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<br />~� -..�� .�. � Q 1045x1
<br /> COV�:NANTB
<br /> : ��'�� � 1, p�ym�nb, Borrow� apnu to ►mke ell psymentt on the oecurnd debt when du�.Unlu� Borroilb�end Lsnd�r �prae otfterwis�, �ny
<br />� p�ym�nt� L�nder nCSi�l� from 8orrownr or for Borrower'� benefit wlil be rppIied firet to any ambunts Borrower owe�on the secured d�bt _
<br /> exclusive o}Intern�t or princlp�l. �ecotld ta Intersst,and then to principnl,It pertlel prepayment ot the secured debt occun for any reacon,It wlll
<br /> • r not nducs or�xcua any sch�dul�d peVmont untll the eecured debt ie pnid In fulL �-
<br /> 2.GNm�Aq�{Mi 7NN.Borrower wfll pay all t�xea,nssumentb and other aharpe�sttributabb to ths property when due rnd will d�fsnd Utle �
<br /> " to th�propnty ay Nnst any c41rtu whiah would Impalr the Ilen of thlo daed of truet,Lend�r may rsquln Borrower to�ssipn�ny ripht�,elaim�or �
<br /> .• , � de}entee which 9orrower m.�y have aqAlnat partine who supply I�bar or mnterlels to Imp►ove or mdntdn the property, L
<br /> �f'� 3.Inwr�nc�. Borrow�r wiil kee�the �rosorty Ineured undsr termn ecceptebls to Lendu�t Borrower's sxpen:e and (or Lsnder'• benefrt.All !
<br /> Intur�nc�polici�s th�ll includu e ttandurcl mortpege cl�use in fevor of l.end�r,LendK will b� nemsd n lo��pay�e or as th�insursd on�ny wch
<br /> I or�ta th�siaurid�bti If Landd pequi oa��i ortyage,nslu��ncot Fiiorrond�ernp oioorto+mnlntalo cuch Incu�enan}o�r ee lonp e�Lender�equlree roperty [
<br /> •:, � F
<br /> "r � 4.Propwty.Borraw�r wlli keep the proporty fn good conditlon end meko all repalrs reuon�bly r,�ceanry.
<br /> ,.�� B,Farp�uu.Borrower ayrees to poy all Lendor'e expense�,Includlnp roasoneble ettomeye'fees, if Bonower breake eny coven�nta In thie deed �
<br /> . � of trust or In any obllqation�ecund by thts deed of trust.Borrowor wlll pey theee emounte to Lender ss provfded In Covenant 8 of thb deed of
<br /> . •• 4 trust.
<br /> , � 6.Prior S�curitY k►tKSats. Unlnaa Borrower fint obUins Lender'e writton coneent,Borrawer wlll not make or permit any chanpea to any prior
<br /> security Int�rss��. Borrower wi►1 perform ail of Borrower's obllpatione under any prlor mortgepe, deed o} trust or other aecurity epreement,
<br /> � InciudinQ Borrower's aouenants to mnke payments when due. -
<br /> 7.Aasi�t of R�nte�nd Vrotlu.Barrower aasigna to Lender tho ronte end profite of the properry.Unieaa Borrower and Lender have agreed
<br /> ' otherwfse in wrltinp, Oorrowor mey collnct and ntain the ronte ae lonp ee Borcower is not in default. If Borrower defaults, Lender,Lender'�
<br />- ' �� apsnt, or� court�ppulntnd reaeiver may take posaession en9 mt►negn the property and collect the rents. Any rents Lender callects shall be
<br /> epplied first to the coom ot mpnepin the property,Including court aoets and attorneye' feea, commisaiona to rentel apents, end eny other
<br /> ' necss�ary rel�ted expennao.Tha remaQninti emount ot rent�wfll thon Apply to peymentc on the aecured debt as provided in Covenant 1.
<br /> �
<br /> � d.L�a�N�oldr Coedort�N�N�mr,Pf�nn�d U�t D�v�lopmMt�.Borrowar eQrae�to compIy with the providons of sny leats ii thls desd o}tru�t 1�on
<br /> • '� �Nanhold. I�this dabd of truAt le on�enit In�condominium or e plannsd unit d�velopment,Borrawsr will psHorm�II of Borrow�r's dutiss
<br /> - �;'�;'•,` � undar tho covananU,tryluv�e,ar reaulnti4rte of the aondoml�tum or planned untt developme�t.
<br /> 8.Authority of LwWYr to P�rlorm tor Wrtown. If Borrower faila ta psrform eny of Bortower's duties undar thla deod of trust, Lender may
<br /> ' cansuuctlon on�the p�mport/In dleconb rn,od or not�cerrlsd on�n e rneoonrab e�mennem Londeaymey do what ver�a�noces eryPo�protact l.�ender's
<br /> ,;,. _ .
<br /> �i� security intanat in the property.Thfe mny Inciude completinp the constructlon.
