� � . . � ' ,vw,:–=–�i,� �
<br /> � ., . . . ----.._ ._�/i..a.«.�;�1^.r.;�i,i=�.��.�...
<br /> r�u�'f� .i .es;-�;a .. _ .
<br /> ,. MhN'!ww.'�n"r!.,�'wwR''w'^ ' .. . . . -_=_
<br /> ��r�
<br /> .. . ...._ �.,.- . _
<br />�"�,G°l��`1
<br />�":
<br />�;.;�:,; r.�: BARROWBK COVENANT'S that Bottower is lawfuly sci�ec�ot tho eatate hensby a�nveyed and hai tho right to gtwnt � -
<br /> '��x�'' and mnvcy she Pcoporcy nnd�hat tbo Propeny 4 uaeaxvmbocad.e�coept tar�ncumbranoes ot r000rd. Barrower wanay�u snd �
<br /> . ,� , �"J =.-.
<br />' wllt de[end gcncrally chc Utic co thc Properry ngainst ell ciaims aixl d�mands��ubject to any encumbrances of rcoord
<br /> ' �� THIS SP.CURI'CY INSTRIUMSNT oombinea unlform covernhu tor natbnel use and non•uniform oovenanta with limited � Fn,;
<br />_ '��, variatbro by Jurt�dktbn to wnstUute s unlform cccurity Uutrument oovering reul properry. __-
<br />- �, � ..—
<br /> , . •.�r'� - -
<br /> " � . UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and l.ender�ovanaat arjd agroe es[ollowi: � �;.
<br /> o�
<br /> �, p��r��ol prl�dMl,lakrest�M Tite Ch�rta Borrowot�h�ll pay when due tde prlucipal oP,end interat o�,ttao � _
<br /> ".��* �� d s b t c�+Wc►xxd b y thc Noto a n d l a te c h a rgea d u e u n d e r t h e N o t a q-__,.
<br /> . 2. Mort6ly I'a�t ot'L'a�ub �rwruce,aal A t�e r C l n sr{er. B o r►o w�;r 6.s a U l n c l u d e i n e a c t�rn o n t h!y p e y m er�, � _
<br /> _, �.�,t togcihcr w[th the principal end interest as s�t [ortd tn the Note wd eay leto cdarges, a sum for (a) taxes and spa�l � _-
<br /> - . . � easessrnea�s leviai or co be kvkd against tho Properry. (b) leas�hold pdymeatt or ground nnts on tbo PropeRY�and(�) _
<br />_�� , premiums for imuranoe ralutrcd und�r P�B�Pti 4. In any Year in whkh thc Lender must pay a mottgage insuranae
<br /> • premium ta tbe Socretary of Houstag end Urban De�elopment ("Sxnetery")�ur in uuy ycar in which�uch ptamium would __
<br />�� • hsve ban seyufrod if L.ender at(ll t►�ld tbo Secur[ty It�uumcnt,each mouthl�'PaYmCnt stiall also include eitber:(t)a sum for
<br />. thc a�uel mortgaga fasuranoe pnmium to be paid bI'Lender to the Sec�etary.or(ii)a monWly chargc inatead of a more�ngo �_
<br /> Insura�e pnmium ff tbis Securiry Iastrument is!Ueld by the:Secnt�y,in a reasonab3a amount w ba detercNaed by the
<br /> Secretary. F�wept for the raontWy charge by�hc Secretary�tlxse itea►s Rre caibd"Fac�row Iteau"and the sum�paid to Len�Ser
<br /> . gjY,CB�ltd"ESCIOW�111d5.°
<br /> undtr mey�at ac�,t{me�w11e�t and hold amounu for Escraw Ite�in an aggregate aax�unt not to acoeed tLe madm.um
<br /> " •'�•`;: � amount that may be required for Harrawer'�escraw rocount uador the Real Fatau Ser.c?r�aent Pr000dures Act ot•1�'T�.1:2
<br />;�:k.�:��':; U.S.C.f 2601 e�. aM impkmentiag regvta*�om. ?A CFR Part 3500. as tt�c}► mag' he aimendod from time to tEme
<br />-:• •' � ("R�'SPA").exoePt tnat the cusbbu or resM.��,,:,:,:.�:.,xS by�FSPA tnr uaanticip�ntal cti�Yr�4a b�p� ---
<br /> '-< '�s���f tha Bonow�r's paymeats are ava0abb ia tb��u�u n:r..ty aet be basat on anwunts de�e f�r,r,br�r.�tSr38�
<br /> y'`v,,_-.:sr..�,� 7 r
<br /> s•° ff tbe amouata hekl by f�r�er for Esec+ax��Q'[r.�u�a�L�the emounts permitted co,�e G�eld b}r RFSPA, Lencier sha
<br /> :.� ' . a000unt to Botrower for the ca.:r�s C�.ads r��,^�u�,uc�b;1P.�a�'A. lf the nmounts of fund5 P�eld by Lend�r at aa}r tir.me are not
