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201201979 <br /> EXHIBIT A <br /> .'-�>�l"�.^..� vL 13u'� CvIl:�}Yi�i:2� 2 Ya?'i Gi fi? �vu•`_�lZ2c� Q'.:3;��T �5�1%�j Of Ca��l^R ��V2 �J�� �OW71�12Ir <br /> T�zelve{12} �orth. Ran�e \ine (9) ti�`est oi the 6th P.l�I., Hail Caunty, �ebrasl:a, more pariiculariv <br /> described as follows_ Commencir.g at t�e Sauthea�� �orner Qf said Southeast Quarter (SEI/�) ard <br /> runninQ\ortherlv� on the Easf Line of said Southeast Quarter (SE1/�) a di�tance af One Thousand <br /> Ninety°-Six and T��enty Hunc�redt:�s (149b�4} Feet to the Foint of be�innin�; thence defl�ctina Ieft <br /> $�°flS 30" and runnin6 �i'esterly�a distance af Sis I;undred Thirteen and �ix FIundredths (613.05) <br /> feet; thence deflec�ing right��° 31' tiQ" and running�ort:�r�esterly� a disiancP of One Hundred Five <br /> and Sixty Five HundredFhs (Ia�.6�) feet; theuce�efIectin6 ri�ht 26°22'��" and runnin��iortherl�° a <br /> distance of One Hundred Ti�irty Four and Fiti-e Hundredths{i3=#.0�} feek Yhence deflecrin�ri�ht 107' <br /> �B' 45" and runnin6 Eas�erly to a point on the East line a€s2id Southeas�.Quarter(�El/4)a dista�ce <br /> ofSe�en Hundred Seti�enteen arzd Ei�hty Ei�hi �Iundrec3�hs (',17.�8) feet; thencQ clefleetigb ri�ht 8�� <br /> �11_' �9" �ne� runninQ SoutherIy on ihe East li�ze of said Soutneast Quarter{SEU4) a distance of Two <br /> H�ndred F'ourteen and Ninety Handredths(21�.90) feet to rhe�oint�f beginnin�,esceptin�a€ertain <br /> trac't t;�e�-efram as reeorc�ed in��'arraz� L3ze� as Docur:ier,t tie. �3-iC886� i:� th� IZz�?s;e� c:I3e��s <br /> Office <br />