<br /> J ,S��' Lender's faiture to perivrm wlll nat preclude Lender from sxercisinp nny of ite other rlphta undsr the law or this deed of truit.
<br /> . •'��,' Any amount�psid hy Lender to proteat Lsnder'�sscurlty Intereat wili be socurad by thli deed of trust.Suah amounta will be due an demand
<br /> ' � artd will be�r intsrest from tho data of the payment untfl p�id in tull et the intoreat rate in eftsct on the eecund debt.
<br />�*,•' -
<br />_ ,;1� 10. D�i�ult �tl Aaaolwnion. If Borrower fail�to mske any peyment when due or breaks eny covenmtR under this deed of trutt or sny
<br />= oblipatton cecured by thlo doed af trust w any prior mortpape or doed of truat, Under may�ccelerate tho maturhy ot the �ecured debt and
<br />�.:'";��`�;�. d�m�nd immndiate p�ymnnt md mey Invoke the pow�r of�da end nny other remedin p�rmittsd by�ppllaable law.
<br />�:: '•r �t�. . 11, p�qu�at}a Nutln�of D�fwit.It ie heroby reQua�ted that copbe of the notice�of d�fauR�nd eele be sent to ssch person who Is a p�rty
<br />��'�' �,.�`_'.;d h e ro t o,�t t h e�d d r e e o o f e u c h s u o h p e r�o n,a s s e t f orth herein.
<br />_a;,.
<br />=;"'a"��%''�``�� 12,poww of SMr.If tha Lender invoke�the pow�r ot s�k, th�Truatee ehell firat ncord in th�oNice of ths r�pister of desd�04�uh county
<br /> ��" ''���''�' wMrein tM trust praparty or some part or parcel thereot la situetod e notics of def�ult contalnlnp tla iniormation rpuind by I�w.The Ttuatss
<br />-��'�•'` ''�r,. shafl Nto mail copiee of the nodce ot def�ult to tM Borrower,to oaoh person who is 1 party heroto. �nd to otMr psnoni n pretc►ib�d by
<br /> -,_:_����.�`�, �pplicabN Isw. fdut loet then one month efter tFN Trwt�e rocorda the notics of default or two month� it the trust prop�rty 7a not In�ny
<br /> ___ ��.,,,., Incaponted clty or vfliupa and is ueed In fa►miny operations cerded on by the uuator,th�fruaes ahxll piw publlo notics of s�N to tM p�rsoru
<br />--,�,��.,.E� and in the m�nn�r pnecribed by�+ppplice'b1e taw.Trustes,without dosv�end on Borrower,thall teil tho propsrty at publla�uction to the I�iphsst
<br /> bldd�r.Ii eequind by the Fem Homestead Protsctlon Act,Tru�too sheil offer the properry in two nparate saNs�e rsqulred by�ppucabl�tiw.
<br /> -�-'-`���� Trustse may pottpnna�ala of all ar any ptrcal of ths property by publlo ennouncement ef the tims end plecs of any previously schadul�d wle.
<br /> =�_�,°� Lsnde or Ita dsalqnee mey purches�the property�t eny sele.
<br /> ....3v�
<br /> --��� Upon rocsipt o�f p���mant of the pdcs Wd,Trusts�sheN deliver to the puroha�sr Trwt�s's d��d conwyi�g tM p►opKty.TM ncltiab contaln�d In
<br />-�.��� TNStN'�tl�su shdl be prima fecle svidlence of the truth of the 4tetoments contained thenln.Truste�shall�pply tM proc�ede of tM ale In the
<br /> .,. foibwinp wd�r: (al to ell �xpemea ot the sale, Including, but not Ilmited to, reseombl� Trusb�'� fe�a, raa:onable �ttaney'�fs�i a�d
<br /> rsinstatement fsss;(b)to ell eume secursd by thie daed of truat,and l0)the belence,If any,to ths persons lepally entitled to►eceivs h,
<br /> „'""-',1�,,,,,,� 13.Fa�clowr�.At lendur'�opUan,thls deed of trwt may be foroolosod In the manner provide by+pplic�ble Isw for foracbswe of mortpp�i
<br />------- on re�l prop�rty.
<br /> 14.bap�oUa�.Lender mny enter the property to inspect it if 4endor�ive�Borrower notice beforsh�nd.Th�noUc�must stat�tM nasonabN
<br />�---�"� cws�for Lendx's inspeation.
<br /> .:��:s��
<br /> '�""�jr,;� 16.Ca�d�rw�Won.Bnrtowar assIyno to Londer theproceeda of eny award qr eleim for d�ma�Qet conn�oted with�condsmnstbn ar mhe►t�kinp
<br /> - �.` ��•r� o}dl a my part of the praperty.8uch proaeda wlll be�pp8ed se p�ovi@nd in Covon�nt 1. Thl��a�lpnment i�subHct to ths t�rma of any prla
<br />--�_'�'r?�� acurity�pnem�nt.
