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:��_ -. <br /> `-,.�...... , -— —Y--... -- _ ..,,�:— <br /> . . . . . �y.�7��"�*:_�'�_.-. <br /> . . . ,r�.�_ .u�r.w.. .. .. .,. , __.--"-.. _. <br /> �,�1 ..�yt. �x ..s__ <br /> I•f•�'�.. .� . ..............iT��.r1��-'—_-- ---_ _..�..� <br /> ` f <br /> . ,�' �.- :• 'ifYt v��- � +�., �ti. •. ` -`' - • .... _ <br /> ..�....�si.:•... <br /> � . ��. .. .. ' �� .h'� :..k>l�.� �) . .. .... .:........ .... - . . . ..-. .. . ._......_."_'"_""_."'___. _ <br />. . ,t..1�1 . <br />.��,�. <br />�;.;�•r+°� yZ, �ECURIIY MITEREST UNDER THE 11NIFORM CO�ERCIAL COQE. 7'fd�Dred ot Tnnt�h�ll b�asnddTrd end b��f(�dlvs es� <br /> .'� �utwrMr►t�nd a Ax1ur�IMnp�nwM to tt�provldoni ot the Unilam Gamwcld Code l�s�do�+tid In th��tat�wfwn th�rs�l prop«'ty I�lo <br /> . ,.� awwk�g flxtura;chntteio, ertkN�ol p�r�onN prop�rty now own�d or h�naflo��n�d to a ta as uaed in connsctbn wfth th�Prop�rty toQeMxr wNh _ <br /> '�;� Ny��� �rr�nli1MK�of arld addlt{on�tl�roto(IFa'CFsett�ts').end G�enta herabyprarte Lander e sscurily intereat In sucn Chaflala. Ths debtrx I� _ _ <br /> n' � 1M C�remornfi above. 7tda DMd of Truit wIN bs effsdhre ea e Anee►dnp statem�m fil�ci ot sald prerriwa I(�ndnudrig scJd Hxturos la e�riwt�ed.�Thla <br /> �atd onrriN�e�nai I�to be M�d fa r+�oard In tfi�red t�ut�ncord�o�sech caiont��i+N�i u�id mey be tfi�d in any o�hor approprisu�Ik►p or ncardir�y <br />� -•�; .�4ar _ DMd ot Truq oha1�also b� �Ihetiw a��flnand�W n��^t�p y ��p etatert�nt roSati to this Dwd ot Twt ehall b�wffid�nt as a <br /> " •�'• oflfa. A carbon.p!x�ta?ephk or oth�r nproduct{on of thl:DNd of Tnist a of sny �8 <br /> 't ,; AnerKkrp tutern�rh for hy ot if�prpo�t nbrr�d to In ihia Parap�aph. Th�soctx�d party Is tM L.9nder desalb�d ebovs. Upon derr�end.Orenta shaN <br />�",h��:�- �. , �,sx�aA�Ynd cNNwr weh�Y�pn�'Aa(a�suc�term Is d�flr�d in uld Udtann Com�dal Cod�)as Lend�r at eny t►rt�may dMm -- <br /> .<.y 1 neaua►fi or pro►� nqu 8►� eJl Lsr�r I!authorli.d 10(� _ <br /> " or {rod to t to Lsnd�r a psrfedsd e�curiry Imereat In tM ChatUls.and upon QrnrKO►'e f uro to do eo. <br /> � es flw egw►t ot Qrantor. Ciraniar her�:by oLthorlLOS l.ertdx io flb 8nanelrag steterronts(na�uch term la de0ned tn tNd Unftortn,� <br />'�.r � �p�w y wlqi n�q to ths Chattsl��at en_y 'Lrro�wlltir,ut tta�Ipnetun of(�rsnta. C�rarotor wiN�howew►.at any tlme upon reywst oi Letxior, <br />,_,,����/' ell tNlnp h�s ta the fl of�uch fin�ndrW�letemems nnd tor 1M n�ilt►p th�►aof�et fMy ifrrw�nqukrd.In ` <br />-.;wfi�,�;c�s c_i, s{pn wch fin�{�g�tat�nsnts. ar�ntw wiq PaY 1 co tt�»n <br /> � ihs opinion oi Ler�r by�ald UnHam CoRrnerdal�°d°• ��m°I�+�ot iF:i Dssd of Tmtt bs subject to any aec�xitY e�geertnn <br /> In tM went ot eny dshdl�nd�r thls Daed o4 Tnrst�ell the ri�t,�il oe�ereafter t��he soi by G�rantory or ths Iprfed�ceaaora«Is Fi��nby�s'nsipr►�d oo� <br />:_ �_I�. Lrenzbr.topethsr wRh�he beneflt ol any depo�fta or PsY� <br /> s <br /> C�rsvner fn ths Property <br /> �- `'•�.� 2g, REt�18URSE�1�+iT 0�AI�AWINTO EXPENDED BY LEHDER. Lender,at lad�ra optlon.msy axpend hind�pndudfnp attortwys'fM�eind Ipd - <br /> •xp�nws)to prtortn any ect nqul urKMr Ihls Doad af Tru�t. U demend,Qrerna <br /> nd to b�tek�n by f3►anior or to axerde�erry�ht a nrtrdy ot L�rid�r P� <br /> ..'� ihd Nrxr�lat�ly rNrtt�ra+l.cnd�r ta all wch arraurtt:�xp�rKMd bY Le+�►top�tMr with Int�r�st th�rwn d 1M low�r o}th�hl�it nt�dnafh�d fn�ny <br />'��x.�,�? pblwatian a ths hipltoa rate aHaw�dby law hom 1M dW of paymMnt�1A th�det�of nknh�xMnwnt. Yh�a wm��htA b�kidud�d In th�tlrAnkio�ol <br /> -"!',.�.�'; pbMpttiont h�nia ertd thdl b�s�cur�dbl tM b�fld�i Im�n�t �d hvNn. If th�Oblip�tbns anp��h�r 1F►�b�D���G o�P��blfcatlon of notia ol <br /> :-: r�.��.r or In tM sYNrt l.w1dK sF1+lN�at H�soN op on�PMr1t C#�lnlor b p� any pel ol 11N tlofll IIfIM 1M b�pk►nin0 0�Pi�6NC�1{on of <br />-':;;_� f r��Wl�a of wl�i,�s��p��d,th�n,Cirr�la rh�N p�y oa d�rt�r�d�N•%��ws�bY ih�Tw1N�d In oonrwdlon wMh aid�tion, <br /> -- ��p��110f►IOy��hM f0 ifN 1I110rtl�yl/(Of�FI�TNfIM Yld IOf pN LN1dM�Yld��N1011�h1�IN 101�M TNt1N�WKI tPNi DNl�DI TN�i d1�II� <br /> __;w NOIMkY f010M MIOh�X��N�Ild�M�. <br />';�;y�:�� �4.APPUCA110N OF PAYM6l1'TII. Th�TrwtM�lwli�tha pra�xnd nd�i a�d t���irt�xit wMd�rt�y b��ptovid�df lor inflh�i[�d o�nuol _ <br /> --- ��d��,�yrrwrtt cf th�Trut1M's s w1�r <br />�;;;�,�'° woa� P�Ym�rd at Ih� Mawd bY 1M DNd of Trust,thkd�b 1M pyrtrM d j�ribr dMd�of truq�monQ�p�s a oth�r INntwid�n.arrl ih� <br /> �sxi�'� <br /> b�nc��n u�y,to th�p�►w�a PK�s�Y�r►tMMd th�rNO. <br /> --- �,POW�fl OF AT'i�ORNEY. (imtar h�nbY eppol��LmdM oi N�atlomey�in-fad lo�ndorM Cimtor�nartr on�II Instrum�ma end ottw:dxurtwrM� <br />���b'+�a e,n�k�,o to ths Ohlipotb��or DMd of Tnist. in�Jdtlon,L�►�hW b��ntttbd bul not��l�to am�ny�ctbn a�x�aA�erry dowmsnt <br />_';•���� r io b�tak�n a�x�an�d by Cimta und�r thlo D.�d of Tru�. Lendor's.p�rlom�enae of such�a sx�cutlon of wch documnnta�hdl not <br />�� �����,�y�t�a p��y�fe�t�1hi�pesd of Tniat. nx powan ot etlorMy d��aib�d In thls D�ad of Trust ere oouplsd with en <br />--- kd�nat�r�d en krwoa�• <br />=-=~'-� �, SUONOQA710N OF LENDEH. Lsrxbr sheli b��bt'���IllsrMis,s�er.