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� <br />��1��199:� <br />iATE CHARGE: At Lender's option, 8orrower vuil� pay a"late charge" not excee�ing faur per <br />centum (4°k} of ihe overdue payment when pa9d more than flfteen (3 6f days afCer t�e due <br />da#e #hereof to cover the exrra expense involved in hancfling deiir�qusnt payments, but such <br />"late charge" shal! not be payabla out of the proceeds of any sale made to satis#y the <br />indabtedness secured hereby, unless such proceeds are sufficient to discharge the entire <br />indebtedness anc! e1t proper costs and expenses secured hereby. <br />GtJARANTY: Shoufd the Department ofi Veterans Affairs fail or ra#�se to issue its gt�aranty in <br />fu{J amount within 60 days from the date that this loan wou�d normatly become eiigibfe fior <br />such guaranty eommitted upon hy the Departmant of Veterans Affairs under the provisions of <br />Title 38 of the 11.S. Code "Vetarans Bene#its," the Mortgagee may declare the indebtedness <br />hereby secured at once due and payable ar�d may for�ciose lmmediately or rrzay exercise any <br />other �ig}�ts hereunder ar take any other proper action as by law provided. <br />TRAIVSFER OF 'fHE PROFERTY: This loan may be declared imm�diately +iue ancf payable upon <br />transfer of the praperty securing such loan to any transferae, unless the acceptabif'►ty of the <br />assumption af the loan is established pursuant to Section 37'f 4 of Chapter 37� Title 38, <br />United Staies Code. <br />An authorized #ransfer �"assumption"} of the praperty shall also be subjec# tv additiona! <br />covenants and agresn as set forth ba�ow: <br />(a} ASSUMPTfO�V FtlNDI�lG FEE: A fee equal to ona-hal�' of 1 percent <br />( o. 50 °k) flf the balance of this taan as of the date of transfer ofi the property <br />shalE be payable at the time of transter to the toan holder or its authorized agent, as #rustes <br />for the Department of Veterans Affairs. If the assumer fails tn pay this fee af the time ofi <br />transfer, the fee shal! constituta an edditiunal debt ta that afready securgd �y this instrument, <br />shafl bear interest at the rate herein provided, ar�d, at the option of the payee of the <br />indebtedness hereby securer! ar any transferee thereof, sf�atl be irr�mediateiy due and payabie. <br />TF�is fee is autamatica(ly waived if the assumer is exempt under ihe provisions of 38 U.S.C. <br />3729 tc). <br />{b} ASSUMPTiON F'ROCESS]NG CHARGE; Upan appJication for approval to aljaw <br />assumption of this loan, a processing fee may be charged by the ioan holder or its authorized <br />agent far determining the creditwarthiness of the assumer and subseq+uently revising ihe <br />holder's ownership records when an approved trans#er is campleted. The amaurtt of this <br />charge sha}I nat exceed t�e rr�aximum established by the Uepartment of Veterans Affairs for a <br />laan ta which Seotion 3714 af Chapter 37, T(tle 38, United States Code appfies. <br />(c} ASSUMPTtON INDENENlTY LIAB1l.ITY: ff ihis obligation is ass�med, then the assumer <br />hersby agrees to assume aEl of the obligations of �ttte veteran under the terms of the <br />instruments creating anci securing the loen. The assumer further agrees to indemnify the <br />Departrrtar�t af Vaterans Affairs to the extent of any cla�m payrr�ent arising from tha guara�Ey <br />or insurance of the indebtedness created by this instrument. <br />lnitia • � <br />VMP�-538R (0405?.07 Page 2 of 3 <br />