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<br /> I(�anowe�p�ys Funds tu l.ender,ti�a�unda elinll be held in au institiitian tl�o dcpnsits or accannt�oP whlch nre
<br /> iasu rnl eirguarenteal by a Nederul ur ctulo ugei�cy Uucluding Lendcr il'la:nder is such au inslilutlun).Lcudor shall apply '
<br /> the Fund�to p�y s�ld t�xes,asxessments.insur�nce nremiums and ground rents.Lcnder may not aharge far so holding
<br /> und �pplying the Fundy,analyzln�snid account ar vcdfyiog nnd cumpllit�g sald assessmUnt�nnd bllls.unles�I..ender
<br /> p�ys Bocrower Intercst on the Fun�ls snd �ppliceble law permits[,ender to mRke�uch a ch�rge.Borrower tind Lendar
<br /> m�y igr�e In wtiti�g at the tlme of execution of thli Deed of Trust thet interest on tlre Funde shall be pald to Borrower.
<br /> and unless ruch agreement is m�de or applicable law requires such interest to be pxid, Lender sh�ll not be cequired
<br /> to p�y 8orrower any tnterest or earnings on the Funds. Lender sh�ll give to 8onower. without charge, an Rnnu�l
<br /> pCCOIIA�EnO of the Funds�howing credits and dcbits to the Funds end the Nurposc for which ench dcbtt ta the Funde wAs
<br /> mtda'I'ho Funds atz pledged ss�dditional seaurity for the sume secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Ittt�e�mount of thc Funds held by L.ender,togethe�with the futurc monthly instsllments of Funds pdynbla prior ta
<br /> the dne d�tes oft�xes.assessments.insurance premiums�nd gcound rents,sh�ll exeeed the amount requiced topay sdd
<br /> t�xes,tssasments,Insura�ce premtums and ground rents�s they fall due,such excess sh�ll be,�t Born►wer's option�
<br /> eltherpromptly repsid to Borruwer or credited to l3orcower on monthly instaliments of Funds. If the amount of the
<br /> Funds h eld by Lender shall not be sufticlent to pay taxes,asscssments,insurance premlums And ground rents ae they fell
<br /> due.Oorrower shall pay ta L,ender ony amaunt necessary to make up the deflciency In ane or more paymm�ts as I.endar
<br /> may rcqatlro.
<br /> Upem payment in full of All sums secured by this Iked of Trust, Lender shall pmmptly tefund to Bonower sny
<br /> Furads held by Lender. If under paragcaph 17 her�af the Property is sold or the Proparty is otherwise scquired by
<br /> Lenda. Lender shall apply,no later than immediatcly prior to the sale of the Pruperty or its acqutsiHon by i..ender,any
<br /> Fursd�lttld by I.ender xt the time of appHcation as�credit against the sums secured by this Deed of Trt►tt.
<br /> 3, Appllcatlon o[PRyment�. Unless applicable law provides othetwise.All payments received by Lender undar
<br /> Ili� Not�and paragraphs 1 and 2 hercaP shall bc np��lied by L,ender flrst in pnymcnt of omounts payable to l.ender by
<br /> Borrowor under pateg�Aph 2 hereof,then to lnterest pAyablc on the Note.and then to the prinrlpnl of the Note.
<br /> 1, �rbr Mortt�a Rnd Dad�of Tnnt� Ch�rge�t Llens. Borrower shall perform all of Borrower's o611gattons
<br /> underany martgage,deed oP trust ar other security agnement wlth s Ilen which has priority over this lked of Trust.
<br /> incl�ding�torrower's coven�nts to mnke paymentx when due. Borrower shsll pay or causc to be peid ell t�es,
<br /> assassments and ather chnrges,�nes and imposttions attributable to the Property which may attain a priority over this
<br /> Deed oF Trust,and leasehold psyments or ground rents,If any.
<br /> S. ��srd Imuranca• Bonower shall keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the PropertY
<br /> insund ag�inst loss by flre,hazards included within the tetm "extended coveregc",anA auch othur haza�rds a�Lender
<br /> msy ma ulre and in such amounts and for such pertods as[.ender msy require.
<br /> fi�Insurtnce carrier providing tha insurance shalt be cfiosen by 8orrower suoje�t ta a��ivZwl tsy i.andsr;pr2�1�!!�:
<br /> that wch approvAl shall not be unreasonably withheld.All insurnnce policies and renewals thereof ahall be in a form
<br /> aeceptible to[.ender snd shall include a standard mortgage clause in favor of and in s form acaptable to Lender.
<br /> i,endar shall htve the right to huld the policics and renewals thereof,subject to thc terms of any martgAgc,deed of irust
<br /> ar other security sgreement with a lien wh[ch hae prtority over thi�Deed of Trust.
<br /> In the event of loss,Borrower shall givc prompt notice to thc insursnco carrier and Lender.Landar may make proof
<br /> of lon iF not m�de promptly by Borrower.