�usdty ht�en�a othe�y�an�s fiave bs n�mek�aied of moor� <br /> --_- dKt�.rp.d whn hx►d.�dvanad by L,�nd�r nOercN�s <br /> — --_ — ��p�,�,�C�C��T8�.otMr�p�nti(id dr�w(thoul�IlrN�atbn��to s.Yd�and o�on�wh��)whet�her or not��a�omey ar�e�psn1t�ls ao <br /> y�w�t�rnox.wira�e�.:�;;��.�yt L:rM,n�!s e�.^•y nm�,�w,r due ar enfo►dna anr rlaht or nrt�a►Y und�r thls Desd oi Trust�wFwther or nat <br /> s Is broupin,lndudrq�but not INnM�d to�aM fMe and oosts k�curre�d m ep��l�k►bnlwPleY.�nd la poa•JudQrrn►ooii�aion aaio��9. <br /> �9, PARIIAL RELEASE. Lsnd�r mny rN�sw fta Imerott bn at th�P�ropKt�y.Nothkp hw M�if�b��d to��te e der o Pa ets an�Ns <br /> R�oom�Yana witl��°�G R�Intsntt In ths nmaMdnO P� <br /> Int�nat h ih�PrapKry�xapt�nqu��d under Par�3b a ea mny be othervil�e requkW by law).twr�hall Lenie+ obllpit�d to robe�e arry Pert <br /> o�P p�ropsrty�(ir�y h dsbutt und�r thla DNd of ►u�t. 'Rie Ifsn end sa�rlN kn�t ao�t�d bY th�D�ed ot Truet rwnln In�H�ct wRh respect to <br /> as deAned In the Dsed ot Truat,that Ia not the wbJ�ct of 1Na a en Panld D�ad of R��wyano� <br /> ?A MODIF1CA710N ANt�WAIVER. The modlkntlon a walwr f t��ir'a a Cire�nt�ord's q�bYpetlons d�ilay a(all to�x�irda�yotftsf rlpMa oi��ostc b� <br /> oonl�k►�d In a wdMrK1 Ypr�d bY��. Lendar mey p�Aorm enY ,�„�,t accallon�fiall not cmetNW� <br /> psyrrrM�trom(�ranta or�nyor�o1Mr than aramor without auskKl a w�fwr of thow Odlgatbns a.. �. A watver on ans ws.exefian� feHs to <br /> �w�q��y o�Mr ocq�fon. (kerriorapp��lons undo►thls D�sd of 7rus1 shd not bs�ff�cted Ittender amends, <br /> �xKdN,In�pdn a n��any of tM Ol�llpntfane bebnpinp to any(inMa.Borrow�r a thlyd�or erry of Ra�IaMe e n�any C3nMor Bortow�r or <br /> h�nw tpM ript►t a ymy t�hrp tt�ft�r t�o n�lit u�pw�i itrld�per(or�na�ortrwico or any ot tM tlona ehall notj»de�rrnd n walver ar�Lsnder�haN <br /> — 90.dt)1ST1Tl1TE TRUSTEE;TRUSTEE LIAOILIT'Yi COMPEN9ATION. In csM M tM dsath�tnablNty.rofutd to�ct or ebwrxa of th�Tru�N hom th� <br /> atM�whe�th�ndprop�rty Is baG�d ar In a►s�ths hold�r of the Obl{�atlona�heA d�sln tor eny nuon to rertbv�th�Trust�e or any sub�tttute tn�na�rs <br /> �p��nund�r snd" fo oppokn s new trutte�In hl�plao�end tUsd tM holder of tM Odlpatlons Is Mr�Hy prant�d 1�II paw�r to ap{wlnl ln wrltk►p.