<br />``•��-���` � sut6c�ent to pay tbe Escrow Itaa�wiun�e.]I��a�a may�rity tha Borrovver und reqwre Borcaover to make up the ahonage
<br />�.;:'Y
<br />�-_:;z�i. as perrotcte�dby RESPa _
<br /> u:'�;.' 'I�e F�aow Fuad�are pkdgod as addit��9 s��ulry for ail sums�ecured by this Securiry Iustru�n�a�. I[C Borrotiver tenders
<br /> -=��� to Lender she full paymcnt of all such suass.Barrow�ePs aaouat ahall be aeditod with the balanoa re�tsaiiiln8 for all ia�tallment
<br />=� itews(a)�N?,ar�d(c)aM aay mortgage l�uranoe prcmu+m inctallment that Lender ha.g aeot become oblegatod w pay to the
<br />=L�;�:��� Socretary. and Lender a4a11 promptly nfw�d azry e�arss tUn3s to Borrower. lmmediaazl,�rior to a torecbeure sale of the
<br /> properry or!ts aoqukitlon by Lenda,Borrower's aaount sh�ll be aedited with nny ba�aa remainiug for all i�tallrr�t,�ts[or
<br /> �i��1 �tCmS(8). (b).Alld�C�• � u T� . a fnt1nn�a
<br />��,._�"'�:�� g, A�Ikniot ot Pa�e�is. A11 pay[IVCri1t uOGet pP.*.7tp¢ap3n t$on Z sun1l ac.&yp�3$j.�•�^•s�•------
<br /> e„�-�� FIRST•to tl�e ayortgage insurana premium to be�i'ra by Lender to the Saaeta���r to tbe monthly ct►ar�L*j the
<br />--":`-re��aa�� Seaetary instead of thc monthly mortg�ge insuranoc�rcmium�
<br /> �_-.."S°"��• SEOONU• to any ta�es. s,�ctal ass�ssmenta, kaselnld paymeata or grouad ren�s, :,nd 6re, flaod end other haTard
<br />��,,:,�,�;�� imura�e px�emiums�es req'aired:
<br /> _ -- � n•R w interest due umier the 1��„;
<br /> -----— �T$i�,to amorti�adon�f tt�t princi=-�l of the Nou.end
<br /> = F�,CH to lutc ct�erges due uader the Nou.
<br /> ------� 4, Fire�F'lood�od Otier Harar�i�aac�a�ce. Bo.«w:�shall imure all�npravementa on the ProperiY�whetber now
<br /> � � in e�unoe or 3u5aaluentl�r ereceed. againct a�y►�azar�,casual►jcs.�rad.conttagencies�including flre.tor whieh Let�der
<br /> --_„_ requita insur�ce. 'fl�insuranoe shall be mainraincd i�tt�e amo¢a�,��r,rfd for the peciods that Len�ler rtquira. Borrawer
<br /> sLn4i a1�o Irsure all impccn�emenu on the Propercy���r:�er naw in exla.mnoe or aubaoquently erectcd.a8alnst bss b}'boods
<br /> �.,��� m�•r.t�actcnt requirod by tho Sa�etery. Au inauranx s��r:i�:be carcied with aompanles appmved by Lender. 'Ibe imuraaoe
<br /> "`.':s� �73cks and a�r nnswels aba�be hcld by Lender and s�riE include bss payable cla�ses in favor o�and ia a form aooeptabk
<br /> ---- to.L.endcr.
<br />- -- Ia ttse eveat of bss.Borrower sh�1�r,�c l.ender immediate notice by maiL Lcnder may make pxoof of bss if not mado
<br /> — — Pmn�P�Y�Y Borrower. F.ech insnra�e compsay aonxraod i�hereby euthotiud and diroctod to make paymeat for such loss
<br /> ------ dlrccty to Le�er.iasuad of to Barrower and to Leader f ointly. All or any part of the iasurence pr0000d:may be applied
<br />_;1`� by I,ender.at Ita option.eittaer(a)to the roductionof the�ndebtcdness undet the Nn o rinci �or ty w th����m�
<br />_�.�;��� �y�lnquent amounu app}jed ia the order in P�S�Ph 3,snd tl�en to prepaywe P P�+ �)
<br /> �� or repair of tbe damsgod Property AaY aPPl�ation Af the prooads to the p�pal chall not eatend or postpone tb�due
<br /> --- date ot the montWy PaYments which are tefertat ro in Para�SPb Z.or�haa8�the amouat of such paymenu. Asry C�axss
<br /> �� insunnoe procoeds wcr an emount coqutred to pay ell auutandtvg indcbtalaess uuder tha Nou e�i this Socuriry I�m�ment
<br /> � ':',:, N sba31 be paid to We enHty kgalty entItled tbereto.