<br /> It t tte Prope�ty Is abanctoned by B�rrawer,or if Eiorrower fntls to ra�x►nd la Lender within:30 dnys from the d�te
<br /> nu!icc Is mailed by Lender lo Dnrruwcr that the insurnnce carrier ollcrs to scl l lc n clnim li�r insurnnce bunellts.lander is
<br /> �ut/�alzed to collect and npply the insurance proceeds et Lender's optiun cither to restornttan or ropalr of the
<br /> I'ro�xrlyar tull�c sumxsecurc�by ll�is Ihcd of'��rust.
<br /> L peeseaatlon �d M�Inten�nae oI Properq; LeRSeholdq Condominiumq L'l�nned Unit IkrE�npments. Bor-
<br /> rowersh�ll keep tho Property in good repalr and shull not commit wuste or�;c►�lt tmpafrm�nt Ur deterlaatlon af the
<br /> pro�rty md shsll comply with the provisions of sny lease if this.Deed of Trust is on�lecsehold.If th�s Deed ofTrust is
<br /> on snnit In a condominium or e pl�nned unit developmcnt,Borrower shall perfarm all of 8orro�va�'s obligntions under
<br /> ihe dxlantion or covenants cre�ting or governing the condominium or planned unit development, the byItws enc�
<br /> ngul�ti ons of the condominium or planned unit development,and conatituent documente.
<br /> 1, Prot�ctbn ot Lender'�Securiry. If Borcower fails to perform the covenants and agreemcnts containal in thls
<br /> Deed of Trust,or it'any action or proceeding is commenced which mnterially at'fects Lendcr's intarest in the Property.
<br /> therknder.�t Lender's optton,upon notice to Borrower.may make sucl�appcarances,disburse such sums.including
<br /> reasonRble e�ttorncys'fas.and take such actton as is neccssnry to protect Lender's interest.lf Lendcrnquir�d mortg�ge
<br /> inse�nnce ts�condition of maktng the loan secured by this Deed of Trust,Bonower shall pay the pnmiums requiced to
<br /> ma inl�i n such insur�nce in ef�'ect until such time ns the requinment for such insurance terminAtes In nernrdmee with
<br /> Aorrower'a and I.ender's written agreement or applEcable law.
<br /> ARy�mounts disbursed by Lender pursusnt to this paragraph 7. with [nterest thereon, at the Note t�te. shall
<br /> becum� �dditbnal indebtedness oP Borrower secured by this Deed of Trust. Unless Bonower and I.ender agra to
<br /> otherterms of payment, such amounts shall be paynblc upon �atice from I.ender to Borrower requesNng psyment
<br /> tliereaf_ Noti�ing contained in this paragraph 7 sl�all requirc Lcnder to incur ai�y expense or tuke any action hereunder.
<br /> I, Ywpectlon.Lendar msy make or cause to bc mndc reasonnble entries upon nnd inspectiona of the Property.
<br /> pr�rldeif tllat I.ender sha11 give Borrower noNca prior to nny such tnspection s�ecifying ressonnbte causo therefor
<br /> rclat�d to Lertder's interest in the Property
<br /> !. Catd�mn�tton.The proceeds of any Aw�rd or claim for damagcs,direct or consequentlal,in connection with
<br /> � my coridemnttton or other taking of the Property� or part thereof,or for canveyence in lieu of condemmtion, are
<br /> hereEr a�ssigned and sh�ll be paid to Lcndcr.subject to the tcrms of nny mortgage,deed of trust or other securit�agree•
<br /> IT_..��
<br /> ' mentMith a lien w111Ch b�s priori'ry war inis i�cai u� .r���.
<br /> 10_ Bornwer Not Rek�sedi Fo�be�ru�ce ny Lender Not � W�her. Extcnsion of the timc for payment or
<br /> modl�eatlon oFamortiutlon of the sums seeured by this Deed of Trust granted by Le�der to any successor in interest of
<br /> Borrower chall not oper�te to release,In nny menner.the liabilitr of the originel8orrower and Botrowee's successors in
<br /> intenst.Lender s6t11 not be required to rnmmonco hroceedings against such successor or refuse to eYtend time for pay-
<br /> mentoe otherMise modlfy amortization of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust by retson of any demand mide by the
<br /> origle�l Borrower�nd Borrower's successors in interest. Any forbe�r�nce by[.endcr in exercising eny right or remedy
<br /> hereunder,or othenvise aFForded by applicablc law,shall not bc n walvr,r of or prcciucfe the exercise of any such right or
<br /> re�n�dy.
<br /> It� Succason �nd Au�l�ns Iiouad; ]o�nt �nd SeverRl Ll�bllit�� Co•d�nen. The covenants and agreemCnts
<br /> herein contained shall bind,and the rights heceunder shall Inure to,the respective successors and assigns of Lenc�er and
<br /> Rorrower,subject to the provisions oF paragraph 16 hsreof.All coven�nts�nd agreements of�orrower shtll be Joint�nd
<br /> .y , several_ Any'�Dorrower who co-signs this Deed nf Trust,but does not execute the Note,(a)is co•slgning thfs Ueed of Trust
<br /> nn�ym �rnnt nnd convcy thnt Dorrowcr's interest in the Praperly to'�}uste��Indet the terms of this ueed of Trust,(b)ls
<br />