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� <br /> '�4� . . <br /> .� ��t,t:+� . .. � ' ' ' '��•S'It,�4".��Lt�.��. .. �-, . .:V ... ..rn•.,5�..:- .a�r"_" ; <br /> ��� ,L.� <br /> � � <br /> ''�' . . . � t�t r',����C .,, 9T-- ��4�Q4 <br /> ; , . <br /> ' ' 11. Succa�ory �nd Aul�n� Bound;Jol�st�ed Scversl Li�bllity; Ca��i�oen. Tho covenant�and agroemente - <br /> § hercin containod shnll bind,and tho righta hcmunder shall inurc to, tho r�cspecti��c 6ucassors and aujgns of Lcndcr and - <br /> : 8orrow�cr. subjoct to thc proviaions of parngraph lG txroof. AU covenants and agrocmr.nt�of Borrowcr shall bc jaint and <br /> severel, Arty Borcower who co-signs Ihii Doai of Trust,but does not exocute the Notcr,(u)is co�signing�his Deed of Tns.ct <br /> ; only ro grant and convcy that Borrowers interest in thc Fropcny to Trusice unAer tha tsrms of this Dxd of,(tr)is nc�t <br /> .; personally liabic on the Noto or under this Dced of Trust,and(c)agcas that LcntMr and at�}'othcr BorroWOr hocrundcr mry <br /> ' agrc,,to cxtend,madify,forbcar,or makc nny othcT ecoomrteodations with rcgAnl to tha tormc of this Dad of T�ust or thc = <br /> • '-'� Note,witheut thal Borrmvers cot�cnt and wtithout relcasing that Borm�Mer or madifyin� this Decd of Trust as to that <br /> �,, Borrowers intcncst in the Properiy. <br /> �`°"�'� 12. NoNce. Exoept for any notia roquirod undcr applicabto law to be givan in at►MGcr mr�nner,(a)any noticc to <br /> ''' ; � <br /> Borrower providod for in this Dood of Trust shall be given by dalivedng it or by mAiltng such notice by artified mail <br /> S� addressod to Borron�er at ths Property Adclress or at s��h other addtcss as Barr4���ei may designate by ratia to Lender as <br /> ,F �. providod txcei�,and(b)any notia ta Lender shall be given by actifiod mail to L�nde�s addmss stated hcrain or to suGh <br /> ;�•:� �' other address as I.cnder may designpto by noNa to Borrower as pravidod harcin. My naNno pravlded in this Dcod of T�ust <br /> �•� shall be doemed to l�av�been given ta Borrower or Lender whcn given In t!►a manncr deslIIaated hereia <br />���� 13. GoverninE l.�w:Sever�bility. Tt�e siate and local laws applicabla t�this Docd of Trust shAll bo tbe laws of <br /> U�e jurisdicdon in which t6c Properiy is located. The fongoing sentonce shaU not limit the applicability of Federal law ta <br /> � ' this Dood of Tnut. ln the event that any prvvision or clause of t1i[s L'k�l of 7Yust or the Noic contlicts with appllcable lmv, � <br /> sucb wniilct shall not a�'ect other pravisions of this Deod of 1�t or t3�o Nate which can I�e given e�'ed.withuut We <br /> conflicting provision,and to this end lhe provisions of this Dad of T�and c�e Note are docland to bc severable. As asod <br />��? f ` h�in, »costs","expenses"and"attomoys'foes"include aU sums to We extemt�not prohibitai by applicable law or limitod <br /> _ . henin. <br />. .. <br /> �;;.,� ., <br /> _ 14. Borro�e�'f Copy. Boirow�er sha11 be fumishod a oonfom�ed o�rs�+f the Note and of ttus Doed of Tcust at the <br />;;,�: � time of execution or aftor r000rdarion heceof. <br />� <br />~�'`�".� �",. 1S. Re6abilitatioe Loan Agramen� Botmwer shall fu1811 all of Bormwec's obligations under aay home <br />'`��"��;�, °`,� . rehabilitation,improvement,rep�ir.or other loan agrament which Barrow�er enters into wlth I.ender. Lendefs <br />�_:,. <br />��r;x.,� :`�`�. . optioa,ma!'raquin�oimwer to exavte and deiivor io Lcudci,in:f��ac:�,�otrt�ia l.�ncl��lgsss�t af sa;^.^�,.�.•.s, <br />'�+r�`�;'=i9�; claims or defcnses wh9ch Barrower may t�ave against pa�ies who wpply labor, materlals or semias ia oonnection with <br /> r; <br />"�`Y`:,,:f^�r• jt�(1[OYCITICRIS 1llaf�C t0 it1C plOpCft)'. <br /> � u � <br />;::�it�, <br /> ==`°:'����� � 16. Tnoder ot the Pro�►crtW or a Bendicial �nbc�R ib Bornm►en If all or auy pert of thc Pm�ty ot ac�y <br />�,�;T_• <br />������ interest in it is sold or tmnsfemed(ar if�benefiaal intorest In Bc�n.v�er is sold or transforred and Somrn�er is not a nai�ual <br /> -----==_—_= personj wItLout Lendear's prior written oonsent,I.ender�ts opNon, raluire immodiatc paycnent in fiill of all swns <br />"°_•`���i