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<br /> ,_,.�r,;� 1, ��ynMrN�, Bc+row�r pru� to m�k� �II paym�nt� nn uw secur�d d�bt wh�n clu�. Unl�u Oorrow�► md l�rxllr �pr�� othNwl��� �ny
<br /> p�ym�nn l�nd�r nc�iw�tram !lorrown ar for Bmrow��'� INn�llt wIH t� �ppIbd flnt to �ny wmount� IlarrewM�wn an 1h���aurNf d�bt =
<br /> ' `�� � •xcludve of Intatift�►r p�lnalp�l,ncord to Int�nlb �nd tl�n ta�xlnclp�l,If p��tl�l pr�p�ymmt ot tM��cur�d Arbt ooaixr f�r�ny n�yon,I�w:ll -�
<br /> . �;� rwt nduc�or�KCU� rn��cMaut�4 a�rm��1.u��ui�h���.���nd debt le pdJ In full. �;
<br /> ;� �.CI�Mnr Apinat :tia1A��'� UI y'N t ��4, �� �mmu, �rx1 other chup�� �itribul�hl�ta tMpr Apury when du� uxl wlll defnxl N1N �=
<br /> �.. to th�prop�rty•od t�ny cl�ima�v4��M�p�lr t�Il�n of thl�d��d of tru�t.l.end�r m�y requln Borrow�r to utlpn any riphte,oiNmf or =
<br /> d�f�nw�whlCh 8or werrn�y'/�y1�11pNti�fpM�tlM;wbrt upply I�bor or m�t�rlAls to Improve or melntNn th�prnp�rty. _
<br /> l.,.rt 9.k�ur�nn�.Barraw�r wlil kup thi property Intiind unUu t�rmi aac�ptebl�to Lender �t 9orrow�r'e expmse md for L�nder's benefit. AI I
<br /> •;,r; ,t� : In�urance pollcle��htll InclucN�stindKd mortp�p�cl�us�In t�vor of L�nd�r.Lender will be n�m�d a�lou p�y�e or��th�In�ur�d on my tuch
<br /> Irwrmcs pollcy.Any Inwrsnc�procude m�y bo eppiled,wlthin LendeY�dltcre4lon, to slther the ro�tontlon or rep�ir of th�damtped proparty �_
<br /> ' or ta titi�cccured dohL If Londcr roqulrn�mortpeflo InEaronce,Ho►rnwer eflrean to melnteln such Insurence for nt lanp ei Lender requlreA. --
<br /> ;;�i+,K,, 4.Propety.Borrower wlll kup ths prop�r:yr In pood conditlon and meke ail repafn res�on�bly nuces�ery.
<br /> --: -; •.
<br /> 6.Exp�nt�s.Borrower apreet to pay+u Lender'e expenses,Includinp re�soneble attorney�'fees,ii Borrower broekn any covenant�in thfs deed
<br /> of trurt or in my obllpatbn ncurad by this deed of tru�t.Barrower wilf pay truae emount�to Lsnder as provided In Covensnt 9 of thli deed ot -
<br /> .---, , tru�t. -
<br /> I 6.P�ior B�cudty MtK�tq.Unbss Borrower f(rat obtafni Lender's writtan consant, 6c�rrowmr will not make or permit eny chengea to any�ia+ ,
<br /> � .��;�, ¢ecurity Intenets. Ber�awer will perform ell of Borrowar's obligationa under any�e+ior mortgape, deed of trust or other �ecurity ayree:nent,
<br /> '�• '; in�t�ed�ny klorrower's eovansnto tm m�k�paymenta when dua. •--
<br /> " � , t 7.AtslyixrMM o!R�nts Md Prolits.8orrotivar asaipna to Lender the rents and profits oi tha property.Unlesa Bo►rower md Lendtr heve aprsod
<br />�,���,�''.:.;r;3ji,r�.
