<br /> _� :.....,,,��_
<br /> - >. .� --__Y....,._.
<br /> .
<br /> ,�... ,. �
<br /> .�;t. ..�_._,.� ---� __..
<br /> . • ,�y.. ••+r ... �...���.. ..._..:.,�,�'�r,r.mrn..,rir
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<br /> . __ ia�4�Ji� —_
<br /> : �� COVENAN7S Q,� ���y,�
<br />-�;, �,� •.
<br /> .�'��� � 1. ��yn»r►tf. Borrowe apr��� to m�k� �II paym�nt� on th� s�c�x�d d�bt wMn dua. Un1�u t3ormw�rind L�nde aQre� ot wlu, �ny
<br /> �' � p�ym�nt� L�nd�� ncNv��trom Borrower ar tot Borrow�r'� b�n�fil will b� �ppIi�d Ilrat to �ny�mount� Borrow�r ow��on th� ■�cund d�bt
<br />,.. , �,�� �xclutivr o1 intsre�t or prinr.Ip�1,aecond to Int�r�rt,�nd th�n to princlpd.If portl�l pnP�Vmsnt of the�ecund d�bt occun tor�ny re�son, it will —Y
<br /> �wt nduc�or�zcus��nY RcMcluNid p�ym�M untN thn��cund debt��p+�id In full.
<br /> � Q.C{�fm�AMkM�t T1iY�.�a m wfhlch woukl ImP+�►�t���n of tN d��d of uuit�L����m•y requln Borrow,r t���yn�ny r Qhts.�clolm�iror
<br /> , • " dif i e,��yvn j Ich�orrawa may hnve Np�lntl p�����who�upply I�bor or m�t�rl�l�to Improve or milnt��n tM prop�rty.
<br /> ��;t�� �, kNUnne�..Borrow�r will keep the DroW«Y fnwnd und�r t�rm��cc�pt�bl� to Und�r �t Barow�r'� �xpfros �n d t o r L s n d e r'o b�n r f i t. A l l
<br /> •,.��.
<br /> Insur�nce pol�el��sh�ll Includs��t+�nd�rd matp�W ciau��in favor of l.�nd�r.lond�r wNl M n�m�d��lo�w paya or u th�Insur�d on�ny�uch
<br /> � + or t thC tit�wid dibt�If Lender riq��n��morto p�I^���"i iG���Borrovc�r cpc�os to�melnlr.ln efii�chhnsu�nncettor e�lonfl��Lender,equl e�op�ny
<br /> �
<br /> �.._,�_,�,� ,. �
<br /> '?=� 4.prppsrty.Borrower w{il keep tho prapnrtY In paod conditlan�nd m�k��il��p+�in rnsonably nscnury.
<br /> 6.Exp�u.Borrow�r�qrees to pew oll I.end�r'e dxpsmes,includinp rn�on�hls attorn�ya'fees,it E3orrower Meaka�ny coven�nts In thi�daed
<br />_ •:'`'� 01 trutt a In any oblly�tion sacured by thlt d�ad o1 truet.Borrpwer wfll p�y tMs��mounts to L�nd�r as p►ovld�d in Covamnt 9 of thU dad of
<br /> , tru�t.
<br /> • � S, prio�g�nxitr k►tMNt�.Unlet�8�1rr4wa�firat obtaim LerxNr's writton con�ent,BorroH�r wfil not maks or psrmit�ny chanp��to��y Ixiu►
<br /> :.1 .
<br /> includirYip nBio�r owK'�cov nen a�t mnku Rn'Y�nt�wh�du�������b��u��r�ny pria►mortp�y�. dssd o1 tru�t or oth�r security aprNrMnt,
<br /> •• .�,,,,,Y;, �,A o���q�nd pro}itr, Borrownr aulpnn to Lend�r tM reni�and protits ot tM prop�rty.Unl�ss Borrower and Lsrxi�r h�v�apra�d
<br /> � otMrw�s{n writiny. �ted re�celver mn�V�at�kn�pou6siion�nd rtvn�fli�tM p�OrP�rty and�coil Ct tM rentsBAny renti�Le�ncbr coi�icts ah�bi
<br /> �p�nt, or a court sppo
<br /> • '• '� � appli�d tirst to the cost�of mnnnflin thq property, includir�p cart cotts �nd �ttorn�ya' fe�s, commisslons to rent�► ap�ntR ��d �nY otM►
<br />.,�M ,�.�°� n�c�ssary rslatad sxp�nas•Thx remaQnlnO emount of rents wi►i tMn appty to paymants on tM s�curod dsbt a9 p�'ovided in Coven�nt 1.
