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<br /> ' r t�bsu►ntinlly cquivnlem rnnrt�yc jnaura�ux:covcr��gc i.r• nut uvailablc, &��rowcr�hull pay to Lendcr carh nu�uth u sum cyual w
<br /> ono-twelftli af t�te y�arl nlortgn�c fiisur�ce premium txing puid by Borrower tivhcn thr insurnnce coverugr. lap.r•ec!or crused ta
<br /> be in effr.ct.l,cr�Jer Wfl�uccept,u�uncl rMnln these pr�yments i„ u li�+s rescrve in licu uf murtbagc ln,urance. I.oss rcrervf,�
<br /> paymentti ntny nu Iniiger be reynf:cd, nt qti���tl�m of I.endcr, �f�rMhgage intiuruncc cuveriige(in the umount uixl fiir the perii�±
<br /> �' tfurt l.endcr n:qufrrti)pr�viJed hy iu► innurcr uppr�►vcd hy l.cndcr uguin txcomcs i�vuilabic und is ohtuincd. t3orruwcr tihull pa11
<br /> . tlic pr�:miunn� rcyuire:d in muintaim m�rt�ln�tc intiur�mcc in cl'I'crt,ur tc►pr,rvidc��Intis rctic�vc, until thc rcyui��ctntnt lin•tt�urlgag�
<br /> Imurum:c:cndt� in nc�:nrd:mcc wi�h �my writtcn�igrccnicnt hcn��ecn Ilurrowcr an�i l.�ndcr ar nppHruhlr lo�v.
<br /> . 9, Ine�K�llnn. I.cndcr ur its ngcn� m;►y tnukc rca+am�hlc�►urlcy�y�m iuKl Inspertivay nf thc ['r�►�x�ily. I.cudcr shnll givc�
<br /> Ilnrr�itvnr nntlr.a nt Il�cli�nent'ur rrinr tu un In.�xclii►n��xcit'ying rrriconablc cuuti�lur�hc i►is�xclion.
<br /> 10� ('nnd�:mu►itln��.'I'h�:pr�►ccc:ds ni'imy �iw�u•d ur claim li�r �IumaEcv, dircrt ur runticyucntiisl. in runnc��Uun wiih an
<br /> cuiNlcnimiNun ur n►Itcr tukhi�: af uny��;irt nf'Ihc pr���xny. nr fiir convcyuncc in licu��Y rs»xlemnuUun, iirc I�crch,y n�si�n�Yl ai
<br /> sh;�n iw�„���i��� >>����i«.
<br /> � In th�:�:v�:ul ul':i u�1;d i�ikiug uf ihc Pru�nr�y.thc pruccedx shnll hc applicd tu thr.tium,scrurcd hy this Sccurity In,trumcnt~
<br /> :vhc�bwr or nut tlicn duc. W�III IIII�I L'1(l'l'b4 rr,�id �u &�rruwcr. [n thc evcnt uf u p;u•tiid ti�king of thc Pmperty in which thc tuir
<br /> m�irket vnlun uf thc i'mperry imn�cdi�ucly lir.forc the taking iti cyuul tn ur brcutcr thun thc i�mount��f thc sums secured by this
<br /> Sectu•ity Inr.Inunem inmu:Jlnt�ly b�fiirc�hc uiking.unless Borrower nnd I.ender otherwise.igree in wri�ing,thc sums securcd by
<br /> this Securily In�uYinunt hhnl! Ix reduced by the �mount of the praceed� tnultiplied by thc following fruction: (n) the totul
<br /> •miount nf Ihn sums sccurcd immedintely bctore thc taking, divided t�y (b) the fuir markct v11ue of thc Property immccliiuely
<br /> be�fore tha lnkin�, Any bnhincc shull I�c p�iid to I3orrower. In the evcnt of a punic►I taking of the Properly in which the Puic
<br /> m:rrl:et vnlun af thc l�ro�►c:ny immediutcly beti�m thc taking ic Icss thun thc amount uf the sums sccured immediutely before the
<br /> ti�king, unlass i3arrower :uid Lender othenviye�igree in writing or unlesr;sipplicable law otherwise pravides, the procecds shall
<br /> b:applicd tn tt�e su�nssecureci by�his Security Instrumcnt whcthcr ur not thc su�na ure then due.
