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't.. <br />._._ .e*a.t aktiAk.h'Sc....�. .. .r....i_.. ._.. _.....,...._.. . _' . _ ... __..._..._ _�.... . _... _.. ._ . . � .r�.•q..._.,_. <br /> �ww.s.i.'�.a�'�� r�! lSp6r4�oi���~.`�.�i��;:l' "`�17,r,�,� .✓�!'� �y'/�' m,r" '7� l�.i:`' �'��'f'`:•r i�t��,'i`.�i���.az.Y.SiJF'"��RS�c S'[Z'l�y�y=-=— <br /> . . `��� LCyl.�n�-'�fic�1..>-�d44'v:N-� .�� ��:�..�. <br />, .''n�' ' � I� �i��,y.;;•'i��'=�'r.'•�;�'W ca� :t`��,Y�i:4S�{ L4t41 r�i:Y _ . . � . . • - . . . �1!T° rr :x„� t <br /> .-�� _—_�� _- __ _ -- `'�,�.?A�����7Zt'��-�{1{% r- �Y'� hi -� •t,: .. .Y.S {i-'�IAS.r Y�uf� <br />.. ��� u. anr�n " tl .. .+�w.�.'»13T.h'Li.:: <br /> ..ll . F <br /> -.•iti. _ <br /> �M.i. I - <br />'i.. <br /> • ,� �}�� WiTH dl the improvements now on c�rc�Eter crectcd an the propeny. end all eMCh�cnv, � ,+uid � <br /> �� Cxau.s no�1 or her�aftrs A prrt of tt�o propeny.Atl replacements and ecldidons shall�lso be covered by this Security tnstrumtim. _ <br /> __ ,__ .� A11 of the foregoing is referrod to in thls Sxurity lnswment as thc"Property:' _ <br /> `:�_ --- BORROWfiR COVF.PIAN'I:s ihat Botrowu is lawfully seisod of the rstata hcreby convcycd and hns thc rigbt to grant end - <br /> `.�..� convey the Property and that the Proputy is unencumbual, r,Rr.ept for encumbrances of rccord. Bortowcr wurr�nts and will _ <br /> defend gcnerelly the dde to the Property ageinst aU claims and damnnde,subjoct to eny encumb� of record. � <br /> � 'fHIS SECURITY INS'tRUMENT combines uniform c�vannnm for national use end nan-uniform covennnts with limited <br /> variatinns by jurisdiction to constiwte a uniform secus�tY insuument covering:eai properey. - <br /> UNIFORM COVENAlV1'S.Borrowu and Lendu covenmt and agree as follows; <br />-���:• 1.Paymcat ot Principal and Interesh,Prep�ymeut�ad Late Char�cs. Horrower sttnll prom�dy pay when dut thc -, <br />='�^�,`'=� principal of and interest on the debt evidenad by th�Note and any prepayment ond late charqr.s due undcr the Notc. <br /> P�i��,;;� 2,F�ads tor TAxes and Iesurana. Subject to applicablo law or to a writuen waiaer Uy Lender, IIo�mwer sl�all pay �o <br />_-.;;� I.ander on the day monthly paymcnts are due under the Note,until ihe Nou is paid in fiall,a sum("Funds")for.(a)yearly uu�cs <br /> and assessments which may attsin priocity over this Security Insaument as a lian on tho Pcoperty:(b)Yrarly teasehold payments <br />=`�=� or gmwxi reais oa the Prapaty�if�nY�(c)Yeszly hazand or propaty insurnnce pr�miucns;(d)Yeariy flned iasurance praniums,if <br />�,�:;��`.� a�y;(�)Y��Y�nBeBo inswance pnmiums. if eny�and (�any sums payabk by Borrower ur accordance�vith the <br /> �a�r,:� provisions of paragraph 8, in lieu of the payment of matgage insnrance premiums. '�'bes-. itans are callod "F.scrnw Items." <br /> ='-_�.v,=�; Ltinder any cimo.collcct and hold Funds in an emount nat to excad the maximum amount a lendcr for a federally relatcd <br /> matgage loan may reyuire fa�orrower's esGrow account unda the fedaal Real Estate Settlemait Prooedurrs Act of 1974 as <br />`�. erc�endod from tim�to time, 12 U.S.C.Secoion Z601 �t ceq. ("RESPA"),unless another law[hal epplies to the Funds sets a lessa <br /> �._.� artaunt If so.Laider may,at any time.collect and hold Fhnds in an ameuat not to excood the kssu amoun�I.endrr may <br /> estimats the amoant of Funds due on the basis of current dati and reasonahle esti�nates of eapeaidiwres of future F.scrow Itans ar <br /> .."' ottxrwise in acco+afa.�ce with applicable law. <br /> The Funds shall be held in an insdtution wtiose deposits are insurai by a fcdu�l agency�insst�uma►tality.a enYiry(including <br /> I.ender�if Laider is such aa insdWdote) or in any Fedual Home L.oan Benk.Lenda shall apply tbe Funds to ptry thz Fisc�nw <br /> :i�.Lsss�x m:,n�i r.�sro•g�r±��l fnr tu�]dinr and applyina the Funds.annuallY analYzing the esc�w accowat,a verifying <br /> the F�Ow Items,un{ess Lerider pAys Barowet interest on the Funds and applicable law pamits La�dc ta rndce such a chuga <br /> Horrever.Lender may nquire Barower w pay�one-time cwu6e for an indcpu�da►t nal estate tax rq�o�ting servic.