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<br /> ' T008TIifiR WI'i'H alt tha improvemenca now or hue�tter crocted on the property,and aU cascmcnts�appunenxnccs.u�d
<br /> � Cuepmr.x now a herc,�tcer e p�rt di t1�e pcoperty.All replaccmcnts and Additlon�sh�U alsA be covercA by this Security Instrume�t. �_:
<br />::� All af the fore�oint is retexrod to in�hi�Socurlty�nstrurtx�t a�hc"PronertY•" _.
<br /> __ �(JYtR01N6R COVENAM'S th�t Bonowtr ig lawfully seised of the estate hueby conveyed und has thc right to grant nnd �.�
<br /> " convoy �he Propcity and that the Property i� unencumbaod.exapt[ar encum6rNncw of raor d. Sorrow�r warranis snd will `
<br />-- dofend genenUy uhe dtb w tho Propaty against�!1 eWms uid demmd�,subjoct w any encumbn�nces of rocord. -
<br />_. TIiIS SECURITY INSTRUA�NT cambir�es w�iform covcnants fa national use and non•unifortn covenants wlth limiuc9 °'_
<br /> variAticxu by jurisdiction ta constitua�ueifo�m sacudry instrument covcring real prope.cry. --
<br />:� LJNIPURM COVBNMTI'S.Borrowu�nd Lendu covenant and agroe a�folbws: =
<br /> :� 1.P��et of Pri�si�l and Iakre�;PrepaymeEt aed Late C6�r6a. Socrowu sluU promptly pay whcn due Ihe �
<br />'�� principd of and inea�st o�the debt evldencod by tha Nnte md any prepeyrt�ent Nd I�r,e cturges due unda the Nou.
<br />- Z.6'rwM for Txxee�sd I�ra�oe. SubJoct to applicabie law ar to a writtea waiver by Lcru{a, Borrowu shall pay to
<br />';� Lendor on the dxy mnnthly paymcnrs are due uc�der Ihe Note,undl ihe Noie ig paiQ in full,a swm("Funds")for. (a)ycarly taxes
<br />����; �d as,,cecunenls which may attain prioriry ovu this Sxurity Inswmcnt a9 a lirn on the Propary;@)yauly Icasehold paymrnts
<br />-- � ar genund renu on the ProQaty.if any:(c)Ycarly ha�ard a propaty insivance premiuma�(d)Yeuly flood insunu�ce premiums�if
<br /> :� anY:(e)Y�IY��B�Se insurmct�xunlums�If aay:and(�any sums p�yabk by Borrower to Lender.in accordance with the
<br />-= provisions a�pa�raph �,in licu of thc paymcnt of rtwrtgaga insmanrc praniums. Thesa itcns �rc c�lkd "Esaow Itcros." �
<br /> � Lendm'mty.�t any time.coUoct and hokl Fw�ds in an amount not w exceed the mauimum amau►t a jentlex for a fecfaally reWod
<br /> matgege loan may require for Borirowex's escrow accouns undv the fode�al Real Estate Settkmcnt Pisx�.edures Act of 1974�s
<br /> .� , antondod from time to dme,12 U.S.C.5oction 2601 at seq. ("RESPA").unless uatt�er law Uut applies to the Funds sets a lauer —
<br /> ' amount!f ao�L�der may.�t+�ny dme.eolkct arxl hoW Fw�ds in an amo��nt not to wccoed the lesser mwun� Le�der mty
<br />,_ cstimate the xnount of Ftrnds due on the basis of curra�t data end reaSOnable cstimaus of oxpaiditums of fuwre Escrow Itcros or
<br />— othmwix ln�cooalma�th applkabk law.
<br /> Tl�e F�nds sl�W be heW in an instiwdon whose deposits arc iasurcd by a foderal agaky. ins�umentality�a tntity(including
<br /> � Laider.U LRaider is such n insdwti�on)or in any Fakral Home Lrnn Bank.Lenc{a sh�ll apply the Funds to pAy ihe F.nxow
<br /> . Iroms.I.a�der may not ch�rge Bomnwa for holding and applying ihe Funds. annwdiy an�lyzing tho esccow aocounL or valfying
<br /> the E�cmw Itana.unles�I.a�der psye Bamwcr intaese on the Funds and epplicabk law permits I.ender to make such a ct�argo.