<br /> ����`"�� 1e.Waiwr.By szercfainp �ny�emady avaliebie to Lendor,Lender does not pive up eny riphte to I�t�r u�e eny othar r�medy. By not ezsrcisinp
<br /> ---- - any romsdy upon Borcowar'n dofeult,Lender doee not waive any ridht to I�ter consider the svant a default If it happens ap�in.
<br /> "'`'"`"'•*•:"=t 17, ,loGit�nd gwK�i���y• Co.�{prNn; Succ�tw►� �nd Aulqns Bound. All dutie�under thU dsed of trust sre Joint and sevsrat. Any
<br /> �a�_�' Borrower who co•signe thi� dead of tru�t but doe� not co•dpn the underlylnp debt In�tromentU) doa ao only to prant �nd convey that
<br /> LL���j„� Borrowx'�(ntsratt(n the prope►ty to the Truste�under the terma oi thli dsed of truet. In�ddltbn,tuch�Borrower spree�that tM L�ndx�nd
<br /> ,—____���� any othsr Borrower undar thle deed ot trust mey e�tend,modif�r or make�ny other ch�npes in the term�of this doed of trust or tM secwad
<br /> --�,� dsbt without that Borrqwure connent and without rel�asinp th�t Borrower from the termf of thb d�«l of trust.
<br /> -����ti Y,� . TM dutl�s end bensfite of thls deed of truat ahell bind and benatit the auacesaors and aa�lpns of Lender end Borrow�r.
<br />-. --�'-_"r�''}
<br /> �.Y:� 4�,,, 1t.Notic�.UnNss oth�rwias requir�d Dy I�w,eny notice to Borrowor chall be piven by deliveriny it a by mafiiny it 6y certltied m�il addreued to
<br /> -,�.� 8orcorwr at tM prop�+rty�fdreat or �ny otMr�ddrssa thit Borrowet hrt piven to lond�r. Borcower w�il pive my notice to I.�ndor by cenified
<br /> -" !���•' '�r• mNl to L�nder'��ddteu o�pase i of this deed of Vust.or to�ny other eddresa whlch Lender has dasipnitsd.Any otMr notice to Lsnd�r shatl
<br /> ':"�;�1��.�:'�' be ssnt to Lender's addro»a�a ateted on p�pe 1 oi thla deed of trwt.
<br /> ����.,�.�.r.y,�,,,,i
<br /> - ' - � Any notice shall be dnemad ro hove been ptven to Borrower or Lender when piven In the manner atmed abova. -
<br /> :' �� .
<br /> "3•ry� .�r.,t
<br /> s��r�.. �g,T��}�af�prppy�a�Q�e{�I k►t�nst In tM Barowa.If sil or any pert of the propertY or eny Intereat in(t Is eold or transferrad _
<br /> -'"'����` �� wRhout Lendsr'� prbr wrlttan cansent. Undsr may demend immadiate payment of th� cecured dobt. Lender may alco demand immedlats =
<br /> _.,,,�,,;,...
<br /> :--.�,�,;:���t;.:�, paym�nt f}ths 8arowsr (a not e noturei pereon end e bene(ICiat btir.usest in the Dorrower is sold mr trans}erted. Howevor. Londer may not
<br /> - :•�'���i^���+� d�mand payment in tM�bove eituotlons if it Is prohibited by foderal law es of the dete of thfa deed of trost.
<br /> �� ..
<br /> ,. yp,p�catwysne�,Whsn thn abllnatlon secured by thls deed of trott has been p+id. end Lender hes no further oblipatlon to make edvnncea _
<br /> - - under ttw(nsVumants or Hareemente�eeurod by thb dced of ttust,the Trustoo sheil, upon written roqueet by the Lander, roconvey the trutt
<br /> prop�cy.The Lsnder shall deliver to the Borrower,or to Borrowor'e cuccessor in Interoet the trust deed end the note or othe�evidence of tM
<br /> obl Qf ation co satinfied.Borrowor shnll pay sny recardetion coat�.
<br /> ' d �.- �. e...�.... r....... �.�„�e. .r i pndpr•a nnrton. mav remova Trustoe �nd annofnt s successor Vuatee bv fire4, meUino s copV of the
<br /> •�-��'"��� cubatitutlon of truttes es►equirnd by appilc�ble law.�nd then,by tilin�the subititutlon of trustee tor rocord in the office of the reyleter of deeds
<br /> of each county in whfch the trust property,or same part thereof, fa s tuated.The tucce��or trustee,without conveyence of the property,shal►
<br /> 1 succeed to all the power,dutiae,euthorlty end title of the Truatee rnmed In the doed ot trust end of eny aucceasor truate�.
<br /> 9
<br /> , �
<br /> � .�
<br /> � � fPlp�2 0121 -
<br /> EAN%EI15 6Y8TEMS.�NC•.ST.CIOW.MN 66J01 11•s0p�397-l34t1 F011M OCPINTG•Hf a/18/Bt
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