� t� _ . - 7..�a p M, Book.?:Z.:of �e_ ds, ,,,,,, _ .
<br /> ` �!�-�• �� ° egiStei of.fleeds,:HaN Count�, hebraska �
<br /> = .� _ � _ ��D :.-5 - _ i .
<br /> � .
<br /> r HARRY DIEKMRN and EVELY2J D.IEKMAN, husband and wife, �UGENE TOOMAN
<br /> and -AOR�THY TOQi��AAT, husband and Wife, ROB.ERT O. � COLLIER and ELA•INE -
<br /> COLLIER, husband�"a[hd"taif�'; arrd ELMER STELK and NOLA STELK, husband and
<br /> wife, nerein. c�ll-ed�ie---6rantors, in consideration of Thirty-six Thousand
<br /> Six Hundred Seventy-two and 80/100 Dollars ($36,672.80) received
<br /> from Grantee ` do grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto
<br /> Evelyn Diekman herein called the Grantee,
<br /> the follo�aing described real property in Fiall County, Nebraska:
<br /> A tract of land in the West Half (W1/2) of Section Twenty-three (23) ,
<br /> Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) , West of the Sixth Principal .
<br /> . Meridian, Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows:
<br /> �eginning at the West 4uarter (W1/4) corner of said Sectio.n, thence running
<br /> Southerly a distance of One Thousand Four Fiundred Seventy-nine and Fifty-
<br /> three Hundredths (1479.53) feet along the West line of said Section; thence
<br /> deflecting left eighty-nine degrees, fifty-two minutes, forty-two seconds
<br /> (89°52'42"j and running easterly a distance of six hundred twenty-three
<br /> and eighty-eight hundredtlis (623.88) feet to a point on a random line
<br /> running along the Westerly high bank of the North Channel of the Platte
<br /> River, aZso being known as the Wood River; thence running along said random
<br /> line described as follows: thence deflecting left fifty-five degrees, f�.fty-
<br /> tnree minutes, fifty-six. se�onds (55°53'56") and running northeasterly a
<br /> distance of �'our Hundred Ninety-three and Eighty Hundredths (493.80) Feet;
<br /> thence deflecting right thirty-four degrees, forty-five minutes, four second
<br /> (34°45'04") and running Northeasterly a distance of Five Fiundred Thirty- r
<br /> five and Twenty Hundredths 1535.20) Feet; thence deflecting left Thirty
<br /> deg�rees, Twenty�Three minutes, Six aeconds (30°23'06") and running
<br /> Nortneasterly a distance of Three Hundred Sixty-two and Fif ty Hundredths
<br /> {362.50J Feet; thence def lecting right thirty-one degrees, fifty-twa
<br /> minutes, forty-nine seconds (31°52'49") and running Northeasterly a
<br /> distance of One Hundred Fifty-four and Twenty-eight Hundredths (154.2a)
<br /> feet; thence deflecting left fifty-four degr�es, four minutes, six
<br /> seconds (�4°04`06") and running Northeasterly a distance of One Hund�ecl
<br /> � 5ixty-five and Fi�ty-five Hundredths (165.55} feet; thence deflec�.ing
<br /> �igh� Forty-four degrees, Fourteen minutes, Twenty-nine. seconds
<br /> (��°14�`23") and running Northeas�eriy a distance of One Hundred rifty-iwo
<br /> and ivo Hundredths (152.00) Feet; thence �eflecting left f if ty-three
<br /> degrees, forty-six minutes, forty-six secands (53°46 '46") and running
<br /> Noztherly a distance of Two Hundred Nin�ty-two and Forty-five Hundredths
<br /> (292.45) Feet; thence deflecting left ten degrees, two minutes, fif ty�
<br /> one seconds (10°02'S1") and running Northerly a distance of Two Fiundred
<br /> Ivinety-six and Forty Hundredths (296.40) Eeet; thence deflecting left One
<br /> Hundred Thirty-.five degrees, Forty minutes, no seconds (135°40 '00") and
<br /> running Southwesterly a distance of Three Hundred Seventy-four and Fifty
<br /> i�undredths (374.50) Feet; thence deflecting right Forty-nine degrees,
<br /> Tiiirty-three minutes, .Thirty-five seconds (49°33'35") and running Westerly
<br /> a distance of One Thousand Seven Hundred Thirty-four and Ninety Huadxedths
<br /> (Z734.90) Feet to the point of beginning; said tract containing 48.321
<br /> acres more or less, of whicn 1.36 acres more or less being City of Grand
<br /> Islanu, Nebraska, drainage ditch riqht-of-way along the North Baundary af
<br /> said tract, recorded in Deed Book #161, Page 128; and 1.12 acres more or
<br /> less being County Road right-of-way along the West Line of said Section;
<br /> the property described hereiri also contains the accretion rights to that
<br /> � lar.d lying betwe�n said random line and the thread of t�e stream of said
<br /> River.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOL� the above described premises together
<br /> with al,l tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonginy
<br /> unto the Grantee and to Grantee's heirs and assigns forever.
<br /> And the Grantors do hereby covenant with the Grantee and
<br /> witn Grantee's h�irs and assigns that Grantors are lawfuliy seised
<br /> of said premises; that they are free from encumbrance except .
<br /> such as appear of record, that Grantors have good right and lawful
<br /> authority to convey the same; and that Grantors warrant and wi11
<br /> defend the title to said premises against the lawful claims of
<br /> a11 persons whomsoever.
<br /> r,ated February 7, 1974
<br /> �
<br /> IYar Di�kman Evely iskman
<br /> Y
<br /> . _1_ .
<br /> :� � ,: 399.� _ ,
<br /> �
<br />