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WAREHOUSE LEASE <br /> THIS AGREEMENT, made this 1st day of November 19 53 , by and between <br /> Howard Stearns, an Individual of Grand Island, Nebraska, operating as <br /> RAIN CHIEF 3RRIGATION ENGINEERING CO., Grand Island, Nebraska. organized under <br /> the laws of the State of Nebraska , hereinafter called the Lessor,and St.Paul Terminal Ware- <br /> house Co.,of St.Paul,Minnesota, organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter called the <br /> Lessee. <br /> WITNESSEtH: <br /> WHEREAS, the Lessor is the owner ' of certain premises located at Grand Island <br /> County of Hall State of Nebraska more particularly described as <br /> follows: See Page lA attached hereto which forms a part of this lease. <br /> PAGE 1A OF LEASE DATED NOVEMBER 1, 1953 • <br /> BETWEEN RAIN CHIEF IRRIGATION ENGINEERING <br /> COMPANY, GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA AND ST. PAUL - . <br /> TERMINAL WAREHOUSE COMPANY, ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA. <br /> Premises No. 1 <br /> The entire warehouse storage area described as follows: Beginning at the <br /> southwest corner of the Lessor's one-story concrete block office building, <br /> proceed southerly along a woven wire fence and parallel with the west <br /> building wall 450 feet; thence at right angles westerly along a woven wire <br /> fence 1.12 feet; thence at right angles northerly along a woven wire fence <br /> 171 feet; thence at right angles easterly along a woven wire fence 142 feet; <br /> thence at right angles southerly along arwoven wire fence, the west wall of <br /> the espreile .quonset shop building and the west Fall of the Lessor's office <br /> building 211 feet more or less to point of beginning. <br /> The ebove"described enclosed area is situated on the following described real <br /> estate! A,certain part of the northeast quarter, Section Twenty-Eleven-Nine, <br /> more :described as - Referring to the northeast corner of the <br /> northeast auarter northwest quarter Section 20-11-9; running thence west along <br /> 'the north line"of said quarter section, 490.9 feet; thence deflecting 910 05'•,.anal southerly along the west line.of the public roadway, <br /> -. = `�n terIY :right-of=way line of Federal'�"5tate Highway No. <br /> 30 de leeiing � 7' to the right and running southwesterly along <br /> the- "i f.4147- iins of Federal State Highway No. 30, a distance of 644.2 jilt,�� -, ii n, wature,.`which point is the actual point of beginning; <br /> ttbim ':,$o OW ,t+, the right and running ndrthwesterly 175.0 feet; <br /> ;#, dO g 9:- .001 to the left and running southwesterly 100.0 feet; thence <br /> dew. . ' -00$;to:tl left end running southeasterly, 173.7 feet to <br /> sr the nmrtl esterly right-of-way line. of Federal-State Highway <br /> . .thence 1noxtheaeterly along the' m id right-of•+way line of Federal <br /> ."ll ay.Jo., 30, being on a circular curve 6f 28214.93 feet radius, a distance <br /> 'of,HI9*00 feet, to the actual point or beginning; containing 0.40 acres, more or <br /> lees.. .,,.. <br /> 2 <br /> . . <br /> gan E .�..�„ .�.1:�<,y qtr � , .... .,. .. ... <br /> kiliett 15161,111r pherquitrilitetT,b lding '_described as follows: Beginning at the southwest <br /> t'ric$ r` 't`fte 1Aa lding proceed northerly along west wall 30 feet; thence at,axigles easterly along a mesh wire partition 12 feet; thence at right angles southerly <br /> . it isillittitire`pallt#en' 30 -feeb; thence at right angles westerly along the south <br /> .,'V * ].2 feet to point of beginning, said building being situated on the <br /> a e dear• bed real estate. <br /> — //7— <br />