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. .� .:, .; . _...,—,.,�.., „�:.,�--Fr��r�c�°:i <br /> � ..._;t:,:' ''- ._ �,.+exiu--==_;�. , <br /> _ � . <br /> 1 . "•• __ -_ . .---_._�__ <br /> �. . <br /> .. . ,��� �,..M.u..,..�... - ' c.:c.�--- .. <br /> ..4.}' � ��l' .i�� "i <br /> ��'�, , �. '� . . ••t.S���� •� fr�7*�'�T �"A _yii �_t_�'.cMF�l.' � _ -___-_ <br /> _,.lnM�����1�4t;' �ypi""--� " __ _ i _— _... <br /> ._. - - . S7f�LS?�.P,'L.iflZSir .__ ..--. <br /> ... .-_ i;:S:F.L,�l.i."'�.:i:.:3'��'.1�".?"-'�`�v's.�nvRSi:t.'.�i:.i:,..:''..:_�'-°�;-..._��-� <br /> .,..�.�,.0 <br /> --°__-- <br /> — -- -- <br /> -'--------.�_.._ =�—_..�'c�t�'�e�.}i� m . � -- .iF.'.$:Vb'Y'�r,-=._,._..,...__._.___. <br /> ._.._..—.___-._ �_�-"_ _° _ �r�r,�r=-�-._s.rtr.ic.-r..-c- �- <br /> _. __. ..__._._ . _ ___. _ _ _. <br /> .. .____. __. .. _.. .�. <br /> 97-"1���0�. <br /> TUG�'fHG{2 WITII +dl thc impriwcments now on c�renftcr erectcd on thc property, unJ all cascmcnts,uppunenanccs, und <br /> fiKtures nuw ��n c�rcaflcr u pan i�f thc praperty. All rcplacements nnd uJditions sh�+ll ulsn lzc cnvcrcd by this Sccurity <br /> Instrument. All of tl�c furcgoing is rcfcrral to in this Sccurity Instrument as thc "Properry." <br /> BORROWER COV�NP.NTS that Bormwcr is[uwfully scisal of thc etitnte hcrcby runveycd and has the cight to grant und <br /> ronvcy die Properry tmd that the Pro}xrty is unencumbered, except for encumbrunces of record. Borrower warrunts a�x1 wlll <br /> defend generally the tiUe to the Propeny ubuin,i u!1 c�aim+und demands,subject ro:iny enrumhr.mces nf Tecord. �_ <br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covenants for national use and non•uniForm cavenams with limital <br /> ' variations by juriuliction to constitutc a uniform sccuriry instrument covcring rcid property. <br /> UNIFUItI�d COVENANTS. Horrower and Lcnder covenu�lt and ugrcc ns follaws: <br /> 1. Poyment af Ih�inclpwl and Interest; Pre{x�ymeni and Ls►te ChArges. Borro�vcr shall prom�+tly pay whcn duc thc <br /> principal of nnd intcrest on the debt evidcnccd by the Note and any prepayment nnd 19te charges due uncier thc Note. <br /> 2. Funds for Taxes and insurunee. Subject to applicable la�v ar to� written waiver by L.t:nder. Borraw•er shall pay to <br /> [,ender on the day rnonthly payments are due under the Nate,until the Note is paid in fiill,n sum("Funds")for:(n)yearly taxes <br /> and asscssmate.�which may attain priority aver this Securiry[nstrument as a lien on the Pmpercy: Qbl YeadY�easch°��Pa9ments <br /> or Uround rents on tlie Property. if any;(c)ycarly hazard or praperty insurance premiums;(d) yenriy iloocl insurance premiums, <br /> if any; (e)ye:►rly mortgage �s�rance prcmiums, if any: and(�any sums payuble by Borrowcr to Lcn�er, in xcarclance with <br /> tt�e provisions of paragraph lieu af the pAyment of mongage insurance premiums.These ite�ns are calted"@scrow Items." <br /> L,eitder may. at a�ry time, col:ex:t and l:a;?