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1diWN�. ' ' • .... <br /> ,.� . . ...-. <br /> ' _ " <br /> �.�_.. . ..._.'_ _ . . __ ._'.— . __- <br /> ��p , � . _ <br /> _._ .. .,.��-`..,.�--- --. ,-��°��__�r�inrt wr�v�11���`�'��+��trsr i�� _=�—_ - <br /> _ � , _..... _.. . . ... . � � <br /> , "P,`..'.�t ' � <br />'.,:r.kal..e1�'!'.._' a� (} <br /> . a COVEN0.NT8 g/� ��+��� <br /> '..,,,�,ar: ;%;7� <br /> „ 1. R�yrn�nt�. Borrow�r spna to mak� �II p�yment� on th� s�cur�d dobt when due. Unb�• dorrower and Lender ap�ee otherwla, �ny <br /> peyment�L�nder r�ceives (rom Borrow�r or for Borrower'�bensilt wllf b��pplled firct to ��y �mount�Botrowu owss on th���cund debt <br /> - • '��,� exclu�iw of Int�nat or princip�t.t�C�qd to Int�nat,�nd th�n to princlpd,If putlal�xop�yment o}tho seoured debt occure for sny rei�on,ft wlll <br /> isot�»ducs w�xcur��ny scMdut�d piym�nt untll iM��cund d�bt Is ptld In full. <br /> r , • <br /> .t � 2.d�k�N Ap�IMt TMM.iarow�r wlll b�y aH t�x��,nt�s�m�nt�.end ott»r chu�n�ttrlPwt�bl�to t1w property wh�n dua md wlll dohnd tltN <br /> to tM qopwtY�paintt�rty c11Nn�whlch would Impak th�IN1n ot tM�t4Md of tru�t.L�nd�r m�y►equk�Barowu to�ulpn�ny rlyht�,clNm�or <br /> dif�n�N whleh 8orraw�r m�Y�+w��n�t p�rtl��who tupply I�bor or m�t�tl�l�to Improv�or malnt�ln th�prop�rty. <br />"� � �� 3,In�x�na�. Borrowa �sp tM pnpety'In�w�d unde cem��cupt�blo to Lontkr �t Borrowe'��xp�n��and fo�L�nd�►'� buMHt. Atl <br /> Inour�nce policl���h�ll���tmd�rd mort p�cliu��In favor of l�ndu,Lond�r�vlll b�mm�d u loa p�y��or�1 tM In�urM on�ny such _ <br /> • inrw�nc�yolloy,b��y liwuranca proaa�d�r+i�y�c�p1lcd,wltlaln Lcndcr'n dlscrotian,to elther the reetoretien or repnlr o1 tM demeped propvtY !� <br /> ,•,;.,� � or to tl+�acuad d�bl.If L�rMe►puk��mortpp�In�unna.Borrow�r p�N�to malntrin wch In�unnc�for n bnq u L�nd�r nquin�, - <br /> , `��� 4.�.BorrowN rllfll kup tM prop�rty In pood cond{tbn and m�k��U np�in rn�onably n�c��t�ry. ': <br /> 6.EW�N.Burow�r�q►a��to p�y�11 Lsnd�r'��xp�n��� Inciudinp ret�on�ble�ttarn�ys'fN�, If Borrowa bretks�ny cownant�In thl�deed <br /> ;-��, o}trust or In�ny obliqatbn tecund by thla d��d of tru�t. �orrow�r will p�y tMse�mount�to Lend�r as provid�d in Cove�mt 9 of thl�d��d of <br /> trwt. <br /> � 6.P�ior S�c Int�n�ta. Unles�Borrower firat obUln� Lender'�writtm consent,Borrow�r w�u not make or p�m�ii r��y ciwn�e�io�ny prior � <br /> � t�cur(ty Interos a. Borrowsr will p�rform �II of Borrowar't obtlpatbna und�r sny prior mortp�pe, daed of Vust or other cecuriry aflreement, - <br /> includinp Horrower's covenants to m�k�paymsnt�vrh�n due. <br /> 7.M�of R�nq�nd Pro11tt.Borrowu�sslyns to Lendar tM rents and proiits of the prop�rty.Unkts Borrow�r�nd Lender h�ve�gre�d <br /> othsrw a In wrltinp. Borrow�r m�y coliect�nd ratdn the rentt u torp as Borrowu b not in default. If Borrowsr dsfauit�, Leader,lander'� <br /> ay�nt, or�court appointed nceiver ma t�ks potatdon md m�nay�tha property and collect the rento. Any renta Lendsr collecto�hsil be <br /> ' nipciii�ry relat�s�cpenass tThe r metnln9 imou�t of rentedwill then apply to paymentseon the securod debt as provlded In�Covenant�1°ny other <br />_u!...,,. ��;:;• <br />='�``-� �.