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.� �,+ras�• .. .. . — .-_— . <br /> f . . ' yS'��'�.Y' .. <br /> . . 9-. . �� p..a.!�� f � • r� � . . . .,_''_..�•'�:°-_�__� <br /> ' 7 � � <br /> � l� i.�.:...-'�.. .. . . _ _ l:iii, . i 4'n���.� � • . - _" " _- <br /> ,. <br /> .��. . <br /> . •:r� .i rW i >�Z"*�• <br /> •.. <br /> ]� ..... .. <br /> . . <br /> ::.� �'" <br />-- ....(�Y .�.�..........l..�.....�..r.� ,_.�._.... .-- ��-'�-- <br /> .. :,ycq�..,.:,�w,N�,. <br /> __.._...�_. ._ -� _ <br /> -..� ' ' <br />_.:ni:Ll�fil <br /> ,-�=� 87`-��,0�4'762 <br /> -�� <br /> If 8ormwe�p�►ys Funds tu I.onder,ilta Fund�sl�all Ixs helcl ln an instllutim� tlu dcpc►sI�R or nccountss of which are <br /> =�'� Insu��l ur Ku�rantea!by�t�alerul u�atulu u�ency(l��cluding l,�n�ler II'l.uadcr i��uch an Ine�fuitiui�l.L�;ndcr s!ixfl�ppir . <br />-�±,�� '. �he Kund�eo p•y:�id c.xes,�sseumenti,Insurance�remlum��nd gronn�i rents. Lender may nat charge for so holding <br />:,''':��,; �nd�pplyin�{lhc Funds,�n�lyzing sAld nccow�t or vcrifyln8 tnd cumpliing sald �ssessments anA bi10s,unless LendRr <br />`_rc r p�ys Borto++�r fntetest on the�unds�nd �pplic�►bla law permits Lcnder to m�ke such�chuge.�orrower Rnd Lander <br />•;;`���� m�y�gree In wrldn��t the time of executlon ot tNl:I)eed ot Teuri th�t Interest a��tho Funds ah�ll be pdd to Boerower, <br /> -�,���, �nd unless �uch ��rcement Is m�de or Rppllcable law nqulre��uch Interost to bn paid� I..ender ah�ll not bo required <br /> :':��� to pey Borrowes �nY interest or eMrnln�on the Fundi. I.ender�h�ll give to BcKrower� wlthaut ch�rge, �o �nr+uil <br />���,��� �ecounNng oithe Funds�hnwln�credlts And cicblts to the Funds nrd the purpose far which e�ch debit to the Fund�was 6 <br /> - m�da.Tha Fund:�re pledged�s eddiNun�l security for the sums secured by th1�DaA of 7'ruat. <br /> '�� If the amount of tho Furids hald by l.endcr,toQethe�with the Qiturc monthly Installment�of Fund�pnyable pdor to <br /> -' tha due d�te�of t�zes,assessment�,inxurance premh�m�ind�rotuid rcnt�,chall excecd the�mount required to pay said <br /> .v��r taxes,�ssessments,insurana�nmlum:�nd ground r+�nts ��thry fRll dua,such exces�sh�ll be,�t Borrower's apNo�, <br />��_�� either prompUy rep�id to Borcower or creditad to liorrower on manthly In:t�llments of Fund�. If the �mount of tbe <br />°:-�!!►�. F�unds held by Lender:h�lt not be sufficknt ta pAy texe�,�ssessmen t�,i n s u r a n e e p t e m i ums and g round cents�s they fi�ll <br />;��;��- dua sorrorrer shall pay to Lendcr a�y+�mount necessary to makc up the deftclency In one or mom p�yments�s l.ender <br />�-:Y�i, may rcquice. <br /> -°'!`= Upan ptyment in tul! of all sums secured by this Deed of Trust.Lcnder sh�ll promptly refund to Botrower any <br />-- � Funds held by Lender. if undes partgraph 17 heceof the Property is sold or 4he�Pi��cs uisi i niby I.end�s�ny <br /> Lender,Lender shdl liter than immedi�tely pdos to the sale of the Propech► 9 <br /> Funds heid by I.cnder�t the time of applic�tion u r crodit�Q�1n:t the sum:secured by t h is D x d of Trust. <br />-- - 3. ApplicatlM ot PaJ�wu• Un�as �PP�icable laN provid�s atherwise,�fl payenents�eceivai by Lender under <br /> the Note and�aragraphs i �nd 2 het�►f sh�ll be applied by Lender first In payment of amounts pay�bla to l.ender by <br />-- —_= Dorrower under p�ngr�ph 2 hereof.then tu interest psy�ble on the Note,and then to the pdncip�l of the Note� <br /> __ _ +. ��M����a p� °��t� C�p�Y,{e��' Borro�rer shall perf'orm all of Bonrower's oblig�tions <br /> — under any mo�tgsge.dced of tt�ust or other security agrcement with a Iten which has ptiudty over thls Deed of Trwt, - <br /> including Borco�a�s corenm►ta to maks payments whe� due. Borro*�er shslt which may att in p priocih i�this <br /> assessments ux!other charges.fines u�d impositlons attributable to the Propeety <br /> peed otTrutt,and leasehold psyments or ground rents.lf aay. <br /> g� ���ard Lpwrwcc. Bocrower shall keep the improvements now existing or henafter erected on the Property <br /> insuc+ed ag�inst lou by fire.hazards included within the term"extended coverage .and such other hazards as Lenda <br /> „ prorided. <br /> may rcquire�nd in such�mounts Rnd for:uch pedods u Lender may cequt WK xub t to a rovd by Lender; <br /> The insuana carrier providiog tho insuc��cz shw.l.�..chxsn!s,�u�'r�..-. - � pP <br /> that such �pprov�l shall not be unnuonably withheld.All insurance policies xnd cenewuls therec►f shall be in�focm <br /> acceptsble to Leeder and shall include a standsrd matg�ge clause in fivor of and in a form aoceptable to Lender. <br /> L,ead=r shall have the right to hdd the policla snd rene+rals thereof,subject to the terms of�ny mortgage,doed of tru:t <br /> of other se�urity agreement with a lien which h�s prtoriryover this Deed of Trust. <br /> In the ercnt of loss,Borrower shall give pcompt notice to thc ii�:urana carcier and Ixnder.l.ender m�y make proof <br /> of loss if not msde promp��9 bY Borro"'�r. <br /> If the Prnperty is abandoned by Borrowar.or if Barower fails to rapond to Lender within 30 days fmm the date <br /> noticr is mailed by Lcndcr to Bonowcr that thc insurnna cnrricr offcrs to sell lc a claim fur insurance M:�xfits,Lendet is <br /> Ruthorlud to collect tnd apply the insurance proceeds �t Lendcr's optton etther to cestoration or rtprtir of the <br /> �'ruperty or tu tt�c sums sccurcd by lhis Dccd uf'Prust. � ��t�tl�s �� UNit Detebpreab. Bor• <br /> 6.Pe+aa�+�tis� od Mdokaa�ee �t Propect7i � i <br /> ��cr shall keep the Pcoperty in good rcp�ir and shall not rnmmit wasta or permit impairment a detcrlor�tion of the <br /> peopertr and shdl comply with thc provisions of�ny leue if this.Deed of Trust is on a leasehold.if ehis Deed of Trust is <br /> on�unit in a condominiuM oe a planncd unit development,Borro+ver shall perform�il of Bocrawer�a ab�igatbns under <br /> the declaration or corenants creating or governing the candomintum or�lannod unit derelopmcnt.the by-1+�+�s and <br /> regulations of the condomtnium or pl�nned unit development.and eons�ituent dncmnents. <br /> �� p�teetld��f i,p�der+�Sa.wdt�r.If BaroNer fdls to pedosm ahe corenants and agraments contalned in this <br /> peed nf Tnut.or iP any acHon a proceeding is com�nenced which m�terially affects Lender's interat in the PropCrty. <br /> thon Lender,�t Lender s option,upon notice to�y mi►1ce such appearances.disburse such sums,induding <br /> reason�ble�ttotneys'fs=s.and t�ke such ulion as is necesssry to protect i,ender's tnterest.If Lender requlned moctg�ge <br /> insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this Dad of 1'rust,Bocrower shdl pty the premtums reyuired to <br /> msiat�in such in:urance in eE'fect until such ttme u the nquinment for such insurance terminates in accordance with <br /> Bunnwer's ond Lender s wrltten agreement or applicable taw. <br /> Any amounts di:bnr�ed �by I.