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� , <br /> ' . : �_ �FttM�c _ <br /> _ ; ., . <br /> establish connection with the sewer sXstem without delay and thereafter ' <br /> �`? to make use of `the sewer system to -the exclusion o� a11 septic tanks and <br /> other private methods of handling sewerage . <br /> � ' <br /> 12. Cesspools shall not be permitted on .the tract. A septic tank and <br /> disposal field may be constructed on the tr��ct, provided the septic tank <br /> and disposal field are constructed in accordance with the plans� and <br /> specifications approved by the Department o� Health of the State of - <br /> Nebraska. � � <br /> 13. All construction and building upon the tract sha11 be so performed <br /> - that it will comply with the requirements of the building codes and <br /> � ordinances, including building code ord�.nances, electrical code ordinances, <br /> and plumbing code ordinances, o� the City of Grand Tsland, Nebraska. <br /> 14. No fences or hedges for the purpose of dividing or enclosing <br /> properties shall be constructed or planted �arward of the �ront elevation <br /> of any residential house or resic�ential main structure. <br /> 15. If any of these restrictions and covenants running with the land <br /> (tract described in the Deed to which these Restrictions and Covenants <br /> Running With the Land are attached) are v�.olated and declared void by a <br /> court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining restxictions and covenants <br /> � running with the land shall not be affected but shall stay and �emain in <br /> full force and effect. <br /> 16 . The tract cannot be subdivided into lesser tracts o� less width than <br /> � one hundred �orty and twenty-five hundredths (140.25) �eet nor a depth af <br /> less than three hundred thirty (330 .0) feet. If this tract is subdivided, <br /> the dividing line of the .subdivided tract, �ox the purpose of Paragraph 4 <br /> of these Restrictions and Covenants Running i�tith the Land, shall be <br /> considered as a tract line or lot line and no building can be constructed <br /> closer than twenty (20) �eet to the tract line or 1ot line. <br /> 17. These Restrictions and Covenants Running h7ith tl�e I_�arAd shall be <br /> perpetual and shall apply to and be forevex binding upon the grantees , <br /> their heirs� eXecutors, adm,inistrators and assigr.s . These Restrictior.s <br /> ar_c' Ccvenants are imposed upon the tract as an obla.�ation or charge <br /> against the tract for the benefit o� gx'antors and as a part of what has <br /> been a general plan for the benefit of tracts of land located on a lar�er <br /> tract described as follows : A tract of land located in the East Half o� <br /> the Noxtheast Quarter (E2 NE�) o� Section Twenty-Seven C27� , Township <br /> Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) [niest of the 6th P.M. in Hall County, <br /> Nebraska, more particularly descr�bed as follows: Beginna,ng at a point <br /> on the East line of said Northeast Quaxter (NE�a) of Section Twenty-Seven <br /> (27) , said point Six Hundred Sixty (660 .0) �'eet South of the <br /> Northeast corner of said Section Twenty-Seven (27) , thence southexlX along <br /> and upon the East line o� said Northeast Quarter (NE4) a distance of Two <br /> mhousand Fifteen and Six Tenths (2,015 .6) �eet, to the Southeast coxner � <br /> of said Northeast Quarter (NE�) , thence westerly along and upon the South <br /> line o� said Northeast Quarter (NE4� a distance of Three Hundred Tha.rty <br /> (330 .0� �'eet; thence northerly along and u�qn a line Three Hunclred Thirty <br /> (330�0) k'eet westerly and paxallel to the East line of said Northeast <br /> Quarter (NE4) a distance of Two Thousand Eight and One Tenth (2,008. 1) <br /> Feet; thence easterly along and upon a line Six Hundred Sixty (660.0� k'eet <br /> southerly and parallel to the North line o� said Northeast Quarter (NE4) <br /> a distance of Three Hundred ThirtX �330.0� Feet, to the place o� beg�a.nning, <br /> and conta�,ning 15.238 Acres, moxe or 1.ess, <br /> EXHIBIT A <br /> -2_ . <br /> �o� <br /> . . .. - . .. 1. --:� .y-,,. ..,.�.,. . _.. - .__A. " _ <br /> _ _� . '..._.. ''��'-itz. -. .. _.. ._ _�. . , . : .. . <br />