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<br /> (3��
<br /> Portion Y. A. Eospital Reaervation
<br /> Graad Island, NE - V�EBR-501
<br /> THIS INDENTtTRE, made this/� day of �Ef'rEM PER ,' 1974, - '
<br /> betWeen the iJNITED STATES OF AMERICA, acting by and throngh the Adsi.nistrator
<br /> of General Servicea, under and purauant to the poWers and authoritq contaiaed
<br /> in the Act of August 26, 1935, as amended, (P.L. 86-608, 74 Stat. 363:
<br /> i0 U.S.C. 345(c)) and regalations and ordera promulgated thereto, party of' '
<br /> the first part, as Grantor, and the Citq of Grand Yslaad, Nebraslca, a bodq
<br /> politic, cxeated, operating, and eaiating under the virtne of the lava of
<br /> the State of Nebraaka, partyr of the second part, as Grantee.
<br /> � WITNESSETH, that the aaid Grantor, for and in conaideration of the
<br /> aasamption bq the Grantee of all the obligatians aud taking aubject to certain
<br /> reaervations, restrfctions, and conditiona, and its covenant to abide bq, and
<br /> ita agreement to certain other reservations, restrictions and conditions all
<br /> sa set out hereiaafter has remised, releaaed, and 'forever quitclaimed, aad bq
<br /> the preaents doea remise, release, and forever quitclain� to the Grantee, its
<br /> successors, and assigns, under and sub�ect to the reservations, reatrictions,
<br /> conditiona, and exceptions, all as hereinafter expreased and set out, all
<br /> right, �itie, interest, claim aad demand which the Graator has in and to
<br /> that certain property situate, lying and being in the County of Hall in the
<br /> State of Nebraska and described as follows to-Wit:.'
<br /> A tract of land co�rising a part of �,ot One (1), a part of Lot
<br /> 'h�o (2), and a part of the north forty-fioe (N.45) feet of
<br /> ��'� Lot Three (3) all in Home Subdivision in Section Nine (9),
<br /> Towaship Eleven (11), North, Range Nine (9), Nest of the 6th
<br /> �� � P.M., Hall Covaty, Nebraska, all being in the City of Grand
<br /> '�� � ` Island, Nebraska, more particnlarly described as follows:
<br /> � �
<br /> >- _
<br /> � �s � � Beginning at the northwest corner of said Lot One (1); thence
<br /> ;�� � -��� running east on the north line of said I.ot One (1) for a
<br /> � � distance of four hundred thir�y-four and five tenths (434.5)
<br /> f� .� feet, iaore or less, to the northeast corner of said Lot One (1);
<br /> thence running southeasterly on the easterly line of said Lot
<br /> �` �a, One (1) to a point tWeloe (12) feet aonth of and perpendicular
<br /> to the east prolongation of the north line of eaid Lot One (1);
<br /> thence running vest on a liae twelve (12) feet aouth of and
<br /> parallel to the east prolongation and parallel to the north
<br /> line of said Lot One (1) for a di�tsace of .four hundred and
<br /> seventq-three hundredths (400.73) feet, more or less, to a
<br /> point forty (40) feet east of the �eat.line.of said Lot Oae (1);
<br /> thence running southvesterly on a straight line for a distance
<br /> of twenty-nine and seventy hundredths (29.70) feet, more or less,
<br /> to a point thirty-tbree (33) feet south of the north line of
<br /> said Lot Oae (1) and nineteen (19) feet east of ths west line
<br /> of said Lot One (1); thence mm�ing south on a line nineteen (19)
<br /> feet east of and paraYlel to the West line of said Lot One (1)
<br /> for a diatance of one hundred eighty (180) feet; thence running
<br /> south-southwesterlq on a straight line for a distance of twro `
<br /> hundred forty and thirty hundredths (240.30) feet to a point
<br /> four hundred fiftq-three (453) feet south of the north line of
<br /> � aaid Lot One (1) and seven (7) feet east of the west line of
<br /> said Lot One (1); thence running south on a line seven (7) feet
<br /> eaat of aad parallel to the weat line of said Lota Oae, Two and
<br /> Three (1-2-3) in Home Subdividion to a poiut fortq-five (45) feet
<br /> south of the north line of said Lot Three (3); thence running west
<br /> on a line forty-five (45) feet south of and parallel to the north
<br /> line of aaid Lot Three (3) for a diatance of seven (7) feet to the
<br /> west line of said Lot Three (3); thence ranning north on the weat
<br /> line of aaid Lots Three, 1�o and One (3-2-1) in Homme Subdivision
<br /> for a diatance of eight hundred forty-five (845) feet, more
<br /> or leas, to the point of be�inning, containing 15155 square feet
<br /> or 0.35 acres, more or less.
<br /> �3 � .
<br />