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201202001 <br /> BOKROWL+R COVENANTS that Borrower is lawfully seised of lhe estaCe hereUy conveyed and lias the right Yo <br /> grant and convey thc ProperCy uid diat Che Property is unencumbered, except for cncumbrances of record, <br /> Boerower warrants and will defend gcnerally The[itle to (he ProperYy against all claims and de�nands, subject tc� <br /> any encumbrances oP recoxd. <br /> 7'HiS SL+CURITY 1NS'I'RUMENT combines uniform covenants Por uationx] use and non-uniform covenants with <br /> limited v.iriations by jurisdiction to constitute n uniform securiry insnuinent wvering real propccty. <br /> Uniform Covenants. Borrower tmd Lender eoven2nt and agree as Pollows: <br /> 1. Payment of Principal, Interest, Escrow Items, Prepayment Charges, and Late Charges. Sorrower <br /> shall pay whcn�due elie principal of, and inteiest on, the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment <br /> charges aud late charges due under the Note. Rorrower shtdl also pay Puuds for Escrow Items pursuanC to <br /> Section 3. P�rymenfs due under the Nole and tliie Security Instcument shall be made in U.S. currency. <br /> How�ver, if any check or aCher instrumenC received by l,ender as paymeiit under the Note or this Security <br /> Insh'ument is rehirued to Lendex unpaid, Lender may require th�t�uiy m� all suhseqttent paymants clue under <br /> the Note and this Security lnshument be made in one or mo�e of tlic Poilowing form5, as seleeted by Lcndcr: <br /> (a) cash; (b) money oxde�; (o) certiPied check, bank cheelc, treasurer's cheek or cashier's qheck, provided any <br /> such clieck is drawn upon au institution whose deposits arc insurecl 6y n federal agency, instcuinenCality, or <br /> enCity; ox (d) Plecd�onic Punde Transfer, <br /> Vayt�ients are dcemed reeeived by Lender when received al the locatiou designated in Ylte Note or at sucl� <br /> otl�er locntion as may be designaCed by Lendex in accordance with the nutice provisions i�i Sec�ion 15. <br /> Lender may return any�aymcnt or partial paymenC if the payment or parCial payments are insufFicient ro <br /> bring the Loan cuirent. Lender may accept kmy paymenr or paitial payment insufficienC Co bring Yhe Loan <br /> current, without waivei of any rights hereunder or prejudice to its rights Co cefuse such payroent oi partial <br /> paymenYs in the future, but Lender is not obligated to .ipply such paymeuts at the time such pnynnents are <br /> accepTed. Ifeach Periodic Payment is applted as af its scheduled due date, then Lender naed not pay inTerest <br /> pn unapplied Yunds, Lender may hold such unapplied funds tmtil Borcower malees payments ko bcing tl�e <br /> Loan current, Tf Borrower clocs not do so within a reasonahfe period of Cime, Lender shall eilher apply sucU <br /> Yunds or return them to Borrower. IP not applicd earlier, such timds will be applied to lhe otii�standii�g <br /> principal belance under die Note imtnedial'ely prioc to foreclosure. No offset or claim which Borro�ver might <br /> liave now or in Clie future against Lender shall relieve Borrower fxoin making paymente duo under tl�e Note <br /> and this Security Instrument or perfonning the covenants and ay�cements secured by this Seeuriry <br /> lnstrument. <br /> 2. Application of Payments or Proceeds. Except as otlier�vise described in tliis Sect3on 2, all paymenCs <br /> aceepted and npplied by Lender sliall be applied in the following order of priority: (a) interest due under the <br /> NoCe; (U) piincipa( due under the Nole; (c) a�nounts due under Section 3. Such payments shall be applied Co <br /> each Periodic Payme�it in the order in whicli it becamo due. Any remtiiiiiii�amounYS sliall be applied�rsf to <br /> Ifite charges,�second to any oCher amounts due under this Securiry Instmment, a��d then to reduee the <br /> principal balance of ttte Note. <br /> If Lender receives .i payment from Botcower for a deliuquent Periodic Paqiuent whiah includes a sufiicienl <br /> amount Co pny aiiiy late eharge due, thc payme�t may�e applicd lo the delinquent paymenf and the late <br /> charga. If niorc Chan one Periodic Payment ie outstaziding, I.ander may <tpply any payment receivcd from <br /> Bocrower to Cl�e repayment of thc Periodic Payments iP, and Yn the extent ChaC, eacli pnymeiit cau be paid in <br /> full. To the extenY Yliat aiiy excess exisCS aPtex the paymenC is applied to lhe full payment of one or more <br /> Periodic Payments, such cxcess may ve �pplied t'o any late char�es due. Voluntary prepaymente shall be <br /> applied first to any pcepayment chacges 2nd then as deseribecl in the�Note. <br /> 24000G20 <br /> NE�RASICA-6ingle Famlly-Fcnnia Mae/Frn�dle Mec UNIFORM INSTPUMENT Ponn 9028�;01 <br /> VMP pp V�APaINE��11061 <br /> Wol lera Kluwer Finonclal Sarvioas - Pago 4 pi'I J <br />