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. . .,�. - <br /> . .,, „r�:��;��m�r�A,.�-.;�..��,r.,:�. <br /> ' ' ,=i i�'v'��.,,:;.y�„yy�}�.n}:,e:y'.... ,.,._. ._.,�.�.1:_- <br /> . . . t�'�.�''1•+�r.:d��a,�•�r,7�- .�� f1�'�`��;��`�,� �_ -- <br /> rw_... 4 Y <br /> ....a "��.;:�L"..'3.'°'..t�`.�!� --- � � . _--- <br />._.�9� �nni"-�7u`S1SiYC::CS^ :Ml�lwtw�_w�rt.'81Y..°S2l147t3'6C�"�ii_-=�-'.' <br /> . . . __ �9��,�__. �`�n°��.i::�_-r"--v'-r.�uw.. -........� . <br /> � ,� <br /> T(��'PHER WITH aU thc imprmemcnts nnw or hereAfter e�utcd on thc property,und nll casenxnts,u;un u ti, ancl <br /> ti�tures now un c�reuftcr u part ot' thc property. All replACCments and udditlans shidl ulu� hc cuvcral hy this Secudty <br /> Instrument.AU of the furcg��iog is referrcd to in ihls Securiry Ins�rument ns thu"Pru�rty." <br /> k30P.R0�',lGR COVGNANTS ihut i3���•row�r i, luwfully ,ei,eal of tlm 4stute hereby cunvey�d mid hu.r the �i�;ht lu grunt aixf <br /> ronvcy Ihc Property and tha�t thc Property is uncncumbcrcti, cxcept fi�r encumbrunccs i�f'rccord. �irrower wurrunts u�x1 will <br /> dcfend gcncrally thc tidc tii tl�c Prnperty iiguinst all clnim�and dcnntnds,subjcct ta;my cncumbruncc� c�f rccord. <br /> TI•!IS SF..CURITY INSTRUMENT c��mhines uniform covenants for nutional usc and non-uniform covenunts with Ifmited <br /> variutions by juriMliction to cottstitutc u unifann scrarity inslrumcnt covcring rcul propcny. <br /> UNI�pRM COYfiNANTS. Borrawer und l.endur covennnt und ugree ah foltuws: <br /> 1. Puynrcent at Principal �nd Bre(�uyr�ae�jt and I.�te CbarRes. &�r�ower sltuU promptly puy whcn duc the <br /> princip;�l of und interest on the debt evidenced by�h�,•Nute and any prepuyment nnd I�itc chnrgcs due under the Notc. � <br /> 2. F�md.� [or Tyxes wnd[n�urxnce. Subject to applicablc law or to u wrictcn wuiver by Lender, Rorrowcr stiail ptty to � <br /> I..erxier nn the d:iy mo��rlely paymants are due under tha Note.until the Notc i:;�xud in fhll,a su►n ("Funds")for:(a)ycnrly caxes i <br /> and ussessn�ents which may attain priority over this Security Instrumtnt as a lir.n on the Property: (b)yearly Iwuhold puyments <br /> or gmund rents an the Propeny,if any;(c}year[y hnaard or property insurance premiums;(d)yearly flaod insu�ance premiums. � <br /> if any; (e)yeariy mortgage insurance premiums,if any; and(�any sums paynble by Borcower to Ix�xler, in accordance with <br /> the pro�isions of paragraph 8, in lieu of the payment oS mortg�ge insurancc premiums. Thesc items are culled "Escrow Items." <br /> Le►xier may, at any time, coltect and hold Funds in an arnount not to excced the maximum wnount a lendsr for a federally <br /> related mortgagc laan may eequire for Borrower's eurow acrount undcr the fcderal Real �statc Sctticmcnt Pracedures Act of <br /> 1974 as sunended fram time to cima, 12 U.S,C. Section 26Q1 et seq. ("RESPA"), unless unather Isw that applies to tGe Fui�ds <br /> sets A lesser amount. If so, Lende�may, at uny time, collect and huld Funds in an amount not to exceed the Iesser amount. <br /> �Lender may estinu►tc the a►nount af Funds due on the basis of current data and reasonable estimutcs of cxpenditures uf future <br /> Escrow Items or othenvise in aeenrdance with upplicable law. <br /> The Funds sT+all he held in an institution whose deposits are insurod by a federui ngency, instrumentality, or entity <br /> (including I.ender, if l.eixler is such un instituticm)or in any Federal Home I..00n Bank. Lender shull appiy the Futxls to pay tho <br /> Escrow Items. l,ender may not chargc 1Borrower for holding and upplying the Funds,annually analycing the escrow account,or <br /> Werifyir�g th¢Escrow Items,unless I.ender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law permits Lender to malce such <br /> - n chx�ge. iiowever. �er may require t3onower to pay a one•tlme chazge for an independent real e�tate tax reporting service <br /> used hy I.ender in connection with this loan. ��nle�s Apptic:►ble law provides otherwise. Unlrss an agreement