<br /> 216—CONTRA •T FOR REAL ESTATE The Huffman General Supply House, Lincoln, Nebr. IN
<br /> ARTICLES OP AGREEMENT: Made this Rad .day of August .19 bet3ereen
<br /> MUMS of the first part, and
<br /> _James...4-1 eeBIIerl.a d..Bitty.-.J;.. esener ,j*rt,ie. .. , of the second part,
<br /> WITNESSETH, that the said partiea.of the first part, ha re..this day bargained and sold to the said part.. .@D�
<br /> of the second part the following described real estate, situated in the County of Hal
<br /> and State of Nebraaka. to-wit:_..Lat...Siyr__j.6}_.Block._than-.Hundreti_ e_.{102}.►..Kasiaig
<br /> and Yiebefs Addition, including carpeting in north living coon, stairway and upper
<br /> -hallway-carpet, dining-roorx-and---reoeptionr--rooer-rtme---and--$eceancf f-leer•-3aallway--ad.rreori
<br /> •
<br /> according to the recorded,plat thereof for the sum of
<br /> - W3�V�--`-�24t3•1�3�C�---�J.�f4- 13E�-- -«......-w`--w.._�w_w..we..a�.-"`--'°--"--"'--�'-- --"'---e1---DOLLARS,
<br /> ---Twalhousand-- --nof1.+0 . . . . . . . . . . . .
<br /> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dollars of 2vlzicla has been paid in
<br /> hand, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. The remaining principal with accrued interest at the rate of •
<br /> .k_ .ve and a half O }
<br /> per cent per annum, shall be paid to the parties of the first part at the office !
<br /> of '?outhit Realty Company, First National Bank Building
<br /> •
<br /> , the times and in the manner ollowing, that is to say:
<br /> Five Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($500.00) on August 20, 1952 at which time possession will be
<br /> .--given_and___680.per--sacalt.i--on-.t.e first_. "---of-e ch zsmth__�,her eaftor..nritil..both...px�.rzuipal
<br /> t rcat and advances have been paid in ls.. - id monthly payments hereunto referred to 4h li
<br /> -first-- to-a lied---to--scar a ed---intezaast--nd---the_ba..,r.nee-- sf---each---':
<br /> P3� ' s ylmmat..shaL'1...he-.srsctitesi...u••
<br /> the r rinc ipal remaining unpaid,
<br /> The makers shall have the option of making additional eyazae is on t::e principal of this in-
<br /> debtedness in sums of '1oO or multiples thereof at any time.
<br /> Parties of the first part agree to furnish to parties of the second -cart, or as:,x;nv, a
<br /> Legible--and---suffiea.ant--abatrae-t--ef---tit-;e--soot ing-merehantabl --titl.-e---te-tihee--above---desari-bod
<br /> property in parties of first part on or before August 20, 1952, and deliver same to p rtje:
<br /> 1 -df second part when this contract has been fulfilled,
<br /> •
<br /> i I
<br /> Now, if the said part-iOnof the second part shall pay the sum as above set forth, time being the essence of this
<br /> contract, and shall pay all taxes and assessments whether mortgage note, special or general, which may become due
<br /> on said real estate for the year Ig-52., and thereafter until the above payments are all made, then said part le5of the I
<br /> first part shall at his own cost, execute and deliver to the said part ieso f the second part, or their assigns
<br /> upon surrender of this contract, a warranty deed to the above described premises.
<br /> AND IT IS FURTHER AGREED that in case any payment, either of principal or interest, remaining unpaid j!
<br /> for a space of thirty days after the same shall become due, or a failure to pay any taxes or assessments, at the time II
<br /> the same become due, then in that case, the whole amount unpaid on this contract shall become due and payable I[
<br /> ' without further notice; and such delinquency in payment, or the failure in other respects by the parties of the
<br /> second part to perform the stipulations of this contract, or any part of them, shall entitle the part ie
<br /> Y p f p f the first part �!
<br /> to immediate possession of the -cruises described Jtereira, and lie part iasof the secola art shall forfeit
<br /> al a
<br /> Parties of second also Co carry ire and extend e
<br /> menu de under this contras insuraDICe On t u ouitdinr on :sac protases a he mount U " G VIJIa~
<br /> payable in tun event of loss to parties of the first part as their interest may i;ear.
<br /> ; This contract shall be in duplicate, one copy of which shall remain with each party to this contract. When any
<br /> payment is made on this contract, the person paying the same take a duplicate receipt therefor from the part ice
<br /> -. their
<br /> ' hereto or assigns.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF the part 1e3ha� hereunto set their hand the day and year first above written. !:
<br /> In Presence of I '. '•
<br /> 7 s%xid pe-ta-rii7i7zn iipi6ift•fi +irniif't t'
<br /> t FraEh tJt�,-- ,,.o
<br /> 11
<br /> / o/—
<br />