<br /> If thr. Pm�erty is nt>nndoneJ hy pnrr�wer,or if,aftcr notice by Lcndcr to E�irrower that the condemnor offcrs to make an
<br /> award or sattlt� u cluim for dumnbes, Dorrower fuils to respond to [.ender within 30 days after the date the notice is given,
<br /> L.ender is authorii.ed tncoUcct ;md npply the proceeds,at its option,either to restoration or rcpair of the Propeny or tn the sums
<br /> securcd by tt►is Sccurity Insinimcnt,whether nr not then duc.
<br /> Unless Lender and fiorrnwer othenvise agrce in writing, uny application of prcxeeds ro princip,�l shall not extend or
<br />- pc►.t�x�uu lhn�lne date nf Uic monthly puyments rcfcrred to in p;uagraphs 1 artd 2 or change th�amount of such payments.
<br /> 11.Dmr,�wer Nat ReleA�sed; Forhearanr.e By I.ender Not n Waiver. Extension of the time for payment or modification
<br /> of antnrtizutfon of the smns serured by this Security Instrument granteci by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall
<br /> nut operate ta r�le;ue thc liabifiry of the ori�innl Borrower or B�rrower's su�cessors in intcrest. I.ender shall not bc required to
<br /> commenco proceedinss against uny successor in interest ar refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amonization
<br /> of tl�e sums securcd by this Sccurity [nstrument by reason of any demand made by the original Bonower or Porrower's
<br /> successonc in interest. Any(orbenraiue by L.ender in exercisinfi any right or remedy shall not be n waiver of ur preclude the
<br /> exercir,e of nny right orrerncdy.
<br /> 12. 9uccess�ro And As.siqns Bnund; ,lornt end Several Llabtlity; Co-stgners. The covenants and agreements uf this
<br /> Security Instniment shelt bind a�td benefit the successors und assigns of I.cnder and Borrower, subject to the provisions of
<br /> paragmph 17. Bonow�r's covenants and ngrcements shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security
<br /> Instrumcnt but dc�es nm exccutc the Notc, (u) is co-signing this Security Instcument only to mortgage, grant and convey that
<br /> Bornowcr's intes�:t ir_ tlie Prope�ty undcr thc tcrms of this Securitv Instrumenr(bl ic nnr �r�,�atl;�til:a r„�r„����;��;;�.w '
<br /> +c�:urcci uy this.securityit�strument; und(c)ngrees that Lender and 1ny uther Borrower may agrce to extend,malify,forbear or
<br /> mxke su�y nccon��rn►diitions witl�rcgard to the teims of this Security Instn�ment or the Nate withonl�that Borrower's�onsent.
<br /> l3.1,�►un Chnrges. If ihe lonn secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan chargea,
<br /> and thnt luw is finnlly intcrn�+eted so thut the intercst ur other loan charges collectec]or to be;collectod in connection with tho
<br /> ��an exceed the pemtitted limits,then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by�he amount necessary to rcduce the charge '
<br /> ,f to the pnmtitti�d limit;and (b) uny sun�s nlready collccted from Bor�o�ver which excecded permitted limits will be refunded to
<br /> � Borrower, (..Ciid�r may chaose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a direct
<br /> payment to l3urrower.If n rsefund reciuces principal, the reduction will be treateci as a partial prepayment without any
<br /> p�payment r.hrirgc undcr thc Notc.
<br /> ; K�t.ti�ellees. Any nut icc to Ba•rowcr provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it ar by muiling
<br /> it b���xst rinss m�il u�il�ss applicablc luw requires use of another methcxl. The notice shall be directed to the Properry Address
<br /> = or uny other address Borrower designutes by notice to L.ender. Amr notice to Lender shall be given by�rst elass mail to
<br /> L.ender's addi�ess stnted herein or any other.�ddress Lender designates 4�y notice to Borrower. Any notice provlded for in this
<br /> � Security Inattuinent shall bc dcemed to havc bcen given to Borrower or Lerider when given as provided in this parngraph. -
<br /> � 15.GavM•ttittg i,aw; .Severab111ty. This Security Instrumcnt shall be governed by federal law and the law of tha
<br /> � jurisclictlon in�vhich ttic P'roperty ig located. In tl�e event that uny provision or clause of this Security Instrument�r the Noto
<br /> cont7icts with�ppJicablo la�v,such canllict shall not Affect odier provisians nf this Seruriry Instrumeat or the I�Tote which can be
<br /> ''" gi��cn affcct ►vithout the a>nflicting p�uvision. 'Co this end the provisions of this Sexurity Instrument and the Notr are declarccl
<br /> R� ta'be severuttle.
