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� .�..�. .. <br /> .., <br /> , `�-:. u„yd.�i�, .�.� .. ... <br /> � .. _.._ _... .. .. _ _. _ _ -._ --_-- <br /> .. _•+�... <br /> ,r . -� <br /> , • �--��...r......,._...... ,.... _�,14 <br /> „ _ - --_ — ___-__ ____-------- . _ .. <br /> ,_��,�.. '- _ — — "_ _ <br /> - �� <br /> - --- - ----_ ��_—� <br /> --- - - ----- _ _ __ _ _ _ _ <br /> g7-�,a4'704 ; <br /> p�ymcnts may na langcr be required,at the option of Lcndcr, if mangage insurancc cavcrage(in thc wnaunt nnd for thc period <br /> that l,ender requires)provided by nn insurer approvcd by l.cnder asuin becomes avnilnblc und i�obtaincd. Borrower shwll pay <br /> the premium�rcauirsd to maintain mortgage insuruncc in cliect,or to pravide c�loss��scrve.ui�til thc r..quireinent for mostgenc <br /> insurance ends in accurdnnce with nny wri[ten ugreenxnt between Borrower and Lender ar upplicable law. <br /> 9. lnspectiun. IxnJer ur its ageut nwy makc r�asonablc cnteics upan and inspectians of the Propeny. Lcnder shnll fiivc <br /> Borrower notice at the time of or prior to an inspectian spaffying reasonable cause for the inspection. <br /> 10. Gandemrwtlon. The proceeds of any awarl or claim for damuges, direct or consequential. in connection with any <br /> candemnation or other taking of any part of the Property,or for conveyance in Ileu of condemnation. urc hereby ussigned and <br /> shall bc paid to Letwer. <br /> ln the event of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shnll be applied to the sums secured by this Securit,y Instrument, <br /> whether or nat then due, with any exc;ess paid to Iiorrower. In thc event of u partlal taking of the Property in which the fuir <br /> market value of the Propeny immedintcly befon the taking is cqual to or greater thr+n the amount of the sums secured by this <br /> Security Instrument imcnediately before the taking, unless Barrawer and Lender otherwisc agree in writing, the sums secured by <br /> this Security Instrument shadl be reduced by the amount of the proceeds multlplicd by the following fraction: (a) the total <br /> ucnount of the sums secured immediately before the taking, divided by (b) the fair market vnluc of the Prnperty immediately <br /> btfore the taking. Any balance shall be paid to Rorrower. In the event of a partjal taking of the Property in which the falr <br /> maricct value of the Property immediately befon the taking is !ess than the amount of che sums secured immediately beforo the <br /> taking,unless&,rrower and Le:nder otherwise agree in v��riting or untess appiicable 6��z•atherwise pwvides,the proceeds shall <br /> be appliod to the sums secured by this Security Instrument whether or not the sums are then due. <br /> If the Property is abandoned by Borrower,or if,after notice by l.ender to Borcower that the condemnor offers to mnke an <br /> award or settle a claim for damages, Iiorrower fails to respond to L.ender within 3tD days aher the date the notice is given, <br /> Lender is authorized to collect and npply the proceeds,at its option,either to restorati�mm or repair of the Property or to the sums <br /> secureA by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due. <br /> Unless I.ender and Borrower othenvise agree in writing, any application of procexds to priaciFal shall not extend or <br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such puyments. <br /> 11.Borrower Not ltdeased;Forbearance By Lender Not a Wttiver.Extension of the time for payment or modification <br /> of amonization of the sutns secured by thls Security Instrun�ent granted by i,ender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall <br /> not operate to release the liability of the original Barrower or Borrower's successars in interest. Lender shall not be requirod to <br /> commence proceedings ugainst any successor in interest ot retuse to extena dme for paymri�i u,i,tt-ic;wise ii�in�l�j 81720T2::,.::�;, <br /> of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demnnd made by the originul Borcower or Borrower's <br /> successors