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.��t;`T�5 r� ... . . ....WS.i4�JY:y.1' ..�.aCFar,.�.`' <br /> rJ"����� . ' , �� . �!M+�MYri��� 1..'. -__.- -_" "' _. �l• . ~ <br /> flY(+� {�ry�'1't ti ."`.:�o.�.__� <br /> : <br /> '.JF'�C:�.�.�iSX.o <br /> .. <br /> ..t.� <br /> '. '- ___"_.__._ r .L..i_.a..�__.."'""i"l_ — <br /> . <br /> .. . <br /> a. <br /> ' M1 u1�1.?.�:..�.~'.. , :� ' <br /> ��' --_-_.Lry�. ._�.:.L���xS::�.era�aa.r �.�« _-_ . _ __. <br /> �._� . � • <br /> . 7....�._ �.......�..�+...+.�...��_...__ ____.__y_-._"._"._.. __ ..___- ______..__._ <br /> ,u6�iiiuiiiully r��uivufcul murtgiy,c in,ur:ancc cuvrrugc i+Ill)f UVHIIU�IItl, H�1���)N'CI'SIIUII �ay to Lendcr carh month n sum cqual to <br /> on;-twelfth of'thc yeurly �nmtbuge insurancv premium l�in�puid by Hnrruwer when the:insurance c�ver.�ge litpscd c�r ce:►sed to <br /> bc in cfFcrt. I.ctxicr will acccpt, use and reluin thcsc paymrnts a.r• a lo;,s rcacrvc in licu uf martgagc intiurancr. l.o,s re�crve <br /> paymcnt�may nu longcr bc requircd,nt thc�iption uf'Lcndcr. it'mor�gc�ge insuranc�:ruvcr;�gc(in thc ,mu�unt and for thc perind <br /> lhui L.cttdar requires)pruvided by .in insurer upproved hy Lrnder ugain bccont�►u��ailuhle and i�ohtained. B<�rruwer shall pay � <br /> thc premiums rcquirGd�o ���iintuim m�rtgagc insurunrc in rll'rct.��r tu proviJa a luss rescrvc,until th�rcquircmcnt fur mnrtgasc � <br /> insur,incr cnds in i�ecordancc with iuiy wriucn ugrcamrnt hctw�cen F3orrowcr and I.c:ndcr or upplicuhlc law. � <br /> 9. lasFxcttun. Leiider or its ugent m��y ntukc rca,�mi�hl��cnn•ir� up�,n and in�pe.c•tinn�uf the Pruperry. Lendcr shi�ll give <br /> Barrmvcr nuticc ut Um timc of ur prior tu�m inspccti�in�pccifying rcasonahlc c:wsc for thc inspactinn. � <br /> 10. Conde�miutlon. Thc procecds ��f uny awiud c,r claiim t'ur dumagcs, dircct or conscyucnti:d, in runncctinn with uny (a <br /> �Y�ndcmnnti�m ar uthcr tuking of'any purt of thc PiY�Ex;rty, nr for convcyunce in licu of condcmnution,arc hcreby ussi�nccl and � <br /> . vh�ll bc paid ta Lcndcr. � <br /> In thc event of u totul takinu of'tlic Property,thc pruceccls shidl ba applicd to tho sums sccurcd by this Serurity Inatrumcnt, <br /> whether or nat then due, with any ercess piud to Hurrower. h�the event of u partial [uking ot'the Prnperty in which thn fair � <br /> market valu�of'the Property immediately bcfore thc uiking is cquul t�►r�r grcater thun the amount of the �ums secured by thir: <br /> Securiq�Instn�ment immediately befure [lic taking, unless Anrrower und l..�nder otherwi,e agree in writin�,thc+umx secur�d by <br /> this Security Instn�n�ent shall be rcduced by tNe .imount of the prorcedx multiplicd hJ� the foilowing fr.�ctiorr. (a) the tatul <br /> :unoum nf thc sums sccure.�! immedia�ely hefore the tukinB, dividect by (b) the fair murkct valuc of thc Property immcdintely <br /> b.foru thc: taking. Any hylrn:e shall bc: puid to Bnrrower. In thc event ��f s� pEirtitd taking of the Property in which the fair <br /> market va��.ir of the Prop:•ct��immediatel�•before thc taking is Icss thun thc amounc of thc sums Scrur�d irnmeclintely bcforc the <br /> taking,un.lw� 8orcowcr am►Lc�x�u•mttcnvise agrce in writing or unless upplicablc lau� othcnvitie providus, che pm��:eds shull <br /> be upplicd ta thc surns sc�:r�ie�.f bv Uiis SL curity Instrument whethcr or not[he sums arc thcn due. <br /> If the Propeny is ul�;uidaac-ri b�•B��rrower, or if,uf[er notice by l.e:nder to BUrrower that tht c�ndemnor offers to make an <br /> a�rnrd or setde a claim iur�isc�iapes.Burrowcr fails ro respond to Lender withln 30 days uftcr the dato the notice is given. <br /> Lender is autho�izal to cv��a�t;+u�d apply the proceeds,at its option,either to restoration or repair af the Property or to thc+sums <br /> sccum,�i by this Security Iet�.rum�nt, khether or not then duc. <br />- UnI�:SS LCl1CIC!' f1IP� .'njJ170\4CF OIIIEI'1YISC :Is�CC t❑ Wiltlllg, any applicution of procecds to principal sliall not axtund or <br /> p��stpone th�due Jato of tli�monthly payments referreci to in purugraphs I and 2 or chungc thc a�nount of such payments. <br /> 11. l3orro��•�r Nat 1.