<br /> „� ;�':.:: Borrowa a roes to comuly with the provlaions of�ny le�se if thfs d�sd of trwt I�on
<br /> !.Lw�ho�dr Condortikduma:Pl�rx�ad Uatt D�v�loprrNnts•
<br /> =-ic��::'�.�� � a leaaehold. 1�thi� deed of trunt fe on n unit in a co�dominlum or� �nnsd unit d�vetopment, Barower will po�torm etl of Horrowa s t i
<br /> _;:r'��,�'•.��,� under ths coven�nte,bylewe,or re(�ulelicmn oS tfia condorr.(nlum a pltfnned unit davdopment. __,
<br />�•`3�,��: rf
<br /> ��: S. Autlw�ity ef L«�r to��►Iome t++t IMxn+w�.If Borrow�r faUe to �rowir's�nam�a��piy�inyiutmount If neaii�tor psrtormanci�if eny
<br /> �}"-f:,9.,�; pKform tM dutNs a cws�tM�m ta M�pnrtam�d.LerM�r msy sqn da
<br /> �����u corutructbn on tMproperty Is dlucnnrim�nd or not csrrNd on in r ne:onsbt�manrnr.Lender may do whatever ta n�csssary to protsct LendK'�
<br /> _��� a�cwity i�t�nat in tlr propertY.ThiA meq includ�compi�tinp ths constructlon.
<br />"'.."'� L�nd�r•s f�ikx�to psrform wiil not�xw:lude Lend�r from�xercisinp�ny of itt othsr r�phts und�r tM I�w or this dNd of tru�t.
<br /> } and wfll�biK�in�KSit hom thatda��of ifie p++�ymsnt untll�paidtln fuNit��tM Int�riotaats Iniffeat on tha iecursd dibt�nt� wiil he du�un demand
<br />--� J .
<br />:`,'f,�T:�, , �p, pN�it �nd Aes�NtNMn. If B+�rrower f�ils to m�ke �ny p�Yment wMn due or bruks any covenant� und�► thls de�d of uu�t w any
<br /> '"�::r�� obNpatbn s�cw�A by thi�deed oi trutt or�ny prbr mortpay� a de�d of trust, Ltndx mey�cc�krate th� matwity of the s�cured d�bt�nd
<br /> -__�T; d�msr►d Immediats payment�nd m�V Invok�tM power o}sals�nd��y othx rsm�diac p�rmittsd by appllcabN I�w.
<br />=rt-�+i����'� hw�pf e.�i M=�iddr��as�i of��hf euah�person��igYtet(onh hetsln.coplos of the notfces of defsutt e�d s�le bs sent to each person who fa a puty
<br /> '"°�� '4 �'�� 12.PowM of$d+.�f tho lanclot Invokes the pown of sels,tl►e Truste� shdl Hrst rocord in ths offlc�of the reyiat�r ot w�as ofi•acn couniy
<br /> .�•�vrc.�r�E 0
<br /> -�=�r,,��;� wh�rsln th�hust praperty or sam�p�rt w parcel Nhenof 1�sltuated s notice of default contalnln H�io�end to�otMr�piro ru ai p��es�c►Ibidtby
<br /> _-- --;��,� shall dso msil coD�a�of thp nqtina ot dsfwlt tv ihe Borrower, to each psrcon who I�s Pu�Y n
<br /> _ �ppllcabls law. Nkrt 1�s� than one month�ftet tM Truitee tscads the notice of defeult or two months If the trusi property fd not In�ny
<br /> � �s:i Incotpor+t�d city or village and�g used fn fuminy opeutloru c�rrNd on by tM truata,tht frusteo shsll ptvs puWio notics of aN to tM pew��
<br /> ��—^ and In tM mannsr preaaibad 1�y appp�icable law.Truste�,witlwut dem�nd on Borrowx,shdl ssll tM proP�nY�t D�aic nuctfon to ths hlphert
<br /> "':76"...""T'�—'� btdder.If re�uired by tho Fnrm Hnmeit�ed Prot�etlon Aet,TrustN shill ofter th�prop�rty In two�spants taN�as requ1�ed by�ppNcabN I�w.