in intemst. Any forbearance by I.ender in exercisin$ any right or remedy shnll not be a waiver of or preclude the <br /> exercise of any right or remedy. <br /> 12. Suocessors and Assigcos Bound; Joint and Seveml Llabllity; Co-signers. The covenants and agreements of this <br /> Securiry Insttument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Bonnwer, subjact to the provisions of <br /> patagraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agrcements shall be,joint anJ several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security <br /> In.stn�ment but does not execute the Note: (a)is co•si�ning chis Security Instrument only to mortgage,grant and convey that <br /> Borrower's inter�st in the Property under the terms of this 5ccurity Instrument;(b)is not personally obligated to pay the sums <br /> secured by this Security Instnime•nt;and(c)agrees that L.ender and any other Borrower may agra ro extend.modify,farbear or <br /> make ony accomniodations with regard to the terms of this Security Instrumcnt or the Note without that Borrower's consent. <br /> 13. Loaa Charges.If the laan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan charges, <br /> and that law is finully interpreted so that the interest or other loan charE..s collected or to be wllected in connection with the <br /> loan excoed the permitted(imits, ihen: (Q)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to redcce the charge <br /> to the permitta!limlt; and(b)any sums already collected from Borrower which exceecled permittad limits will be refundod to <br /> Borrower. I.endor inay choose to make this refund by reducin� the principal oweal vnder the Note or by making a direct <br /> payment to 9orrower. If a refund reduces principal. the reducdon will be treated as a partial prepayment without any <br /> prepayment chsurge under the Note. <br /> lA.Notkes.Any notice to Horrower provided for in this Security Ir�strument shall be given by delivering it or by muiling <br /> it by first class mail unless applicable law requires use of another method. The notice shull bc directed to the Properry Address <br /> or any other nddress Borrawer designates by notia to Lender. Any notice to Lendcr shall be given by first class mail to <br /> Lender's address stated hereln or any other address Lendcr designates by noticc to Borrower. Any notice provided for in this <br /> Security Inshvment shall be deemed t�n have been given ta Borrower or Lender when given as pmvidcd in this paragraph. <br /> I5.Govern(ng; Severability. This Security Instrument shall be govemal by falcral law and the law of thc <br /> j�:isdiction in which d�e Property is located. In the event that any provision or clnuee of this Securlty Tnstmment or the A1ote <br /> conilicts with applicabio law,such conflict shall not affect other provisiais of this Sxudty Instrument or the Note which can be <br /> given effeet wit�out the conflicting provision.To this end the provisions of this 5ccurity Insttument and the Note are declarad , <br /> to be sevcrable. <br /> 16.Anrrower's Copy.Borrower shall be given one coa�formed copy of the Note and of this Security instrument. <br /> Form 3028 9/90 <br /> Pape�o�8 <br /> � �.y� ji ._ _�1 _ ._ _' <br /> -cmm�a�a�r_;_J���} �)k.+��yf"�JWUfgRl��[ _ _ ' -. <br /> .m.�� � .. ���. . <br /> __ � <br /> i <br /> _ ._,_.._. ��"`�r��'���,�+� — - <br /> . . --�.:�. �� - ��,, � • s-r- - - _ _ �. � ---- <br /> � <br /> -T�S/ h-.�xi' <br /> ----- --- -- -._. . _ - �---_ <br /> . �:en.wrw+..3�nl�D�l7ERw+�mUC�Y�4�41Sa� 5V'�+.�Jh�yl�95S� — — - - � - _ .....-- <br /> ���T��.�i � ���4 •rl`����aE°`�'�•� �---- _ .�.,. <br /> .���,+'a; ��,��} '"+�`r�:^�`'�f:�t.}i+,�-�.e'y`w,.[,t _ _ _ --- — -. <br /> _ `F-`�.':A��h;��, ��•���•-..s a:i���'�r��?aif'-FV3+�'iklaif�4:7a�anv�iat -- —�- <br /> ._--- :.....r.�.n. �.• ....'.,,r... .r.�,��.Y ��i,.�"�� .,s- - '� - -- - - - - - ._-_ _. <br /> °_:_��5142►YLi�1i+*#S]Yl���s.�'�lr"' .'v i'�`6AS�n� -- - - - - -- _ <br /> _'__°_�"��:��8.'9�lRf,LY.�h�;S YIt..Q@RIl9iNYmT�SVmstt: <br /> -- '--__--_---._____�_ _--��---= <br />