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<br /> B. AQ tuture advanccs from Lcnder to Grantor or oth�r futurc obligations of Qra�tor to L,cndcr undcr any promissory
<br /> note, coniract,guaranly,or other evidence of debt �xecuted by Geantor in favor of I..ender executed A[ter this
<br /> Security Instrurnent whether or not titis Security Instrument is specitic��lly referenced.If more than one person
<br /> signs this Security Instrument,cach Grantor agrces that this Sccurity Instrument will sccure�U future advunces and
<br /> futur� abligations that are given to or incurred hy any nne or more oxantor,or any one or mure Cirantor and
<br /> others.All tuture advances and other tuture obligations are secured by this Security Instrumcnt ev�n th�ugl�all u��
<br /> part may not yet be advanc:ed.All future advances and other future obGgations are seeured�s if made on the dnte �
<br /> of this Security Instrument.Nothing in tliis Sccurity Instrument ahaU oonstltute a commitment to make additianal
<br /> ar tuture loans or advanccs in any a�nount.Any such commItment must be agrecd to in a separate writing.
<br /> C. All obligations Grantor owes to I.ender,which may IAter arise,to thc extcnt not pruhibitcd by law,includin�,but
<br /> not Iimited to,liabilities for overdrafts relatiag to any deposit account agreement between Cirantor and I.ender.
<br /> D. All aciditional sums advanced and expenses incuned by Lender for insuring,preserving or otherwise protecting
<br /> tlie Property and its value and any other sums advanced and expenses incurred by Lender undcr thc tenns of _
<br /> thls Security Instrument.
<br /> This Securiry Instrument will not secure any other debt if Lender fails to�ive any required notice of the right of rescission.
<br /> 5. PAYMENTS.Grantor a�rees that all paymants undor th�Secured Aebt will be paid when due and in accordance
<br /> with the terms af tha Secured Debt and this Security Instrument.
<br /> 6. WARRANTY OF TITLE.Grantor wanrants il�at Grantor is or rvil!be lawfully seized of the estate conveyed by this
<br /> Security Instrument and has the right to irrevocably grant,convey,nnd seil the Property to Trustee, in trust, with
<br /> power of sale.Grantor also warrant�tl�at the Property�s unencumbered,except for encumb�nnces of record.
<br /> 7. pItIOR 3ECURITY INTERESTS.With regard to nny other mortgage,deed of truat,s�ecurity agreement or other licn
<br /> document that created a prior security int�rest or encumbrancc on the Property,Grantar agrees:
<br /> A. To make all paymenGV when due and to perform or wmply with a!l covenunts.
<br /> B. To promptly de.liver to Lender any naticos that Grantor receives from thc holder.
<br /> C. Not to allow any modification or extension af,nar to request any future udvances under any note or agreement
<br /> secured by the lien document without Lend�r's prior written wnsent.
<br /> S. CLAIMS AGAINST TITL�.(�rantor will pay all taxes, assessments, liens,encumbrances, lease payments,ground
<br /> rents,utiGties,and other charges relating to thc Property when due.Lender may require Grantor to provide to Lender
<br /> copies of alf notices that such amounts are due and the receipts evidencing Grantor's payment.Grantor wlll defer►d
<br /> title to the Property against any claims that would impair the lien of this Security Instrument.Grantor agrees to assign
<br /> ��T..�Yy,'u���;�,t�����n�tPr,a„y riohtc;claims or defenst:s Grantor may have against parties who su�pply labor
<br /> LA.
<br /> or materials to maintain or improve the Property.
<br /> 9. DUE ON SA1.E OR ENCUMBRANCE.Lender mny,at its option,declare the entire balance of the Secured llebt to —
<br /> be immediately due and payable upon the creation of,or conuact for the creadon of,any lien,encumbrance,transfer
<br /> or sale of the Property.This right is subject to the restrictions imposed by federal law(12 C.F.R.591),as a�pGcable.
<br /> This covenant shall run with the Property and shnll remain in e[fect until the Secured Debt is paid in fu11 and this
<br /> Security Instrument is released.
<br /> 10. PROPERTY CONDITION,ALTERATIONS AND INSPECTION.Grantor will keep the Property in good
<br /> condition and make all repairs that are reasonably necessary. Grantor shall not commit or allow any waste,
<br /> impairment,or deterioration of the Property.Grantor will keep the Property [ree of noxious weeds and grasses.
