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All tuturc advances from La:ncicr to Grantor or othcr futura obligations of Crantor to Lcndcr undcr any promissory <br /> note, contruct,gunrnnty,or other evidence of debt executed by C�rantor in favor of Lender executed ntter this —_ <br /> Security Insttument whether ar not this Securlty Instrument is specifically referenced.If mare than one person <br /> signs this Security Instrument,each Grantor pgrres that thia Security Inslrument will sccure all(uture advances and <br /> future obligntious that ere given to ar incurrcd by any onc or morc Grantor,or uny one or more Grantor and <br /> others,All[uturc advances and othcr future ubligations are securcd by this S�curity Instrument even though all or <br /> part mi�y�iot yet tx:�►dva�ic..d.All futurc acivnnces end othcr future obligations are securcd as if madc on the date <br /> of this Sc:curity Instrument.Nothing in this Security Instrument shall constitute a cnmmitment to make adJi►iunul <br /> or[uture lonns ar advances in aRy amount.Any such cammitment must be agreed to in a separate writing. <br /> C, All obligatlons Grantor ow�cs to Lender,which may latcr arisc,to the extent not prohibited by law,including,but <br /> not lintited to,liabilitics for overdrafts relating to any deposit accoun¢agrcement betwecn Grantor and I.ender. <br /> D hIe P o�tperty end its value nd any ot�her sumsuad ancyed a d expenses ncu�ed by l�ndertunder tlie t rms of � <br /> thls Security Instrument. <br /> This Security Tnstrument will not secure any other debt if Lender fails to�ive any required notice of the right of rescission. <br /> 5. PAYMEN'1'S.Grentor agcees that all payrr�ents under the Secured Debt will be paid when due and in uccordance <br /> with thc terms of the Secured Debt and this Security Instrument. <br /> 6. WARRANTY OF TI'TLE.Grantor warrants that Grantor is or will be lawfully se'►zed of the estnte conveyed by this <br /> Secur�ty Instrument and has the right to irrevocably grant,convey,and seti the Property to Trustee, in trust,with <br /> pnwer of�cile.�rantor also warrnnts that the Properiy is unencumbered.except for encumbrances of recard. <br /> 7. PRIOIR CECIJRiTY INTERESTS.With regard to any other mortgage,decd of trust,security agreement or other lien <br /> document that created a prior security interest or encumbrance on the Property,Grantor agrees: <br /> A. To make all paymenGs when due and to perform or comply with all covenants. <br /> B. To promptiv dcliver to Lender any notices that Grantor receives from the holder. <br /> C. Not to a11ow any modiCcadon or cxtensian of,nor to request any future advances under any notc or agreement <br /> secured Uy the lien document without Lender's prior written consent. <br /> S. CLAIMS AGAINST TITLE. Grantor wUl pay all taxes,assessments, licns,encumbrances,lease payments,ground <br /> rencs,utilities,and�ther charges relating to the Property when duc.Lcnder may require Grantor to provide to Lender <br /> copies of all notic�s that such amounts are due und the receipts evidencing Grantor's payment.Grantor will defend <br /> title to thc:Property against any claims that would impair the lien of this Security Instrument.Grantor agrecs to assign <br /> t�Lnr�!P!'.Ac reaursted by Lender,s►ny rights,claims or defenses Grantor may have against partics who supply labor <br /> ar materials to niaintain or improve the Property. <br /> 9. DUE QN SALE Olt ENCUMBRANCE.I.vnder may,at its option,declare the entire balance of the Secured Debt to <br /> be immediately due und payable upon the creation of,or contract for the creation of,any lien,encumbrance,trnnsfer <br /> or sale of the Property.This right is subje�t to the restrictions imposed by fcderal law(12 C.F.R.591),as applicablc. <br /> This covenant shall run with the Property and shall rcmuin in effect untd the Secured Debt is paid in full and this <br /> Security Instrument is released. <br /> 1,0. PROPERTY CONDITION, A�LTERATIONS AND INSPECTION. Grantor will keep the Property in good <br /> condition and make all repairs that are reasonably necessary. Grantor shall not commit or allow any waste, <br /> impairment,or deterioration af the �Property. Grantor will keep the Property