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Page 6. . <br /> ARTICLE VII. <br /> MAINTENANCE A.n. UnnEP: 14:1 <br /> ' )20 <br /> .-. ..-."1„ <br /> Lessor covenants and agrees to maintain, tt its expense, : <br /> in 1:ood conition and repair the buildings, improvements, structur4s,' ' <br /> pad ooner property hereby leased and Lessor shall correct my defects <br /> in nleterisis and work in the construction of said buildings, improve-. <br /> ments, structures and property vs and when the same appevr; mad. also <br /> at its expense make any ch71.7es, or nitertions in such bulidings, <br /> improveme •s, structures end proty as shell be required by way <br /> 7;overnmenta.1 authority purent to any coltrolling laws nni reula- <br /> tions. Should said premises, or aTTy portion tdereof, be ler5troyed <br /> or so dma7ed by fire or otner casheity as to be come unfit for <br /> occupancy or uses ,,essor shall have sixty (60) days after notice <br /> from ssee so to do within ',bleb to repair, rebuild. or replace the <br /> Arma.:7ed or dostroyed property. Me rent herein reserved ehall abate <br /> from tla ttrle said promises arp so rh.J.ere4 unfit for 7,ccup-lno7 or <br /> use until the necessary repairs 7,7:- kopincenehts are mado firl t:he <br /> premises are put in condition .fr t'P,‘, of b-:istn;,Nss. If l',Ile <br /> c:iet:4 te euc au not to preyei o cnth::ct of bustass, ,n,1 also <br /> wnen repeirs, vapleaents, ChFefa 01' alterstiona net the r?-suit of <br /> fire or other casualty are res .re , ..essor shell make the .9.7.M0 after <br /> notice rx,f.) ,-66- e 20 t0 •Ao. if ,esser shall fail, neloct or refuse <br /> to m;,ke .e requireo.. repairs, re7Acceents, changes or alterations, <br /> whether they be such as ere reo rei to make the premises fit for <br /> occupancy or or otherwise, ',jtnia tne ,a-riod oeci.r1.of th the <br /> notice, ,,essee may, at its eption, either terminate tis 1. ese upon. <br /> notice to iiessor of Uessee 's election so to -.1o, or make the required <br /> repairs, replacements, chanp;es or alterations for the account of <br /> eseor, r=n:1 -e.sar shall bee ir-lette forthwith t to,- ssee for any <br /> amounts f'o e;cpende , iessoe s'. ,91i have the rurther rat, if it so <br /> elects, to treat such expenditres as en a.lvriace opyment of rentals, <br /> and to rotaln possession of se ':1 oremlses uner the terms mll pro- <br /> visins or tnis lease until ..,essorly indebtedness to it is liouidated <br /> by accruin rentals, notwithstain such y'snession tkiali extend <br /> beyon .. to fixed term of the- leEse :,r., or e;:toaion theref. <br /> Zotwithstandin the fore7ein7, liesece agrees, except in the <br /> event or destruction by fire or other casualty, Lessee will .7,tint the <br /> improvements whenever .4essee cotiders nuch paintin desirable. Alao, <br /> i.iessee at :_osseels expense will . eice minor repairs to the imrovements, <br /> it beinp; understood that the cost of repair hereby assumed by t,essee, <br /> exclusive of paInting, shall never exceed. ONE 43NIlliED NV100 <br /> Ul00.00) ; ... )At', ..i)'fi, -1( ,* tInd it if the amount of a_E Hi.17::- AN::: <br /> 1100 ( 100.00) DOLII , shall r.,:t be expended in any year by Lessee <br /> for minor rcr,ir , _1,essee shr, L1 oot be obil:Tated to expend tne unex- <br /> pended portion in or for any sl.foucnt year. The year17 nerio0 , <br /> referred to in this parelraph begin on the date of the beinntRt/tim <br /> of this lease as provided for in Article VI hereof. 1,11 other costs <br /> of repair shall be the obliation of and shall be borne by sor, <br /> and all repairs eostir in excess of JiN7?: EUEDELT: . L: WV10-C ( 10Q.00) <br /> I'*0:,LAIL. anall be the obligation of Lessor regardless of whether Lessee <br /> shall have expended any mcurt for repairs during the yesr. Lessor <br />