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�p1201941 <br />EX�IT °A° <br />A tract of laud comprfsfag a part o[ tke Noriti HaIi of the Northeast Qnarier (Nl/2NE1/4) of Section <br />'Itiventy SIx (1.�, Townskig Etevea (11) North, Range 1�Iine {9) West ot the� 6th P.M., HaA County, <br />IYebraska and more part�cnlarly described as follow� <br />Beginning at the aorihwest carner of said North Halt of the Northeast Quarter (Nf/2 NEl/4); thence <br />essteriy, alang and npon the north liae o!' sa�d North Half ot the Northeast Qv�rter (N1/2NE1/�, a <br />distauce of Ei�!►t Hundred T�veaty Ont (ffiLO) fe�t; thence deflecting riglit 89° �4' Q3` and running <br />southerly, a d�tstance- of Uae Thonsand Z�ro $�mdnd $eventp Thnee aud �Yfty Siz �$undredths (1,2735� <br />feet; thence deftectiag rIght 90° 34' 2�" and ruaaing wrsterly, a distance of �Yve Hundmd Thirty T�vo and <br />Thirty Eight Hnndredths (53Z38j fee� the�ce ddlertfmg lef't 88 dZ' 34" and rannfag saatlierly, a distgnce <br />of forty Sevea and Edg�t Nine Htsadredths (47.$9) [eet to a poiat on tho soath lfne of said North Hali <br />af the Northeast Quarter (Nl/2NE1 j4}; tt�ence deflecting right 88° 27' 33" and ranning westerlp, along <br />and upoa the souW l�ne of satd North Halt of the Northesst Qnarter (N1/2NE1/�, a distance oC Two <br />Hnadred Plinety Sevea snd Sixty One Snadredths (297.61} feet ia the southw�st cflrnrr a[ said North <br />Hulf of the Northeast Quarter (NI/2NE1/4); thence defleciing rlgbt 90° 07' 3T and rtunaing northerly, <br />aloAg. and upon the west line of said North HaIt ot the Nartheast Quarter {NI/2NE1/4), a distaucs of <br />Qne Thousand Tbree Hundred Fitteen and Eighty Five Hundredths (1,315.85) feet to the poini of <br />begdaniag EXCEPTING Lot One (1)� 3andy Beach Secnnd Subtiiv3sian, H�II Countq, Nebraska <br />