<br /> Grantor agrees that the nature of the occupancy and use will not substantially change without Lender's prior written
<br /> consent.Grantor�vill not pemut any change in any license,restrictive covenant or easement without Lender's prior
<br /> writtea consent.Grantor will notify Lender of all demends,proceedings,claims,and actions against Granior,and of
<br /> any loss or damage to the Property.
<br /> I.ender or Lender's agents may.at Lender's option,entcr the Property at any reasonable time for the purpose of
<br /> inspecting the Property. Lendcr shall give GrAator notice at the time of or before an inspection specifying a
<br /> rensonable purposc for the inspection. Any inspection of the Property shall be entirely for Lender's benefit and
<br /> (3rantorwill in no way rely on L.ender's inspection.
<br /> 11. AUTHORITY TO PERFORM.If Grantor fails to perform any duty or any of the covenants contained in this
<br /> Security Instrument,Lendcr may,without notic;e,perfonn or cause thcm to be pedormed.Grantor appoints Lender
<br /> as attomey in fect to sign Grantar's namc or pay any amount necessary for performance.Lender's right to pedorm for
<br /> Grantor shall not creatc an obligation to perform,and L.endcr's failurc to perform will not preclude Lender from
<br /> excrcising any of Lender's other rights under thc la��or this Security Instrument.If any construction on the Property is
<br /> discontinued or not carried on in a reasanable manner,Lender may take all steps necessary to protect Lender's
<br /> security interest in the Prope;rty,including completion of the construction.
<br /> 12. ASSIGNMEN'P OF LEASES AND RENTS.Grantor irrevocably grants,convcys and sells to Trustee,in trust for the
<br /> bene�t ot I.ender,as additional sccurity all the right,titic and interest in and to any and all e�usting or future leases,
<br /> sublcaus, and any other written or verbal agrcements for thc usc and occupancy of any portion of the Property,
<br /> including any extensians,renewals,mocii6cations or substitutions of such agreements(all referred to as"Lc:ases")and
<br /> rents, issues and profits (all refened to as"Rents"). Grantor will prumptly provide I.ender with true and concct
<br /> copies of all existing and future Leas��s.Grantor muy collect,receive,enjoy and use the Rents so long as Grantor is not
<br /> in default undcr the terms of this Security Instrumcnt.
<br /> Grantor acknowledges thut this assignment is perfected upon the recording of this Deed of Trust and that I.endcr is
<br /> et�titled to notify any of Grantor's tenants to make p3yment of Rcnts due or to bccon►e due to L�ender. Howevcr,
<br /> Lender agrees th�t only on default will Lender notity Grantor and Grantor's tenants and make demand that all future
<br /> Rents be paid directly to Lender.On receiving notice of default,Grantor will endorse and deliver to I.ender any
<br /> »......�.`f Qantc cn r..�nr�r�s.,r�ccc�ccion nnd will receive anv Rents in trust for I..ender and will not eommingle the
<br /> _ �".'.'.j..•v......�.�........ _.'r.'_' _ r- -
<br /> Rents with any othcr tunds. Any amounts coilected will be applied as providcd in this Sccurity Instrumcnt.Grantor
<br /> warranis that no default exists under the Leases or any applicablc landlordltenant law.Grantar also agrces to mainhiin
<br /> and require any tenant to comply with the terms of the Leases and applicable law.
<br /> 13. l.�ASEHOLDS;CONDOMINIUMS;�LANNED UNIT DEVELOPMEM'S.Gr��ntor agrccs to camply�vith thc
<br /> provisions of Any Icase iE this Sccurity Instrum�nt is on a Ieasehold.If the Property inciudcs a unit in a condominium
<br /> or a plenncd unit dcvclopment,Grantor will perform all of Grantor's dutics undcr ti�c covenants, by-laws,or
<br /> regulations of the condominium or planned unit devclopmcnt.
<br /> 14. DE�AUL'P.Grantor will be in defuult if any party obliguted on the SecureJ Debt fails to makc p�rymcnt whcn duc.
<br /> Grantur w�ll be in defaixlt if a breach occurs under thc tcnns of this Srcurity lnstrumcnt or any other document
<br /> � (�ag:2 et 4)
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