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� � , . <br /> :;; �, ,4 � , <br /> . i��, ?% ..4...���. .. ..�. .w,�.� . .�-.r•. � ...,.. _Y�;:�;�7+�'k!M.. <br /> . I�ara�wr.:...r . ... , , ' .. „ . . . ,�. .. ... <br /> . .. .... . . ��T._ <br /> . . 97- i����� �.�- <br /> r nat �kr�an�lly Ilablc+on tlie �lata ar under Ild� Iked of'1'rust, and ic)�grees th�t I.ender and any other ilorrorer, �=+J� <br /> , hereundcr may aprec ta extend, m�xlll'y, Porbcnr, or onokc any other accammacfallons wtti�rcgard to thc ternu oilhis <br /> Iked of'1'n�at ar iho N��to,without that Ilorrowcr'9 consent and withoui releaslnp that Uurrower or modifying thls Dccd <br /> of Trust as ta tlt�t Dortower's Intetest In the f'ra�erty. <br /> 11. Notlee. Qrcept for�ny uo��cc requlreA u�der appllc�ble lew to be glvcn In another munner,(a)any noticeta . <br /> Darrower provided fot Irs thls Iked uf Trust shall bo given by delivering it or by m�iling such notice by certifted md! <br /> � �ddres�ed to Borrower nt the Property Address or�t�uch other address�s Horrower r�noy dealgnttx by nodce to[.end�r „_,; <br /> ns provided herein,aixl lb)+�ny natice to Lender s1isU be glven by certlfled mall to Lender's nddress stated hereln arl� <br /> ,� auch other addres�aa Lender mRy designate by noNce to 8orrower as provided herein.A.ny noticc prc�vidai for Ira ihl� - <br /> lktd of Trust shall be decmed ro hnve been givcn to�onower or Lender when given In tho manner designated hetet n, __ <br /> ,,� 13. Qo�crnUa�l.�w�Se�enbtltty.The state and local laws nppltcable to this Decd of Trust shall bc the laws ofthc : <br /> „r.. .� Jurisdlction in which the Property is located.The foregoing sentence shell not limit thc upnlicubllity of Federal lavt� - <br /> this Deed of Trust.In the event thit any provision or clause of this Deed of Trust or the Note�onflicts with applicable : <br /> Inw,such conflict shall not at'fect other provisions of this Deed oFTrust or the Note which con be given effect without�he �� <br /> ' rnnflicting pravision,nnd to thts end tho provisions af this Dced of'l'rust and the Notc are dcciared to be severable,As ` <br /> used herein."costs"."expenses"and"attorneys'fees"Includo nll sums to the extent not prohlbited by appllcable lsror <br /> Hmited h�rein. °_ <br /> 14. Boerower'�Copy.Borrower shall be furnished a conformed copy of the Note and of this Dad of Trust at�he _ <br /> � Nme of execution or after recordntion hereof. -=-- <br /> � 15. Relnblqt�tfon Lo�n A�reemeat.Borrower sh�ll fultiQ all of Borcowet's obligations under uny home reh�bilUt- �_ <br /> `` tian,improvement,repalr or ather lonn agreement which Borrower enters into with Lender.Lcnder,at Lender's optlon. -� <br /> ��=_- <br /> may require Bonower to ezecute and deliver ro Lender,in a form acceptable to Lender,an asslgcement of any ri8hts. ��___ <br /> � claims or defenses which Borrower may have agsinst putia who supply Iabor, materials or servtccs in connection with = - <br /> " improvements made to the Property. �`"-� <br /> - 16.1Yaasfer of tke Pmperty or a Beneikial Interat ln Borrower.lf all or any part of the Property or any interest �r <br /> in it is sold or transferred(or if a beneflcial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred and Borrower is not a natura! <br /> . 