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<br /> .�'-���� COVENANTS ��'�' ��`��
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<br /> ''�'O'��� 1. P�ymaN�. Borrow�r �pn�� to m�k� �!1 p�ym�nt� on th� �ecured debt whe� dus. Unleu Borrower end LenAer epre� othsrwlse, �ny
<br /> ' � � '� payrr�nt� L�nder nr.Nv�� from Borrow�r or for Borrow�►'� b�neflt wlll h� appll�d flr�t to any amount� Borrow�r owe�on the t�cured dsbt
<br /> sxCluNw of Int�r��t or prinC�P#�.1�e�coi}d to Intere�t,�nd then to princlpol.If pertlN prep�yment o}ihe secured dot�t aecure for eny rneson,It wlll �;:
<br /> � �� not r�duc�or lxou�t�my��MduNd p�iym�nt untll lh���cund debt le pald In full. __
<br />- . � pt Cla1M A/�N�t TNM.BolroYV�r wAI�p ay dl axes,nsw�mmts, �nd otlwr charpes ntri6utabla to theproparty when dua end wlll defsnd title
<br /> to`th�dlqp�y��Mt�ny cl�lms whlth woutd ImpUr th�li�n of thl�de�d of trutt. Lender m�y requlre Borrower ta easlpn sny rl�hts,cla�m�or
<br /> ' def�ni��w' hleh Borcow�r m�y hnv��p�imt p�nl��who supply I�bor or m�terlAls to improve or mdnt�ln ths propeny. .
<br />'_".r.i�:.'' „ �F
<br /> - 3, hHUr�rro�. Borrower wlll kNp tM prop�rty Insund undu tsrm��cc�pt�bte to Lend�r at Borrow�r'�sxpmse md for lendsr'�b�neflt.AII
<br /> Ir�sunnce pollcle��hall Include�etandud mortO�Ye clu��o In favor of Lender.Lender wlll 6a n�msd aa loa p�yee or e�s the Imured on a�y�uch _
<br /> " In�uranco poltcy.Any Insurance pr�ceeda mey be epplled,wlthln Lender'�dlacrotlon,to elther thn roatorstlon m �opnlr ol tho dameped proparty �_
<br /> or to th�s�curtd dabt.If Land�r nquk�s morty�p�Insurancs, Borrowar�yrea to m�Intrtn�uch Ineurance tor�� long es lender requires. ,
<br />.':�`*'^ �' 4.ProMrty.Borrower will keep th�propertyr In pood conditlon�nd make�u repaln rei�onebly necessary. -
<br /> - 6,Expw►sa.Borrower�prss�to pay atl Lender'�exp�nse� Includlnp re�ton�ble ettorneyo'feea,If Borrower broaks any covenente In thla deed
<br /> • -�; � of Vu�t or In any obllyatlon secured by thl�deed of truat.�orrower wlll p�y theae amounte to Lender aa provlded In Cc�venent 9 of thla deed of
<br /> � trust.
<br /> � 8.Pt{or S�auity k�t�tat�. Unloss Borrower fl►st obtaios Lend�r's written content, Borcower will not make or permii tluy cl�ony65 I8&��y pT�Bi
<br /> �ecurity intere:tt. Borrower will pertorm all at Barrower's oblipaUona undor eny prlor moRyape, deed of tnist or otMr securlty apreement, _
<br /> • " ' ' includlnp Borrower's covonenta to make payments when due.
<br /> .�,� ''�- .
<br /> � 7.At�of R�nts�nd Praflt�.Borrower ssslqns to Lender the rentt end profita of the property.Unlesa Borrower end Lender havs apread
<br />,r'�:•.��: otMrw se In wrlting, Borrower msy collsct end retafn ths rent� at lonp�s Borrower Ie not In default.If 8orrower defeults,Lender, Lender'�
<br /> �psnt,or a court sppotnted receiver may t�ke po�tess(an�n d minaye t h e prope r t y�n d co l le c t t h e r e n t�. A n y r e n t s 4 e n d�r c o l l s a t� s h e l l b a
<br /> _�,�. ��.%y� �ppllsd fUst to tM co:ts of man�ylny the property, Includln court co�tt and�ttorneys'fe�a, commltsiont to rontal�p��nt�, �nd �ny other
<br /> _�x,}'�, neicssary related expen�s�.The rsm�Inlnp�mount of nnt�w�l thm apply to p�ymsnti cn the secursd d�bt��provlded In coven�nt t.
