► <br /> '"n�� with improvements made to the Property. or an interest <br /> —'""""`L� 16. 7i�ansMr of Property or a Beneficlel I�te�est in Borrower.If all Qr any part of the Property Y _ <br /> =-�_�� in it is sold or ttansierred(or ff a beneflcial int�res't in Borrawer is sold or transferced and Sarower is not a natural persor►) <br /> -- without Lender's prforw�itten consent,Lender may,at its option,requfre immedlate payment ira f ull of all sums secured <br /> - by this Dead of Tru:ft.However,this option shall not be exercise�by Lender if exerclss is prohibited by federal law es <br /> --- ot the date of thia Deed of Trust. <br /> If Lender exercises this opNon,Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration.The notice shall pra+ride a period <br /> - ---- of not less than 30 daya from the date the rwtice is detivered or mafled within whlch Borrower must�a.y all sums secured <br /> -- by this Deed of Trust.If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration af this pe�iod,Lender may invoke any <br /> remedies peimitted by this Deed of Trust withoutfurther notice or demend on Borrowef <br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as tollows: <br /> 17. Acce{e�lon:Remedies.Except�s P►o►�ided!n pa�p�ph 16 heroof�upo�n 8o�r's b�wcl�mf any <br /> carenant o�pr�m�nt of Borwwer In thl�De�d o!71rus4,includin�Borrower's falluro to th�end of 10 <br /> caNnd�v daya��thay�ro due��n'f�su�xs tscured by this O�ed of TFust�L�ndK prlorto accNeef�tion shrll�iw - <br /> notice to Borrower a�pro�rided in panyraPh 74Asroof specliyln�:(1)th�broach:l2)th�actlor��uirsd b eu� - <br /> ~�s�_ such btwch;(3)�dab�not le�s th�n 20 day+irom ths dab ttw notke Is m�ilsd to Borroywr�by►which au�b�s�ch <br /> — must b�curod;�nd(4)that hiluro to cure sueh breach on or batore the date sp�cifNd�n tM notic�may r�sult <br /> In�xk��of th�wms s�cursd bY thl�Dsed of 7Fust�nd s�le of ths Propertlr•The notla sh�N turthK inl�onn <br /> BorroMwr of the rl�Mto reinst�te aftereccekration*nd ths�pM to briny�cou�4 action to aswxt ths nornodsl�no� <br /> ---— of a dehult or�ny other deknae of Bornower to accekratlon and sale.B tt►e bnach Is not cund on or beton <br /> -- th+e dats sp�cifl�d In the notice, Lender'�optton�mry declaro dt�!tM sums secund b'Y t�DMd <br /> _ -- of itust to be Immedi�tsty dw�nd p�yable wNhout wnher dem�nd�nd ma�r invoks tha po�we�of sde and�ny <br /> - .-_-_---�-_� athsr romedias peneftt�d by�pplicabb law.l.�ender shall be entitled to callect NI�on�bls oosts aod axpsnMs <br /> -- <br />