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<br /> 'fhc Fund:s shull bc hcld fn un instiwNon whnsc dcFx�.rits urc insurcd by u fedcral ��gcncy, instrumentulity, or cntity
<br /> (Including L�e�xler,if l,c��ikr is such nn institution)ur in uny iJtYleral Hotne Loan Bnnk.lA�xlcr shnll Upply the Funds to p:ry the �
<br /> E�crnw Itcros. Lcndcr m:+y n��t churgc Fiorrowcr fi�r hnlding und�ipplying thr.Funils, unnuc►Ily unnlyzing thc cscrow i�ccuunt. ar
<br /> vcrllying Ihu�urow Uc�an,unlc.ry la:ndcr payti It��r�owcr intcrc�t nn thc Fwids und upplicablc luw permits L.cndcr to makc�uch
<br /> n char�a. Huw•cvcr, l,�nc.icr muy r�quirc f3urrowrr to p;�y ii unc-tinic rhurgc for un indepc�xicnt rcal etitnte tux rcporting scrvicc
<br /> ux.�l by l.ci�lcr in rrninMliun witli �hir loan, unlc+w uppliriihlc liiw providcti othcrwisc. Unlc�s un ugrecment is m;�dc c�r
<br /> upplic�ihle luw rcyidres inicretit ti� bc puid. Lcndcr�hull nnt tx�nqulre�l to pay&�rr��wcr noy interest��r u►mingF un thc Funds.
<br /> tk►rn�wcr a�xl Lcikicr iot�y obrcc in wri�ing, h�►wevcr, thiU intcrc,t .r•ludl bc puid un thc Fundti. l.cndcr shull givc t�� Rnrrowcr. .
<br /> with�iut churgc, nn annusd acc�+unting of'the f urn1s. ,howing crcdits u�xi debits w the Fwxly urxt the purp�se ti�r which euch
<br /> debit tu tlic Funds w:�s nuulc, l�h� Fun�l+ure plcdg�Kl,�s uclditiunnl sccuriry f'or nll sums�crure�.1 by this S�YUrity latitrument.
<br /> If the Funds helJ by I��ider rxeeed �he amaunty perinitted tc�be held by upplieubte law. l.�ndcr shull accuunt tu Bu�n�wer °
<br /> for the cxcess Fuixlti in urnirdm�re with thc requirements af opplict�ble luw. If tt�u ami>unt nf thc Funds held by Lender ut uny
<br /> �imc is noi sufricicm �o puy�hc�ticrow t�rms wl�en duc, l�:ndcr nury so notify&irrowcr in writing. und, in sucb r.isc&�rrowcr
<br /> shall pi�y t�Lender thc anaunt ncccssury tu muke up tht deficicncy. &�rrower shuU nuike up the deGcicncy in no more th�n
<br /> twclve monthly paymm�t�,at l.cndcr's salc diuretion.
<br /> Up�m paynxnt in tull��i all sums se�:ured hy this Security lnstrument. Lender shull prompNy rcfwid tc� Burrower uny —
<br /> Funds held by Lender.It,under paragraph 21, Lcnder shzdl ucquirc or seU Uie Propeny, Lender, prior to the ucquisition i�r salc
<br /> of thc Propeny, shaU apply uny Funds hcld by l.ender ut the time of acquisition nr sale us a crrdit ag.�intit the tiunts se�u�'ul by
<br /> this Sccurity In�truniem.
<br /> 3.Appflcatbn otP�rttients. Unle�s upplicsble law provides otherwise.ull payments recciva!by Lender under puragr.iphs
<br /> 1 unJ 2 shuU tx:applicd: first,io any prepayment charges du�undcr thc Notc; second,to amounts puyublc under parugraph Z;
<br /> third,ti�interest du�;(oisnh, to principal dur,;and last,to any late churges duc under thc Notc.
<br /> 4.Chs�rRc�a;Lteits_ Borrower shull pay;dl taxcs,sissessments, charges, fines and impositiom�ttributuble to[hc Araperty
<br /> which may attain priority over this Security Instn►ment, and leasehald puymen�ti ar ground rents, if uny. Borrower shull puy
<br /> tlic�e��hligutions in thc manner provided in paragr�ph 2,or if mx paid in that manner, Borrower shull psiy them on timc directly
<br /> to the persvn uwecl payinent. Borrower shull promptly furnieh to l.ender all notices of amounts to be paid under this paragrnph,
<br /> lf Aorrower mlikes these payments directly,Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender receipts evidencing the payments.