'i person)wIthout Lender's pr[or wrltten consent, Lender may,at its option,requlre immedinte payment!n fuA of ell �= <br /> sums secured by this Deed of Trust.However,this option shall not be excrcised by Lender if excrcise is prohibitedby �� <br /> ��_ <br />� .,� federal law as of the date of this Deed of Trust. �'• <br />_ " If Lender exercises this option� Lender shall give Honower notIce of acceleration. The notice shell provida u <br /> perIod of not less than 30 days fram the date the notice is delivered or mailed withln which Borrower must pay all sums <br /> _ " sccured bv this Dad of Tilts�.tL$�FWiRe���Q Q�'���sums prtor to th�expiration of thi�porlod.Lender moy <br /> ' ' ' Invoke any remedles pe itt'el by this�Deed:oiJEaist w hout further notice or demanci on »orroRer. <br />-. . NoN-UNIFORM QDV��t�t'f's:�bttbw�eraNd�tSlntteC�her covepant And�gree u follows: <br /> 17. Aoakrationi Renudks.$:cept iu pio�`C&�Ta'aan�r�ph 16 bereot,upon BoreoMer'�brrsc6 0[�ny cor�un! <br />,;.��;•,,,�• or�are�ement of Barrower In tld�Aeed ot Tnnt,lecludin`Borrower'�fellure to p�y,by d�e end o[10 a�knd�r d�ps a(�cr <br /> -�r�:,'. . lh�y are due,auy�uw recurtd by lh� Da+l o[Trmt, Lentkr ptlor to acalerallun dull�I�e aotke to 1loerower�s <br />�:r::.. � ��• Prorlded In p�eqntph lZ hereo[�p�cl[ylnji(l)t6�bra�chi(2)the�cdoe requlerd to cnre s�c6 bre�h�(3)a d�to,net <br />''`,'=�- • le�a tha�Zp days from th�dwte tbe oodce�mdkd W Borrowcr�by wh�L u�ch breach mwt 6e cured��nd(4)Ilrt <br /> _.._ �,n .-�.� <br />�'',,•*• -��' fdlare b caee�nc6 bca�ch o0 or 6eion tbe dste�peclBed la the nodoe may raWt ta accekraHo�o[the�am��e�we�db�. <br />�.�°-:,�r`"'`:`` thY Deed o['I�wt�nd ule o[t6e Prope:h.The nodee shafl f�ut6er latorm Horrower of�6e dsht to rslnshte �t►er <br />_:�,�s;;a,�.: <br /> 'i.,7���: sc�xlcr�tlon�nd tLe d;ht to brWS R ooart�ctlon to iuurt tbe aone=bteace ot�def�alR or aar ot6er deGare o[Baer�er <br />'�-. ,,-.•�'x to �cotkattlea�ud wlo.Ii tl�e bcach r not cartd on or be[ore tbe date�peclfled!n tl�e notkc,Leader,at Leada's <br /> �..c::Ltd`.c'.!' <br />�""'�Y'"'=°-�`� opdon�my decliu�e dl o[the�om�secured by tha Deed ot Trwt to be ImmedLtely dre�rd pa�r�b4e wiUaat Gaail�r <br />-?:_':.;r 4�_:.�+,`�.• <br />�_:��'� dem�ad�nd msy I���ke t6e powa ot�ale�nd�ay otLa remcdia peemit¢ed by apPllc�bk IaM.Le�r�6d1 be entlde�l <br /> ��_�:_,� to eolleet all cea�on�ble eah�nd e:pen�w Ineurnd In punatn�We cemedla prodded!n th4 pwyraph 17,tacl�esllqs <br />=�:���s:?7 bat not Iimited to,cwombl�attoroey�'[ce�. <br />'�'.?�:i=�=.h If the power oI s�lo�Inroked,'I`r�tee�h�ll�ecord a notice ot d�tault ln ewch coonh in which tMe Propert�or a+� . <br />=`n�;e�;�� put tLereot 41oc�ted�nd�hall m�l1 copla oi�uch nodoe In tMe m�nner pracdbed by�PPllable bw to BorroMe��t1 <br /> �„�:::��� to the otha peesons pre�cdbed by applkable law.Afle��the lapse of snci�tlme �may be ccyalred br�p�lk�bie I��i� <br />_-; 7��:��- Trmtee sh�ll�Ire pa611c�otice otiale to the penoe��nd In tbe m�nncr pracdbed by Rpplkabk l�M.'lta�tee,wlQlwrt <br /> 1 �,.��� .� demwd on Boeroxer,dull�dl t6e I'copeet��t pablk�uetloa to tLe hls6e�t bidder at the dme�nd place�ad md�rtYe =- <br /> s_.y?z:. --_ <br /> ,y;:,�, terau dal�ted 1�tbe aottoe ot ub in one or moce pu�ce�Rad In�ach ordcr�Trustee ms,y deteemin�.'l�wtea s�� <br />�'.