<br /> •:.� ,, ,.•.� , otherwise in wr6ttng, Borrov�er msy collect and retain the rente as lonp as�3ar►ower Ie not in defauit. If Borrpwer dehulte, Lendei,lender's
<br /> •;��� epent,or a court appointed recetver m�y take posseasfon and mane8a ihn property and collact the rente. Any renia Lender collects s�+ali be
<br />.�';� .. �� applied first to 't�he costs of manaelnp the property, inCluding court costs and attorneys' feea, commissiona to rental agonte, and nny other
<br /> � ��' �eceae�ry ralataU expenses.The remaininp emount of rentF wili then epplv to payments on the secured debt as providad in Covannnt 7.
<br />:..1.���aupiJ.�i .
<br />��;,,;�,- �,L�n N w l d r C o n d o m h�l u m�;P l�e�e w d U r d t D�v N o p rt M n U.B o r ro w a r a9r e e�t o c a m p l y w i 2 h th s p rovtiWnf of�n y k�se(f thia deed a!trurt ia on
<br /> _�_�;:,:'f�� a Iss�shold.I�thia dsed of truat Is on e unit In�cendominimn or a p lAnned unit dsvabpment,Borrowsr will pertorm UI of Borrp�ver's duties Y
<br /> -� .- under th�coven�ntt,by-Iswa,ot repulntions of the condominlum or plannod unit dsvalopment.
<br />:..:�:a;�.,•a;.(':;r` �
<br />:r,,:�':t��.,' 8.Authaky of L��d�r to Partorm ta Barroanrsr.If Borrower fefia to perform any of Borrower's dlnias under thl� d�ed ot trust, ler�r may
<br /> 4v.,;�.�.� pvform the duti�s or cause tisem to be�wrlorrn�d. Lend�r may sipn Borrower'�n�me orp�y any amount if neasiiary for perfamance. If any
<br /> . � constructlon on theproporay is dlacantinued ar not aarrled an In a ren�onable msnne►,lender may do whatover is neceuiry to protect Lsnd�r'i
<br /> '� '' security intsro4t In the proForty.'th9a may Mclude completinp the construotion.
<br />-_��:
<br />_=�"'"� Lnnder's isilur�to plrform will not ptetludb Lende irom oxerciaing�ny of It�other tIgMA urder ths law or thb deed o9 trust.
<br /> ''=�i Any�mour.ts pafd by Lendor to p►otact Lander9 security)nterost wlll be aecured by thla deed of uust. Such�mounte will be due on damsnd
<br />��.�`lr-�---��; and wlli bear intaroat irom the dats of the payment until peld in full at thfl Intenst rate In etfact on ths sacured debt.
<br /> 10. WiaWi anci Accd�ntlon. If Borrower faiis to m�ke eny psymern whon due qr braaks eny covsnent�under this daed of.Y7ust ar any
<br />°�.`�'t��� obl)patlon aecured by this deed of trun or eny prior monqayo or daed of truat, LpRdif iney accelente the maturitqr oi ihe secured deb2 and
<br />-_-' -""`��� derhsnd iinrnedlMa p�ymeni ond m+�y Invok�the power of sa!e�nd any other ramsdi4s parmfttsd by applicable I�w.
<br /> ��a;���
<br /> �°r��,� ' ;' 71, q�qug�E 9e�Plotle�of m�?wk. It lo here4•,/�equested that coplea m4 ahn noifces o9 dofauY, and salb be sent to saeh person whp ia a per:Y _
<br /> .J.;t�t� hento,pi r.?�n addr�ss o'J anch suc� perao�n,�s sot torth harein.