�e usod by <br /> I�a�der ia connection wilh thls lo�m.unlcss aPPlicabk law provides othawise.Unkss aa ngra,�nu►t is made or a�tic�bie law <br /> tequires intetest to be p�id,Lsnda shall not be roquired w pay Boiruwer any intuest or ta�nings on the Fwids.Bocrower uid <br /> La�da may�gree in�va�thu iat,aest shall be paid on the flmds.Lender shall give to Bomowa.without <br /> annual�oocrunting of ttu Funds.show3ng aedita end debils u�the Funds and the puipose fa which each debit to the Fhnds wu <br /> � made.T1�e Funds are pledged ac additfoaal securiry for all sums sxured by this Securiry Ins�umen� <br /> � If the Funds heid by L�eadu excad the amouuts p�xmitted to be deld by npplicebk lsw,i,rada shall accoune co Bormaa fa <br /> ' ` the excess Funds in accocdance with t1►e nciuiranents of applicabk lydw.If the amount of the Funds held by Lender�t any time is <br /> not sufficiau to p�y the Escrow Items when due,Lenda may so notifY Bomnwrr in wrldng,and,in s�ch case Barowa sh�ll paY <br /> — ` '� tp I.ender tha amouat necessary u� malce up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the deficiency in no more than twelve <br /> ' moathlY I�Y�►ts�at La�der's sok discretbr►• <br /> Upon paymei►t in full of a!1 sums secured by this Securiry Inst:umen�L.ender shall p�ompdy nefund to Bcxrower any Fands <br /> held by I.ender.If,unda paragraph 21,Lendu shall acquire or sell the Property,Lender,pria to the acquisition a sak of ttie <br /> Property,shall spply any Funds held by Lenda at the tune of acquisition�r sab as a credit against the sums sxund by this <br /> • � Security Insuuma�t <br /> ---- 3.Appliation ot Psymeats. Unless applicable law provitks otherwise�all payments roceivod by L,eixla tu�der p�ragraphs <br /> 1 and 2 shall be appliod:first,oo anY P�Y�t�Bes due under the Note;second, to�nts payabk unda p�q�h 2; <br /> inunst primcip�l dua:and last,to any late charges due unda the Note. <br /> 4.Char�eai Lieat. Bcxrowu shall pay all tfuces� assessmen�s.charges. fines and imposi6ons auributable to the Pcopaty <br /> whieh mqy auain priocity over this Security Inswma��and kasehold payrtknts or gc�ound nats,if any.Borrowa shal]pay these <br /> obiigations in the manner provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in thait manner.Barowa shall p�y them on time direcdy w the <br /> — , pe�son owod paymenG Borrower shall pcomptly fumish to Lcx�der aU notias of amounts to be paid undcr this paragraph. If <br /> -- • Barowa malces these payments dicxtly.Horrowu shall prompdy fumish to Lendu roceipts evidencing the payma�ts. <br /> —a� ' � Barower shall prompdy discharge any Gon which haS priority over this Sxurity Instrument unkss Borrowu: (a)ggroes in <br /> --T° ` writing w the payrt►ent of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner a�ceptable to Leader;(b)contests in good faith the lien <br /> ��'� by, a defends against enforcemenc of the lien in. tegal proceedings which in the I..eada's opinion operate to preveat the <br />`=';?�;� enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures fmm the holder of the lien an agrcxment sarisfpctory to L.ender subordinating the lien to <br /> R-�'„F'�"'`� ,, Q�is Security InstcumenG If I.cnder deurmines ttiat s�ny pa�t of the Propeny is subject to a lien which may attain prioriry aver this � <br /> - - -- � Sect�rity Instrument,Lender may give Borrower a natice idtntifying the lien.Borrowu shall satisfy th�lien or take one or more <br />��`�+;:�-'�"' of the acti�ons set forth above within 10 days of�he giving of notioe. <br /> ��;;�:� Form SD2t o/00 <br /> __ -:� Q�-6V(NE)co2+2�.ot Dap�2utB in�u�� <br /> 793-2 <br />'.�r._ . � <br /> ,�� r; .�J�����r,..�.,,,__._____._—�.-'...�, - — _, . - _ ° _- � <br />.:. •i:, i .� . • - , �� i • <br /> .�.: ;.�,r� � . .. � . <br />- .-.-.�. � .. .� , . z • . . <br /> ..:w, ��. , ., . . , ' .r' ,�_' . .. <br />- � . " =`�.�tye.., ' „ <br /> n�',,.•-� ` ' �� � � �A�''•R�` "�yx� , <br />-'_fM�+ ,:� • , ,�.� +���u• <br /> R <br /> '•lrii-l._sx+,i.a. -',�,�li. <br /> ' . .. - . .. �. . �. . <br />, - - . .�.___ '"'. ___ . <br />