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<br />- ' ..` �oan No�ia��ao DEED O nuedUST 97�1045!�'7 P��° � ��-
<br /> �.,.._.
<br /> �i,v wni,.�r.r,.w.w..x+�o�,e.moaMcarorn.�+na�,o.,.�,d.ueawunora ra n,.Na.. rn.m.�urnr d.w a n�.a..d a T�u,�k �--
<br /> Nown�b..71� 19D7. ;ti�.:
<br /> �.aw �►o�ny. rn.wad. �.ona �r�p�rty/'m..n w�qubr�.�+�bau��,a�d an.r e�+a..a a.�s«��av«+r�+oW a n.n.nK -..-
<br /> ' own�d by Trusta��nd now a h�nafhr�Mach�d-a�tlbud lo Ih�RMI Prop�ly; toqNMr wrih dl aocwalar�Duls� �nd sddWor�lo��fl
<br /> rpl�C�mNib of,�nd dl aubtNtuUoM lor, �ny of suCh pro�rty;�nd tOpNhM wilh IJI proCNd� I�nCludrW wilhoul MmH�Hon �N IMUr�nc� •
<br /> procNAs and rNunde d pnr�urtn)hom any uM ov o1hK dfsposlGOn ol lh�Prop�rty.
<br /> Pro�ty. Th�wad"Prop�rty'mura coN�ctlwy th�RMI PropMty and IM PKSanal PropKfy. _
<br /> R�ai PtopKb. Th�wads'fiNl PropKy'mwn fh�Pr�tY�In1��sb and riphq�daaiMd�bow In tM"Conwy�na and OnM"�Ilon.
<br /> . �. �er RNat�d i)ocummia. Tlw word�`�IaNd Oxum�nu° mMn�nd kx�iuch wilhouf YmItNHon�fi prorraswry noiro�a�c','�1 prwnwn��ban
<br /> �pr�nb,�nvkonm�nlN�prwrt�+h�Owr�ntla.s�curMy�pr�sm�nt�.mcxt�pN.dw�ol tu�f,�nd�II ofMr katrum�nb��yrNmk►h�nd
<br /> � dxunwnb,whNh�r now a MinsMr�xlsGrq,�x�cutsd In connectbn w{Ih Ih�►Indebtsdn�ss. :,
<br /> ;,,�� R�nts. TM wad'4i�nb'tnMta aN prq�M�nd fulun nnb,revenuas,Income,Issuss,royaltNs,proffts,�nd otM►b�nsllb d�ived kom Ihn r�_ "
<br /> ,. FYpp�rty, �-
<br /> T�uatN. Th�wad"Trut1M"mta�n UNREO NEBRJ►SKA BANK and any subatltul�a iuoc�ssor truslMS. ir�•-
<br /> � T�tulor. Th�word'Thntar'm�arn any and aM pMSOm and�ntftla�xacutlnp thls Dwd W Trusl,Includtnp wtthoul Nmll�tlon�II Truston n�m�cf E;
<br /> �bow. -
<br /> '' ON T1E Fd,IOWINQ TERM8:
<br /> . �.:—
<br /> �' of TnMpl as Ih�y 6�conN dw ind st�sblcpy�d�ln a�Umaly man Peritxm N ol Tnrito�'faobNp�qoar i�unt1M ths NoN,fhh OMd of Thxt,�ind f�M -
<br /> l�' HMaSW Docurt��ls.
<br /> �'i POSSESSION AND MAINTENMICE OF TFE PROPERTY. TruSlor�pre99 thel Trustort pOSSassbn�nd uss d tM PtopMty th�N b�povNnsd b�t �•':�
<br /> tIM 10r0YYk�0(i�0Yli1WM� Fe:.-
<br /> `• ' PosqMfon�nd lbt. Unl�tM oxurrana d an EwM ol Oettull,Tn►stor may (i)rerrwln(n possssslat trxi cunhd of it�Prop�rly. (b)it�. �i
<br />:�i;;..',:',: •:�• opKaM a manp�th�Prop�ry�and (o)colNct any Fi�nta hom the PropKfy. �`;"°�
<br /> �'.;,n�;;:'�� Dttty b M�Inhlr�. Trustor tFW malnialn IM Property In Isnantabb condlNan and prompqy patorm aA rapaks,replacrtrMnt�,md mtlnt�n�nor
<br />",'r��itj%� �NO�tWy b p�MMV�Ib V111N.
