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Horra�ver sttall pa�y _ <br /> the premfums requirod to miintuin mortgage insurancc in effcxt,or to provido q inss reservo,until the requircment fnr ntortgu�c <br /> insurana en<!s in accordsunce wlth any written sgrament betwa�n}3crrrowur and Lendur or upplicuble law. <br /> 9.laspection. l.endcr or it�egent may make rcasonable enMes upan and Inspectinns of thc Pmperty. I.endcr sk�bll gi��c <br /> Barrower notice ut the tinx uf or prior ta an inspection specifying reasona6lu cauea for tha inspection. , <br /> 10.Condemnatlon.Thc proceeds of nny uward or clt�im for dnmages, dlir:ct or consequential, in connection��itli Rny <br /> coukmnation or other taking of any part of the Propeny, or fnr ronveyance in Ifeu af candcmnation, nre hcreby ussignal ttnd <br /> si�all be paid to Lencler. <br /> In the event of a total taking of the Propeny.[he proceecls shall bc upplicd to thc sums secural by this Security Instnm�:nt, <br /> whether or not then due. with any excess paid to Borrowsr. In tho evant of u partlal tuking of the Property in whicti tt�o fsir <br /> market value of the Property imn�ediately befors the taklnB is equal to or grGatcr thnn thn umount of the sums securod by this <br /> Security Instrument immediately beforc thc taking,unless 13ono�vor nnd I.ender othenvise ngree in writing,the sums socun+d by <br /> this Security Instn►ment shall be roduced by the ntnount of the praceeds mulUplied by the following fraction: (w) the t�tsl <br /> �mount of tlie sunts se�ural i�nu�liately before the tal:ing. dfvidat by (�) the fnir msuket value ef thc Property immallete:ly <br /> before the taking. Any balance shall bc paid tu Borrowcr. In tho evont of a partial tuking of thc P�npeny in which ttio fnir <br /> market valuc of the Property immediately before the taking is less thnn tha amaunt af the aums sccural immodietcly bcforo the <br /> taking, unless Borrowec and Lender otherwise agrce in wr+ting or unlnss applicabls luw othenvise provides. thc proaeds shall <br /> be applied ta the s+ims secured by this Security I�utrument whether oc nnt tho sums arc dien due. <br /> If the Property is ubandoned by Borrower,or if.after notioe by I..endor to Borrower that the condemnor offers to maka an <br /> award or settle a claim far damages. Borrower fails to t�espond to Lender within 30 days after thc date the notice is givan, <br /> Lender is autharized ro collect and apply the proceods,ac Its option,either to restoration or repalr of the Property or to ttio sums <br /> secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due. <br /> Unless Lender and Horrower orfierwise agree in writing. any application of proceeds to principal shall nat extend or <br /> ' postpone the due date of the monthly puymcnte referred ta in pRragrnphs 1 and 2 or changc the amount of such payments. <br /> - i i.�tT�i�Y"w l�'8i rt�EiS'c�i i ift'�'.r�."'i•i�Ii�Lj �..LSti�L;:u'•i2�w3f°P•.!'.E.�:�ASiQSt of S�!i;imF rayment or tnodiflCatiort <br /> ' of amonization of the sums seciu«1 by this Secu�ity Instnimsnt grnnted by Lxndor to any successor in intec�est of Bortnwer sttall <br /> inot o�erue to rclease the linbtlity of the original Borrower or Bairower's successors in interest.[.ender s6all not bc requinxl ro <br /> comtnence proceedings against any successor in interest or oafue�e to extend time for paynxnt or otherwise modify amvrtimtion <br />�� of the sums securcd by this Security Instniment by roason of any domand made by tha original Bomower or Aorrowx:x�'s <br />•� succrssore in interest. Any forbearenoe by Lender in excrr.ising nny right or remody shall not be a waiver of or precludp tf.�e <br /> '� exercise of any right or remedy. <br /> 12.Successors and A�igns Bound; Jolnt and�3everal Ltabfllty;Co-signers. The covenants and agroanaents of lttia <br />�,� $aurity Instnunent sha.11 bind and benefit the successar� and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject to th�. provisions of <br /> pangraph 17, Borrower's covenants and agreements sttull�be joint and sevcrol. Any Borrower who co-signs this Socttrity <br /> � Irutrurnent but das not execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Security Insttumcnt only to mortgage. grant enci convoy tl�trt <br />+� Borcower's interrst jn the Proporty under the tem�s of�this Socurity Instrumont;(b)is nat personalfy obligatod to piy tho stuns <br /> ' secured by this Security Insttumanr,and(c)agrecs that�Lendor and any othor Eorrowex may ugree to extend.modify,farbeur or <br />��, malce any accommodations with regard ro the terms of thi�Soeuriry Inattument or tho Note without that Barrow�r's consent, <br /> 13� Chuges.[f the toan secur�d by this SecurFt�Instcumont is subJect to s law which sets maximum lan ch�r��, <br /> � and that law is finally interpretod so that the interest or other laxn chnrgos coUectod or to be colloctod in conneetion with �l�e <br /> _ loui exceed th�permitted limits, then: (a)any such loAn.charge shall be roduced by the amount necessary to rodua tho chmrge <br /> ' ice the permittod limit;and(b)any sums already collc�ctad Cmm Bmrower which exceecled permittad limits will be rofttnded t� <br /> �orrower. I�nder may choose to makc this refund by reducing the principxl owcd undcr the Note or by making a dircc� <br />,, payment tu Bonower. If a refund reduces principa[, the reduction will be treated as a perti�l prepayment withtwt a�y <br /> i pnpaym�nt chargc under the Note. <br /> ; 14.Noticey.Any notice to Borrowcr provided for in this Securiry Instrumcnt shull be given by delivering it or by mtflit� <br /> ' it by first elass mail unless appficable!aw requires use of another method,Tho norice shall be directal to the Property Addrtss <br /> ': or any other address Borrawer designates by notice to Lender. Any notice ta L.ender shnit be given by first cluc <br /> . Lender's address statal herein or any other address I.ender design�tvs by not[ce to Borrowor. Any notice provided f�r in triis <br />= Security Instcument shal l be deemad to have been given to Bonawer ar L�endar when given ns provided in this paragrapti. <br />' 15.Governing Ls�w; Severability. This Sccurity Instrument shall be govcmed by federal law and tho law of tha <br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is locatod. In the evcnt that any provision or ciause nf this Secudty Instrument or the Note <br /> conflicu with applicable law,such wnflict shall not affect uther provisions of thia Security Instrument or the Not�w}�i�h ca�n bo <br /> ; given eftect without the conflicting provision. To this end the provislons of this Security List�ument and the ilote arc dalttrod <br /> ;; tobe severable. <br /> ! 16.Sorruwer's Copy.Botrower shall be given one confornxd rnpy of the NutQ und of this S�curlty Instrument. <br /> Fam 3028 g/90 <br /> Pps t ot 6 <br />