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20�2019� <br />tC) . "Lender" is �L� �'�o •�1K, N.A. <br />Lender is a National As�ociation <br />organized and exis4ing under the laws af TSE iJNITFD STATF�S OF �AMERICA <br />Lender's address is 7.01 NORTH PHILI�IPS AVENUE <br />3IOIIX FALLS, SD 57104 <br />Lender is the beneficiary under this Se�urity Instrument. <br />(Qj "Trus#ee" is �+y� FAAGO FINAI3C� NATL 8NK <br />IE) ° Note" meaas the promis�sory note signed by Borrower and da.ted �CH 12 , 207.2 . The Note <br />states that Bonower owes Lender ONE HTJNDRED TWENTY-Ol� THOUSANA LIGHT BUNDRED <br />SEVENTY-EIVE AND NO/100 <br />Dallar� (U,S, $ . 00 ) plus interest. Borrower has promised to pay debt in regular <br />Periodic Payments and to pay the debt in full n�t later than�'�� 1, 2042 . <br />( F} "Property" means the property tba.t is described below under the hearling "Transfer of Rights in the <br />Properly." . . <br />{�,) "Laan" means the debt evidenced by the Idote, plus interest, any prepayment charges and late charges due <br />under the Note, and all sums due under this 5ecurity Instnn�en#, plus interest. <br />.(M) "Aiders" means all Rider� to this Security Inshument that are execcuted. by Borrower. The following Ridezs <br />are to be executed. by Bormwer [check box as apglicable] � <br />� A.djustable Rate Rider 0 Condominutm Rider 0 Second Home Rider <br />0 Balloon Rider 0 Planned Unit Development Rider 0 1-4 Family Itider <br />� VA Rider 0 Biweekly Payment Rider ❑ Other(s) [sgecify] <br />(1} "Applieable Law" means aIl controlling applicablefederal, sta#e and Iocal statutes, regalations, ordinances <br />and ad*nYn+�+tive rules and orders (that have the effect of law} as well as all applicable final, non appealable <br />judicial opinions. <br />(J) °Community Association Dues, Fees, and Assessments" means all dues, fees, assessments and other <br />charges that are imposed an Borrower or the Property by a condominium associa.tion, homeowners <br />associafion or simiiar axganization. <br />(K) "Electronie Funcis 7'ransfer° means a�+ iransfer of �unds, other than a transaction originated by check, <br />draft, ar si.milar paper instr�ument, which is initiated through an electronic terminal, telephonic instrument, <br />comtpnter, or magnetic tape so as to order, instract, or auFhorize a financial institution to debit or credit an <br />account. Such term includes, but is not Iimited to, point-of-sale transfers, automated teller machine <br />t�ransactions, transfers initiated by telephone, wire transfers, and automated clearinghouse transfers. <br />{L) "Escraw Items" means those items that are descn'bed in. 5ecfiion 3. <br />{M) "Miscellaneaus Proceeds" means any compensation, settlement, award of damages, or proceeds paid by <br />a� third party (other than insnrance proceeds paid ttnder the coverages described in Sectian 5} for: (i) <br />damage to, or desbruction of, the Property; (ii} condemnation or other taking of ali or any part of the <br />Property; (iu� com�eyance in lien of condemnafion; or (iv) misrepresentations of, or omissions as to, the <br />valve andlor condition of the Property <br />��SKA-Sir�gla Family-Fannie MaelFreddia Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT � Eorm 3028 1/01 <br />VMPBSNEI t1106),00 <br />Walters Kluwat flrtarxial Servl¢er Pega'2 of 17 <br />