<br /> : T7nn.wvM�i..nrl�r�i�lt:S'r'R� �`°..'��L�:3��L�lL��SSN'L`.F.°�SpC f�JS°�!' !&��D'::SL�°� ncr...,°�..r�.��M�w�np cw,rarirv. �t�1��r _
<br /> . Lpl(�R'l�tl COMOCt10f1 Wit�l tbL4 IOAfl.uAkSS 8pp11CdbIC 18W pD0v1dES OQitlwt3C.UDk33 At1 81$cOCl!lGIL LS R1ptlE O[�1p1�Ca61C 1M1tt
<br /> roquires fn�aat b be p�id,I.e,a�d�ec shall not be roquirod to pay Borrowar eny lntaost or esmings on tha Funds.Bomowa�
<br /> ,�: L,wda m�y�groe in ar[6nng�howovrr.that intaest ah�ll be paid on the Fnnds.Lender shall glve to Borrower�witho�t chuge,en
<br /> s;. mnual�000un6ng of the Funda,sha�i�crodits md debits to tho Funds aod the ptupasa for�vhich exh debit to tha Funds rva�.
<br /> ;} m�de.Zbe Fund��re Pbdgod�s addiGOr,al socndty for all sums secured by this Secucity Insa�umrn�
<br /> ;.; If the Ftmds held by Lendet excad the artaanb permitted to be teeld by ag�plisable law,I�ender shall accotutt Lo Bomower for
<br /> �ha aacds Fwds in�r,oadance with the nquiranent�of apryli�bk law.If�he xnount of the Funds held by I.en�kr at eay time i�
<br /> i not suft'kient b pay the flicxow Ituns wha�duo.i.enaa may so�oafy aoROwa;�wriu�a.and,in such case Borrower shall P�Y
<br /> � to l.e�t{a the amount neces.sary w mdce up the ckficiency. Barower sluill make up the �kt'�eia�cy in no mora than twdvo
<br /> ` mnnthlY P�Y��,at Leoda's sob discretion.
<br /> ��t UP�P�Y�t in full of all sums sxurod by this Socurity Insstcumau,I�der st�U promptly refund to Borrowu wny Fwds
<br /> `'� hnld by Ler�da. If.und�r p�ragr�ph 21.Lender shall acqulre a sell the Propaty.Lcnda.Pria to thc acquisition or salc of the
<br /> � �� Ptopetty,stu�U apply any Funds held by Lcnder at the tima of acqui4ition or saLe a4 a aodit egainst the sums sxiued by this
<br /> is St�uriry Insttv�r�ent
<br /> � 3.Applic�tio�of Fanesb. Unkss applicabk law provides otherwlsa,all paymen�s eoaived by I.enckr undac par�graphs
<br /> .�. l and 2 shaU bc y�plial: first, w any pnpapmc�t ctiarges due under the Not�second,to aunounts payabk unda pxagraph 2;
<br /> �-' tithd.to In�due;fourth.w principel due;aad last,w any late charges due w�d�r the Note.
<br /> ��; 4.CY�rsa;Lias. Bamowa ahall pny all taaw, asscssments� charges. fines and impositi�ons a�ribunblc to the Fropaty
<br /> w�hlch m�y atuin�iority o�a thls Socurity Instrumait,and kasehold paymaiu or ground reau�if eny.Bomnwu shsll pay tlxse
<br /> � obiigations in tho m�nner providod in peregraph 2,a if not psid in that manna.Borrowa shall pay t1:an on time diractiy to�he
<br /> , f person owod payment. Barowa st�all promptly furnish to Lenda all nodces of arnounts to be paid unda this parag�apt�,If
<br /> Bumowa maices these peymaits dirocdy.Borrowa shall P�P�Y fumish W L.c7ider roceiptg cvidencing the pqmenu.
<br /> ' , Barmwa shaU pror.r►PdY dischacge sny 1iu►which ha4 priority over this Socurlty Instrumrnt unkss Borrower:(a)agroes in
<br /> , w,etdng b the payma�t of the abligntion socured by the liu►in a manner acccpubk to I.eaxler;(b)cont�sts in gaod faith the lia�
<br /> _ , by�ar defend.t againgt enforcement of the lien in, legal pracecdings which in the I,ender's opinion opaate W prevent ihe --
<br /> ` e�fnrcement of the lia►;or(c)socures from the holdei of�he lien en agrounent satisfactory w Lcnder subordinating the lien to
<br /> ttds Security Inst�uma��If Lender determines that any part of the Proputy i� subject w a liea�which may attain priority over this
<br /> = . t Ser.�nity Ins�nt,I,ender msy give Solmwa a notice icknafying the lien. Borrower shalE satisfy tho lim or talce one or more
<br />=_� , of tha ac�tioay eet forth abovo within 10 days of the giving of notioe. `"
<br /> _ , i Form�G2/ Yq0 _.
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