�, �,�w�Mqld�•Cp�dwnink�wj ryMr�1 Unft D�vMopenMMs.Bonow�r prw�to com y wlth tM provi�loru of any i�ue If thl�dsed of tru�t lo on <br /> ' a letsehold.If thh�+eed o!uuet le on e unit in e corxbml�lum a a�plinn�d unit�wbpm�n4 Botrovwr will petorm ail of Borrow�r'�dutM� <br /> • ' under tM cown+�us,byd�wt,or rpulatioru of tM condominlum a plam�d unit devebprtwnt. <br />-°~.�:�-`.-:<'•` D.Aulfioeity of LM�to P«fwm ta iortow�r. Ii 8orrow�r fafb top�rform any of Borrow�r'�duties undar thfs deed ot tru�t, Lend�r m�y <br /> �• � � perform ths dutins a cwae thsm to be psrfam�d.Lerxler may dpn 6arower'�name a pay�ny�mount If rncess�ry for parfam�nw.If any <br /> corotruction on thsp�operty I�diceontinusd or mt carrl�d on fn a rt�son�bte manner,Lender may do whatever i�nec�s�ary to proteet Lend�r'a <br />-•,•�?E;� ��curity intenst In tfw prqp�rty.Thi�may taclud�wmpNtinp th�construction. <br /> �� " Lender'f failun to perform wlll not preclude Lender from exerciainp any of its other ripht�undor the I�w or this deed of trust. <br /> �..r'(�fr�'......y • <br />-=�z'' ""' Any�mount�peid by LendK to protect Lsndsr'�sscurity Intsreat wiil be�acured by thl�de�d of trust.Such amounts wlll bs dus on demsnd <br /> -��..,,,;, �nd will M�r inteest from tM dat�of tM p�yment until pald In tull at the f�tsr�st rats In�Hect on tM secursd debt. <br /> `-,�r�:•�. ,,;.. 10. D�twk�nd AeaiN�tton. If Borrowar hila to m�ke�ny p�ym�nt wtwn due or Geaiu my covsmnts und�r this d�ed of trust or �ny <br /> -� ��.`,�;� demir d Imrt►Mla�tdi pay�mssnt��nd may invok�tfie p�w�r afrtale and my othir remadbs�psrmitied 6y spptlGb�N�jwurity of tM sacursd Gbt and <br /> –,..a�:'�.`:R <br />--'`-�''�8i • 11.R�qwst for Notle�of D�fwk.It Is hersby rsqwttsd th�t copN� of the notices of def�ult�nd nb be�ent to e�ch perton who It�psrty <br />°:n�,ta:_:'r•�. <br /> .1 �u ��e�� ivf win <br /> - - rr:is.K�»a!:.:�h such r-r_on•- -•_ °-� - <br /> �-"��'����' r 12.PowK of BMe. If ths Lendsr Invoku the power of�aN,tha Trustee�hill firot reeord in the offic�of the regfst�r of d��ds ot sach cosinty <br /> �.` I�+Yr•a.< <br /> 4.�.,E:;i�;•; wherefn the tru�t p►operty w snma par.a p+KCel zhersof U iitwt�d a notica of defeult contsininp tl»Information raqutred by law,TM T►uatoe <br /> - �-�L.