�Nleased; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Exten�ion of the time for payment or modification <br /> af umortization af thc sums securcd by this Security Instrumcnt granted by Lender to any successor in interest �f Borrower shAll <br /> not operute to release the 9�ability of ihc original Borr��wer or Rorrower's successors in intcrest. I.endcr shall not be required tu <br /> commcnee proceedings against any suc�essor in interest or refuse to extend time for puyment or otherwise modify am�rtizntiun <br /> of the sums sccured by this Security �instrument by re:►son of any demand made by the uriginal Borro��er or Borro►ver's <br /> successors in intcrest. Any forbearanre by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall nat be a µ•aiver of or precludo the <br /> exercise of any right or ronrdp. <br /> 12. Succtxsors and ,lsiigns Ilound; Joint Ansl Several Lfabllity; Co-signers. The covenants and agreements of this <br /> Security Instrnment shall bind and bcnefit the successors and assigns of Lcnder and Bonower, subject to the provisions of <br /> parngrapfi 17. Borrower's wvenants and agreements shall be jc�int and several. Any IIorrower who co•signs this Security <br /> . Instrumens.but dces not execute[he Noee: (a) is ca-signing this Security Instrument only to monga�e, grant and r.onvey thnt <br /> . �L`!TQlYa!'S !!R!�.^,r:�A!�:C .n:C�TL`::j iSi VCS��7�tCtliiS vF 2fiii.°i�Ciititji ;r�siraraerii� lt3% is�wt��rr�uu:sliy cwiigaicci co pay the sums <br /> . sccured by this Security Ins;rument; and (c)agrces thut Lender and any othcr Bunower may agree to cxtcnd,modify, forbear or <br /> ' make any accommodatians with re¢ard to the terms nF this Security Instrument n:the Note without that Bc�rrower's consene. <br /> 13. I.v�n Charges. If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a luw which sets maximum laan charges, <br /> •� and that luw is finally interpreted so ihat t6e interest or otl�er loun charges collected or to be collected in connection with the <br /> ,, loan exceccf tt�c pennetted limits,then:(u}any such loan churge shull be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge <br /> ta the permittal limit:and (b) any sums nlready collected from Bnrrower which exceeded pertnitt�xl 1lmits will be refunded to <br /> , Barrowcr. Lender may cha►se to make this rcPund by reducing the principal awcxi under tho IVote or by making u dlreci <br /> paymcnt to Borrower. 1f a refund reduccs principal, the reduction will be treated ns a partial prepryment without any <br /> ' prepayment charge undcr tho Notc. <br /> ; 14.Nutices.Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instn►ment shall be given by delivering it or by mailing <br /> ' it by first class mail unless applicable law rP„quires use of another methcxi. Thc notice shall be direct�;d to the Propeny Address <br /> ��, ar ony other address Bonawer designates by notic� to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first class mail to <br /> :; I.ender's addmss stated herein or any othcr address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for in this <br /> '�; Security Instnrment shall be deemcd to have becn given to Borrower or Lcndcr when givcn as provided in this parugraph. <br /> r: 15.Governing Law; Severabillty. This Security Instrument shall be gov�rned by federal law and thc law of the <br /> .. jurisdiction in which the Property is locatad. (n the event that any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note <br /> conflicts with applir.tble law,such conflict shall not affect otlter pravisions of this Security Instrum.nt or the Note which ean 6e <br /> given effect without the conflicting provjsion. To this end the provlsions of this Sccurity Instnrment and the Note are declar�rl <br /> •y: to be severnble. <br /> 16.Norrower's Copy.Bnrrowershall be Fiven one cunfor►ned copy of the Note and of this Security Instrument. <br /> 17.Trstn4ter of the Property