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<br /> D�dRAI3LE POW�[� OF ATTCyl�NEY
<br /> Tl��t I. Naomi Heckler � oe C�iro, Ne.
<br /> County oC Haii � NebrReka, have ■eide� conetituted And a9pflinted, and by
<br /> theas preeente da �ake� conetituCe and appolnt _ ttaymand Heckler „ _�
<br /> of _ c�ro. Ne. , Covnty af tiall � Nabraeku� ■y trua
<br /> and lsNiul attorney for �e and i� �y neu�e, place and etend, dnd on ey behalt. �ub3ect to
<br /> the provisions oi Pare�gtaph 13 hereol, to do and execute All or any of the Pollowing aats�
<br /> deeds and thinge:
<br /> l. h rrnlr�lelb� Npata ri�n�ertl� T�uk, Jaul. n� Gr, nr.�ur ul r�celte u uu�t M�el, k�ts, IK�, �MI�� rua,
<br />. �erclui[ie, cltttel�, ellect�u� tii���al�I�t�oeur utu�u ieKri�tlN dlcl N� ue or leratter�1�I1 k�r kw�e i�R, aiu, �tldle�r
<br /> �eh�{iq to �e i��t 1) ��l ri{lt, titls� �ap or�e�i�leme�er, u�ipi recei�t tlereol� or ot u�µrt thre�f to��te, �i�h exec�te ul -
<br />� ieli�er ue1 recei�t�, tel�eue��t�tiet liuitr�e�[ot tte�ue ttt�eetlrel�u q nil �ttone��►dl lee�d�I�dle.
<br /> �
<br /> t. U �ekUe Kpub, to uttla u��ceaul ar rectodq�laltaerer�lerel� 1 �or u or�t uy ti�e lere�[ter �Y�ll k L ul�i�e i�teteitd
<br />, or a�eend ril! u��enei rbu�erer,��n1 to �y or receli� tle laluee t�ereol u tke cue u�rKoire�
<br /> 7. h��lld��arltl t�terat W Nrk�. To teeel�e eur�m d w�y rlld �a�i�ar�eredttr�Idl Le����r kln{l�{t�K �p�t1e
<br /> i' �entit� or Il�irt�e et u� uc�rit)itt�rt�t �r yrPere�t o� wrt�ue�� o�rec�i�e �t tle hll uont�ecud tlerel�to eca�te� �aei�Ml
<br />'
<br /> �rtlieie�t teleue�r�tler iirclu�e d��el ucui�,�i�tere�t, u�ori�a`e 1� �aeJ �r otleni�e�
<br />� 1. h e�u�, �Mlt u Wiitt�tlN�r�tlenlw utll��r �Jut�l[terben, i� co�E+u1 ril�or r�ke�)laucn u ug�er�br�r i�
<br />} r�w�{ fw_.�Iw�!ww�!��ld MSl1ln•�N��MV��►�e�i� wr�L�II •1�.w H.� 4i'���F.9: F.""::�.��» ��'���'i��°. ��z� i;i �j«� 'i ���7a a"'�t��
<br /> � to t�te ui reui�a, �r•Ro p�ul iielu��(u tle eue ny kl� ,LI ro�itio� or t1i►i�ni tlerat ar tirre�N� ul ot�el�elti ee letul�, �r
<br /> � ts �ettle, cw�rnlee, a nMit t�ulitatio��r�t���cl lelt�r Inu1 ui e�ery�t1et rlt�t, ��tter, ul tli��I�e to�r a�cerd�l�e u a�
<br /> •tbr� tl�ll 11l�k k�t� uil br tiet�nr,��e tt e�kr i�to ul eiee�t� u��tliut��e1 k�l�ot ulitc�tio�u �tler iutr�w�t�u�r tltonel
<br />� n�lee���l�dl� i� th �rnl�n, �
<br />��?� 6. h lcwnb rl J�fal� !��ueKe, �retaute; li�a�tlue, �r�ckd d! �ekiou�r�tler le{al �roe�eliu� uuliy�l aute�r u�
<br /> �' �srt ll�ereot, ot tuc1l�� u�utter i��►ie1! ar q et�k u�le I���� �be eo�cend.
<br /> �
<br />' i. ri wyr rpt pL�t�. t� e�k� .l�ta ul �Mu�II ui�i�pla q red :d�t�, ui b let, �uye, ��I i��n�e tie iqt�a uyµrt . ,
<br />'; t�erat, W w repie�a��tler�t�e inn�e, alteh or reautnot. ul t�I�s�re, �N�T�illi����r�tnclun tiera�, ul hrtler w a�tr�ct�f tlr ,
<br /> � �t�m br t!e u�yaietl �f ucl rs�l etttle d b �tut to ncl�tlet� a!I 11e�a�4►:� �itl reqeet w �ul retl attte uul I�re�l eotite
<br /> � uWe�at ee�trut�� ui/nitd N sl uid tttoner lerei��
<br /> � 1..h �wt l�na� reeetn te�u, ul�tknta Itd dtl tewG u�lrud�r�irt�. to :�cA2t+et �it1 tq pr�oi Gr leuiu t�r nol
<br /> ►eet�l�, i�eld[K Kr[e1�lo�{er t�u q llte� u/�ltb�t re�u� b t��ter�luti�t ot lll� N�er�I�ttone�, .�t a�cl rab ul nlJect W ne1
<br /> ,� a�llti�u u���tut�e� tl�ll�N tit, �il �r u�d�l�til real e�ttt�, ul u let ur�al �ertou ltta pi�n�io� tlerM(, u1 t� eteate
<br /> •11 neb�1�uer W attprctt u d�11 k �eee��u�ot�ro�er 1�ttat kl�lf, ui to�l�e�ot[ee Lo�rlt G u� tnut�r�ec��la tlernf, u� to
<br /> -_ reaire����rea�a bn�lf kwtt ail ksWlen tkraf a ot u� prt:k3tnol dl re�b, ureu��f rat, ul iw �t Mu��Itel aor ue�r twl!
<br /> - �eruft�r ka�lu ul�ydl�i�raqet tlerNf, ul�lN o�w�-pneri l�ern[ o�oI u� prt ticreof to We�II �aaiu��r�pro►er�e�n u�..
<br /> f��� for lenluti��th te�ue� et Kc���lio�al ue1 tet�att�r Kct![tn, ud �or eJecti�Lle te�ut� �r eaqien�d rea►eri��lk ;
<br /> '` M��i�i tlrreo[. •
<br />'1 . • .
<br /> � �• h iei!e adMt'�real e Nnwal at�te. f��ell� eltter�t �iilic u �rlrate ule, ar,ar.clu�e Nr!ut a�trt��t q ral e�t�te�r
<br /> �� ►er�l �ro�ertl(�r��auikt�tie�ar�le Iweli�tell ot�N� ntl ta�s a ���tta�e� �h11 tii�k til, u1 b uct�te �t ieliur No1 ul
<br />;` ��ttiole�t ie�l�, IIU��t nit, eMMn�e�u� u�i/a��:�, er U►er i�strae�ti fo�t1�cou�luce�r ttuit�r�t tb��e,eik�a�d a�e�yu�t
<br /> .,� rattutl or�tlet�be u y�tbn�� �hll �ee RL; ui to �Ire �al uldf�scl�al nceiµt for �II or ul►trl�f tl�• prola��rlce�t�iler
<br /> csuilet�ttM. '
<br /> �rw...w.a���:w�x.�wrsrr+.�s�r.�.n�.wR..•
<br /> k
<br />