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<br /> �uhstpntiully equivuleut nx�rtgage insu�uncc covcrage is iwt avuiluble, @orrowar shall pay ta I.�ndcr cach munll�u sum cqunl ta
<br /> une•twalQh of'tlie yeurly i�wngege intiurrncc prcmium bein6 paid by H�rrowcr when thc insuruncc covcrage lapud or rcuscd to
<br /> be in effect, I,ei�Jer will uccept,use und retuin lhese aynxntti ns u lotis rererve in lieu c�t' martg�gc insuranca I.ass re.urve
<br /> paynxms nwy no lo+igcn c�requlrcd.ut thc opUun�if I.�rxlcr, if mortgugc insuruncc cuvcrngc(in thc umount aixi fi�r thc peri�
<br /> ihGt l,cncicr rcyuires►pruvidcd by an insurcr nppr�ivnl t�y l�:�xicr uguin hcc�mcs nvuilablc iuid is��binincd. B�irrowcr sti:lll�3A
<br /> tlie prcmiums rcquircil t��nnii+iUdn mwtgn�c insurwt�r i�t efPcct,ur tn pruvidc n Inss rescrve.►ui�il thc reqtdresnent for mwtgugc�
<br /> insuraocc cixls in ac�.Y�r�liuKC whh i�ny wriltcn uKr�.�enxnt hctwecn I�orrowcr luid Lcnder or applirabi�Inw.
<br /> 9, In+pectla�.I.ender nr ltti agent muy mukc rca.�+uzabic cntrics u�wn iuxl inspectiuns of tl�e f'ro�xny. Lendcr tiliull�iv�
<br /> 13orrau•cr nntica id thc linx��t'or prior tu un fnspcctinn s}xdfying reu,onublc�ausc fur thc inspcctiun. �
<br /> 10. Condemru►Uon,Thc pnxcecis of;my uw:irJ or cluim fi�r damagc�, dirert or �Yinsequcnti�d, in cnnnection wiiii u��
<br /> c��txlemnudau ur iithtr ti�king uf uny purt��{�Ihc Pr��perty,ar for convcyuncc In licu of condentnution, uro hcrcb� ursigixxl u
<br /> shull tx:paid t�[.cndcr.
<br /> In tlw cv�ut uf u tu.ul t,iking uf Ihc 1'ru��:ity. Uic p�-�x��d,+hul{}x�applicd lu lha tiutn+u:cur�il{iy lhis Siiu�'11y ln�,t�'unti�nt� -
<br /> wl�ether�ir not then�lue.with uny exres.r• puid tt� Horn�wcr. In the event of u partial taking af'the Propeny in wl�lch the fair
<br /> murket vulue of the Pr�peny immeJiutrly l�efnro the in{cing is cyuol ta or greuter thnn the umount of�he sums s�tiurcd by this
<br /> Sccuriry lnstrun�cnt immcJiutcly brforc Q�c takiii�. unlcvs Ciarrow�r a�xf L�:�Klcr otlurwisc agrcc In writing,thc sums u:cu�rd by
<br /> this Sccurity Intitnu:xnt ahull hc ���lucal by thc uu�nunt of thc puxcals multiplicd by thc fullnwing Praction: (u) thc totul
<br /> amount of the sums sccural immediau:ly hcfore the iaking, dividcd by (b) the fair ma�lcct valuc of the Property immMliatcly
<br /> t►cPore thc taking. Any t+alunce shall tx paid to 13orrowcr. in thc cvent of a partial taking of thc Property in which thc fuir
<br /> m�:�ket value of th�Proper,y immc.�liiitely lkfore the iaking is Iess than the amount of thc sums sccurcd immadi�ucly bcforc thc
<br /> taking,uttless &�rrow•er uixl l..cixler utherwi�c;igrce in writin�or unless upplicuble law otherwise provides, the proceeds shull
<br /> bc applicd to thc sunu ticcurtxl 6y this Security Insttunxnt whcthcr or not thc sums arc thcn duo.
<br /> If thc Propcny is al�ixlonccl by Burrowcr,or if,nfter notirc by L.endcr to Borrow•cr thin thc candcmnor offers to make nn
<br /> awurci or �ettle u claim for ilama};es, Borrower fuils tcs rcs�nd to Lender within 30 days aRer the date thc noticc is given,
<br /> I.�ndcr is authari•r«f to c.rollcrt aixl ;ipply thc proccals,ut its option,citlicr to restoration nr repair of tlic Propcny or to thc sums
<br /> securcd by this Securit�� Jnstrument,whether or not tlKn due.
