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��������� <br />Exhibit "A" <br />The North Ha�f af the l�ar�east Q�a.rter (NIl2 NEl/4} Iping east of II.S. H'ighYVay N�mber 34 right-vf-way as <br />described in Deed Instrament Nnmber 810t�698, AII in Sectivu Thir#y-Sia (3b}, Township Eleven (11) North, <br />Range Nure (9) VVest of the 6th P.M., IIall County, Nebraska, mare particularly described as foIlows: <br />Commenciag at the Northeast corner of said Nartheast Qnarter {NE1/4) aad Place of Beg�nning; thence Sonth <br />04°tt9`3b" East {assnmed bearing) along the east line of said Nar#heast Qnarter a distaace of 13Z1.42 f�t to the <br />sonth liae of said Norfih Ha1f of ths North�st Quarter (NUZ NE114}; tli�nee North 89°�b'3S" �est along said <br />south Iiue a distaace of 122953 feet to the east line of said U S. H'ighway Number 34 aud beginning of a cnrve <br />concave to the northeast s�btended by a rad�ns of 1969.86 feet; thence alang said curve the chord of g*hicbi bears <br />No�th 18°SG�28" West au arc distance of 112.G0 feet; thence North 13°42'44" West alang the e�st line of said <br />Higbwap 34 a distance of 445.63 feet to the T�eeginning of a curve to the sonifi�vest subtended by a radius <br />af I086.74 feet; thence alang said curve (and east liae of said Highway 34} thQ chord oi wt�ich bears North <br />43°33'44' West an arc distance of 113235 feet to the north line of said Nor#heast Qaarter {NEl/�; thence South <br />89°�S'44" East along said north line a dist�ance of 211357 feet to the PIace of Beginning. <br />