�1 F•;.nds in an amount not to exceed the maximum amount a lender for a federally <br /> rclated mortga�e loan may raquire EeR��Rra�•����s escrow Account under the falerul Rcal L�statc Scttlement Procedures Act�f <br /> 197d us�unended from tiine to time, �2�•�.'C- �ec=-�n 260L e�seq. ("RE5PA"). unless another law that applies to the Funds <br /> sets a lesser amount. If so, Lender may, at�:.�t`.r��,c��?[ece and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the lesser amount. <br /> T.ender may estimate the amount of�cne_"•s due on t�ce Eccsis of current data and re�asonable estimates of expenditures of future <br /> Esetow items or otherwise in acwrdacic�:��eh apptieabte law. <br /> The Funds shall be held in aa i:��t�cution wfnnse deposits ure iasurec! by a federal ugency, instrunzemality, or entity <br /> (including l.ender,if I.ender is such an ir.stitution}or in any Federal Home Loan Bsnk• L.ender shull epply thn Funds to pay the <br /> Escrow Items. Lender�uLSy nat charge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds,annually analyzing the escrow account,or <br /> verifying the EscroW�Iten�s, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and upplicabl�law permits Lender to make such <br /> a charge.However, Gsnder may require l�unower to pay a one-time charge for an independent real estate tax eeporttng service <br /> used by I.ender in cnnnection with this loan. unless applicable law provides otherwise. Un[ess an agreement is roade or <br /> applicable law requires ir�ccrest to be paid,l.ender shall'not be requical i�Nay�r.:,�:.r�:� ;.".:er-"�"•Qr�a�min.00g nn the Funds. <br /> lioaower azxl L.cnder au►y agree in writing,however,that interest shalt be paid on►he Funds,I..ender shall give ta Borrower. <br /> without charge,an annua4 ac,�ounting of the Funds,showins credits und debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each <br /> debit to the Fue�ds was made.The Eunds are pledged as odditianal security fur uli sums secured by this Saurity Instn�ment. <br /> If the Fuseds held by Lender exceed the nmounts permitted to bc held by ap�licable law,Lender shall accaunt to Borrower <br /> for tho exceas Fe:nds in accordance wtth fhe tequirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by Ixnder at any <br /> rimc is noc sufficient to pay:hc Escrow Items when due. Lender may so notify Borrower in writiog,anri,in such case Boc'ro�ver <br /> shall pay ta I.ender t�e amoiwt necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shull make up the deficiency in no mor�thun <br /> twelve monthly i.ander's sc:ie discruinn. <br /> IJpuM puyment in fit4E mf tili su�cs secureA by this Security Instn�mtnt. Lender shall promptly refund ro Horrower nny <br /> Funds held bp Lender. (f.-under parag�aph 21.Lender shall z+cquire or sell tht Property,l.ender. prior to the acquisition or ccaale <br /> of the Property,shall appSy a��y Funds held by Lender ut the time af acquisition or sale as a crodit against the sums secured by <br /> this Security Instrument. <br /> 3.Applkation oi Payments.Unless applicable law p►ovides otherwise.all payments received by Lender under paragraphs <br /> 1 and 2 shall be applied: first, to any prepaymcnt charges c ue under tlie Notc; sccond,to amounu payable uncler paragraph 2; <br /> third,to interest due;fourth,to principal due;and