is made or <br /> upplic�blc law requlres intercst to be paid, L.cndcr shall not bt rcquired to}�ay Borrower any interest�r earnings on thc Funds. <br />�i Borcower and Lender muy agrce in writing,howcver,tliat iniercst shall he pnid on the Funds. L.ender shall givc to Bonou�cr. <br /> ' withaut charge. en annuAl aceounting of the Funds. showing credits and debits to the FZmds nnd the purpose for which each <br />�• debit ta the Funds was msde.The Funds are pledged as additional securiry for all sums securod by this Security Instnttttient. <br /> • If the Funds held by Lender eaceod the unounts permittod to be held by applicable law,Lender sh�l1 account to Borcowet � <br /> � for the excess Funds in accordance with the requIrements of applicable law. Tf tho amount of the Funds held by Ixnder at any . <br /> timo is not sufficient to pay the Escrow[tema wtxn due. Lender may so�btlfy Borruwer in wdting,as�,in such case Bormwer <br />-T shat! puy to[.ender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Bomower shall make up the deficlency in no more than <br /> '-' twdve monthly Lendcr's solc discr+etion. <br />=i Upon payment in full of all sums securtd by this Security Instrument, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any <br />, ,� Funds held by L.cnder.If.under paragraph 21, I,endcr shell acquire or scll the Praperty.I.endcr. prior to the acquisition or sale� <br /> of d�e Prc�peny,shall apply any Funds held by I.ender at the time of ncquisition or sale as a credit egxinst th�sums securod by <br /> { this Security Instcument. <br /> 3.Applkatbn of Payro�ts,Unless applicabla law provides otherwise.all payments�eccived by Lender under pnragraphs <br /> '•' 1 arod:2 shall be applied: tirst. ta uny prepayment churges due under the Note; second. ta amounts payable undcr paragraph 2; <br />_ • thint,to interest du�:fourti�,to principal due;and last,to any late charges due under the Note. <br /> . �t•Charges;Lien9. Burrower shall pay all taxes,asstssments,chsuges, Gncs and impasitians attributnble to the Propetty <br /> w�hiclr:;tn�y ettain priority u��er this Security Instrument. and leasehald payments or ground rcnts,if any. Borrower shall pzy <br /> the4e�:.-�hi�,gations in the mann�a�r=n�•ided in paragtaph 2.or if not paid inshat nwnner, Borrower shall puy tt�em on time directly <br /> to the person owat{>aymcnt.Borrower shall prompdy fumish eo C.ender all noticcs of amounts to be paid undcr this paragraph. <br /> If Borrower malces:?hrse payments dirtictly, �.�r,r�ower shull promptly furnish to l.endee reoeipts evidencing the payments. <br /> `� Botrower shall promptly dischurge any F,�rl;•n which has priority over this Security Instrunxnt unless Ac+rrower: (a)ugrc�s in <br /> '� ' writing to the payment of thc obiag2tfon secvr�:3 by the lien in n mam�er accepwble to l..ender;(b) contests in good faith the lien <br /> ��' by. or dcfends against enforceN�a;rrt �f thr, ii�n in. lega! proceedings which in the Le�xier's opinion operate to provent the <br /> ,'�i ertfarn�r�,,ent of the lien; or(c)sccl:;;s froran ch� liolder of c��e lien an agreement sadsFac�t�ry to Lender subordinating the lien to <br /> ,��., this Ssti:�rity Instncnr�ent. If L,ender d�terminxs:c�nt any part of the Propetty is subject to s licn r+�fi`.�,.�may uttain priorlty over <br /> -;: this:5ecurity Inst�e�a�:.nt, L.ender may give Barac.�n:�a notice identifying rt�ne lien. Boerower shali s�:i:.'.ti•7he lien or take one cx <br /> t� r.�:��i�a�the actions set forth above within lp dsa��s�F the giving of notice. <br /> .� <br /> . t�+Prm:1rE',L'! 9l80 <br /> ' nayY]of tl <br /> I . . ' <br /> - - -- rcn��-- �'� _ --- " <br /> --- ..� . �,� —� ---- -- - <br /> ��._-,.�,..�_ .� �,..��._ . <br /> 1�" �, <br /> ----. . .___._.... ---�-- � _.-,. y._,� '-n=,..-.,� �,+�. � - _ ._------� <br /> - - --—'�� _- — <br /> -- -------- ---_ __� - rt�..�+��.�u_=--,�.��— — ---�—= _. <br /> .=_ _—_ — ,..���'�.��,!t: � �'-=�.�o�— — --- --- <br /> ._... � �i�• � --— ---- ---— __- <br /> ---- <br />