-.,,,� �h�il dso m�U coples of tM notice of defwit to ths Bwrowsr, to each penon who I�� party hereto, md to other p�rsani aR pretaibed by <br /> -__=�ti::�. appliaabb law.Not Nt� thm orn maeth �ftsr tha Trust�e r�cords the notic� of d�f�ult, or two montht if ihe tru�t propsrty 1s not In any <br />_____�� Incuporat�d city or Wllap�and is used In teminp op�ratiorn carrt�d on by tM trustor,ths Trustee�hatl piw publio notice of s�le to tM persom <br /> " and in tM marx�r pnscribed by��ppplicabN law.Tru�tN,without d�m�nd on Borrowv,shsil sell tM prop�rty�t publia�uotlon to ttN hi�Mtt <br /> -�"��1� biddu.If nqulnd by tM Farm Homsatud Prot�otbn Act,Trustee sh�ll offer th�{xoperty in two��p�rat�sale��s nquind by�pplic�ble I�w. <br /> _=:�� Trustse m�y pottpone tale of dl M any pucal of tM propaty by pubilc�nnouncement�t tM time�nd pl�ce of�ny prsvioudy icheduled ��k. <br /> - - Lsndsr a its deiipnes may purcha�s tM property�t�ny aal�. <br /> �W Upon ncNpt of pavm eM of ths prks bld,Trustee sheil deUver to th�purch�tsr Trustae's dsed com�yinp ths prop�rty.Th�rocitid�cont�ined In <br /> - �=�'�-� TrustN't deed sh�tl be prima tacle evidlence of the truth of the etuemeets contalnsd tMrein.Trust�e shdl�pply the proceads of th�s�N i�the <br /> °°��::� folbwirq order. (a) to all expenas of the eel�, Includirq, but not limlted to, re�sonsbte Tru�te�'s fee�, nnornbl� �ttoray's tws �nd <br /> ��� rdnstat�ment f�es;Ib1 to all�uma secured by thir deed of vust,and(ol ths batance,if�ny,to ths psnom ispalty mtltNd to roceive It. <br /> ---z-„-� 13.Foncioux�.At Lender'�optbn,tfil�d�ed of uu�t may bs fonctosed in the manner provWe by applicible I�w for fw�closun of matp�yes <br /> on nd propnty. <br /> ---' 14,kMp�nUon.lender may�nter tM prop�rty to in�p�at it it Lsndsr plvss Borrower notice baforohand.The notice must et�te the renons6le <br /> °`--_= - ceuse for Lender's intpection. <br /> -���' 15.Co�rrwtlon.Borrowu asslgna to Lsnoer tMproceed�oi any eward or alyim tor d�ma��s connected with�condemnation or other takinp <br /> ' of all or eny p�rt of the propHty.5uah proceed�will be epplied e�providsd in Covamnt 1.This auiynment Is abject to the torm�of�ny prbr <br /> -y- = acurity sprNm�nt. <br /> - 1e.WYw�.By exe►ci�inp any remedY ava{Itble to Under,ls�uler doet not qive up any right�to lat�r uc��ny other remsdy.By not exercisirp <br /> � _ �ny remedY upon Borrowar't def�u►t,Lmder doea not w�ive eny ripht to later camtdsr the event a defeult(f(t heppon�syaln. <br /> 1�. JoNtt Mtd Q�vwM��y Co•ilpnKr, Succ��wn �nd A�tlpna QotNM. All dutis� under thb deed of tru:t ers Joint and ssvxtl. Any <br /> Borrorwr who co-sipn� thl�dsed of trust but da� not co-sipn the underlyi�p debt inatrumsntl�l da� so only to ynnt and conwy tMt <br /> ,��,�,��.,,,,�- Borrow�r's intsrost in tM prop�rty to th�Truste�uMhr tM tsrm�of tN�dasd of additton,tuch�Borrow�r�yrse�th�t the Lewt�r�nd <br /> �nY other Borrowsr und�r thle deed of trust m�y ext�nd,modff�r a m�ks�ny otMrc chanpa in ths tsrm�of thU dead of trust or the�acurad <br /> .,;�„�, dsbt wfthout th�t 6onowsr'�oom�nt and without reteuiny that Borrow�r from the term�oi thls dwd of trust. <br /> -.