oro Benetkial Interest in Borrower.If all or any part of thc Propercy or nny interest in it <br /> • is sold or transferred(or if a bcneficial interest in Borrower is�old or transferred And Bonower is not a natural person)without <br /> L.cnder's prior written conseut, Lcnder muy, ut its option, rcquire immaiiute payment in full of nll sums secured by thls <br /> Security Instrumcnt, However,this option shall not be exercised by Lc:rxler if exercise is prohibited by federal law as of the clute <br /> of this Security Instrument. <br /> If Lender exerciscs this option. Gender sliall give Borruwer notice of acceleration. The notice shall provide a period of not <br /> Iess than 30 Jays from tl�e date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this <br /> Security Instrumcnt. If Borrower fuils io pay thesc sums prior tn the expiration of this pericxi,I.ender nuy invokc any rem�lics <br /> permitted by this Security Instrument without further notice or demand on Bonower. ' <br /> IS. Borrower's Right to Reinstate. If Borrower meeis rertain conditions, Borrower shall liave the right to have <br /> enfurcement of this Security instrum�nt discontinued at any time prior to the earlicr of: (u) 5 days (or suc!h ather period as <br /> applicable law may specify for reins�atcment) beFore sule of the Property purr�uant to any po�ver o(sale contuined in this <br /> Socurity Instrument;or(b)entry of u judgment enfurcing this Security Instrument. Those conditions u�e that Borrower:(a)puys <br /> Lencier all sums which then would bedua under this Security Instrument and thc Note as if no 3cceleretion hud occurred; (b) <br /> cures any default uf 3ny other covenants or agreements; (c) pays all expenses incurrod in enforcing this Sccuriry Instnrment, <br /> including, but not limited tu, rc:isonable attorneys' fccs; und(d)takes such action us L.endcr may reusonably requirc to Assure <br /> thut the lien of this Secu�iry Instrument, I.ender's rights in the Property and Bornower's obligation to pay the sums secured by <br /> this Security Instniment shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security Instrument and the <br /> obligations secured hereby shall remain t'ully cffective as if no acceleratioti t►ad occurned. Nowever, this rit;ht to reinstate shall <br /> noi uppiy in iiic casc oi ecccicracion under paCagrapn i%. <br /> 19. S�le ot Note; Ch�nge of Loan Servicer. Thc Notc or a partial intcrest in the Notc (tvgcihcr with this Security <br /> instrument)m,y bc sold one ur mnre times without prior notice to Borrower. A sale may rcsult in a ch;�nge in the entity(known <br /> as the "Loan Servicer")that collects nwnthly payments due under the Note and this 5ecurity Instrument.Tt►ere also may be one <br /> or more changes of the Loan Secvicer unrelutecl to a sule nf the Note. If there is a chan b�e of the Lo�n Servicer, Horrower will be � + <br /> given written ncni�r of the changc in acmrdanrc with pai�graph 14 abovc and:►pplicable iaw.Thc naticc will stuh the namc and <br /> addn�ss of the new Laan Scrvicer and the address to �vhich payrtknts should be m,►de. 1'he nutice will a{so contain any other <br /> inibmiation requirixl by upplirahlc law. <br /> 2Q. Hut�rdous yubstynr�. [iorrower shall not cUUSC or perniit the presence, use, disEx�s;il, stur,►ge,or relexsc of any � <br /> H;vardous Substanccs on or in the Pro�eny. Burcower shull nnt do, nor allow anyone elsc to d�,anything aFfecting the - <br /> Prcipcny that is in violation of any Enviroumcntal La��•. 'fhc prcceding twu scntcnces shall not apply to ehc presence. use, or <br /> storagr on thc 4�ro�.rty of small yuantitics uf Ila�•�rduus Substanccs thut are gcncrally ��gniicd tu bc appropriutc to narnia( <br /> residcntial uscs und tc�maintcnancc of ihc Propr.rty. <br /> P0fl°�°�• Form 3028 91Bp <br /> __._____"__�._..�_'�_— _-_- . ____ <br /> — <br /> . � F t , • .. � �3 1.--_.....�r---�tl �;. ..___.�. .� <br /> y{� f �• . .- .�_�. <br /> _.ZL7.' .. . ._. . _.�-..----_-__ <br /> �__ 1r�'� ' � _.�' ". "_. .... ._ .__ <br />