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<br /> THiS DEED OF TR1l9T,I�med�N of the 9� day of J�e ,18 y7 .by r�d amonq �
<br /> th�Trunor. JOI�! W. UTSCHT and BUSAN K. UTSCHT, HUBBAND AND WI�+'8
<br /> ��m���� �k56 SONJA DRIVB DONIPHJIN NS 6883Z- �heretn "Trustar,'whath�r on�o�monY,
<br /> tM TrurtN, BANK OP �ON3PHAti '
<br /> vrhoss msiNnp�ddress b P 0 BOX 270 DONIPIi?1N,_ NS 6BB32 (hsnin'TnutM'1,and
<br /> th�B�mfiduy. B� OI+" DClNIP�iAN _.
<br /> whossmailk►0 acidr�xs M PO BOX H DONIPHAN�NL 6BB32 (hKein'LendK'1.
<br /> FOR VAWABIE CONSIDERATION,ineludinp lender'�extsnsion of u�odit W�ntiiled hKein to JOffiT W. UTSCHT _,
<br /> SASAN K. UTSC"eiT
<br /> _ (hxNn'!lo�rowei",wheth�r one w mor�) �nd tlw tru�t h�nY+crNt�d,tM
<br />- iw:�i{r2 vi iii��iiw:.i'.hGw�.�1�CL:���'�'.Tl�1!�^f hYd+v irrwyn�aiffv granra.tranafen,convavs end wians to Trurtw,�N�USTr��
<br /> POWER QF SALE,for tha bansfit�nd tecurity of Lender,under and subject to the tsmu and canditiom herainMtx s�t torth,tM nM
<br /> P�op�Y,deetxfbed w foMovw: �
<br /> N�+8RAS1W. ,
<br /> Toqtth�r with NI buildinp�. Improvemsnts,fixturen,streat�, sMeys,PiasaOwvayi.e�sema�ts,dphtr,privNepM�nd�ppwt�narwM
<br /> bcat�d thenort or In anywip pertNninp thersto,�nd the rsnts,iuua and protky, rwettloni�nd rMnakiden thwrof,�nd such penon�
<br /> prppKty th�t ta att�eh�d co the knprov«nents eo p to corutkuts�tixtun,includiny,but not Nmited to,hatinp and r.00l4p p�ipnwrn;
<br /> and topKhw wkh th�homatsad or marit�l k►t�t�, N any,whkh inunst�Ks hw�by nlaa�d�nd waiv�d:aM of wh{ch. M�dudw�p
<br /> npl�.wna►t��nd�ddklons thKeto,is hsteby deciwed to be a prt ot M�rsal atats�ecured by tM Ren of thh D�sd of Tnut�nd�M o}
<br /> th�torpoMp t►�inp refwrW to hxsin a�the'Property'. ,
<br /> Thh Oa�d of Tnist�hsll secun(�1 the ptyrtront of th�prindp�l tum and IntwNt �vld�r�c«E bg:a:ptomiqory not� or cr�Nt.�.
<br /> ��yt��•:'•.�une 09. 1997 ,.I�wk►p�maturky d�t�ot June Z0. 200Z , �
<br /> in the brlpinal prindpN�unt of * 16,461.29 . ,�nd�y�nd aN modific�tbns.�xtaulons�nd�sw�N
<br /> thawf o�thanto�nd�ny and all futun advanca aid re�dvx��s to Borcowsr lor any ot iih�in ff mor�th�n on�)h�rs�r�d�r{wrw�t►t to
<br /> on�or mon promMwrY nota or cndk prMment�(hsnln c�lled`Not�'I;(b)ths prymmt ot otha w�ru advanc�d by L�nd�►to protect
<br /> th�s�cuNty of the Note;(ct the periotmsnce of�11 covenent�md pne�ris�ts of Truaa s�t forth hKain:and(d)aM prn�nt�nd tutw�
<br /> kid�bt��n�nd obHpnion�of Borrowa(or any of tham if mor�than one)to l.end�t whethK dk�ct,k�dinct.M�olut�o►contk►p�nt
<br /> �nd wh�th�►a�Miy t�y noLe,�uerenty,ovarunft or otharwise.TM Note,thia DMd of Trusc nnd any�nd dl othsr documents that Ncun
<br /> the Not�or oth�whie�zecutsd in cannectbn thxawi�h,includi�p wtthout Iknka[ion pwrtKAeat.acuritY sprs�ment��nd s�ipnmN►h
<br /> of Na�s and rant�,ehMl be referted to hx�in sa ths"Loan Instrumwit�'.