�� <br /> --='-'?`�= Ths dutN�end benefits of tNa doed of trust ahall bind�nd he�aHt tl»succesaors and auipne of Lender end Borrower. <br /> ..-.:i <br /> �Y.;��.�, 1�.Notic�.UMe�s otMrwia�requir�d by law,any notic�to Borrower�hdl M piwn by d�Uvedng it or by maflinq It by certitied mall eddntsed to <br /> �r,;,-ti _ Borrotiwr�t the pro addreao m�nY othsr addtut thet Borrowsr h�s a(�ven to Lender. Bonowar wiil piw�ny�otic�to L�ntNr by c�rtifl�d <br /> ` `"?`?i'� • m�ll to Lsndsr'��on pape 1 oi thfs dasd of trwt, a to my other addrss�which Lender has desipn�t�d.Any othx nottce to Lendsr sMil <br /> =2�•��.+-• ° be sem to L�nd�r'e addr�st��nt�t�d on pa9e 1 of tM�ds�d oi tru�t. <br /> .�•. <br /> - � � Any notics�h�ll be deemsd to havs bssn pive�to Borrower or Lend�r wMn piven in tM marx�r stat�d ebovs. <br /> �•����^��`'��• 1Y.T��rwhr of th�Propsrty a�E�t�Mlcir kkKMt N 1M Borroww. If a�l or�ny part ot tM prop�rcyr or�ny intesst in It I�sold or tnnafsrrW <br /> � � withovt Land�r's prior written conssnt, Lerxter mey dem�nd Immodiot� p�yment of the secursd debt.Undu may al�o demmd Immediate <br /> ,`;t,^'�. •;T; payment if tfie BOrrowK ie not a natur�l perton �nd e benefiClel fr.terest in ti» Borrower is sold or trensterred. However, Ler.der may not <br /> _�-; �`p,•�4 domond payment in tho above situations if it is prohibited by federal law as ot the date ot thla deed of truat. <br /> ,"' �•••�'��� 20.R�eonwy�no�.VVl�en the obligation secursd by thfs deed of trunt haa been pafd snd Lender has no furtMr oblipation to meke edvance� <br /> `;;�''�-', �'� und�r tM fn�trumonts or epnem�nts�ecw�d by thii deed of tru�t, the Trost�e shall upon wrftten request by ths Lender,roconvey the trust <br /> .�� propsnlr.The lerxlor shsll dHiver to tM Dorrower,or to Borrower'e aucce6sor in intxoa4 tM trust deed�rrJ the note or othe►evidonce of the <br /> ;r�°1.. <br /> oblip�tion so satiafied.Borrow�r ahall pay any recordation coste. <br /> ��.:�'� 21. Succ�swr T►ustM. Lender, et Lender's optlon, msy ramove Truatee and eppofnt e euccetsor trustee by flrst, m�iung� copy or cne <br /> ;.',t,,, tubstitutlon of trustee u roquired by nppilc�ble liw,md then, by flling the tubstitution of trwt�e tor rocwd fn the offlce of the roplster of deeda <br /> .. . - �i of�ach county in whfch the nuat property,or some pert thereof,Is simated.The�uccessor truetee, witlwut convey�ncs of the property, ahall <br /> . tucceed to all the power,duties,euthority�nd title of tha Truatea narned In tho daed of trust�nd of any�ucces�a vustee. <br /> •.4 <br /> e. � <br /> � /Pipe 2 0111 <br /> - � � EAHKERS 6YSTEMS,INC.,ST.CLOUD.MN 6E307 It-tl00387•73411 FORM OCP-MTONE En8197 <br /> 1 � <br /> � . � <br /> - , _ <br />