<br />_'�,r'r:�-i:.�E
<br />:,,,,,,_.:.� �,G�Fiolds.Cp�don�r,r1�wMd Unl1 D�w1oMr�.BOtfOWK N�to comahr wiM ttN provlslon�of�ny Net� If thl�do�d of trust I�on
<br /> �NuN�ld.1�tl�It dNd of uust I�on� unft M�condominium a� p�inn�d unk d�wbpm�nt,BorrowN wIN p�rtam �I of Barow�r's dutN�
<br />�=,r'�;fCr> und�r tM covmmts,byI�w�,or nput�tbnr of tt�wnciomk�ium a plsrx»d unEt d�v�bprtNnt. -
<br /> '-•s':`�
<br /> �- O, �up�o�ity o!��to �wiorm Ior�onewM. It sorrowM faN�top�r�am�ny o1 Barowe'�dutN�und�r sf�N d��d�f Irust, L�nd�r may
<br /> .?:�`.��� p�Ham th�dutl��a o�us�tMm to W pafamW.L�nd�r m�y tlpn borrovwr'�nsm�ap�y�ny�mount 11 Me�iurr la p�rform�nc�.If any
<br /> construotbn on 1MpropNty I�dl�contlrwrd a+not c�trl�d on In�n�son�W�m�nn�r,L�nMr may do wh�t�wr 1�Mc�s�My to prot�ot L�ndu'�
<br /> "�^��-�� wotxky Intwat ln tM proputy.Thl�m�y k+clud�comphtkp tf»con�tructlon.
<br /> :_;::,�":7� l�nd�r'�t�lhx�to p�tfarm wlll not pnclud�L»nclK from�x�rof�lnp my o}It�oth�r rlyht�und�r tM law or thb d��d of tw�t.
<br /> � �°"'�"' AnY�mounts pNd by L�nd�r to p►ot�ut L�r�r'� r�curity Int�n�t wfll b�t�curW by thli d��d of tru�t.Such�mounts wlll W du�on d�mand
<br /> -�3� �rb wIM brM IntK�st from tM dat�of tM p�yrtwnt untN p�ld in(ull�t tM Int�n�t rat�In�ttwt on th�wcw�d d�bt.
<br /> --=_.c� 10. DMwk�nd Aer,�NrNbn. If Borrowe f�lb to m�k�my p�ym�nt wh�� dus or lx��k� �ny cownsntl undu thl�d��d of tru�t or �ny
<br /> __�,,Si�FI ob110�tIon t�cund by tMs dNd of trust or any prbr mortpap�or drad of truat, L�nd�r m�y�cal�nt�tM matalty of the t�cund d�bt and
<br /> �-.� d�m�nd Irnm�dl�t�paym�nt�nd m�y Invok�ttt�pow�r ot nN�nd�ny oth�r rsrrNdla psrmlttad by�ppllcabN I�w.
<br /> ~s"�� 11,p p u�t ia NWk�of Dtfwk,It Ia Mnby reqwst�d th�t copNs of th�noticss of def�ult�nd ral�be unt to��ah psreon who Is a p�rty
<br /> --_"��?�'1 h.r.to.�t th��ddr�s�of�ach wch p�r�on,�s t�t furth MrNn.