� <br /> et�llqA�uvatM lor wld TrustN,�nd tM wbatltuls trustw�heN�wlNn�ppokrt�d,b�oorne woo�s�or to dl tipMi�h rMn�olawif tiid o�n 1rM Tru�itse T�ru�iNi <br /> ��w���(�r 1�pixpos���nd objict�of thb ONd of Tru�t wlth all the �r,dutla end obHpatbn <br /> �frN not br NsbN for�ny�rtor�o►set dorN by Trusto��or b�ot��sPon��i tMr�Nn ���the De�edo f T��d�bt� <br /> Tmq�s�d�N not b�praawMY eaM of Muy by H or snyon�ectk�p bY th� <br /> ��a�y a ��th�m�ep�rt or op�ratlon of wkl pnrNsn. Tru�tw haw th�r�M to re on eny In�trum�nt. <br /> -- - - �pxr�nt or sipnatun a u l h o r s�supportlnA en y e�(o n t�e f a ti a p r o p o s�d t o b�t e k s n b Y ft h s n u r�o r b s A w�d b ylt'�n failh to b�p�nuk�s. <br /> TnutN th�N b�KrthMd to nkrtx t tor e�n t�s Inaxnd bY.ft ln t h e p.rtortrcna or iiab�n�du.Th°�ru'«he�reander ar,d►slmb r�T��r e�nd <br /> d Ns�vloK M n u t�r a�t l►�N b�n r K M n d. (i r�n t a v r H l.hom Utrn to tkne.P s Y�1� <br /> sw��nd hold ft h�rrrN�s 1rom end apNnst eny erxi dl bs��con.IIa6Nlry��e�d�xp�ns�whatso�wr Inaxrsd bY N In t t w p e r t o r r r a n c e o f fts d u l l e s. <br /> N narNYi►�c�h'�d bY TruqN�haM�urnN ua�d or eppll�d ne hsraln provlded�ba Mld I�trust ta tt»purposas tor whkh th�y were recsivsd.bui►w�l nat <br /> ������y�(rom my otMr money�(exoept to tf»extent requlncl by�aw)�TN����b°�"D��°alriy tor Interost on eny <br /> _ R <br /> �1. SUCCEd80R�3 AN�`AS�S� ��st�ratonTp�ir�fon�el�re�predi�r�itatNea�lpste�i irid�d�wl�i�flt of Qnntor e�id Undx end thelr resp�dlw <br /> �uoo�ttan.esdpn , <br /> y �, NpTICE3. Exap ss mharwls�nqulnd by law,en .►wt�ce or otFwr comrunketlon to bo provld�d under tMs Deed of TNet shall be In wrklnp end Wnt <br /> --- ������cs��dsealbed�n��s�o�at or wch mher addn�s aa tho pertle�ma deslgnnU In wrltlnp hom 1lme to tlrre. My wch <br /> - __�,v�J� shall be deerned ghnn the earlkr of threo r3)dnyi afler such notice la sam or when noehr�d <br /> _..=9'I�.�tY:� ����t0 Mf��ll�UCh r101{0�If bsklg Q�VMI. <br /> —,•7'ud <br /> _-_���-°,�,� S7, 8EVERAOIUTY. Wlwnwe Po��ll���ec�P��of thls D�ed of Trust shall b�Irtt�rpnt�d so as to be etfectivo end valld undsr applk�6le etnts <br /> -=-��,� laxr. It�ny provl�bn ot thls DMd ot Ttuat vlolat�t lha law or la�nit of ths OMd of Trust sheN cornlnue to be vafld end snfores�ls. <br /> -''�¢'.;;Tr; <br />=�-i�',;�''1 . �4, APPIJCABLE LAW. ThI�Ds�d of Truri�heJl be pov�med bY 1he laws of tM�tat�wh�n tha roel property Is located. Unlees eppllcahla Iaw provkles <br /> op�wlN.(;ranlor oomsnt�to ths jurl�detlon end venus of eny eourt�eNctod by Lmd�►�In H�wl�dlsaetlon,located In that etate. <br /> ��"' e� arsCE�LAt�►�p�g, prantor end Und�r egrae that tlrrM Is ot the ese�nce. fsranta waNa presentmenL damend for paymeM,notice of d�hena end <br />� - �� �_�..