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<br /> P71ATX OIJ1LIi AO��T
<br /> � �.WH6RSA$, JANSAL. PBRItBT'P DOMINICO, a eir�gle pereon, �
<br /> (Dominico� is the own9r of the folla�wing deecribed real estate : c
<br /> The Northerl Forty-nine and 7'wo Tenthe (49 .2) feet of �
<br /> Y
<br /> Fractional Lot Eight (8) , Fractional Block One Hundred
<br /> One (101), in Kaenig and Wiebe's Addition and its
<br /> complem�nt, to-wit: Fractional Lot Sight (e) ,
<br /> Fractional Block One Hundred One (101) , in Railroad
<br /> Addition, both being Additione to the City of Grand
<br /> Ieland, Ha11 County, Nebraeka; and
<br /> WHBREAS, VERLA MAE WICKIZBR, a single person, (Wickizer) ie
<br /> the owner o� the following described real estate:
<br /> Fractional Lot Eight (8) , in �ractional Block One
<br /> Hundred One (101) , Koeraig anci Wiebe's Addition and ite
<br /> Compliment, Fractional Lot Bight (8) , in Fraction�l
<br /> Bloc}c One-Hundred One (101) , in Railroad Addi�ion, both
<br /> being additions to the City of Grand Island, Hall
<br /> County, Nebraeka, excepC therefram the North 49.2 Feet
<br /> thereof conveyed by deed recorc�ed tn Book 89, Page 602;
<br /> and
<br /> WHBREAS, Dominico is about to sell the above-doacribed real
<br /> estate owned by her and there is a building whi�h ig a comnon
<br /> garage used by both propertiee deac•ribed above on the property
<br /> line between the above-described real estate parcele and the
<br /> par�ies deaire that �uch center wall of the garage be and remain
<br /> a party wall _ Th� wall extende an the propeXty line between the
<br /> above described paraels of r�al estate and goes through the
<br /> center of th� commor� garage.
<br /> For the reason� set forth above and in consideration of the
<br /> mutual covenants and pxomises hereinafter eet forth, the parties
<br /> agree as f ollows:
<br /> i. The abovo-doacribed wall shali constitute a party wall
<br /> from and afCer the date of the execution of this Agreement by the
<br /> parties and each of them or their successors or assigns share the
<br /> right to use the wali jointly with the owner of the adjoining
<br /> tract of real estate.
<br /> 2. �hould th� pat�cy wall at any time while iiz use by bnth
<br /> parties as aEoresaid be injured or damaged by any cause other
<br /> than the act and omiss3.on af. either party, the party wall shal�.
<br /> be repaired or rebuilt as their joint expense, provided tha� any
<br />- sum r�ceived from inaurance againet such injury or destruction
<br /> nh�ll ho �ireh �r�r�lioA �n a»nh rena�lr nr rne�!-nr�t�nn Chn»7A f-hn
<br /> _-�.-_ -- -_-� .,...cr__...� .... ....,...' _�.r�.__ _ _�� �..._....'- .."..��... ..••..
<br />= party wall be in�ured by act or ontission of either party, the
<br />_ wall shall be repaired or rebuilt at that party's expense.
<br />= 3. T'his Agreement sriall be perpetual and the covenants
<br />= herein contained sh�ll run with both parcele of land above-
<br /> � degc�ibed, but t,he �',greement shall not operate to convey �o
<br />= eiChsr party the f.e� of any part nf the land owned or to be
<br /> • acquired by them, the creation of rights to a party wall shall be
<br />- the eole �SUrpose of this Agreement.
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