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<br />:�� DEED OF TRUST � F,, �-�.-
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<br /> ' ,�',�, _� ,�monp tho f3rsntor,_.QJ,j�9j�,'La����T'----
<br /> PAR7IES:Thi�D�ad of Tru�t U mad�on._._ t►tn�E 4- -119? �•gorrowK'�
<br /> . .,� �[�] g�DAR'1`TR F' AR�_Fi• _...
<br /> -;g�:�ar}� 11RRNi� R AanCK AT2'�ZR�iE� - -
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<br />'�,..�s,,�; __County, Netxnka PTru�tH'1,and tM&rwfiCiKy, .�
<br /> t�, whoa resid�na addros�lt ._e_e�v.?oe (3ranA Iai,,,•+�iall \
<br /> ��1�1"�(�'� ' •�^ pRTRRAT SAVT,�(3A t� 711L1d �.9R11f'TLTIQ�j ._ _ ,�capor�tion aptnl:sd \
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<br /> ;f��'�'''+ ` and existfn�undK the I�ws o1 us8RA8IiA whoce addrors fs a 3 S�TITi1 t.acI7G'i' ��TRFe .--- —
<br /> ` �"'� aRn�,,;• rgryn2,ID� 2�ARLRKA �Aeo2-ionq _ I'Lund�r'�.
<br /> iti�� ' COMVE1fANCE:Fa valw r�c�ivsd,Borrow�►knvoc�bly yr�nt�and conv�Y+to Trutta�,in truat,wlth pow�r of�ak,tM nN prop�rty,of whlch
<br /> ���� Bortowa Is lawfuly seiz�d, d�saib�d babw �nd �II bulidinq�, tixtura. and�xi�dnp and futun Improwm�nn tMnon and UI riphts-obway.
<br />___ v�� eaFerrwnu, rQnte,is:uc�, Rrotite. IncortM, ternments. h�radit�m�nt�, privflepst and �ny �pt�tM+^c�s thKwnto b+bnpk�p laM aalNd tM
<br /> 'P►op�Y��• .... r��.ntan ,N�brask� _�a90z
<br /> PROrE11TY ADDRESS: �n�s w i i�rR ST �-f"'" awcoe.i
<br />:'�� LEOAL DESC111P110N:
<br /> �sa..0 tcnvti
<br />-.._�4;£�7
<br /> id�
<br /> .`r`;-
<br />:;�.
<br /> ioc�tsd in �AT•r•_ County,Nebras9ca.
<br /> MLE:Botrowu covanlnts and warr�nt�tltlo to tM property,except ta
<br /> SECUREO ONT:TAis ciNd of truat sectxes to Lendsr npayment of the tscured debt snd tPo�perfcrmmcs of tM covemnte and apre�ments
<br /> �vy_� gpt�iw�ir owes to Lsr�r u�nde�thlt desyd of Vu tcor u�de►c ny i ctrumeMtssair�d by ths.6eafl efVUS�an�d a I nw�tNfk t��bns.ext�nib a�d
<br /> rernwah thx�of.
<br /> TM s�ared debt i:evW�nad by(List all instrum�nts and�preements sacund by this dwd oi trust ar►d ttN dat��tMreof.l:
<br /> �� p� RY tvOTR I�1vT^- gS['t1R7'�`Y._,A(_RRRMGNT �ATRi] Tt1NF! 4. 1997
<br /> �Fu1un Advtwk�s: TM abow amount is necured evan thouph aM or pWt of it may not yst b� �dvanc�d. Futut� �dvanc�� K�
<br /> eont�mpt�ted�nd wf0 be iecured to the ume extent a if m�on the d�t�Ma�d of bua M ex�cutsd.
<br /> �pevoNing hne u}�rsdit aprsem�nt dated ,with InftiN annual int�rsst rete of !6 .
<br /> ����p siment Ke eoMSmpi�t*d�nd wHl be se��ta tM sa�me sxt�iyt at if m�on ths d�te thi��daed of Vust Is��cutsd�r
<br /> -- Th�ehovo obli9atbn ti dua end p�Wbi�on _ .nn�r� Zn., �nn� � _ if not paid�KUer.
<br /> The totd unpaid D�lance aecursd 6y thi�dsed of Vust�t any one tima shell not�xaed a muximum princlpal amount of_
<br /> ,nmuR a�ntt�,,,, ••• e.w�w ..m osiiae —Dollats(1 � ��.r.�9F �...- 1.Pws Intxest,
<br /> - plua any amount�disburssd'under the term�ot thls dsed of trust to proteot the security of this daed of trust or to perfam any of the
<br /> covenante conteinsd In tfii�dsed of Vu�t.with i�ters�t on tuah disbursements.
<br /> ❑V�riabN R�tr.The Interest rete on tM obllgrtlon secured by this deed of truat may vary accordiny to the terms of the2 obligatlon.
<br /> --° ❑A capy of the loen�9reement contelninp the terme under which the intersst rste msy vary is attached to this deed ot trust�nd
<br /> - --�;� made a pxt hereof.
<br /> __ ��� n
<br /> ---�`-y��:�� RIOERE: �Commarcl�l {Y�f AGG ,T�"rr nF uRNTS -
<br /> -_,_-�'a_,,.���y ,��r� �----�- DESlONAYION OF HOMESTEAO
<br /> •_s:,��:�;,�� Purswnt to the Ferm Homosstend Protection Act,dealpnation o}homestead ❑ is ettached to this deed of ttust�nd mede�pan hereof
<br />__-:=�;r�:;��- (�has besn di�clNmed:tM disctsimer ia attached to th{s deed of trust and mads�part hereof.
<br /> "st'�`""#:Yi!� b�low.Bonowa�'+y eo tM t«ms�nd eov�nts contain�d in thli dMd of trust,k�cludM+p thos�on pg�2.�nd in
<br /> _-.y.�;;:;�.(, SIONATURES: Ey slpdnp
<br /> -`:�'�r�Y�1, /n//�1Y rid�r�d�sctib�d�bow�IptNd by!a►ro�u�r. �(�o�.��
<br /> - �� ._JtC /��i°�� ' d7�_R��4y't�C/
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<br />-_., _.�;�r..�,.Xi
<br /> �F
<br /> ,� � �- ACKNOWLEDOMENT:STATE OF NEBRASKA, _�3aT.r. _ _County Re:
<br />-',.r'::..;... 1 Y QQ7 .
<br /> • ..�, The forotiolny inatrument was aCknowledped he}ore me on this 4TIi day of .n7Nfi- -
<br />- • u � riFat�F1
<br /> ' �. .. bV —'...�� rtuNtal�
<br />� � .-.' ,. .�'t'• ' INrM ol Capontkn a 1ru»rMM�I
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<br />_ ;�.fF,.:.+�'� y comm u n e res: � ^
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<br /> r� r IS1tl1 -_—– f�l �
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<br /> � • ' " � This fnttrument was{xepared by runis t. KLRKi� — � � �
<br /> � p18s{��KENS SY6TEMS.INC..ST.CLOUD.MN 6e�01 It•t00��97•2�111 FONM OC►�MTdNE�11pl81
<br /> APPL# 00033377 �p�p��o�Y1 L SKA
<br /> ' CCD# 0100466729
<br />