�..,..y.��wr�wn��Lv�IM MIffW it�t,ora Ig mors than on�(3rentor. <br /> :— �,_ . <br /> - _-- -__ --..-•�-- <br /> ��r:w` :�... .�.__ <br /> ����•xo�p�t af f�u���I IAW. /111��1@(MIClO SO UIHrtIOf In irnt vwu v� ��u.�..�o...�..�......... . e.....v--'--' <br /> A <br /> �,���*��' ���pqlpa�(on�shall bsp�nt end severat. Thfs Deed ot Trust represente the cortplete Integrat underetanding between Grantor and Lender pertalnlna to <br />';�`t�f'�,si: .. ' r 1fN tNrnc and Condllons Fwr�of. <br />"-�"'*.� '`� ' ? 94. NO TFMRD PAATY HIGHT9• No Parson la or ehall be a thlyd perly bsnefldery ot enyprovlslon of thls Deod ot Trust. All provlalona of thls De�d of <br /> � `� Tn�st In lavor of La�r an Imsncbd anfNY tor the benefft of Lender,end no thlyd parry shall Ys emltled to escumo or expect that Lander wlll not wtdw or <br /> :'�ti,�`t.,:y:�' � oonaent to the modllkallon of enY Provl�lon ot thls Oeed at Trust,In Lendere sole dccretlon. <br /> ,, , ......;,�..{ <br /> ,'".`,;`�''}, 37, ppE8ERVAT10N OF UABILlTY AND PHIORITY. Wilhnut affecttng the Iladliry of Bom�wer (3rarnor,or any guerentor of the Gbllgatlons,or eny other <br /> . .. .tt.-.:, ' ��(excspt a peran expresely rebas�d In wrlting ta tho peyrtxnt andp�fomience ot the bbllpatlona,and wlthout affecting lhe►igMs ot Lendsr wlth <br /> ,.„ , , � h g In en wa tl»prlorl ot thl�Deed of Trust over the IMerast of eny pernan <br /> ntpad to any Perop�ty����e�In wdt ng,and wfl out Impalr(n _y Y �Y <br /> � e�u�o�g� y�p�� ny aubsequent to the rocordng of thla Deed ol TruaL Lender mey,eflher befue a atter tho maturily ai the obllqatlona, <br /> ` . �, � er�d wRhaut notloe a oon�srri:roteasa eny Person Ilebte tor payrf�aM or poAorrnetro�ot aIl or nny pnrt of tho Obllpatbns:meke any egraeeL�eder�mey a e <br />`:�,:�;` a�}pm�er�ct all or eny part of the Obllgatlom;exsrds�or rohaln from exerdsing or walve any 1 or remedy th h <br />-• ..�:. �� ' t�rtn of pay�nt <br /> �:,.r-. • . uncl�r th�De�d oi msT 1;aoap�eddtbnal security ot eny Idnd tor eny ot tho Ol�gatlons;or roleass or otharwlse de wlth any real or porsonal proporty <br />.�:r a;«ar��'; ,;, ����palpatbns, qny penwi acqul►Ing or recordlnp evkbnce ol eny Interest af eny naturo In the Property shall be daemed,by acqulrfng suGh <br />�. IM�ntt a neudnp eny wldetro�thxa° havs conssnt�d to all or any auch edbne by L�nder. <br /> a.o.4ae i���'--��.i <br /> NED01D Rw.t1A1 <br />