�,s,..eqr�^ pn�tpone uile of dl or wy puod ot the Pt�operry by Pobik waouncemeot at tbe time and plsce ot�ny pre►Lad�► - <br /> --'-"_"����i�x ichednled wk.Leader or Lender'i desl�nee mar parc6re the Pcopertr at w���le. _ <br />-; .•..r��L�: - <br /> - ��•..,,: . Upon e+ecelpt ot pw�ment ot the pdre bld. Tnutee ahall delker to the purchaser Trwtte'� deed con�e�ln;Ibe �_ <br />-•'� � Pmpert��old.Tl�e raelfab In t�e�tee'�deed dull be pdpu t�cle e�idcnoe ot tbe nrut6 ot tha�tatemenu fnude e;- <br />�:,. � ' therdn,Tru�tee�Iu1)�pply the proceedi ot lbe sale In the[ollowin�ordere(a�to all reasonable cats and e:peraa�o(� �;, <br /> u� <br /> �:' : ��le,incladtn�,bnt not Ilmited to,Ttvetee's[�es actaall�Incurred ot not more Ihan .............%a o[the sras ul� '�___ <br />�f'� Pr(a�rcawnabb�ttoneey�'[ea apd cab o[Htle e�ldencc;(b)to�ll wm�secured b�tbd Dad ed'iYa�t�and(c)tla�K- <br /> ecas,I[aay,to tbe penwn or pr.non�les�ll�eatttled thereto. - <br />-. � 18. H�sroMee't Ripht to Aelnatxte. Notwithstanding Lender's acceleratlon of t1�e sums secuted by this De�d of <br /> Trust,due to Borrower's breach.Bonower sh�ll have the right to have any proccedings begun by Lender to enforce Ihis - <br /> - Deed of Trust dtscontinued at any ttme prior to the eirlier to occur of(i)the�ifth day befon the sa�e of the Propaty <br /> �- ;. . pursuar+t to the power of�ole cont�ined in this IDeed of Trust or(fil entry of�judgment enforcing this Deed of Trusdf: <br /> � ,{e'�'�"" (a)Borcower pays Lender sll sums which would be then due under this Dced of Trust and tha Note hed no acceleratiors � <br /> _ ." ' ' "' ' ""_'_ "'�'___�_ _lD�.r....w......��I..�.1 {n/6ialL►�Ini _. __ <br /> - - OCCU[[E(�:tb)Borrower eures s11 Dreaenes oc�ny ocnec cwcnan�s��sg�cci�wuw v�....+.......�...............»......__�'— <br /> � Trush (c) Borrower pays ell teuonable expenses incurred by Lender and Trustee in enforcing the covenants md <br /> •graments of Borrower rnntained In this Deed of Trust and in enforcing Lender's md Trusta's remedies as provIdedin <br /> • parRgtaph 17 hereof,includ[ng, but not limited to, nuonable sttorneys'fees: and (d)Borrawer takes such action�s <br /> [.ender may rouonably rcquia to assure that the lien of this Dad oP Trust. Lender's interest in the Property mc� <br /> Borrower':obligatlon to pey the sums secured by thls Deed of Trust shall mntinue uniinpnired.Upon such payment ana <br /> curc by Botrower,this Dad of Trust and the obligatfons securcd hereby shall remain in full force and eft'ect as if no <br /> - • acceleratton hrd nccurred. <br /> 19. A�rlpimat o( Rcnts; Appolntment of Recelrer; Lender ln Paseuion�As additional security hereundu. <br /> - � Bnrrower hereby asslgns to Lcnder the rents oF the Property,providcd that Borrower sl�nll, prior to acccicration u nder <br /> par�graph 17 hc:af a abtndonment of the Property,havc the right to collect and retain such ret►ts as they become d�e <br /> and pay�ble. <br /> Upon scceler�tton under par�gt�ph 17 hereof or nbnndonment of the Property, I.ender,in person,by agent orby <br /> ' � judicially uppointed rec�ivcr shall be entitled to cntcr upon,take possession of nqd m�,qase thc F'roperty and to collret <br />- . � <br /> . i _ _ _ _ - -- - <br />