<br /> Eiorrowcr shnll prornptly dischurge nny licn which has prionty over this Security Instrument unlcss Borrower: (a)ugrees in
<br /> writing to the naymeN of ihe obligution secured by the lien in u manner aceeptsible ta Le:nder: (b)contests in goocf faith the lien
<br /> by, or defends ugai nst cnforcement of the lien in, legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion aperate ta prevent the
<br /> �nfarcemem��f the iien: ar(c)secures from the hol�er of the lien an agrceme�.'sutisfactory to L.endcr suhordinating the lien to
<br /> this Security Instmnient. ((Lender determines thut any pnrt of the Propeny is subject to a lien which may nttain priority over
<br /> this Security[nstrumcnt, Lcndcr may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower shull satisfy the lico ar take one or
<br /> morc of�he a:Lions sct forth 3bove w�thin 10 days of thc giving of notice.
<br /> 5. li�ae�d or Propaty Insurance. Borrower shull keep the improvements now cxisting or hereafter ercctcd an the
<br /> Praperty ic�,c�ir�ci�•aiiut loss by fire, h�.urds ineluded within the term "extended coverage" and uny other huzards, ineluding
<br /> floais or f��wdin;, fu�w�h�rh [.cnder requires insurance. This insurance shall be maintnined in the nmounts and for the pericxls
<br /> , rh_�r 1�ndc r rt�c;uim..11u insurance carricr providin�thc insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subject to Lencler's approvul
<br /> which shali ir,t b, vnrcav:��bly withheld. If Borrower fails [o maintnin coverage descri6ed above, Lender may. at Lender's
<br /> aption,obt:iin coverage evprotect Lender's rishts in the Property in nccordunce with puragraph 7.
<br /> � All insirmce policia cand renewuls shull be ucceptable tu Lcnder and shall include u stundnrd mortg��e clause. Lender
<br /> ' shall have thc right to hvld the policies and renewals. If I.endcr requires,Borrower shiill prompNy give to Lencler aU reccipts nf
<br /> :}�aid premiums and reixwal notices.In the event of lnss.Borrower shull give prompt notice to the insurance carrier und l.ender.
<br /> ' Lender may make prcwf o(loss if not made promptly by Bo�7owcr.
<br /> Unless L.ender und Borrower othenvise agrec�n writing, insurance proceeds shall be upplicd ta rcstoration or repuir uf the
<br /> Property dam;iged, i f Ih� rcstoration or repair is economically feasibfe and Lender's security is nut IesseneJ. If the restoration or
<br /> rcpair is nut econumical ly feasible or l.ender's security would be lessened, the insurunce ptoc:eeds shall be appliod to tho sums
<br /> ; secured by this 5ccurity Instrument, whether or not then duc, with xny exress paid to Borrower. If Horrower abu�xians tho
<br /> • Propeny, or dcxs not answer within 30 Jays a notice from Lender that the insurnnce carrier has offered to settle u claim, then
<br /> � Le►xier may cuUect the insurance proceeds. Lender may use: the proceeds ro repair ar retitore the Propetty or to pay sums
<br /> ; secure�by this Security Instrument,whether or not then duc.The 30-day period wi0 begin when the notice is given.
<br /> � Unless [.ender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any upplicution of proceeds to principal shall not exte�xl or
<br /> ± postpone the due date�f the monthly payments rcferred to in paragraplis 1 and 2 ar chunge d�e umount of the payments. If
<br /> � under para�raph 2l the I'roperty is acquired by Lender, Borrower's right to uny insurance policies and proceeJs resulting fmm
<br /> dnm�tge to the Propeny pror ta the acquisition shull pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Scxurity Instrum:nt
<br /> • immediately prior to the acquisition.
<br /> ti.O��c:up4ncy, Prcservatlon,M1falntenance und Protection o!the I'roperty:Burrower's L.oAn Applicxtion;Leaseholds.
