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_ ... . .... __�., <br /> '�� • . a•�,-�•��^,q)1er._��„ . . . �,..,�asqr.,,,_�.y,_�-.-,....%',u�.. -. <br /> ��s.. �.4. �I�Fl•'1}j�::(�%;.� :y. . , . '. ly'{�t3 .4' <br /> �M k�� {-�•w•�.[�I �y�jp� .nV!w�y,aV...,1•'• ..� . _ .�'.���� <br /> �y�f�..Nnt� '{tr�ati-i+Rr��'L�0 R:.j.. '�"'•<�l:'.t"N��1�+�ii ,��.: - <br /> ['_�l:: v�_ <br />. .T'^� — — . - --___ _ — _ �...-.__ __- _— —__. <br /> , �, �. <br /> �1�+`�"J�s it�o <br /> !.I�ection. l.e�uler ar ib��ent rrMy m�ke rau�nable eatdea upan�nd inanectfions of the PropeRy.Lender ehall <br /> �ive Borrower exNlce�t�e time of or prior W�n iaspect�an i tn�raircxu�ble cawe for�he tcMection. <br /> n q�c <br /> �0.Ga�n�t{o�, '1'he procood�of�ny awud or cl�im r daa��ee,direct orcon�quenti�l,in comxtioa with <br /> �y copde�ppatioa or wher txkin of�ny pat of tbe Pn�perty� or for coavey�nce In liau of condemnation, aro hereby <br /> iuei�ued�nd�dall be d to�r. <br /> u <br /> in 1he event o � toul t�lcing of the Property,the procoode ehRll be applied to tho eur�s exurod by thie Security <br /> G�tts�mept�whether ot aat then due,wit6 aay eacea p�id to Bcnmwer. In the event of a portial tai:in�of tluc Propr�cy in � <br /> which tbe hir miulcet v41ue oi the Property inrmedi�tely befcxe the tdcin�ieeqwl w or Qra�ter tlun We a�aount of the <br /> u►mr eecuned by thir Security Inatrument inomediRtely befQro the taktn ,unlaa Borrower uid L�ender otberwise��re,e i° <br /> wr'stia�. the aun��ecured by Ihi�Security Inet�umoot s6iU be red�by tUe Rmount of tho proceeds multiplied by the <br /> followm�fnctlon: (s)the total amount of the sums ia.vred immedi�tely beforo thn Wcia�.divided Ay (b)We f�ir mulcet <br /> v�lue of the Property��medi�talY beforo the t�kin Any balu�ce�11 be paid W Bormwer.Ia the event of R puti�I t�kin� <br /> of the Propaty ia wlalch tbe fs�ir mirlcat v�lue of�PropeKy lmmediately befote the Wcia is le�tlun d�e�m�unt of tbe <br /> ��ecured immodi�►ely beforo tha takinY,ualeca&►rrovnr and Lccder uthcn'"iea a�ree�writtn��r ualees applicable <br /> I�w otberwi�eprovida� tlb Proceed�aul�be appliod to the�eecured by this Secutity Inshumeat whethar or not tLe <br /> eume ue than due. <br /> If We Proparty ie aMadoaed by Borrower� or if. after notice by Laide:to Borrowa th�t th�e coodemaor offern to <br /> nr�ke an aw�rd or�edle a►cl�im for dam��ae,Bomower fillr to n+s�ood to I.eacler withln 30 daya aRer tLe d�te the notice <br /> te jtvan�La�cl�it wt6orimd to collect�ad�pply tbe proceede, at�w option�eitLer to restontioa or repair of the Prnpe�ty <br /> a to tbe euau secund by thie Security Imtiumant� whelher or not thea due. s6all aot exteod ar <br /> UWas Leodnr�od Borrawu ot6ecwiee a�ree iu writin���nY�PPUcxt�on of prc�ceeds to principd <br /> poetpone tbe dun�late of the raoathly paY mrnta refernd to in p�rn��1 ead 2 os elu�o�the wmount of such paymeata. _ <br /> 11. Bnn�n�rer Nat Refewsed; Farbarane�e B� I.ender Not a Wd�er• Bateoeion of tLe time fnr paymeat or <br /> modificatian of�nai�nt�ion of the sume eecured by this Secun Inaauiment Qtxnted by L,aider to my succeeeor in intereat <br /> af Borrowa sZWI not opente to relaao the uRbility,of t6e ori�l Borrower or Borrower'e succ�ore in interest.Leader = <br /> y�ll aot be rec�uired io commeoce��mBs a�amt any a�cceesor in iataeat or rafi�ee w exteud time for p► t or <br /> ���i�r�octi.ntioa of tbe am��ecuc�ed by this Security Im�ument by re�eon of�ay dem�nd�►he <br /> ori�ioat Bonawer or Borrower'o succeeeon in intere�t.Any forbe�ranc�by Lander In eaercirin��ny d�ht or remedy slall <br /> aot be R w�iver of or pcoctude t}a exerci�e of�ny rij6t or remedy. <br /> lz. Sue«,s«��d�Boundt Jant �nd SevRral Lvbiliti;.Co-signere 'i'6e coven.n�e.nd.Qreemen�e