<br /> - s:��:if7 i, it�
<br /> �;;�1�:�;�� 1Z. Pow�r ot�ai�.It tT�e I.�erular invok�a 1he pow�r ot sa7e,tt►e Truat�e ona�i tin�nar,ora in tne oirice oi ii�o ropisiar oi weeuy a�oacr�tio�� -
<br /> � wh�rsln the trust property or aoma pert or parcel ther�u7 ie situeted�notice of defauli cont�Inlnp tho intormatlon rsquk�d by I�w.The T�uits�
<br /> „�„���� ahall �Ito m�fl copla of the�otice o}deteult to the Borrower,to esah person wha Is a Rarty horoto, and to other per�ons eipreserlbed by
<br /> ---- applloabt� taw. Not wsa then on� month �fter the Tn�atee re¢ordt ths notice ot defnult,or two months If the trutt propsrty Is not In ��y
<br /> � --�—� Inoorporat�d elty w villape and la uQed In f�rminp openrion�a�rrted on by th�tru�tor.tho'fruetee shell pivs pubtio notice ot od�to tM partona
<br /> --- i-�— and Ih th� mmnsr pn�cribed by apppllcebte I�w.Trutte�,wlthout dem�nd on Borrowerr,t y�hell sell th�property at publlD�uotian to th�hiph�st
<br /> �•�� Tustei�may�pkoeitpboniiile of NI ominy p�resltof tha aoperty by pub��o innounamint at t tlme ind plici�ot inyraiu fouily�hedulsd�sal�.
<br /> L�nda a it�deslpnu msy purchase tM prop�rty�t�ny�de.
<br /> Upon ncNpt o�f paym�nt of tM prla�bld, TruatN shill ddlwr to tM purcfta�r TruttN'�d��d conv�ylnp tt►�propety.Th�nalttW contdn�d In
<br /> Tru�tN'�W�tl shaU b�prlma tacN wldl�nc�oi tM truth of tl»st�tement�contalnsd tMrsln.Trutt�shall apply th�proc��d�of th���I�In tM
<br /> foNowlnp ordr.: (�) to NI �xpsns�i of th� •�N, Includlna, but not Ilmlt�d to, rs�oon�bl� Trust��'s f���, r�uornbN �ttan�y'� hs� �nd
<br /> nlnstat�n�nt fNr,Ib)to�H tum�s�cund by thN dNd of trutt,and lcl tM b�l�na.If�ny,to th�pKwm NpNly mtitNd to ncNw It.
<br /> t�,Fa�efo«r�.At l.�nd�r'�optbn,tN� de�d of trust may M fonclo��d In tM m��n�r provld�by �ppllcabN law(or fa�cbsun of mortpqn
<br /> on re�l prop�rty.
<br /> 14. k�albn� L�nd�r may entsr tM propNty to Insp�at It If I.endar plw�Borrower notla b�tw�hu�d.TI»notic� mu�t st�t�tM nasonabN
<br /> cws�ta L�nd�r's In�p�atlon.
<br /> 16.Ca1dMwlMlari.Bcrrow�r�cs ��to LsndN tMp�oc�sd�of any�ward or clalm tor dam�p��conr�ct�d w{th a condNnn�tbn a othK Uklnq
<br /> of NI a�ny p�rt of tM p►operty.�uch�xoc��d�will b��ppllsd as provlded In Covenant 1.Thls�s�lynmant I�subHct to tl�t�rmi of eny prior
<br /> NCUfHy�pfNltNnt.
<br /> 1!.W�iwr.By�xacislnp any nmedy�valloble to L�nd�►,Und�r does not plve u�any rlphts to lat�r u��any o�ns pm�dy.BY not�x�relsing
<br /> ___ _ �ny rom�dy upon Borrowu'�dsfault,��nd�r do��not w�lv�any rI ht to lat�r con�der tha event a defsuk If It ha
<br /> - 17, Jdnt �nd Sw�nl L! Co-�r, SueeMwn �nd Aatfpr►� �amd. All dutlts under this dasd o}tru�t an Jofnt and s�wnl. Any
<br /> - Bo►rowN who ca�lptu thb � of bust but do�s not co•slpn tho u�d�rlyInp d�bt Imtrummtl�! does �o only to prant �nd conwy that
<br /> Borrow�r'�Int�nst(n tM prop�rty to th�Tru�tN under th�terms of thti desd of trust.tn addklon,such a Borrowe aprees that the lender a�d
<br /> �ny otMr 8artow�r urxi�r thli d�sd of trutt may ext�nd, modliv or maks�ny oth�r ch�npu In tM tsrm�ot this dead of ttust or tM secured
<br /> = dWt wlthout that BorrovwY�cons�nt�nd without reka�Inp that�orrowx irom the term�ot thts deed of trust.