�encler Pursuant to this paragraph 7.with intecest the Note rste, shall <br /> beoome additional indebtedneu of Borrower secured by this Dad of Tcust. Unless Borrower and Lendes �B�ta <br /> �- other terms of p�yment. such amounts shall be psy�ble upon notice from Lender to Borrowcr nquatin� piyment <br /> theteaf.Nothing contalned in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any ezpense or take Rny utton hereunder. <br /> 8. I�la�•Lender may make or cause to be made reasortaMNe entries upon and(nspections of the Pcopercy. <br /> ���� poorided thtt Lenda shsll gire Boirower notice peca Lo any sueh inspection specifying reasonable eause therefor <br /> - rel�ted to Lenda':interest in the Pc+operty. <br /> y, C���at�.'I'he proceeds of any awud or claim for dsmages.dicect or rnnnection with <br /> -- anr condenmadon or other taking of the Propecty. or pin theceof,a far conreysnce in lieu of rnnde*nnallon.are <br /> - hereby assiQned u►d shdl be p�id to Lender�subject to the terms of any mortg�ge�deed of trust or other security agree- <br /> ..�_..__s:r.L�..«.,.s*....r..��hte i�of Trust. <br /> � RK71i 1►tan��tiw wuti....�.p.......�_.� .-..�_-. <br />__ - -- 1'� �� N�t Rek�edi F�rbea�� By �* p« � Wv�a• �ension of tt►e tim� ior paymeni or <br /> -�-�_� Moditic:don of unatitation of the sums secu�+ed by thls Deed of Trust gnnted by Lendcr ta any successor in interat of <br /> Y----- Botco�rer shall not operate!o any manner.the linbtltqr of the origin�l Bormwer and Bocrower's successors in <br /> -=� interat.L,ender shall not be required to commence Rsroceedings�gainst such successa'or refuse to estend dme for pxy- <br /> -� _�,� ment or otherwise modify amortiution of the sums secured by lhis Dced of Trust by reuon of any demmd made by the <br />_-��-�� origintl 8otrower snd Borrower�s successors in interat. Any fc�rbesrance by 1Lendar in eYercis ing�ny dg h t or remed y <br /> ��`�' hereunder,or othenrise afforded by�ppltcable law,sh�ll not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right or <br />'�\Ciil.'�� <br />�.^.�-...y{.. �lllltdy. <br /> �"E���'� 1l. Suceess�n ud Mslps Bwmdf J�Int aad Seu*al I1ab���h'i CO��O�*s' �� COVCnaats �nd agmments <br /> _-;,-�,',�� herein contained shall bind.and the ri�hts hexeunder ehall lnure to,the respcctire succcuors�nd suigns of[.ender��d <br /> - --- � Borrower.subject to the provisfons of puograph 16 heceof.Atl co+renmts md agmments of Borrowcr sh�ll be joint�nd <br /> -;i�;'•�,r'y., sereral.Any Borro�who co•slgns this Deed of Trust,but does not execute the Note,la)�co��hinj;tnis Deed of Trust <br /> � � " � vnly to gTant and conrcy that Borrower's interest in the Proptrty to Trustee under thc terms of this Deed of Tnist.(bl is <br /> Qr <br />