of <br /> this Secudty Inedument ehall 6'md aod ba�efet the succaears �nd ue+�ne of Looder �ad Borrowcc� eub'ect to dce <br /> pcovi�iuo�of 17.Bocrowe+r'e covaaants �od a�ceecneata x6all be�ant�nd scver�l. Any Borcowu�co-e1�ne <br /> thia Security��t iwt�loea not execute the Note: (a)ie co-ei�ninj t}us SecuritX lnstcument o�l�) i ��P�uY <br /> �ad convey that Bonowex'e interiet in the Prone�y under tlw terme of thia Securdy Inet�ument; <br /> obllaated w nav the euine iecured by ttue Secunty Inatnimear �od(c)R�cees,that Lendar aad�ny other Bormwer may <br /> ��tee to eaMnd,modify, forbar or miice u►y aeeommoaatiaoa wit'ti ro�arn to cne ce�me ni aus Soc�i.y L.e�,:�,�:�.� <br /> Note withnut that�occower's cooeeat. <br /> �,3.I,p�n tur�e�, If the lo�n eecuced by thie Security instiumeat is subject W a I�w which oetc aou�imum lo�n <br /> cl�ar�ee, wd th�t law ie finally intemreted eo tlut the interest or other lo�a chu�oa wllected or to be collxted in <br /> conoechon v�nth the lo�a exceect the permiued limita. thea: (s) �ay euch lan chu�a s6�U be reducad by the amount <br /> nea�eary w reduce the a�rge to t1�e ued Umit;�od(b)any sume alrady coUxted from Boaowa wirich eaceeded <br /> petm�ued limita will be ro6rnded to oriower. Leoder may claoee to m�fcA thi� nfuad by reducio� tLe priac3p�1 owed <br /> uader the Note or by mvcin�a direct p�yment to Horrower.If a mfimd roduae principal, the roduction wi11 be troated�e R <br /> P�v ProP��y meat vhtuwt�nY P�Y���ta,under t6e Nota. <br /> 14.NMtccs. Any notica to Botm+wrc pro�n�ed for in thie Security Instn�meat eh�ll be#iven by delive�ia�it ot by <br /> m�ilinj it by first cl�ee mW unleaeapplicable law roquine�use of arwtber method. T6e notice slull 6e dinocced to tLo <br /> propetty Addtra�or my othu�ddn�Borrowa d�siYnrrtes by notice w Imder. Any nartice to I.eadec�ull be�ivea by <br /> tiret cl�mW W Leader'e�ddrese sfated hatain or�ny other�Wrees Lender desi�teo by notice w Borinw�er. Any nodce <br /> �mvided for in diis Secuxity Inaaumeat ehall be doeabd to have been�iven W Bozrowor or Lax�er when�iven�uo provided <br /> �� 1�Go�crnin�Y,tw; Se�erabilit�. lfiie Securiry Inahvment eh�U be�ovecned by fedenl 4w aod We law of tLe <br /> urisdictlon in which the Propaty is located. �n tbe oveat th�t�ny pcovtsian or clw�e af t}ui Security Inehumoat or the <br /> �ote oonflicts with�ppL'Mble law, et�ch coatlict a�ull not affect othetproviaions of t6is Security Inet�ument or t6e Note <br /> wLich can be�iven effict wiihart the contlictin�provision.To thiR ead the provFeiom of thie Sxurity Inthument�ad t6a <br /> Note ane doclarad to be sarerable. <br /> li.Borrovrer'e Cap7. Borro�'ea sfW_l be g�v-ai-one conformed capy of�tbe Note wad of this Secwity Jistntmeat. <br /> 17.Tea�fer oC fbe Propart�or R B�dldal Intereat in Be�auwer. If all or eay put of tl�e Pmpaty or aoy <br /> inteceet in it is ald or tt+neferred(oc if a beoeficid interoet in&�rrower ie sold or traoefoned �ad Bonmver is aot s <br /> tt+�tunl perron)witha�t I.mder'e prior writtm cooxnt.Lendor ite option,r�equire immedlate payment ia full of all <br /> e�um��ocurod by thie Secwity 1net�umea�Haweva�thio optioa e�all aot be exercieed by L�ender if axaciee ie pm�ibited <br /> by fec{eral law a�of tbe d�te of thie Security Inatnament. <br /> If I.cacler exacises tbie optioa,I.e�kr e1u11 give Bomawer notica of sccelaration. 11re ndice eball provide R pariad <br /> af nat leae th*n 30 cLys from tho date We notice ie delivorod or miuled within which Borrower mwt p�y dl sume eecurod <br /> Fam�02e 9150 fp�y�4 of 61 <br /> S/WKq9 BYBTEM9.INC..3T.CLOIA.Ml160�02 Il•MOJf7•2?41I FOM�M�t�HE Z16f�1 <br /> 7 <br />_� <br /> � . <br />`.i <br />. � <br />.1 <br /> r� _ <br /> ' <br />. + _. <br />