<br /> Tnrstor cov�n�ntM wnd epree�wkh Lender�foNovr�:
<br /> 1.PaynMnt ot M�drbbdn�t�.All Indsbtedness aecund'neroby ahaN be p�fd wfien due.
<br /> 2.TNN.T�ustor b ths owner of ths Prapa:y,has ths riyht and wthority to�x►nvay the Proparty, and waRants th�t the lia�cn�tsd
<br /> heroby b a tirst and prbr Ilen qe►the Roperty,sxe�pt for Nem�nd e�cumbranees eet forth by Truttor in writinp�nd dalivsred to I.�nder
<br /> befove sxecution ot thl� Deed of Trust, snd thn execvtbn and dellvery of this Deed of truat doa� not violate�ny contract or Ath�r -
<br /> cbNp�tbn to which Trunor h subJect.
<br /> 3.T�xM.Ana�snMnts.Ta p�y bafore deNnquency MI tsxei,ap�ci�l aaeament�md aq other charpes p�(r►st the Property now or
<br /> hueaftu Isvi�d.
<br /> 4.Inwr�.To keep ths RopMy Insured apaina dam�qe by fke,hazrds.Includsif within the term"extsnd�d cov�rp�'. �nd
<br /> wch otha hatard�p lendr may require,In�rtwunt��nd with compenlM acceptabk to Lend�r,nwninp Le�ndw q�n�dditfon�l n�d
<br /> imured,with bs�pay�bte to the LsndK.In case of bss under euch palicfes,ths Lender is authorir�d to�djutt,coM�ct�nd comprort�,
<br /> aN datma thenunder snd shMl h:vs the optioo of�pplyinp all or p�rt of th�f�wrancn proaeeds lq to my indobt�dn�ss secund hYnby
<br /> �nd in�uch order�s L�nder m�y detertnine,(11)to the Trustor to bs used for th�rep�r or re�tornton ot tns Ropasy or iiiii tor w�y omR
<br /> purposs nr object eatidactory to lsndor without off�ctinp the Nen of thl�Desd of Trun for the tuN�mount�ecund hereby bafors wch
<br /> payma�t ever took plece.Any appliaatlon nf proceed�to Indebtedneas sh�ll not extmd or postpone the due dlrts of sny p�ym�nto unde
<br /> the Not�,or cure my det�uk thexeunder or hsreunder.
<br /> 6.Eaxow.Upon written demond by Lend�r,Truscor shaN pay to LmdK,fn such m�nnH�s Und�r may dn�pnat�.�utficNnt�um�
<br /> to emble Lsr►der to pqr s�they bscom�du�one or mo�s of th�fotbwinp:li) s�l t�xa, urwsm�nts�nd other chryes pdmt th�
<br /> Property.4N)the prer»luma on ths propsrty insunnce rsqukad heraundx,Md ItN) th�pnmlurt»on�ny mortpp�inwunca rpukrd 6y
<br /> Lender.
<br /> g,IWMnt�n�,INpdn�nd CompMw►e�wkh Lawr.Trueto�dull keep the PropeitY�4oad conditbn and rtpMr; shNl promptly
<br /> repslr,or replace enY Improvement which msy ba dMnpal or ds�troy�d; sh�ll not commit or permtt mY wut�or d�teriontion of th�
<br /> Property;shNl noi rertwve,demoUSh or substantislly elte any of ths improv�tn�rft�on the Rop�ly; �hNl not commit,sulf�r or psrmit
<br /> sny�ct to be done in or upon the Roperty fn vlolation ot �ny I�w,otdfnans�, or rs{�ul�tion;Md�hNl pay�nd promptly di�ch�ry��t
<br /> T►ustor't cost�nd exp�nse NI ifsn�,encumbronce�and oh�ryn levhd,impow!or psat�d p�in�t th�Prop�rty or�ny pKt thrrsof.
<br />_ . �ae.,. ....wn�Nn...«�., �m,
<br />' '�eee r+ni�,r'sw oe co�..r�«a rr�,.�.�a swk,o•a.«uuo�+.urcan,N.onu.
<br />