<br /> ,\',-.':'i
<br />_:. �i�. F1�7�fd0Ua SYb��flCp. Th0lKflli 11iaVd0US WaSWi'h�Wd011!fUb1t�I1Cl�"'�06�I�"'YNMS��111d 11M1lQMMf�IrIMt���i UMd U fhb
<br />- De�d af Trutb s1uiN haw fh�anw rt�dnp�u ut torth In Ih�Comproh�nslw Em�ko�wrMnyl R�epora�.Comp�na�tlon.md I.I�MMIy ACI of
<br /> 19D0,u am�ndW.12 U.S.C.S�ctlon 8601,N seq. ('�CERCIA'�,tM Supafund AmandrtNnb�nd Rwuthad�8on Acf d 199a,Pub.L.No. ---..
<br /> ,. . 99-499�',th�Flmrdout Matel�b TrartsportaUon Aat,49 U.S.C.S�atlon tE0/,N s�q.,Ih�R�sourw Canerwtlon�nd R�cov�y Aat.
<br />' 42 U.S. SeCtlon 8901,�t t�q„a othK�ppNKbM stals or F�denl I�ws,nib9.or rsput�Hora�dopbd purew�lo any of tM forpdrp. Tho
<br />�� brm!'t�iardous wut�'�nd'Tw=ardous substancv"sh�N�ko Inalud�,wNhnul NmAatlon,p�hol�um�nd p�trolwm by-producb a any kacfan
<br /> Ilwad�nA aaMaln+e. T�usttr raoraswnl�and wavantn In l�ntiw that� (a1 Durtrt�tFa nMnr!_M.Tnr.tnf�er_�r�ela�n!!!n�Pren�Av.Hxrw hna -
<br /> 3.u� ; .. Msn no u��QeneraMon�rtwnuf�ctun�ston0��lrNtmmt�dlePos�l,►Meiss a Ihre�tsned rel�ea of�ny hmrdoun wasls a lubs�na bY a'�N
<br /> person on,undar,aboul or kom tM Pro�rly; (b)Trustor h�a no knowlscfQo o!,or reuon b bMNw thtt IMn has bMn,�xcspt u pnvbu�9y
<br />�;:.;.'.':� dhclosW to and�CknowNdp�d by Undor In writlrp, (I)�ny us�,paneratlon,mnnufaciun,ata�y�,hMtrrhnt,dfaposal,rNeuss.or IhreAt�t»d
<br /> '''•t ' rsls�s�of�ny h�trdou�w�tste or substar�on,under,�boW a kom ths Properly by any pdor own�rs a xcupanb d lfN PropMty or (A)�ny
<br /> ��.. -,;�.: � i° �� � Y Y Y P�n rNatlny b swh m�tlers:�nd (c)Exc�pt�e prwlouay dtsdoad lo�nd
<br />_�1�..�:,:.: . , �ctwl or tM�Nnsd tton or ctNm�a1 an klnd b �n
<br />-;�•.- ���.-�� � , �dcnowwdp�d by L�ndrr In writlrp. p)nNtt»r Trustor nor�ny qr�nt,contracta,ap�nt p oth�r aulhatx�d user of ttM Pro�ly sh�1 u&�.
<br /> ,., pen�nb.rtynuftclun,stare�lrwt,dlspos�W.a rNsnt��ny hazudous wasla a�ubsunce on�und�.�bout or lrom IM Propaty and (Y)a�N
<br /> . -
<br /> �*�,ir. ��.' ` such�ctivHy�h�b�conduct�d In compMana wllh�A�pptk�bls bclenl,akte,�nd loal Iswa,ropulaUora and adnancM,k�dudlrq wkhuut
<br /> Y`,�:,:�.,�.,,�!+�e Nmltalbn thoa kws�nCulatiora��nd ordlrnnca daalbed above. Trustar�uthaize�LerW�r md Ib p�r�to�nNr upon fh�RopKly b
<br />;; c,:,. rr�k�tuch Insp�ctlan and Nsb.at Trus�a's�q»rtr,��as Under mey d�em aPproprl�t�lo dNermlrw�Il�na of th�ProMrry wkh fhb
<br /> � . � secHon of tM DMd o/Trust. Any In ons or tests meds b Lander ehaN b�tor L�nd�r's
<br /> -.���.,.., .. ,. � � Y P�Posa ony and ahaN not M constrwd fo aeet�
<br />=.:=,�,:•. �•,•.,._ , any rssponslblllty a NeblNty on tf�put of Lmder to Trustor or to nny other person. TM repnssntedont�nd wur�ntla co�ln�d hereln nn _
<br />�.l,y,.;f:,.�„�r �. b�sad on Tnntor's dw dlqpsncy In(nvesNpatlnp ths Property for hwrdous wut��nd haa►dous subsfanae. Tnqtor hKeby (a)rNess�s�nd
