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:�.,*: . <br /> ";'� � . 1 � <br /> : 'I..y. <br /> , <br /> . , iT .i,G._. <br /> ..�.. . .. . . .., — <br /> .� �,e„�e,•e, .. . ' 'r'�� , . „ • . `.�. , _ .,t; -r.`r-,�— -,- <br /> , r �- � . .. . .. • - ° __..�.-- - <br /> . • • �5� ,�...,-� - � r. ,�R . .�. .,... ..,,...._- _ <br /> �*�; , - .. - • <br /> _.._z._. . ,• .R.�.'en•e.�.........3. . _.. - . _ . . . . . � <br />: �.'" .b . • � .. , t �.� .3. 97'— io4Safl <br /> � • � 11. SucceiN,rr and A�si�m Bound;Joint and Severd Liabiliiy; Caelp,�urs. Tha cavenants az+d agrxments <br /> `' hercin contained shall bind and the righte hcreunder shall inuro to,thc respectivc succcssors and aasigns of Lendor and <br /> Bonowcr. s��bject to the provision�of paragraph 1G hercof. AU covenants nnd agrecrnmits of Horrpwe►•shall bc joint and _ <br /> �r�c�1. Any Borrower who co-signs thie lked of Trust,but does not exocute thc Note,(a)ie oo-signing thia Dord of Truat <br />� nnly to grant and convey that Borrower's intcrest in thc Property to Truste�under thc terms of this Dad of,(b)is not r <br /> pesrsonalty liable on the Note or under this Deod of Ttust,and(c)ag�ees that Lender and any other Borrower t►ereunder may <br /> �:;• � a�ee to extend,modity,forbcar,or make any other accommodations with ngard to thc terms of thls Dad of Truat or the <br /> - Note, wiWout that Hanowers conscnt and without releasing that Borrower or modifying tlus Deed of Trust as to th�t <br /> . Bonowcr�lr.ta�est in thc Property. <br /> ..`Y <br /> � :. 12. �hT;cice. L�xcept for any notice required under applicable law to be given in another marmer,(a)any notice to <br /> ,j: ' ''r T3ac�caa�;err &.rmri::ed for in this Deal of Tmst sball be given by delivering it or by mailing such notice by certified n�ail <br />,:;:}�'•�. �,� ac4dtess✓�t�:t�nower At t't�e Property Addreso or at such otber address as Bonower may designate by nodce to Lender as _ <br />,,,,;;, ,, ,,,,,� <br />�.,;�.��±f,,�';f�;;:�;:j �rovided r�erein,and(b)any notice to Lender shall be �iven by certified mail to L,esnder's address statal herein or ta such <br /> . • ��; athet ad�ress as I.endsr may designate by notice to Borrowtr as pravided herein. Aixy natice provided in this Deed of Tn�t _ <br /> � .�_;.�A_ '; shall be dcemsd to Yiavc been given to Bonower or Leader when given in the manner designated he��eln <br />.,�.; . <br /> , , �.3. Govcrnieg LaN;SeverabWty. The state and local laws applicable to this Dced of Tnist shall be the laws of _ <br /> 4 ,�,. ., the jnrisdiction in which the Properiy is located. The fongoing seAUna shall not limit the applicability of Federal law to <br /> . '' this Dced of Ttust. In the event that any provision or clause of this Deed of Trust or the Piote conflicts wlth epplicable law. <br /> ...;,� • svch conflict stiall not ait'ect ather provisions of this I?eed af Trust or the Note which can be given affxt without the <br /> ' � , conflicting provision,and to this end the provisions of thia Deod of Truet and the Note iuo doclaxod to b�e�venblo. As usod <br />__,,�,�� herein,"costs","expcnses"and"attorneys'Coce"includa all sums to tho cxtent not prohibitod by nRplic�bla law or lim�tod <br /> ;. ,, hcnin. <br /> _t:� <br />��_.�:'":�, 14, Borrowcr'�Copy. Borrowcr ahall b��►rnl�hod a confo�copy of thc Nutc and oP tld�Dead of Tnut at thc <br />-���':'•'-•, . time of execuUOn or aiter rccordatlon heroof. <br />��,i:1>.,•. <br />�M1'�.�.�e_• f J, o�,���::::�:� r�.� �rw�...��. Ri►rmwer Rhall tlilfill ell of Hor[owct'e obliRatitone under any home <br /> '�',�a.=� rehabilitadon,lmprovement,sepair,ar other loen agreement whlch Bomower cnters into with Lender, Leader,at L,ender's <br />---=T.�«� opUon,may requirc Borrower to exccutc and dcliverto Lender,in a form acaptable to Lender�an assigmnent of any rights, <br />__;:�,�tiS� claims or defenses which Borrower may have against puties who supply labflr,materials or setvicca in connection with <br /> _ improvements made to the Property. <br />- =:uc��c�ae.i <br />--•=z�.,�.°�� 16. Tr�ndtr of the I'roperty or a Beneflci�l Interett in Borro�er. If all or any part of the Property or any <br /> __ -�_� iaterest in it is sold or uansferred(or if a bcneficial intemst in Borrower is sold or transfcrred and Bormwer is not a natural <br /> �_-�:�,!