<br /> ::y��
<br /> 1n tbe event of forecbsure af thi�Saurlty Imtr�amcnt or other tramfer of atle to the Property that eu�';:i:�es We
<br /> -��-^�,�••� {�,�btaines�,all right,titb and Wtereat of Borrc�r in and to imurunoe policja in foroe shali pass to the pun�scr.
<br /> - R-�� S. Ooa�aw.�y,Prsaeevatlo4 Malda�ace ad Pro�eciio�e[t�e Pe�ope�t�;I{orro+rer's i�ou A�Mk+�����
<br /> -��''"��"�` Borrower al�ll occupy,establish,a�l use the Property as 8orrawer's prl�oclpal rcsidenoe wfthia abcty daya after the caooc.vdon
<br /> =�:3���� of thb Securiry Iasmimenc(ur within siaty days otn lacef s�ilc or traasfer of�e ProPercY)and ahall oonanve r,�efxupy the
<br /> - `---�;.=��• Prop�tty at gorrower's principN residcnoe for at kast one y�r aflcr We date of aocupanc,y�uNest the I�ender�3:.;yns��ea Wat
<br /> f�'-`-���:.�:� requiremeat will cause undue hardship for Bc�rrov�r.or un3�ss extenuating c[rewmtanoes eadst whic:h are bv,�:I9a�r�ower's
<br /> �.'.-1
<br />- �:�'��"`'°� � oontroL Bonower shall notity Lender of a�r exteauating cir�cumstanoes,Borrower shall not commit wastc ar Qestr+�,y,dema8a
<br /> °��":'"'>��''��� : or albw the Pro to decerbrate,rcasonable w�car and trar exap�d. �:ender�,�i.
<br /> - or aubstant�alty change the PtnponY P��'
<br /> r`- �spoct tha property if t1x Property is vacant or aba�doded or tho ban is in deEauh. Lencler may teke reasoc�:�z�action to
<br />�'���r a' �� protax and preserve such vucant or abaixioned Prapetey. Bottovver shall also bt in default if Bortower,dui.�g r.he ban
<br /> - .»v...:o��,��,.,,.:.��m:�tnk,rmaiiou nr araumenss co I.e�ler(or failod ta provid�e Ixoder with
<br />��.��- •:- T�� 6p}�uas.`w,Ts Na..wm.e.::........�—__.--------
<br /> �+a•a� • aay maceNal[nformacion)in connectian aith tthe ban evtdeuoed by the Note,including,but not timited to.roprescntatioas
<br />:, -�A-� + ►
<br />- . • conoeming Horrower's occupancy of the Properry as a prLACipal reskfena. If this Securiry Instrument is on n kaseho
<br /> j: ` .. � 13orrower ahall compty with che provistons of th�kase. If Borrower aoquires fec;titk to che Property,the le�sschold and fee
<br /> E, 1. : titb ehall not be mergcd unkss Lendcr egre�s to the merger in writing.
<br /> - • � ' 6, �osdemnallo�. 'It►e prooeak af any axarc!or claim tor damages.direct or oonuquential,tn conncccion wich any
<br /> 0
<br /> • eondemnatlon or other taking of any parc of tbe Property.or for oottveyance In pluce of w�clemnatbn,are herehy assigned
<br /> aad eyall be paid co Lender to the exteut of the full amount of thc indebtednes.�that remaiat unpaid uador the Note and this
<br /> . { -
<br /> ;.,._�,
<br /> �Y, . , , @ffiARA.�A�L�!!A ID88D OEt 1RUSP(H!f)
<br />- � ��•w i' n�.ec�+.u,a t��u+.�� Pagc 2 of S
<br /> �;_ _... ... .::<. –. _,4�""�'�a` • --
<br /> ,..-..r.�-..w� . .,µ,. -
<br /> -- .-.�._.. .....-. _--- .. . .. . _. _ _..-_-- ._.. - -
<br /> z.. .. .. . .. -- :_,;,��....�-.�.i-- -. . .. ..
<br />