<br /> Borrawer�ha{I occupy,eu�blish, and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence�vithin sixty days after the executino of
<br /> ' this S�xurity instrurnent and shall continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for at le:ist one year:a'rter
<br /> � the date of acupancy,unless Lender otl�erwise ugrees in writing, which cunsent shull not tx unreasonably withheld, or z,n7ess
<br /> ; extenuating circnm�ta�ices exist which ure beyond kiorrower's control. Borrower shall not destruy, diunaga ur im�xiu lLe
<br /> r. Property, :illow the Property ro dctcrior,�te, or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shall be in default if any Cnr'eiturc
<br /> . uction or proceeding,whdhcr civil or criminal, is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment could result in f'arfeitu�L crf the
<br /> '� Pruperty or othenviseniaieri:illy impuir the licn created by this Sr.curiry Instntment or Lende�s securiry interes[. Borra�r:r�;niy
<br /> . cure sucti a default atd reinstate,as provided in paragraph 18,by rausin�the action or proceeciing to be dismiascxi with a ruling
<br /> that, in Lendcr's gaal failh dctcrmination, pn.•cludes forfciture of thc Bottower's inrerest in the Property or uthcr material
<br /> impaimxnt of d�e lien creatc.�1 by this 5ecuriry Imtrument or l.enJer's security intercst. Borrower shall also be in default if
<br /> , Borrowcr, during thc loan applicatiun pr�xess.gave materially false ur in:iccur:ite information or statements tn Len�ter(ar failcd
<br /> to provide Lender wiih any rnaterial informution) in connection with the loun rviJenred by the Nute. including, but not limitecl
<br /> to, reprc}entations coixcming Buttowrr'.��rcupuncy oF the Pru�xrty ati a principal retiidenrr. If thi� Serurity Instrument is on a
<br /> • Icus�hold. &�rrower sh all cumply with all the pruvisiuns uF the Icusc. If Borrower urquin.s fcr; utlo tu the Property, Utc
<br /> le�.schold aixi tlx fee tittc shall not merge unless I.A:ndcr agrecs w the mcrger in writing.
<br /> . 7.Protectlon otL�nder's Rlghts in thc Propetty.lf Bormwcr fails to perform the rovenants:ux1 s��rcemenas cnntained in
<br /> � chis Security Instrument,or then: is a legal pruc:ecding that may significantl}•affect L.ender's rights in the PraTr,�ny (such us n
<br /> ; proc.�eeding in bankruptcy,probate, for corxiemnation or fortciturc or ta cnfc+rcc la�vs ur rcgulutionsl, the��Lecr3er may do ai�d
<br /> �ay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property ;md I.�:ndrr's rights in the Prnperty. Lender'�nctiom may
<br /> ' mcludc paying any sus�is sccured by a licn which has prionry ovcr this 5ccuriry Instrument, ap(x:arinb in court, paying
<br /> ..�I.1�.. ..'f..�.�•...1 nn�nrinn..n thn Ur.�n.+rtv tn malrn maaiv� Althrn�oh 1 nndnr nuo t:i{r.�:irtinn uncler thic nvrnt�r�nh
<br /> ' .:.8�..............:c rv�
<br /> . .. ...-�-�.�....."......�, ....."_ "_r-..� " ..._.." "r_"_. ...."'_o.' —_..._ . ._� .. . . �
<br /> 7. Lcndcr da:s�wt ha�•� tu du so. V
<br /> Any amounts Jishuned by l,cndcr undcr this par,igr.�ph 7 shall t+erumc adJiti•�ncd dcbl of Uormiti•cr sccured by this
<br /> Security Instrumcnt.Unlcac Burruwer and Lr�xicr agra:to other tcrmy of p�yment, thctic:mx�ums ,hall bcar intcrest from tho
<br /> datc of disburscment a[ ihc Note rate anJ shall bc payablc, with intcrest, upcm nuticc from I.endcr tu Borru�ti•rr rcyuc�ting �
<br /> paymcnt.
<br /> 8.AtortK�ge i�uuavnc�.If Lcndcr rcyuirMl nwrtga�c insurancr as a rundition<�f maki��th�:luan .ccun�d by thi.Security
<br /> Instrumen[. Burruwcr sBall pay the pr�miuma r�y�ir��i to maintain th� nx�nbage inyuoiin�c in cffttt. If, tirr any r�a�un, thc
<br /> mortgagr insurance cu�•eng�myuired by L.ender I.ipsc�or ceasrs to bc in eftect. Bnrmwrr tih.tll pay tii�premiunn rcquir�.til to
<br /> obt:�in�ti�vcr.l�;l`SUbSl;I1tU8IIV Cl�Utvalrnt In the nwrt�.agc inwr.uuc previuusl}� in ct7ect, at a cuvt�ub�t:uuially ryuiv;dent h�thc
<br /> cu�t tu Burniwer uF ih�:murtgag� in�urancr previously in rtTect. frum an alternatc murtZ.a�r iu.un�r appn�v�d hy Lcnder. I(
<br /> • � �'�ya 2 0�< FWM 3028 9190
<br />