<br /> � ::
<br /> �1
<br /> a DOROTHY TRA"�PE and !�IALTER TRAMPE , wife and husband ; ELP1ER H .
<br /> �Q �1EIf�lFCY.E , a single person ; HEiJRY H. P•1EINECKE and VIRGINIA R. -
<br /> �� MEINECKE, husband and wife ; 6JALTEP, A . MEIfdECKE and EVELYPd i�iFIfJECKE ,
<br /> hu�sband and wi fe ; DORRENE AtJDERSOPd and EUGE�1f ANDERSOfd , wi fe and
<br /> husband , herein called the Grantors , in consideration of Fifteen
<br /> Thousa7d Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($15 ,250:00) received from the
<br /> Grantees , do grant , bargain , sell , convey and confirm unto . ��1ILDRED
<br /> �nl. SASS , GEORGE 1� . SASS , JR . , MARIE E . HUTCHINGS and ALBERT D .
<br /> SASS , as tenants in common , each an undivided one-fourth ( 1/4th )
<br /> interest , herein called the Grantees , the following described real '
<br /> property in Hall County , Pdebraska :
<br /> A11 of Lot D of Garden Subdivision of Lot One ( l ) on Main-
<br /> lan� in Section Thirteen ( 1.3 ) , Tou�nship Eleven ( 11 ) !`dorth ,
<br /> Rang.e Nine (9 ) !alest of ±he 6th P .M. , ex.cepting a tract of
<br /> land described as follows : Commencing at i.he �dorthwest
<br /> corner of Lot D , thence proceeding in a Southerly direc-
<br /> tion along said section line , a �istance of 33£3. g feet ,
<br /> thence proceeding East and parallel to ts�e North line of
<br /> Lot D a distance of 353 . 5 feet , tl�ence proceeding "dorth
<br /> aarallel to the 4dest line of Section Thirteen ( 13 ) a dis-
<br /> tance of 338 . 8 feet to the �dorth line of Lot D , thence
<br /> proceeding �nlesterl,y along and �pon said �Jorth line a dis-
<br /> tance of 353 . 5 feet tr� the place of beginning , and fur-
<br /> - ther excepting that part of Lot D condemned by the City
<br /> �f (;rand Island shown in Book R at Page 29 of the f�1iscel -
<br /> ' laneous Records of Hall County , Nebraska , and subject to
<br /> one-half (Z) of the county road on the L�Jest line of said
<br /> property,; and the East Half ( EZ) of the South Two ( 2 )
<br /> acres of Lot C in Garden Subdivision of `Lot One ( 1 ) on
<br /> h1ainland , Section Thirteen ( 13 ) , Township Eleven ( 11 )
<br /> �!orth , Range Nine ( 9) , Hall Count,y , [Jebraska , being a tract
<br /> ' 353 . 5 feet running East and !Jest and 1234 feet running i�orth
<br /> � and South and more particularly described as commencing at
<br /> the Southeast corner of said Lot C above described and pro-
<br /> ceeding in a Northerly direction parallel with the 4desL
<br /> line of Lot C a distance of 1234 feet , thence proceeding
<br /> in a �desterly direction parallel with the South line of
<br /> said Lot C a distance of 353 . 5 fee't , thence oroceeding in
<br /> a Southerly direction parallel to the East line of said
<br /> Lot C a distance of 1234 feet toF�a� ��r�t on the South line
<br /> of said Lot C , thence �roceedinar�l�ong a�nd upon the South
<br /> line of said Lot � a distance of 353 . 5 feet to the point
<br /> of beqinning , all of the propert,y being conveyed 'nerein
<br /> being suhject to easements of record far installation ,
<br /> maintenance and replacement of utilities , restrictions of
<br /> record , present zoning regulations and containing approx-
<br /> iriately 15 . 25 acres , more or less .
<br /> To have and to hold the above described premises together with
<br /> all tenements , hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belon�ging
<br /> unto the Grantees and to Grantees ' heirs and assigns forever.
<br /> And the Grantors do hereby covenant with the f_,rantees and with
<br /> Grantees ' heirs and assigns that Grantors are lawfully seized of
<br /> said premises ; that they are free from encumbrance; that Grantors
<br /> have goo� right and lawful authority to convey the same ; and that
<br /> Grantors warrant and will defend the title to said premises against
<br /> the lawful claims of all oerson whomsoever.
<br /> Dated December �� , 1974.
<br /> ' - ; �% � , ���-�r �Y ��;�/1-G�-2'-2z�--G .�
<br /> (.' ,.,, f,i.. � �' -` ' '°"- "�'� --
<br /> Do othy Tram ' Elmer H. h1einecke
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<br /> G�Jalter Tram e ^'—���rY�. r1e� necke
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