<br /> Untess Le�xler aiyl Borrower othcrwisc ugree in writing, any applicatian of proceeds to principal shall nnt extend or
<br /> postpoi�e the due dace c,f the monthl�puyn�ents referred eo in paragraphs I and 2 or change the amount of such payments.
<br /> Il. BorroMer Not Rdes�ed; orbea�nce By[.ender Not a Waiver. Extension of the timc for payment or modification
<br /> af�unartiu�tian of the surns secured by this Security Instrument granteci by I.ender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall
<br /> not upernte to rclease th�liubility of Nie original Borm�vcr or Borrower's succcssors in intcrest. l.cnder shull not be required w
<br /> amimence proceeciings against uny surcessor in interrst or refuse to extend time for payment or othenvise modify arr�rtization
<br /> of thc sunts secured by ihis Sccurity Instrun�ent by reasi�n of any dcmand made by the ariginal Borrower or Borruwer's
<br /> successors in interest. Any forbeurancc by Lcnder in exercising:�ny risht or remcdy shall �not bc n waiver of ar prcclude the
<br /> exerci�e of any right ar r�emedy.
<br /> l2. Successore and Assig� Bound; Jolnt And Several Liability; Co-slgners. The covenants and ugrcements of tfiis
<br /> Sccurity Instn�ment st�l bind and benefit the succasors and assigns of l.ender and Borrower, subject to the provisians of
<br /> paragraph l7. Bormw�r's covenants and agn�ements shall be jaint and se�•eral. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security
<br /> Instn�mcnt but dces not execute the Notc: (a) is co•signing this Secu�ity Instnm►ent only to mortgage, grant and wnvey that
<br /> ��rs•o��er's ir.t�est in ih�F'rs��rty undcr thc icrms of t:iis�riarity Instniment; (b)ic not personally obligated to Quy thc sums
<br /> secttmt by this Securitj� Instrument:and(c)agrees tlut i.ender�nd any other Bonower may agroe to ext�nd,modity.tor'beu or
<br /> make any accorrunocfatinns with regard to the temu of th is Sret►ri�y Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's consent.
<br /> 13. I.�n Ch�ryc�.If the loan securod by this Security Instrument is sub'ect to a law w6ich sets muximum loan charges.
<br /> and that law is fir�lly antapnted so that the interes�or other loan charges co�lected or to be collected in comioction with the
<br /> loan exceod the permittod limits,then: (a)any such loan ct�arge shall be reducvd by tha amount nacessary to reduce the chnrge
<br /> to the Qennittcd limiq xrd(b)any sums already collated from Borrower which exceacled�ermitted limits will bc refi+ndod to
<br /> Bormwer. l.ender n�ay choose to make �his refund by reducing the principal owed under thc Note or by making a diroct
<br /> paynxnt to Bormwcr. If a rcfund reduccs principal. the raduction wiU be treated as a partinl pirpayment wlthnut any
<br /> prcpayment charge urrler the Note.
<br /> 14.Notk�es.Any reotice to Bonowcr provided for in this Security Instniment shall be given by deliverin�it or by mailing
<br /> it by fitst class mail unless applicable law requires use of another method. The nutice shall be directal to the Prc,perty Add�ess !
<br /> or any ntlxr a�ldross Barrower designutes by �wtice to Lender. Any notice to i.ender shall be giveu by first class snail to
<br /> Lender's acldress st�tal herein or any other address Lender designates by notice to Barrower. Any notice�rovided for in this
<br /> Security instrument shitl be deeme�d to have bcxn given to Bonower or Lender when given ns provided in this para�tnph.
<br /> 15.Gorernln� Law; Severabtlity. This Security Insttur.icnt shall be govetned by falcrul law and thc law of the
<br /> jurisdictian in which the Propeny is located. In the event that any provision or clause of thi,,Security Insuument or the Note
<br /> contlicts with applicable law, such eonflict shall not affect other pravisions of this Security Instrurrnnt or tlu Note which can be
<br /> givrn crF-Act without�the wnflicting Qrovision. To this end the provisions of tliis Security Snstrument and the Note are declarcd
<br /> to be sevt�►ble.
<br /> lti.Borr�wer's Copy.f3urroWtr shall be given ane confomied copy of the Note anct nf'this Security lnstrument. .
