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�Q1201995 <br />THIS SECURITY W5TRUMEAYT combines uni€arm covenants for national use and non u�iform <br />covenaucs w£th l�nited variations by 3nrisdiction ta constitute a uniform s�uity inetiumeztt covering real <br />P�P�rtY• <br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bormwer and Lender eovenant aad agree as fallows: <br />1. Payment of Priacipal, Intaes#, F�crow It�s, Prepa�ment Charges, �nd Late Charges. <br />Borrower shall gay when due the pri�acipal of, and interesc on, Ehe debt evidenced by the Nooe �ad any <br />prepayment charges an.d late ciiazges due uuder the Note. Borrower shall also pay funds for Escrow It�nos <br />pursuant to Section 3. Payments due the Noce and ihis Security Insmiment shall be made in U.S. <br />curreacy. However, if any cdieck or other instrumernt received by Lender ss payment under the Note or this <br />Secnrity Instrumwt is returned to Lender napaid, Lender may ra}uire that any ar all sabseguent PaYments <br />c3ue nnder thE Note an8 this Securicy InsttttmenE ba made in oae or more of the following famas, as <br />selected by Lzndet: (a} cash; (b) moncy order; (c) eertified chetk, bank ch�k, treasurer's check or <br />cashier's check, provided any sach check is drawn npon an institudan whose depr�sits are insured by a <br />federal agency, inshwnentalit}r, or emity; or (d) IIectronic Funds 'I'ransfer. <br />Fayments are deemed rec�ived by I.ender when r�eived at the docation designated in tbe Nate ar at <br />such ather location as may be designated by Lender in accordance with the notice pravisions in Section 1S. <br />Leuder may return any payn�nt or partial pay�nc if the payment or partial pay�nts are iasaff�cient to <br />bring the Loau current, Lender may accept any payruettt or partial paymeat ir�,sufficieat to b�g the Loan <br />currene, wichout waiver of any rlghts hereunder or prejudice co irs rights to refu..ce sach payment or partia� <br />payments in the future, bnt i.�nder i� not obIigaeed to agply such paymencs at the time such paym�nts are <br />accepted. If each Periodic Payment is applie8 as of its scheduled due date, then Lender need not gay <br />interesi on unagplied fuuds. Lender may hold such unapplied fuuds untel Bortower makes paym�ts to <br />bring the Loan current. If Borrower does not tio so wittiir3 a reasonable period of time� Ixnder shall either <br />apply such functs or reumi them to Borrower. if not applied earIier, such fimds wili � agplied to the <br />outscancling principal baiance under the Note immediately prior to fnr�closure. No affset or ciaim which <br />Borrower might have now or in the future against Le.nder shaU relieve Boaower from making payments <br />due under the Note and chis Security Insn�unent or performing the covenants and agreeanents sec�ued by <br />this Secnriry Insinunent. <br />2. Application of Paymems or Procee�. Except as otherwise described in ttus S�tion 2, etl <br />payments accepted and applied by i.emder shall be applied in the following order of priority: (a) intemst <br />due under t�e Note; (b) principal due under ihe Note; {c) amaunts dne under Sectian 3. Suclt payments <br />shatl be applied to each Peri�ic Payment in the order in whieh it became due. Any remaining amouncs <br />shall be applied first to late charges, �ond to any other amounis due under ihis Securiry Insttvment, and <br />then to reduce the principai balance ef the Note. <br />If Lender receives a payment from Borrower for a delinqueat Perioclie Paymeat which includes a <br />suffcciem arnount to pay any late chazge due. the payment ma.y be �plied ta the de�quent payment and <br />the late charge. If more than one Periodic Payment is outsrand'mg, Lender may apply any gay�ut r�eived <br />from Bonower to the repayment of ths Periodic Payments if, and tc� the ext�t #hat, each payment ean be <br />paid iu full. To the extent that aay excess exists a.f�er ihe payment is appliecl eo the ful� payment of one or <br />more Periodic Payrnents, such exeess may be agplie� to any late charges due. Vduntary prepaymeats shall <br />be applied fnst ta any prepsyzr�ent charges aud thea as described in the Note, <br />Any application of payments, insurance pioceeds, or ?vliscellaneous Proceeds to principai due under <br />the Noce shall not extend or posipone the due date, or change ths auxount, of the Peri�ic Pa.y�ts. <br />3. Fimds for F�row It�ns, Borrower �aIi pap to Lender on the clay Periodic Paymeats are due <br />under the Nate, until the Note is gaid in fnll, a sum (the °Funds") ta provide for payinent vf amounts due <br />for. (a} taxes and assessments and other items which can attain prioriry over this Security Insnument as a <br />Iien or encuFnbrance on the lPrope�ty; (b) leasehoId paym�ts or gro�nd rents on the Property, if any; (c) <br />premiums fox any and atl iasurance xeqnired by T..ender un�er Section 5; and (d) Mortgage Insu�cance <br />�-6G{RIE1 t�os�.oi aage a ce 3s <br />� <br />� � <br />Fwn+ 3028 1 /01 <br />