<br /> - -y-�1'�� 7Z,Pow�r of i�N. It tM L�nd�►invok�s tM povre of wN, ths TrustN shsll fkst ncord In ths offic�of tFw repla�r af da�ds of sach county
<br /> ^=��� whWNn tM trust propKty a sortN put a P�rcd thK�o}I�stturt�d a notic��f d�f�uR contalnlnp th�Inform�tlnn rpukb by law.TI»TroatN
<br /> ---=,�� sh�U�Isa mail copl��of tM notic�of d�twk to th�Borrow�r,to uch p�non who Is a p�rty F►�nto,�nd to oth�r p�r�oru�s pr�scHbed by
<br /> _ ■ppNeabN I�w. Not Nas thm on� month�R�r th�TruaN ncord� tM notice of d�teuh or two months If t!w trust prop�rty ls not In �ny
<br /> Incorporat�d ctty w villsp��nd ii ut�d in feminp op�r�tbn�ca►rl�d on by tM trwta,the frustN shdl piw publio notia of ql�to th�pusons
<br /> -------- �nd In tM muwiw pr�stxlbsd by rpppllcabb law.Trust��,without dsmmd on Bor►owK,thNl sNl ttw proputy at pu�llo�uatbn ta ths hlpl»tt
<br /> ---- blddu.If nqukod by the Farm Ham�st��d Prot�ctbn Act,Tru�te�shdl offer tM propsrty In two ssp�nt� nles a rsqdrsd by�pplic�bl�law.
<br /> L°ndK orniti dsib�Mmiy purchu the property itiny ie�by public a�nouneemmt at the time and plaa of �ny pnvbudy sch�duted uN.
<br /> Upon neNpt of payment of tfis pria bld,Trustee�hall delivsr to tM purchaser Trustre'�d�ed conveylrq the propKty. TM r�dtidr eontafr�d In
<br /> ;:t:at+� T�ustM's d�ed�hall be prima f�cls�vldlence of tM truth of tl»at�tsmenu cont�Ined th�reln.Truete��fia!! spply 1M proeNd�of the s�l�In tM
<br /> -.------ foBowMy order, l�) to �U oxpense� of tM ule, Includlnp, but not Iknited to, nuombl� Tru�tN'� f��b r��ans4N attorMy'� fes� and
<br /> -_= r�Instat�rtMnt fNC:(b)to all�uma�ecured by thi�d��d of trust,and(c)the balance,il any,to tlw p�nons Isp�lly mtltl�d to ncNv�it.
<br /> � —. 18,Fonde�w�.At Lender'e optlan,thls deed of trust m�y be foreclo�ed In the manner provlds by sppllcabb law lor taeclowre of mortpaqu
<br /> on nal prop�►ty.
<br /> - 74.YanaaHon.LendK may anter the propsrty to Impect it If Lender plvss Borrowar natice beforshnnd. The notice mun otate ths rsasonabl�
<br /> �;;�� cww for Lend�r't imp�ctlon.
<br /> —• 71�.Co�dMmMtlon.Borrower�sslpru to Lender theproceeds of any sward or elelm for damaqe�con�ected wlth e candemnetbn or uther taklnp
<br /> of dl a any p�rt of the property.Such pracsed�wlll b��ppll�d a�provWed In Cov�mnt 1.Thl�esslgnm�nt I�subpct to ths term�of any prlor
<br /> - s�cixhy���m�nt.
<br /> ____� 7A.W�Iwr.6Y�x�rcl�lnp any rem�dY awll�bN to Lend�r,Lsnd�r doe�not pfvs up my rlQht�to later u�s my otMr�em�dy.By not exerolslnp
<br /> any nm�dy upon Borrow�r's d�f�ult,L�nd�r dw�not w�lvs a�y rlpht to Ister consider the svent e defwlt if ft hapans �pd�.
<br /> ��, ,lokk�nd aw�r �{�y, CaNprnri; SuccNSa��nd Asdpm Bound. All dutlss under thls de�d of tru�t ere bfnt end aeveril. Any
<br /> Borrow�r who so-Npiw thl� ds�d of trun but do�i not co-slpn the underlyInp deEt Imtrumentls) does to oNy to prent snd conwy th�t
<br /> Borrovwr'�Intsnst In ths prop�►ty to ths Tru�t�e und�r tM termu of thle de�d of trust. In�ddltlon,such a BorrowK s�rws th�t the Lend�r�nd
<br /> --'�``� ' any otMr Borrow��undK thls d��d of trutt m�y extsnd,modiiv or m�ke any other chenpes In the terms of thb deed of trwt or tM sacured
<br /> d�bt wfthout that Borrower'�cons�nt�nd withuut rdeaslnp th�t Borrower irom thc�4erme of thls dsed ot tru�t.