<br /> - 1b.$prrower's Capy.Dorrower shall be given one conformed copy of the Note und of th[s Security Instrument.
<br /> j. 17.'[�,flu�('er of tl�e C'roperty or a Beneficlal Interest in Borrower. If all or any part of the Property or any interost in it
<br /> . is sald or trt�nsferr�cd(arif a6cneficinl interest in Borrower is sold or transferred and Borrower is not a natural person)without
<br /> i Letxlct's prior �vrittcn a�nscnt. Lender may, nt its option, rcquire immediate payment in full uf all sums secured by this
<br />�° 5ecurity Instniment.Howcvcr, this option shull not be excrcised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by fedcral law as of the date
<br /> of this Sccurltp Uistmmcnt.
<br /> If I.ender exercisestl�is option, L.ender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration.The notice shall provide a periad of not
<br /> lcss thun 30 days from ihe date thc noticc is delivered or mailed within which Barrower must pay all sums secured by this
<br /> Socurity Instrument.[f Iforrox�cr fails to p��y thc.se sums prior to the expiration of this period,Le�xler may invoke any remedies
<br /> peaimitted by tltis 5ecuriry Fnatrnment�vithout Porthcr noticc or demanci on Iionower.
<br /> 18. Bon+ower's Aiu]tt to Reinstate. If Borrowcr mcets certuin conditions. Borrower shatl havc the right to hnvc
<br /> enforcement uf r�t;s 5ecurity In�trumenl discontinuud at eu�y time prior to the earlier of: (n)5 days (or such other period as
<br /> applicable fuw may specify for rcinstatement) befocie sale oF the Property pursuant ro any power of sale cuntained in this
<br /> . Sa:urity Instnimcnt;or (b) entry of a judgment cnforcing this Sccuriry Instrument.'Those conditions arc that Banower:(a)pays
<br /> Lend�r all sums�vliich ihcn +vould bc duc under thix Sccurity Instrwnent;u�d the Note as if no accelcration had occurced; (b)
<br /> cun:s any defnult af nnyotl�cr covenunts or agrcc►nents; (c) pays ull expenses incurccd in enfarcing this Sccurity instrument,
<br /> includin�, but nnt limitcd tu,re.�sonable attorneys' tees;nnd(d) tukes such uction a� Ixnder may rcasonubly requirc to u5sure
<br /> ttutt tho Ilen nf this Security Instnm�ent, Lcnder's riBhts in the Property and f3ormwer's obligation to pay the sums securod by
<br /> tliis Security lnstrume�n shall continuc unchanbed. Upon rcinstatement by Borrowcr, this Security Instn�rr�ent 3nd the
<br /> obligntions securod hereby shall remuin fully effective as if no neceleration had occurred. However, tliis right to reinstate shall
<br /> Ilot opply ln thC Caslf of�1Ctatjott under narnornnh t 7
<br /> 19. S91e of Nute;C1�a��c uf Lua�i Servicer. Thc Note or a partial intcrost in the Note (togethcr with this Security
<br /> Instrumeny mxy bc sold anc or morc times without prior niitirc to Borrower.A salc may result in a changc in the cntiry(known
<br /> as thc"Loan Scrviccr") tliat wllects munthly paymcnts due undcr tlie Notc und this 5ecurity Instrument. Thcrc also may bc one
<br /> or mom chanEas of the Loan Servlcer unr+elutecl to a side of thc Notc.If thcre is u chun*c of the Loan Serviccr,Borrowcr will be .
<br /> given written notice of tUe change iu accordunce with par,igraph 14 above und applicab�e law. The notice will state the name and
<br /> acidress nf the naw Lonn Servicer and the adclress to wh(ch payments sl�ould be made. The notice will also contain any other
<br /> information rcyuired by npplicablc luw.
<br /> 20. Hezordous Sxd�sta�nces. liorrowcr shall not causc or permit thc prescncc, use, disposal, starage,nr mle�se of any
<br /> Haz:lydnus S�bstuncrs em or in tlic Property. Burn►wer shall not do, nor allow anyonc clse to do, anything affi�cting the
<br /> Property that is in violuifun of any Enviraimentul L,1w. Tl�e preccding two sentences shall not apply to thc presence, use, or
<br /> storage vn th�F'ropeny uf small yuuntities of Hazanious Substanccs that arc gencrally recognized tu bc appropriatc to normal
<br /> res3dential uses tuid t�maiut�cnance of the Property. __
<br /> Pope 3 of a Form 3028 9/90
<br />