<br /> --- - - Trustoe m�y poatpone eale o!a11 or any psresl ot tf►�prop�rtlt by pudlc announceman�t at the time end place of any pravloucly schsdul�d s�k•
<br /> — —= Lend�r w Ita d�s�fneo may pwchase the{xoperty at any s�k.
<br /> Upp����'pt pf eyment ef the p►Ice bld,Truatee ahell dslfvar to th� purchater Trutte�'s de�d co�vsylnp tM prop�rty.TM ncttials cont�iiNd fn
<br /> —'- -- Truct�e's deed s�a7f bo ptime facls evldlence oi tM vuth of tM st�tsments cont�in�d th�roln.Trusu�shall�pp1Y tM p�oc�ed�oi the s�k fn tM
<br /> �r�—� fdbwinp ordM: t+�l to �II expana�� of tM sale, includinq, but not Ilmited to, reasonable Truatse'� fees, ►enonable ettorney'� fee� and
<br /> R ��� reinstatem�nt fe�s;iD1[o ofl t;uma aecured by this daod of trust.and (c)tM b�lence,it eny,to th�persons IepNly entitled to rscNw it.
<br /> ------- 19,Fonclos�x�,17�t Lnndot'a optton,thla deed of trust msy be faeclo�ed In the manner p►ovlcle by applieeble law for forecb:un of mortpsp��
<br /> on na{{xop�rtY.
<br /> - �4,��� dender mny d�ter the propertY to Inspect It it lender plvse Borrower notice betorohand. The notice must at�t�th�nston�W�
<br /> —�� cauce of r Lender's}nspoMinn.
<br /> - �6,CondMw��tlon.Borrowvr asti na to Lender ths roceeds of�ny aw�rd or clalm for dams0es connected wlth�condemnatbn or othsr t�klrq
<br /> --- — ot all or�ny part of tha property.�uch procseda wiP be epplled u Rrovlded In Cove�ent 1.Thts asslpnmsnt ta subJeat to the terme ot eny prlw
<br /> -- s�cutlry�yreement.
<br /> � ' 1e,W�.By enerclsing eny remedY evafl�ble to Lender,LandK doei not plve up any rlphta to Iatsr use�ny otMr rsmedy.8y not sxerelslnp
<br /> � _ � �= �ny rem�dy upon Borrowar'�d�fault,Landu doe�not watvs�ny dpht to Ister coneldsr tM svsnt�d�fault it fi happsn��0���•
<br /> ����
<br /> —= 17, JaM�t�nd Swwd U�Co•�Ipn�rr. Sunc�ssai r+d At�p�u sound. All dutl�s under thls deed of trutt �ro �olnt arxl sever�l. Any
<br /> _'- Bortowe wha co•algnp thfs eA ot truat but doe� not co•alqn th�underly1np debt instrumentls) do�s �o oMy to prant �nd convay th�t
<br /> 8orrow�r's Interest in thn p�oporiV to th�Tru�ttN und�r ths te�rt}yu uof thls da�d of trust.In�ddttlon,auch�Borrow�r aQrees th�t ths Lsnder�nd
<br /> ��� debt wit�twut thxt Bolmw�i s cons�t end wlthout reliii np tfiat Borrow�sr from ths termiof thli dsid of trust tiits dasd of truat or tM ��cursd
<br /> �_���
<br /> — The dutles and bunefita of thl�deed of trutt shall bind end benefit the cucceasore�nd atsigns of Lender end 8orrower.
<br /> —� �y 10.Notle�.Unless othorwlae required by I�w,eny notice to Borrower�hell be piven by dellverinp tt or by mallinp It by certified mafl addreaied to
<br /> -_�:�:.,�;:�,F7��i�':�� Borrow�►at tha p►oprxty address or any other�dd�eu that Horrower haa pIven to Lender.Borrower will plve any notice to l�nder by artifled
<br />