<br /> ------- TM dutNs and b�n�fit�of thls deed of truat�hall bl�d and 6enefit the successon and�u1Qn�of Lsndsr and Borrowsr.
<br /> 1!.No11c�.Unlsa oth�rwis�nqulred by I�w,any�oticn to Borrower shell be plvsn by deHvertnp it or by m�illnp it by artlfi�d m�il addnsaed to
<br /> - Borrow�r�t tM prpp�ty�ddnsa or mV oth�r Wd►e�s that Borrow�r h�s pIwn to L�nder.Borrower will qiw�ny notics ta Lerxi�r by certiti�d
<br /> - m�Sl to I.�ndv'��ddr�ss on pay�i oi thi�ds�d of truat,�r to any other eddnsa which Lbrd�r h�s deslpnatsd.Any ath�r notice to Lend�r shsll
<br /> -__—_= W s�M to L�nd�r'�eddress u st�t�d on p�ye 1 of thl�deed o}trust.
<br /> - Any notlr.��hall be d�em�d to have bwn glv�n to Borrower or L�ndar wlnn glv�n In the mannsr�t�ted�bove.
<br /> --'- s= 10.Tnnsf�r of tM PropMy a�B�m1lci�l IntK�st In tM eonowr►.If all or any part of the property or any Interost In it Is aold or transferred
<br /> -- --- w(thout LerM�r'a prlur written consent, Lender mey demend fmmedlete peyment of the �ecured debt. l.ender may elso dem�r►d Immediate
<br />- _--";_� �m e�ntpl,rt�h�en8fnri�e:��:�����if�t Iasprohib ti ed by tedinl awii of tho dats of th i d�ed of tru�t��f errod. Howsver, Und�r may not
<br /> .,.���.��
<br /> Z0. R�eot+wy�nc�.When the oblip�tbn secured by thli deed oT trust ha�been pafd end Lender hes no further obtlp�tlon to mske�dvance�
<br /> '�ss��a+� under ths In�truments or epr�emsnn�ecurod by thl�dsed of auat,the Trwtee ehalt,upon written roquest by tM Lender,reconvsy tM trust
<br /> ��,-ew�; prop�rty.TM Lender shall detiver to the Borrower, �r to Borrowsr'�successor In Interast,the Vu�t dsod and ths note or other evldsncs of tM
<br /> --- - oWlpatbn so wti�fled.Borrowsr ahall pay any ncordatlon coate.
<br /> -��!,�� 21. Suec�tw► 7ru�tM. Lender,.st lmder'�_optlon, mey romove_Trustee end �ppohit s wcceswr trustas by Hrst, malllnp a copy�oF th�
<br /> ,t _�r �ubstitutlon ot trustee ea reqwrea oy�ppiicame�aw,an0 fnen,oY imn�me suoaiituiivn oi cruss�e ivr recvr�i�i iiio 4i:i6e vi i��v:oy�GieT v.wo:. _
<br />-;���� of each counry In whfch the trust property,or aome part thereof,b s�tueted.The succeaeor truatee,wlthout conveymce ot the property,sh�ll^� _
<br /> succeed to eIl the power,dutlea,euthalty and tltle ot the Truetee n�med In the deed ot trunt and of any euccessor tru�tee.
<br /> -' _ . ! -
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