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RE�TRTCTIONS AND COVEN�INTS RUNNI�NG [+�TTTH THE LAND � <br /> ��� : <br /> � 1. The tract sha11 be used anly for residenta,al purposes. <br /> 2. No a�artment house, d�glex ox triplex sha11 be built on the tract, <br /> nor shall any baseinent house be bu�;7�t on the tract. No structure shall <br /> be erected� altered� Qlaced, or perma:tted to remain on the tract other <br /> than on� detached dwella:nc�, which zna� include a private c�arac�e, and <br /> other secondar��� includin� a private c�arage and swimma,ng ;pool, <br /> i:ncidental to the resa;flen�ial use o� the p1ot. No dwelling shall be <br /> erected for occupancy of more than one faznily, nor sha11 any dwelling be <br /> used for occupancy for more than one �amily. No commexcial or busi,ness <br /> enterpra,se sha11 be conducted or operated upon the tract. <br /> 3. All frame buildi,ngs other than the main structure shall have the same <br /> qua�ity of outside wall finish and roo� as that used for the resa.dence. � <br /> No buil, can be made of un�ightly materials, or boxes or simi,lar lumber. <br /> 4. Al1 build�.ngs shall be placed at least one h�undred thirty-three (133) <br /> feet back from the east line o£ the tract. Any detached garage or separate <br /> secondary structure shall be riot 1e�s than one hundred fifty-three (153) <br /> feet back �rom the east line o� the tract. No buildin� sha11 be constructed <br /> closer than twenty C20� �eet to the txact boundary lines i� the adjacent <br /> tract ox txacts are undez dif�erent owne�ship. <br /> 5. No bua,lding or dwelling house sha11 be Tnoved into or onto this tract <br /> and placed on the tract. No trai.l.ear, tent, c�arac�e; shack ar other unsightly <br /> out-�bui].ding� shall be. used on the tract as a dwelling at any time, nor <br /> shall anX structuxe o� a teTn�oxary charactex be used as a residence. This <br /> restricti,c?n shall not prevent the bui;lcler from using a builder's shack <br /> temporarily duri,ng constxuct�;on o� any building or secondarX structure, <br /> dur�ng the course o� construction. <br /> 6 . The groundRfloor area of .the mai.n residence �tructure �clusive of . <br /> open poxches and garages shall be not less than one thousand five hundred <br /> t1,500� squaare �eet �qr a one--story dwelli,ng. The ground floor area of a <br /> nlain resi.dence structure exclusiye of open �oarches and garages for a one <br /> and one�hal� or twQ-�toxy main structure sha11 be not less than one <br /> thqusand �1f000� square feetr <br /> 7. No sod� earth, sand, c�xavel ax trees shal7. be rez�layed to the injurX - <br /> of the value o� or the appearance ot :the txact and no un�used building <br /> matera,al, aunk or xubbi,sh Sha11 be .le�t ex�osed qn the tract except <br /> duri,ng actua�. building Q�exations. <br /> 8. No woxn�out or di�carded automobiles, machinexy� or parts of them <br /> shall be stored on the tract and no �ort�;4n of the tract sha11 be used <br /> � �pr worn-out or discarded automobi,],es, junk piles, or the storac�e of any <br /> kind o� junk ox wa�te �atexial. <br /> 9, No .cows, hQgs, �oats, �heep or �izni,�.ax animal.s sh.a11 be kep� ox <br /> znai,ntained on t�.e tract ox any �oxt�;on o� the tract. However, this <br /> restx'i,cti,on does not applx to the keepi�ng or maintaining of a pony or <br /> horse on the txact. <br /> 10. Np billboards, sign boards (�cept sua:ta,�1.e sic�ns for' sale of the <br /> tract) , or�unsi�htly objects of anx ki.nd sha11 be mai,ntaa.ned on the tract. � <br /> '!11. �++Then a �sewe_r line is 1a�,d i.n a,n� s�reet on which the tx�act abuts, <br /> �,t sha1T k�e �nc�ent and qbligator� upon the ownex o� the� to � <br /> . - EXH��IT �� . <br /> .' , � .. ' .. � ' . . ' . . ' .R7-^ .. . ' -. � .. � . . <br /> �. <br /> . , . . . . , .. . . . � . <br /> . -- - _ 3 0 .� ' <br />