free of noxious weeds and grasses. <br /> C3rantor agrees that tlie nature of the occupancy and use will not substantially change without Lender's prior written <br /> consent. Grantor will not permit any changc in any license,restrictive wvenant or easement without Lendcr's priar <br /> written conseni.Gruntor will notify L.ender of all demands,proceedings,claims,and actions against Grantar,and of <br /> any loss or dnmage to the Property. <br /> Lcnder or Lcnder's agents may,at L.ender's option,entcr the Property at eny reasonable timc for the pucpose of <br /> inspecting the Property.Lender shall give Grantor noticc at the time of or before an inspection specifying a <br /> reas�nabie purpose for the inspecticin.Any inspection of the Property shall be entirely for L.ender's benefit and <br /> Grantor will in no way rely on I.ender's inspection. <br /> 11. AUTHORTCY TO PTR�ORM. If Grantor fails to perform any duty or any of the covenants contained in this <br /> Security Instrument,L�ender may,without notice,perform or cause them to be perfanned.Grantor appoints Lender <br /> as uttorney tn fuct to sign Grantor's name or pay any emount necessary for performance.Lender's right to perform for <br /> Grantor shall not create an abligation to perform, and Lender's failure to perform will not preclude L.ender from <br /> exercising any of Lender's other rights under the law or this Security Instrument.It any construction on the Property is <br /> discontinued or not carried on in a reasonabic munner,L,ender may take all steps necessary to protect Lender's <br /> security intcrest in the Property,including completion of thc construction. <br /> 12. AS5IGNMENf Ol�I.EASES AND RENTS.Grantor irrevocably grants,convcys and sells to'frustcc,in trust for the <br /> bcncfit of Lendcr,as additional security all the right,titic and intcrest in and to any and all existing or future leascs, <br /> subleeses,and any other written or verbal agreements for the use and occupancy of any portion of the Property, <br /> including any extensions,rcnewals,modifications or substitutions of such agreements(all referred to as"Leases')and <br /> rcnts,issues and profits(ull refcrred to as"Rents"). Grantor will promptly provide Lcnder with true and correct <br /> copies of all existing and future Leases.Grantor may c;ollect,receive.enjoy and use the Rents so long as Grantor is not <br /> in dcfauit undcr thc tcrms of tliis Security Instrumcnt. <br /> Grantor neknowledges that this assignment is per�ected upo�n the recording of this Deed of Trust and that I.ender is <br /> cntiticd to notify any of Grantor's tenamts to make payment of Rents due or to become due to Lender.However, <br /> [.cndcr agrces that only on default will Lender notify Grantor and Grantor's tenants and make demand tliat all futurc <br /> Runts be paid dircctly to Leuder. On receiving notice of dcfault,Grantor will endorse and delivcr to Lcnder any <br /> �,.�vment of Rents in Grantor's possession and will rcceive any Rents in trust for Lender and will not commingle thc <br /> _ n'_"_a... i� w� (��onfAr <br /> r�-r <br /> Rents with any other funds. Any amounts collected will be appueo as pro�iucu iu t������....���� .��s.��::�•••� --•--••--- <br /> warrimts thnt no dcfault exists under the L.cases or any applicablc l�ndlorci/tenant la�v.Grintor also agrecs ta maintain <br /> iuid reNuirc any tcnunt to cornply with tl��tcrms of thc L.eascs and appGcablc law. <br /> 13. I,EASEI{OLDS;CONDUMINIUMS; PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENTS.Grantor agrccs to comply with thc <br /> pravisions�f ony Icase ii this Sccurity Instrument is on a leascholci. if the Property includes a unit in a condominium <br /> or ii pl.mncd unit dcvclap�ncnt, Grnntor will perform all of Grantor's duties under the covcnants, by-la�vs, or <br /> regulations uf Ihc conJummwm or planned unit development. <br /> �4. DF:FAl11.T.Gri►ntor will b�in default if any party obligated on chc Securcd Debt Fails to makc payment when due. <br /> (irantur will he in default if n breach occun undcr the terms of this Security Instrument or any other document <br /> - (page 2 ef 41 <br /> O tYW Snkr�6rl�m�.x�c.:�C�ond.hW(1•lM397-23111 Form RE•OT•NE 6'pN1 <br />-7 <br />