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Beneficiary or ita ageat may meke reasonable entriee upon and inepecNane of the Proparty.B�aesGclAry <br /> ehall�fve Truetor notin�nt tho time of or prior W nn in�pecUon specifyinR reasonsble cuuso for tho{nepection. <br /> 10.TRU3TOR NOT RELEA3ED; FQRBEARANCE BY BEN�FICIARY NOT A WAIVFR.Exteneion of th�time far�nyrnent <br /> or madi6ccadon of amorttsation of the sume aecured by thle Security Inetrument granted by &ne5ctary to nny euae.6nor in <br /> intsreet of'ltuntor shall not operate to releane the liabiHty oithe origina175ruator or Truatore euccesaore in intereat.Bnnnfintiuy <br /> ehaU aot be required to comraeace praceedings again4t eny successor 1a intereat ar refuse to e:tend time for pnymaak o� <br /> otherwlee modity amorti:ation of the sume eecured by thie Security Inetrument by reason of any domaud msde by the arigioal <br /> Tivator or Truetor'e oucceaeore in u►tereat.Any forbearance by Henoficiary in exercieing eny right or remedy ohflU a � <br /> waiver of or preclude the e:ercise of auy rigut or reraedy. <br /> xl.TRAN3FFA OF THE PROPERTY OR A$ENEFICIAL INTEREST IN TRUSTOft.If all ar eny purt of tha Progarty <br /> or any interest in it is eold or traneferred(or if a beneficial intorest in Ttustur is sold or tranaferred and Truetor ie naB a <br /> nstural peraon)without B�neficiary's prfor written consant,Heneficiary may,at ite option,require immaciiutR pnywr�n;in <br /> full of aU sums eecured by thie 3ecurity Inatrument,however,thie option ehall not be exerciaed by Beneficinry if execrise <br /> is prohibited by federal law ae of the date of thie 9ecurity Instrument.If Beneficiary exorcie�es thia optian,HenoReiary uhall <br /> glve Trustor notice of accelerution.The notice�ahall pravide a period of not less than 90 daye from the date tho notico is <br /> deliverecl or mailed within r:hich the Trustar must pay oll Rnme»ecured by thie Security Instrument.If Tiuetor faile to <br /> pe�y theec+ aume prIor to the expiration of thie poriod,Bonetciary may invoke any rnmedies permitted by thia SeCUrity <br /> Inatrument�vithout fiuthor notico or demand on'!`ruAtar. — <br /> 12.EVENTS OF'DEFALJLT.Any of the follawing avents ehall be deemed nn evont of default horeundnr. <br /> a.�aWr shall have falled to make papment of eny installmant of intereat,principsl,or pranGipal and interest ar <br /> eny other sum socured hereby when due;or <br /> b.There hes accurred n breach of or dofault under any term,covenant,ngreement,coadition,provieion,mpre�en- <br /> tation or warranty contained in any of the Loan Instrumeats. <br /> 19.ACCELE1tATION;REDiEDIES.Beneficiury ehall give notice of default ta Truetor prior to accelerataon follnwing <br /> Truetor'a breach of any covenant ar agreement in this Trust Deed.The notice ahall epecify:(a)the default;(b)tbo actioa <br /> required to cure the default;(c)a date,not less than 30 daye from the dste the notice ie given to Trustor,by whlch khe <br /> d�fault muat be cured:and(d)thst failure to cure the default on or bofore the date epecified in tho notice may mealt ir► <br /> acceleration of the sums secuned by this SecwrIty Instrument und sale of the Property. The notice ehnA furth�r in.form <br /> Trustor of the right to reinstate atter acceleration end the right to bring a court acUOn w aeaeri ihe nonwaixi�:tx:v uf a <br /> default or eny other defense of RSrustor to accoleration encl sale.If the deSault ie not cured on or before the date a�pecified <br /> in the notioe, Beneficiary at its option may require iramediate paymont in full of all eums eecured by tlus SecurIty <br /> Inst:vment without fluther demand and me�y invoke the powor of eale nnd any other remediea pe+rmitt�ed by applicable <br /> luw Ttuator ehell be entitled to collect all expeneea incurred in pursuing the rem�diea pmvided in thie pnragrt�ph 18. <br /> including.but not limited to,teasonable attorney'e feea end costa of title evidence.If pmver of eale ie invokod,'�'n�bw ehell <br /> reeord e notioe of @efault in each c;ounty in wluch any part of the Property is located wxi ehall mnil oopiee of auch notioe <br /> in the manner pn�cribed by applicuble law to Tivetor nnd to the other pereoni prescribed by applicable lnw After the time <br /> required by spplieable law,Truetee eiiall gire public notice of ealn to the pereoas and in the mnaner preectibod by applic- <br /> able law Truatee,without demand on Trustor,ehall seU the Property at public auctioa to the highest biddor at We time <br /> and p1ROe and under the terms designated in the notice of eale in one or more purcels and in eay order Trustee determinee. <br /> Truatee may poetpone sale of all or any parcel of the Pmparty by public snnouncement at the time snd p1ROe of�sny pre- <br /> viously echeduled eale.Henoficiary or its deeignee may purehase the Praperty nt any eale.Upon receipt of Naynnant of the <br /> price bid,�astee ehall deliver to the purcha�eer Truetee'e deed convoyLng the Fhroperty.T'he recitale in tha Trustee's deed <br /> ehall be prima faae evidence of the truth of the statements mnde therein.Trustee shell apply tho proceede of tt�e sale in <br /> the following onder.