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<br /> uf Boaower's cavenants and agroements under this Security Instrument and the �te For this purpose, Horrowu
<br /> ixrevocably grants and cortveys W�he Trustce,in trust,with power of sale,tha fullowing described property locatul in _
<br /> �,y, �ounty,NcUraskB:
<br /> � wh3Ch hes thC 0d(1[tS9 OF A23 NORTH SFIERID3�1N, GF2AND I3LAND [Street,CityJ,
<br /> Nebraska 69eo3 (ZipCodo] ("Property Address");
<br /> � 'POGET�IHR WITH all the impmvemeats now or her�aftu erected on thc proper►y, and ell easements� �
<br /> opnucunences and fixtures now or heru�fter a part of the proputy.AU replacements end addidons shaU also ba covu+ed
<br /> by this Sxiuiry Insw.man�All of the fangoing is rcfured to in this 5ec.urlty Insirument as Ihe"Propetty."
<br /> ' BURKUWIiK(:UVhivAiv�1�ti�at Borrowu is iawiulIy scizod ui inc caiuic;�cicuy wnJ�y.,d sndls:..;Lhs:ighL io
<br /> , grant ond convey the Property and that the Propucy is aaencumbaed,except fnr encumbrances of rocord.Borrower
<br /> warrants end will defand generally the titk to the I'roputy egainst all claims and clemands.subjoct to any encumbrances
<br /> of rocoM.
<br /> 'i'HIS SECURITY IN5TRUHIBNT combines uniform cavenants for natiortal use and non-anifarm covenants with
<br /> ' :imited vuiatlons by jurisdicdon to consdwte a�nif'orm socurity insuument coveiing rcal property.
<br /> i
<br /> . Barower wxl Lendu covenant and agroe a5 follows:
<br /> .� 1.Payment ot Principal,Interest�nd Late ChArge.Bomower shall pay whea due the principal of,and intuest
<br /> ' on.the debt evidenced by the Note snd late charges due under the Note.
<br /> � 2.Monthly Parment of Taxes,Insurance and Other C1u�rga.Borrower shell include in each monthly paymeat,
<br /> sogether wilh the�ipal end interest as set forth in the Note and any Iate chacges,a sum for(a)taues and spocia!
<br /> asxssma►ts kvkxl or to be leviod egainst ttie Property.(b)kasehold payments or ground rents on the Propaty.and(c)
<br /> � praniums fa insurance roquired undu Wragraph 4. In any year in whx;h tho L,endu must pay a matgage insuranco
<br /> � prcmium to tha Secretary of Iiousing and Utban Dovebpment ("Secc�taryr"),or in any ye�r in which such pnmium
<br /> would have bea�roquirod if Lenda still held the Securlty Ins�nt,each monthly payment shall aLso include eitha:{i)
<br /> • ; A sum fa 1hc ennual mortgage insurance premium W be paid by Lender to the Socretary,or(u)a monthly cherge instead
<br /> - : of a mortgago ins�nu�ce premium if th3s Sxuriry Instcumu�t is held by the Socretary, in a nasonabk amount to be
<br /> deuxmined by tha Socretary. E�cccpt for the monthly charge by thz Secret�ry.these items ere called"8sc�ow Items"and
<br /> ii�e sums p4id to I.ender ere calkd"fiscmw Funds:'
<br /> Ltndrr may.at any dme.aolloct and hold ort►onnu for Bsr,row Items in an aggregue amount not t�o exeee�l thc
<br /> 't maximum emau►t that may be cequirod for Borrowu's escrow account under ihe Real Sstate Seukmrnt Proadures Act
<br /> of 1974, 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et seq.and impkmenting ngulations,7A CFR Part 3500.as they may be art�a►dod
<br /> � , fromm time to dmc("RESPA").except that the cushion or ne.wve pamitud by RSSPA for unantkipatal dlsbursemer►ts
<br /> or dIsbnrsements beforc tha Bocrower's paymcnts aro awailable in the account may nat be bascd on amounts due for the
<br /> mortgago insurance prctnium.
<br /> ��R(NE)(teal.o� Pao.2 0�• INtla4:
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