lasc,to any late churges due under the Nota, <br /> 4.Clwrges; Llens. Botrower shall pay all taxes. assessments,chazges, fines and impositions attributable ta the Property <br /> whtch may attain priority over this Sccurity Instrument,and leasehold p�yments or ground rents,if eny. �Aorrowes shall pay <br /> t}KSe obligations in the manner provided in paragraph if not paid in that manner,Borrower shaU pay them nn time directly <br /> to the person owod payment. Borrower shall pmmptly fumish to Lender all notices of amounts Yo be paid under this paragraph. <br /> If Borrower makes these payments directly,Borrower shnll prompt4y fumish to Lender receipts�vldencing the payments. <br /> Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien wliich has priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower:(a)agrces in <br /> writing to thc payment of the obligation scrured h,y the lien in a manner xceptable to Lendcr;(b)wntests in goad fulth the lien <br /> by, or defends against enforcement of the licn in, legal proceedings which in the L,ender's opinion operate to prevent the <br /> enfonxment of the licn; or(c)secures from the holder of the lien:u►agrcement satisfactory to Lender subotdinating the lien to <br /> this Security instrunxnt. If[.endcr determjnes that any part of tt►e PropeRy is subject to a lien which may attain priority over <br /> this Securiry Instrument. Lender may bive Borrower u notice identifyin�the lien. Borrower shatl satisfy ttie lien or take one nr <br /> more of thc actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. <br /> _ Form 3028 8/90 <br /> Ppe 2 0�8 <br /> . .. -. - --- - t - .. <br /> . _- �sz�s�,�r�Tj..l9!!Y'�•3�... r-da-de �..�r.��.Y.�,��o - - .-,. -'- <br /> I� R'7 - M4 1W`/ .A • <br /> _�r.eAw . ��.w:.T.a, ;7 � �'V�•" y`_ �T�"3liS'. - Z`±l�_ �.��..�.�.,.-_ <br /> _.1°v`.lr'RL!n'Ih�.C(:d '�`{;1 t t'�'C���sf�iw�K1 '- _ <br /> . -.� � M� [..T`ti��i,t+��..,. ,� �[6'�6�'491.•$7r � � <br /> �-vasseta�re' �'J•a C�t�-..�• ����- :�J■����..i _ -- — �a.ep -- <br /> ._ . _ —_ aT,�l��� -. . '.�►N_'1R'�'l ti ,F�Y Q�}f�l�� . —_ <br /> . _._ � 1^ l .Y '�rJl`���(� • Y�4 _ __. .. ._.... <br /> - .Y�.�w. � x tyrcrb r.�ru.�,�r�'7-"� ._ — -. <br /> — '�'L��,1'`2�� `��i~�i• t 4'7��iyk'{ ,»����� `L� rY'�'�� � - -- <br /> -=l���:�:�?a�4}-.l' .;,.'1'�..���,i i'. '.ha�k'. � ' � }1�`,r7',��i�,.+R�_w'-F�9j}.y�����'.�--- -.s��..:R.:tv-�:F�r—_--. <br /> s��/$r��/ .A� .{,• .:�TYt� .�i� .L+G,��a ;�..,- �. 1�'�3�').,�`•,ll� �-S y��fi�iYi[!�i!" -- <br /> .'y.,.. +iT. , . ..41 t• •M1. 'a•o� -,w}' - _ - <br /> _ ��a F•�.J�rS:i:�i c.: .��� ��si 'u� �i�„�'ny,''t". S'}�: ..'.�j '�' _''•„��',r1"ac�—= —:�� --� <br /> ,,...ic.. $ •i' r�� :� .�x��t��.�.,__�r� ���}� .�i1 <br /> "' ,.,[��`.,��' . ,g� ��1{�� ^�y��b��11 c- -- <br /> ~ � � "��i. ali' `.�`�' a. <br /> �a .1 ,,� } ? �� ��r; .�+ n �'ti',i . -•'�SR�S.� <br /> ---��.' _::. , ..F 'r. .p 't, �Y r �'� , t . 'a. .lt.. .� w+r - °— _'°—� . <br /> � i�'_:'�a"5�p+'.�'a' `y*A�a?� ("4'F�/'r^`���F!�����"�Zx I. _. . ., ... .. ......��� ... _ . _.. L.� i:�.�''�. -- - ��YR,�Y!f���-��---. <br /> '�. .. . . . . n 1._ ...-.� .. � SJin• .d.. c� . . - .._._ <br />