<br /> y:.i�,r.W:;d,�,,:.. wehr�s any futuro cl�tm�epatnst L�nd�r for fnd�mnity a conMbutlon!n the�wnt Trusta bscortia lI�bM la ckanup a othK cosb unda�any
<br /> '��"�� �uch wws.�nd (b)�prNt lo Indsmnify and hold hermlest L�ndet s0�lnst�ny�nd NI dNrta� lott�t�MbAHiN, d�tn�pN� p�Nip,and
<br />_,:;��;,�;syj� . u�enx�s whlCh L�n�►may dk�ctly a IndkecMy sust�ln a suffer rrstAMrp kom �bn�ch of fMS eecNon of th� Ds�d of Trtnt or at �
<br />,.�,..�.�- conssqu�na ot�ny tn�.p�nKallon�manuhctun.stas0e�dlaposal,nNas�a Ihrs�Nn�d nMas�occunirq prlor fo Trustor�ownertMp a
<br /> _m, �-,*p, .. Inlorast In ttw Prop�rty,wMth�r or not th�art�wu or�hould haw b�sn known fo T►uslor. TM provtslorK W FNe ucllan of fh�DNd of Tntst.
<br /> ��;�:: ... Includlnp tM obYp�NOn to tnd�mnlry,thal tuMw tt�paymant of Nw Indabtodness and th�saUsl�cdore�nd r�conwyrana of tFw Mn ot Ihls
<br /> ; - DMd ol Truat and sh�N not b��K�cfsd br Under'f�cqufsldon of�ny Inlenst ln lhe Propuly,wh�tl�by tm�closun a olherwls�.
<br /> '�E;.,_ _rz...:i Mu1tM�c�,W�s1e. Truslor shtA not ause,Conduct a permk any nutS�nc�na commll,psrmN,a.•un.�.�y er�,p�a a was+.o�a�o mo
<br /> - �� . .,,,�, ,� Prop�y or any porqon of 1M Prop�rry. WlthOUt NmiNnp Ihe penenllly ol lhe forepolnp,Trwtor wW nol r�xnove.or qranl!o any olhx party Ihe =.
<br /> ,��;''%�;.�"' rlqM fo nmow.iny tlmba.mtnarals pndudnp oN and pu).taN,pn+rel a rock producb wNhout Ih�prlor w►1Hen conasnf of Lend�r.
<br /> �'��'��°��`='�� Removal of Im�ov�rtNnts. Tnistor shaN nof d�moWSh or nmow�n Im rowmanla kom Ilw�ted Pr wlthout fM
<br /> __•-,;���,:•� Y P �Y P�1w wrNf�n com�nf
<br /> --;=w�.�,;, of L�rMK. As�Condltlon fo Ih�nmoval of�ny Improwmsnls,LendK rt�y nquk�Trustor lo m�k��mnp�rtNnb aNsfactory to Lsndrr to
<br /> �.... , nPl�q suCh ImprM►�rrNnb wHh ImprowrtNnb of�t Nal�qu111 vall�.
<br /> .��,�..:;.,.. •
<br /> ��,� LM1diN�RIpAf 1p En1K. UMNr�nd Ib ap�nb and rrprre�nktlwt maY en1K upon 1h�Real Propetty�t�II rMSOmbM Im�!to�ttond lo -
<br /> Lflrr��InNnsb and l01 m !
<br /> :;�;.;�':u.< rqMCl th�Rop�rty for purpoNS of Ttustor'�ComPNtnCe wlth ItN Mrms�nd condltlons of M�is Dwd Of 7rust.
<br /> ;'�7=>'; CompMrtC�wllh Qov�rmrNrrlM Requk�nNnb. Trultor sh�M prompty compy wNh�1 Mws.adnanc�s��nd npul�tlons,now a hetMifMr in
<br /> _ allocl.o�NI powmrrMntat�utho�s�ppNqibls lo th�tn�or occupanoy o/tM P►opaty.k�cludlnp wtthout AmNatlon, th�Amedans Wllh �-
<br /> ". � ObabNNMs Acf. Trusta rtuiy conbst In poqd ltlth any tuch law,ordlna►�, a nqul�BOn and wRhhold oompli�nc�durinp any prooNdlnp, -
<br /> InCludrp approprl�t�app�als,to lonp ts Trustor hnf nofllad Lender tn wrftlnp prfw to ddnp so�nd to bnp u,In Lendu's toM opinlon,
<br /> : ' Ursd�r'� Inkcesb In tM PropMty are nol Jsopardlxed. Lander may requks Truslor to post�d�qwN s�cyriry a�wrery bond,roasombfy
<br /> � ,y, ' aeUslactory to L�,to proMc�L�ndu's Intersst.