mowrod�y tWs Dood of Trust. Howevcr,tl�iis option s6all not be execdsod by Lender if exer�clsc is pmlhi'bited by federal law <br />"""""`'�`�`�`�' as of tfie d�tc of thie Deed of T'mst. <br />----�����:;t���� <br /> If Lender exercises Wis option, Lendcr shall give Hcscmver notia of aealeratioa. TTha notioe shall provide s� <br /> — �*s;�i perlod o�f not less tt�w 30 days ftom the date the notiCe is deJh��rod or mailed wittdn which Horroa�er must pay all sums <br />__ __= sowred by ihis Dad of Trust, if Homnwer fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of thia period,Lenda may invaice <br />��� �i'�P��ttod 63 this Deod of Tnut wiiir.x�ttuther notioe or de�nd on Borrow�r. <br />�� <br /> - ---_---_- NON-UN�ORM COVENf�NZS. �onotiv¢r and Lerxia:�rtbe.r covwaut and agre�as follows: <br /> = 17. Acceleration3 RRmedie�. E:cept aa provided ie para=rsp5 t6 Leneat.npoe Borr+a�ra's breach d ady <br /> caveaant or aaree�eat d Borroner in thf�Dae�u�P Trust,ineiadin�Bomo�rer'i t�ilure to p�y,by tie ead o(tes(10) <br />_ --� cale�dar day��Poer t�e date t6ey are due.aay�oa��ecured by tbl�Derd oP'!'rnst,I.esder prior to rcceknHaa�haU <br />--- —_,�y �fve rotice to Borrm��r as prnvided in para�ry�l�I2 hereof tpxifyin�:(Ay e!e breach:(a)t6e actio�t�tirid to Cure <br /> --- act brr.ach;(3)a dite,oot les�th�s 30 d�y�from t6e d�te the nMke i�maikd to Bornower,6y wYte6 w�c6 breach <br />- — mu�t be ared; and(4)tlut tatilare to cun ench bre�ch o�ar bd'ore tl�e datc:pe�,it'Kd in the noUce may raolt in <br /> ��� acodention d tbe�ams�ecured by thfi Dced o[Trwt aad �k at the Property. '[be ootke shdl tart6er inform <br /> �---°�-��� Bormwer of tYe rl�ht to roinstate af�r accekration and the dght to brimg a coaM actlon to�ert d�aoaeiirteace <br /> ���i <br /> -�., ot a defarit or iwy otrer detes�e of Borrower t�acakratios and rak. U the breuh b not cu�+ed on or beiore tl�e <br /> - ��yY"'�� date�pecHled in the notice,Lender�at Lender'�option�ma'decl�tre all ot the am��ea��+ed by t6L Dad ot Tnut to <br /> ._��•��.. <br /> - - '• �•`�- be Ir�mediatdy dne and payabk witho�t[urt6cr ddaard ud may Invoke the pmrer ot sak and aq other�ics <br /> --�==�wm.. .. <br />_�u .. � per�itted by�pplicabk law. I.ender�6all 1►e e�titkd to collect all co�ts and e�ewa incareYd in p�rwln`tbe <br /> L��•�:i�=�:•' rp�edip provided lu thi�panarapb 17 to tLe ert�t permitted by apPlicabk law. <br />-�- .. __�V U I.eudcr invokea tbc power of a�k,Lnder or Trurtee�Ydl mtil copia ot a nMice af ult(u the maAner <br /> ��-;:t,?�^�� p�w¢c�i6Gd by aPPlicabk law to Bornower�ed to the otLcr perwM�p�weribed bY apPlicabk law_ Tr�ttee�Yall�ive <br /> -,�"°��'_�,�"�. rotiee dak by publk advertLese�t tor th�time and in t6e�anner pracribed 6y applici6le law.Tnsia,wtt6oat <br /> w��� -f�r�; deoand os Bor�+ewer,shail�ell t�e Property�t public w�ction to the 6ighat b[dder for cath�t tk tUme Ynd pl�a <br />�` := �� asd nnder the term�ddignated in tLe noticc d�Ie in onc or morc parceb and in wch order ae Tru:tre may _ <br /> �`:•�;�,,_ ___ •' detennn�e. Trustu:may postpone�ale ot all ov auy parcel ot the Properiy to any I�ter timc on tl�e rame datc by <br /> -;;�na.'��Ftir��! �i pnbik sn�ouncement at t6e time and ptace of any previousiy sciuedaied saie. under or under's oesig4e�e mRy <br /> . putrhase the Pr+nperty at eny�ak. <br /> -- � . ?' � Truuee�h�ll deli��er to the purchouer Tronee'�dad conveyi�g t6e Pr+operty�o wld wrlthout any covenant or <br /> ;, • Nan�nty�e:pmsud or iroptied. 'lLe recitds[n the Tru:tee's dced thall be pr�ma tac�le evidence of 3he trnth of t6e _. <br /> —+ ' •• �fatemenb made t6erefn. Trurta�all apply t6e procad�of the�ak in t�e tdbwin�order. (i) to ati cost�and - <br /> e�peeses e=trti�fng the pow�cr ot t�le aud of t6e�ale,iectadin�Tivstec'�tas not e:ceediot S•/.ot the outrtandiu� <br /> principal ba:ance md�ttorneyi'kes a�d cortt o�titk evidence;(b)to all ww eecured by thb Deed ot T�vst;�sd(c) = <br /> to tbe payment ot junior Trun deeds,mortgaaa or ot6er lienhdden,�nd (d) the e:cw,It aey,to tiee per�on or ° <br /> , peeyons le6dly cntitled therrta <br /> .�..., �•... _ <br /> - Form I��39IVE (10/96) Page 3 of S _ <br /> � <br />