<br /> '°°� �� Tlfe artfn and b�Mfits of thls desd of truit sh�fl bind rnd benetit ths succeston end tsalpns of lender end Borrower.
<br /> �-_- — 1!.Notle�.UnMts otherwi�e rsquked by I�w,�ny notic�to Borcower�h�ll be piven by deliveriny it or by mal!Ing it by certlfied mall�dd►��ted to
<br /> =��,y� &xrowu�t tM pro �dM�s�a eny otMr�ddresa that Borrowsr has ylvtn to Lander.Borrower wfll gIw s�y notlu to Lsnd�r by certlfisd
<br /> - mNI to l�nd�r't�d �u on ppe 1 of tM�d��d of truat,or to�ny other�ddress whlch Lender ha�dalpnat�d. Any othrt notice to Lendu sh�ll
<br /> -F=:���� b���nt to Ler�'�addr�ss���tst�d on pps 1 of thl�dNd of tru�t.
<br /> ��T�'=='-'�`='-� Any notice shall bs deemed to h�ve been plven to Borrowsr or Lender when plven in the menner stated ebove.
<br /> -_��awi'�s��
<br /> --�-:::-rr'� 19.TnMfw ot tM Prop�rty w�l�11d�kN�r��t In tl»Bonow�r. If ell or eny pert of the property or sny Interett in It Is eotd or tramferred
<br /> ��� wkhout Lendsr'� prlw written oontsM, Lender msy demmd Immedlate payment of the secured debt. Lender mey d�o demand fmmedlate
<br /> .'���n'� payrm�nt If tPw Borrow�r I�not •natural perton�nd e baneficlil intoroat In the Borrowet f� wld or traneferrod, However, Lend�r m�y not
<br /> �''•'r-��� demand psym�nt In the�bovs altuitlons If It it prohlbltsd by federd law�a of the d�te of thfs deed of uust.
<br /> ���.':'C,�+v'�.'�
<br /> •�`''�"' "'' 20.R�conv�y�c�.WM�tM obllp�tlon ucured by Yhli d��d ot truat hss been paM and Lender hae no furtF�er obtip�tlon to make advances
<br /> `,;:+r�°'� und�r tM Instrument�ora�nsmsnU sscund by thls dad of trutt, th�Truetse shHf, upon wrlttsn request b�tM LaMer,rocanvsy tF»trutt
<br /> -::��„�. (xopNty.TM L�nd�r�hall ddlver to th�Borrow�r,or to Borrower'� succeswr In i�t�rost,the trust d�ed aod t �e note a other evldence of tM
<br /> obl pf atlon�o utlsfled.Borrower sh�ll p�y my ncordatlon coste. _
<br /> .�.��''`:::..�
<br /> ^-�'�• Z7. SYCCHta TrYitN. Lender, et iendar s opiion, m�Y ramove irusiee and appoint e succe�eor truatee ay nrst,maiiing a copy o1 tne
<br /> �`N�'8.�':° su6ttltvtlon of trustee e�requlred by eppllcebts lew,and tlien,by ffllnp the eub�titutlon of truatee for record In the oNice of the replster of deeds =.
<br /> �:�' '� of each county In whlch the trust p�operty,or nome part theroof,Ia skuated.The wcceswr trusted,wlthout conveyancn of the property,�hall -
<br /> sucasE to all the power,outles,authorlty and tftle of the Trustss named in tho dsed of trust and ot any succe:sor Vustee.
<br /> � _
<br /> .i, .� �
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<br /> ;5"
<br /> :.r.
<br /> � fPsy�T o121
<br /> �' �'�� lAHBE115 SY6TEMS.I4C.,6T.CIOUD.MN 6e301 ft•800•38'!•23�71 FOHM OCP•MT(}NE 8/10191
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