(a)to nll eacpenses of the eale.including,but not lunitsd to,'IYustee's feee ae permitttd by applicable <br /> lAw aod naeonable attornoy's fc�es;(b)to all suma eecured by this Security Instrument;and(c)aay esceee to t1�e Pereon or <br /> persona legally entitled to it. <br /> 14.BENEFICIARY IN POSSESS;ON. Upon acceleration under paragraph 13 or abandonment of the Property, <br /> BeneBasry(in pereon,by agent or by judicislly eppointed receiver)shall be entitled W enter upon,talco posseaeion of end <br /> manage the Property�nd to collect the rente af the Proporty including thoee pant due.As�y renta oollected by Beneficiary <br /> or the reoetver shnll be applizd firat to pqyment of the costa of management of the Property and collaction of renta,includ- <br /> ing,but not limited to,e�eceivor's fees,premiume on receivor'e bonde and reasonable attoreey'e feee,and thon W the euma <br /> sFSCarad by this Security Instrumont. <br /> 16.REMEDIFS NOT EXCLU3IVE.Truetee and Beneficinry,and each of them.shall be entitled to eaforce p�y'ment <br /> and performence of any indebtedness or obligatione secured hereby nnd to exerciee oll righta and powere under thSg Ykecl <br /> of'I'iwt or under any Loan Instrument or other agrxeuient or artiy laws now or hereaRer in force.notwithstanding eome <br /> or all af the such indebtednesa nnd obligatione aecured horeby mqy now or herenRer be otherwiee seeured,whether by <br /> mortgage,deed of truet.pledge,lien,asaigament or otherwiso.Neither the acceptance of thia Deed of Truet nor ita enforce- <br /> ment whether�y court action or purESUant W the power of eale or other powere herein conteined,shall prejudioe or in eny <br /> matiner affact Zhruatee's or Beneficiary's rigbt to realize upon or enforce any other security now orhereaRer held byTruetee <br />= ar Beneficiary,iL being agreed that'I�uetee nnd Beneficiai�y,uttd each of them,ehall be entitled to eaforoe thie Deed of Trunt <br />- end any other eecurity now vr hercaRer hold by Beneficiary or Trustee in euch order and maaner as tttey or either of them <br />= may in their abeolute dincretion detarmine.tJo remedy herein couferred upoa or reserved to Truste►�or Beneficiury ie <br /> intended to be o:clueive of any other remedy hemin or by law provided or pernutted,but each shnll bo cumulotive end <br />_ ehall be in nddition to avery other remedy given hereunder or now or hereatter exist{ng at law or in aquity or by statute. <br /> Every power or remedy given by any of the Loan Inatrumenta to Trustee or Benoficiary or W wirich either of thnm may be <br /> �th..*.,»pntitLd.mav lb�xr.rciFed.concurrendv or indenendentls,fmm time to tnne and ae oftsa as may be deemed expe- <br />= dient by Trustee or Benoficiury and either of them may pureue inconaiatent remedies.Nothing horein ehall be construed <br /> ae prohibiting Beneficinry from seeking a deficioncy jud�mant agAinat tho'l�ustor to the extent such netion is permitted - <br /> by law. _ <br /> i 16.GOVERIVING LAW. Tliis Deed of Trust eholl be govemed by the lawa of the State of Nebznakrs.In the event that _ <br />' any pmvieion or dauee of uny of the Lonn Inetruments conflicts with applicable lawe,euch confliete ehall not aftoct other <br /> ; provisionn of such Loan Instivmonts whieh can be given effect witltout the cunflicting provision,and to this end the pro- <br /> = visiona of the Loan Inatruments um declared to bo severnble.Thie inatrument cannot be waived,chnnged,discharged or _. <br /> : tattninnted orally,but only by nn indtrument in writing aigned by the pnrly ngainet whom enforcement of any wuicer, <br /> . change,diecharge ar terntinntiun ia sought. <br />-= 17.RECONVEYANCE. Upon payment oF all sume secured by thie Security Instrumont.Beneficiary shall requeat <br /> '�'rustee to reconvey the Property nnd ehall surrender this Sccurity Inatrument and nll notea evidencing debt secured by <br />- thie Security Inetrument to Tru�tce.'I'rustee shall reconvey the Proporty without warrnnty und without cl�arge to tiie per- - <br />' son or pereone legally entitled to it.Such per�on or pereons eliall pny uny recurdation coats. <br /> y ' <br /> k <br />.� <br /> ' _ <br />