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<br /> �a� . ....�...-----._.y.�_._-_ �.
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<br /> .`sAl',��� .►�`,,�s:- _
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<br /> . �
<br /> 9T- �i�i�
<br /> rlght 00°4b'S4" and nxnning nurtl�erly a distance af One He�rxlced
<br /> Elghtan su�d Siut TeNhs(118,60)feet;thence deflecting 90°29'20"
<br /> and ninning easterly a distance of Five Hundred Ninety One and
<br /> 'Thirty Thrx Hundredths(59�.33)fat, w a point on the westerly
<br /> right-of-wry line of Locust Stc�oet;thence defloctipg right 92°02'02"
<br /> and tunning southerly along tl�e westerly right-of-w�y line of 1.oeust
<br /> Stre�t, a distance of One Hundred Eightan and Fifty One
<br /> �Iundredths (118.51) foet; thence deflecting right 87°57'38" and
<br /> numing westerly a distxnce of 'I�vo Hundred Eighty Seven and
<br /> Ninelty t)ne Hundredtbs (287.9I) foet; �hcrcC def�ecting left
<br /> , 90°37'17" a�numing southcrly a distairce af One Hundred Eighi
<br /> and One Hundredth(1�B.A1) feet, to the paint of beginning and
<br /> containing 2.3�47 acres more or lcss;
<br /> desires to have subdivlded as a subdlvision the for�going tra�t of land locattal withln the corporase
<br /> limits af the City af Grand Island,r[ebraslca,and hereby submits to tLe Ciry Council of such City
<br /> _ ror •a��.s.��•..••,••• •••�* •••��q•�=�-`t�13! ^f�nnh nrnr,naecf�uhdivisioII; to be
<br /> A{i(iC�`{it1�:G �IOI�lti7i%i u aan aaa is�.».�i'.w» ----r--s----
<br /> '�� knowa es(300DWILL SECOND Si�DMSION,desigmt�ing explicitly the land W be laid out
<br /> �.,
<br /> '4�'
<br /> �nd p�rtic�l�tly descn'biAg ibe lp�s,et�sejiieuW. a�d sx"..�w�:0��',u$!o�a�h;.^».,�eis:o�±,w�*1�the
<br /> lots designuod by inimber.easemeuts by dimensioas� a�stroets by name. and Pmposes to caause �
<br /> �t
<br /> ,� the plut of such subdivision when fwaUy approved by the Regional Planaiag Commission and the
<br /> ,:�
<br /> �, Ciry Cauuncil to be acknowlodgod by such owmer,certifiod es to accuracy of survay by s�registerod
<br /> ` � land surveyor, and W contain a dcdication of the easemants to the use and benefit of public .
<br /> .
<br /> � utillties,and of the strxt to the use of tUe public forever. In consideration of tl�e acceptAnce o�
<br /> � the put of said GOODWYLL SECOND SUBDMSION, tlx Subdivider hereby coa�ents ancl �
<br /> i agroes with ifie City of Grand Island, Nebraska,that it wlll install or providc at its expense the
<br /> � following impmvements:
<br /> 2
<br /> _ �� --- -- -- -- - - __ _
<br /> -- �------ - -- ���_
<br /> - ����^ r �,;�Yw-7�•,�;`�° + , ,�� — — - — - �.._. _ _...
<br /> __ �L�l:.._.rf�e..� . �h t hi ._ y!�� •�; ,.d;,�, •V _ _ �� --_
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<br /> r�a Z- � � � .r�k y.x '�'f`'':.tf..: �!`'.�ix.'�t: � l� �s�r�,:...��
<br /> ---4�'�w�` x ,.'1' .'c4 �Lt•��•�1 �«< .' r��y� e J.. �k,'zi,..� — -_---..- -
<br /> ��C�? ra.,�:,��K•Y ��f,: � �+1' t� {►a 4;•1 �'n`�. ��:, t,�u=
<br /> 'Ce��.[�..> �'�u.:a�: ,i tic�...�t.:., t,+� , r�- < �e � � - --
<br /> ��a•.rr�� �rr�'-y' �;�a'n � �: 4iir=;.a�q"�/"����' ' ------
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<br /> � � �r., Y
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<br /> J� + . r. : ... ..._i,.' ..� . -� �yy�1 urm�r�eea_ r�s�a:naasr-
<br /> � ., � � � . , �/ �� 1�"��. — - __.
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