<br /> �� Dury to Prol�ct.Trutla epnes�neill�x lo abandon nor{�ew unallended lh�Prapaty.Tnnta ah�1 do�A otMr�cb,In addWon ta Mot��c1s ��:"
<br /> s�t torth nbow In Mt��cran.whlch kom ttq ch�raaMr trtd uso of th�Proputy w r�asonabty�sary to proloct md pros���1w Propwty. �';;'
<br /> .�..-
<br /> F=�
<br /> � DS1E ON SALE-CONSEMT BY LE'NDER. L�ndu may,at Ib opHon,dectrn Imm�dlalNy du��nd pey�bN�N wms ssctx�d by thls b�ed of Trt�st ".
<br /> upon Iha aN a tr�nskr.wllhout lM L�ndK'�prior wdtlon oona�nl,of�N a any p�rt of tM Rwl PropKty,or a�Y Inl�t M tM Rwl Property. A '•�
<br /> . '�{�w traratw rtaans th�conwyana d RaI Proparty o��ny rlpht,tltM or Inter�l thorNn;whalMr NQd,4�nMc1�l or�qultabN;whether vduntery -
<br /> • , �:%'' a InvdunS�ry;wholh�r by ouutrffpht NM,dwd,Inst�Nrtwnt aN oontract,I�nd contnci,contnct tor dwd,N�sohold Inl�t wlth�krm qrwtar fh�n
<br /> Itw�(3)yrMrs.bas�-opdon eontnct.a by aN,assfpnrr�nt,or transhr of any b�n�Acl�l lnlsrsst M or to�ny Mnd Yusl hddlnp tlIN to Ihe Rsal
<br /> Proprrty,a by�ny othsr melhod of canwyana of Rw!Propertyr Intensf. If any Trustor A�corpa�Hon,p�rtn�rtMp ar Nmlbd IabNIN company,
<br /> _-�- - aarrsr�r a►so inctu0ss�ny cha�tn ownasMp of mon m�n lwlnty�-nw p�rcern(26%)oi th�votlnp stocFc,p�AMrthlp Inbnsb oc NmN�d II�bAIty 1
<br /> Comp�ny INe:�asb,��IM ds�rrwy be,o(Trusla. Hrnwver,fhFs opNon OIu�N nol bs�xKCh�d by L�ndK M such�xKCls�h prohlbltW by Ndurel � ,
<br /> _ aw a by Nob►aska I�w. `
<br /> TAXES AND LIQIS. Th�foNowlnp prmAslons rolatlnp lo tM Uxas and Mns on tlw PropKty�n a parf W If�4 DNd oQ Tnnt. E
<br /> i4 �
<br /> PynNM. Tnnta sh�A pay wMn du�(�nc�In�I wonb pria fo daMnqwncy)�N I�w,�p�cW taxw,ass�ssrtNnb,charps�p�cludlnp watn �
<br /> �nd s�w�r),MN and ImposNbns Ie+AW�yalntt or on�ccount:d tM Prop�fy.�nd th�N p�y KMn dtN�N Cl�lme lor work dorN on or tor
<br /> e«vlca nndK�d or nxlwial furnlsMd fo tFw Prop�rty. 1'rustor shaN melnl�ln Ih�P�operty frN of�N Il�m havinp prlorlty owr a pwl lo tM
<br /> Inlersst W L�ndsr unda thls DMd M Trust,�xcc�pt tor fM Men of lexe�und usesartqnts not du�md�zc�pt u oth�rwfs�prodd�d In tMs Dssd
<br /> of Trust.
<br /> Rlpht To COnl��l. Tntsto�rtwy wlthhold p�yrMM of any tax,�ss�ssmenl,or clilm In conn�ctlon wlth�pood hHh dlspub ovar tM obNp�uon
<br /> 10 P�Y���a L�ndu'�Inbnsl In!t�PropKty k nof}�opudl��d. If�Mn arb�s a k tlbd�s�nsu11 W rwnpaym�nt,Trusta�haq wilNn
<br /> - . • �, ,
<br /> .,.= .+,• . .� ' '-.. - ... __..-._ �
<br /> . ...--- - ::_u.�:: �
<br />