� person)without Lender's prlor written conscnt,Lcnder way,at its option,rcquire immediate payment in full of all sums <br /> • sxvred by this Dced of Trust. Howcver,tt►is option shall not be exercisod by Lender if exercise is prohibited try federal lasv <br /> -,-.5t1�" , <br /> - .�t�.;�;.,. ' as of the date of Wis Dad of Trust. <br />==��%F�':` � 1f Lender exercises this option,Lender stiall �ive Borrower notice of acaleration. The nodcx shall provide a <br /> .r1,.�.�:;::� <br /> __..-�r��w��1; pedod of not less than 3D days from the date the noflce is delivereei or mailed within which Boimwer mu�si pay all soms <br /> -__ �"��%�'��', sa,�ured by this Deod of T.aust. If Borrower fails to pay these sums prlor to thc expiaaHon of this period,Lenrlcr may imoke <br /> -==7�''.,., )j any rcmedies pemutced by this Decd of Tnist wlthout further notia or demand on Horrower. <br /> -.:�_;,.;-:�r�. <br /> �..;�;, <br />- --�� NON•1JN�ORM COVENANTS. Borrower and L,euder fiuther arvenant and agree as follovvs: <br /> �� 17. Accelerxtion;Remediea. Ezcept ae provided ie p�rpgraph 16 hereot,upon Borro�r�r'�bre�ch ot any <br /> cmenwt or agreement ot Burro�er In t6js Dxd of Tru�t,includin�Borro�er'�f�t[ure 4o p�y,6y t6e end ot ten(10) <br /> n°-��.�� cakndar day�dter the date they are due,�ny sams acund by thi�Deed ot Trust,I.ender prior to acceleration�hall <br /> --.'� qive noHce to Borrower a�provided in paraqraph 12 hereof rpccifying:(1)the brcach;(2)tbe nction required to cure <br /> -----�--_�— ach bre�ch;(3)a date,aot lesa tbnn 30 daye from the date the noHce is mailed to Horroeer,by�vhich ach breac6 <br />-4'°"'� mu�t be cured;ind (4)tdat tnilure to cure euch bre�c�on or before the dxte�pec[tied in the not➢ce may reeult in <br />-.-_ acukradon af the=um�eecured by t61� Dad ot Trust ted �ale of the P�perty. Tbx notke eholl�'axther �aform <br /> _� �� Borro�►er ot the rig6t to re[nrtate after acseler�ttion�nd the right to bring a court acdon to�saert t6e non�e:i�tence <br /> �-���`r� ot a ddault or uny other defenee of Borro�er to accelrrttion and eale. If the breach ld not cured on or betore t6e <br /> �-�_�;•, <br /> �-�'-_z�"'"�� date�pecitled in the notice,I.ender,at Lender•s option,may deslare nll of t6c wme�ecund by thls Dad ot T'rust to <br />-������' be Immedhtely due and payAble withaat furtherdem�tnd and may Invoke the poNer ot ealc and any othcr remcdia <br />=�`�le.=� permitted by applictble IaN. Lender ehall be entitled to collect xll co�ta rtnd e:pense�incurred in pureufng tbe <br />-===.'�;�^�, remedfea provided[n thia pAr�grRph 17 to thc cnent permittcd by applicable Ixw. <br /> '�,�Y�-��'� If Lender invokee the puwer of salc, Lendcr or Trustee shall mail copiee of A noHce of ealc in thc manuer <br /> `:;°��„+':`� pnuribed�y applkablc!a�to BorroNer and to the otLer perwaa prcurlbed by applicabk laN. Trustee rhaU�ive <br /> --�?`;�.'�.`e'ls?: noNce o��ale by public�tdvertiumtnt tor the time and in the n�wner pre�crlbed by xpplicable Iaw. Trude+e��vithout <br />_ -��=��� � demRnd on Borro�ver,shtll�ell the Property at public �ucHon to the highat 6ldder tor cAS6 �t the flme tnd place <br /> �� __� �.a� u.� w..r�.t�.lM���A i��1.. ..Ni.0 n1 ��1� dw n�u nr �nnrw n�rnwl� 7Mt� �M tl1Ph nrd�r�l TMittlL MfY <br />_«_�'.•�'�_. MLLY YIaYi� sub �NU��YM�(����w �u �..v �.v�..�.+ �.� ... ..� �' ��'� r���� ..--.� '_ '_'_ "___ " .' ' • <br /> =�,�.: .,� determina Tni�tee may po�tpone e�tle ot dl ar aey parcel of thc Property ta tny I:ter time on the eame date by <br /> ,t�t.'�, ' publlc annouecemeet at the time and place ot ony previously ec6edulcd ewle. Lender or Lender'e deai�ee may <br /> � � purehu�e the Property at any ealc. <br /> Truatce ehnll dcl(ver to the purchaser Trusta's dced conveying the Property sa sold without xny covenant or <br /> � warr�nty,exprea�ed or implied. The rccitala in the Trusta's deed ehall be prima facie evidence of the truth of the <br /> " atatemente madc thcrcin. Truatce e6a11 stpply the procccde ot the e�ls in t6e following order: (a)to all coste nnd <br /> c:pcnsea cxercising thc powcr of eale xnd ot t6c salc, [ncluding Truatec's fec�not cxceeding S% of the outstanding <br /> - ' princlpal bWtnce and attorneye'fcc�and costs ot title�vidence;(b)to all sums aecured by this Dced of Tru�t; and (c) <br /> � , to thc paymer• of yunior Truat dccds,mortgagcs or other lienholdcre, and(d)the excc�s, if any,to the peraon or <br /> - �'" pc►yons Icg d��c•�titicd thcreto. <br /> .. : !_: <br /> ' Form#739 NE (10/4G) Pagc 3 of 5 , <br />