<br /> l7.Transfer of the Property or p Bencfk;a! Interat in Ibrrower.if all or any part of tho Pmpr.rty or any interest in it
<br /> is sold ur tra►►sfen�i(or if a beneFcial interest in Bortower is sold ar t�unsferred and liorrower is not a natural person)withaut
<br /> I.ender's prior writte� cunsent, Lender may, at its option, require immc.�clinte payment in full of all sums secured by this
<br /> Security instrument,However,this option shall not be exercisod by Lender if ex�rcise is pxohibited by federal law as ot�he date
<br /> of this Security InstYUment.
<br /> yf Lender eser�i;rs this option,Lender shall give Bomower notice of acceleration.The notice shtill provide a period of not
<br /> less than 30 days Fm� tlx date the noticc is dclivercd or mailed within �t�fi�ich Borrower must pay a!1 sums secured by this
<br /> Secu�ity.[nstrumetu.It'Borrowcr fails tu pay►t►�sc:swns prior tu the expi��adon af this period, I.endcr may invuke any remadies
<br /> permintxl by this Scrurity instrument without furthcr notice or dcmand on Bonowcr.
<br /> 18. Bo�rovr�yr's Rt�ht to Rdnttate. If Borrower meets ccrtaim m�ditions, Bora�ower shall havc thc right to have
<br /> enfonerr�ent of this S�curity Instrument discontinucd at any time prior to the carlier of: (a) 5 dnys (or such other periai as
<br /> applicabte luw rnay specify for reinstatementl befon: sale of the Property pursuant to any power of sale contuinod in this
<br /> Security Instrumeiir or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Instrument.Those conditions are that Borroa�er: (a)pays
<br /> Lender all sums which then would be due ander tt�is Security Instrument and the IVote as if no ncceleration hud occurred; (b)
<br /> cures any defa�ult of any other covenants or agnxments;(c) pays all exFenses incurred in enforeing this Security Instrument,
<br /> includiag, but nat limited to, reas�nable attorneys' fres;and (d) tukes such actiun as l.�:nder may rc;isonubly rcquire to ussure
<br /> thut the iien uf this 3ccurity InstntRr�ent.L.cnder's rights in the Property and Bonower's obligation to puy tlte sums secured by
<br /> this Socuriry Ir�.vtrument shall continuc unchanged Upon reinstatcment by Borrow�er, this Sccurity Instnm�ent und the
<br /> obligations securod lxreby shall ren�ain fully effectivc ns if nu xceleration liad occucred. How•ever, tAis rigt►t tu reinstate shall
<br /> not annlv in tlx c;�se of acccicration undcr n:u�.+�rcinh 17.
<br /> 19. Sak of Note; Change a[Lo�n Servtccr.Ti�c Notc or a p:srtial intcrest in thc Note (togcthet with this 5ecurity
<br /> Instrunxnt)may be sold one or more tinxs without prior notice to Borrower. A sale may result in a change in the entity(known
<br /> a�th�:"Lo��Servicer")that collects mnnthly payments dae under tlu Note and this S��curity Instrument. There also may be one
<br /> or more ch;�iges of thc Lwn Servicer unrelatccl to�sale mf thc Notc.if there is a change of the Loan Scrviccr, Borrower will bo �
<br /> givcn wriltcn notice uf thc chungc in accordance with p3ragraph l4 above anci applicablc Inw.The notice will statc tlx name and
<br /> aJdirss af thc�xw Loun Scrviccr aixi thc addrcss to whfch paymcnss sliuuld hc madc. Thc noti��c wiU also �bntain any other
<br /> information reyuircd hy applicable law.
<br /> 20. H�wtdous 5ubstxnccs. Ilorrowcr shall not c•rusc or pe:rmit the pmsencti, use, diapos;►1, aturage, or releasc uf any
<br /> Hazardous 5ubstanccs un or in thc Propcny. Borrower sh;dl nut do, ►wr allow anyune clae to du, anything u�Fecting the
<br /> Proncny that is in violatiun uf anv Enviromncntal Law. Thc preccding tK�o xntcrr.es shall �tut:►pply tu thc presc�xY:, use, or
<br /> storagc on the Property of amall quuntitics uf HaL�rduus Substanccs Nwt are gencrally n;a�gnizal to be appropriate to��omial
<br /> residential usc�mxi to m�►intcnancc of thc Pmpcny.
<br /> Pa�3 ot• Fotm 3028 91l0
<br />